II SUBSCRIBE FOR \ 2 i H YOUR HOME PAPER. ||t llt only costs #1 a f§ I mm Wiml /liber! 8. H __yttokney AT law, — DUNN, N. C. ~...u . t i ce wherever service re- Prompt attention to Jfl" business. Collections' a specialty J £ Whitaker, aT tokney-at-la\v, DUNN, N. C. practice w he; ever his services are required. 7S. SMITH. M. F. HATCHKK. Smith & Ha Aiiorneys-ctt-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. I'meiitf i" all the courts «>f the State. I'romi't attention to all business entrusted. Ofllce i" l'" E BANNER liuihVing. 11. NcI.EAN. J. C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, DI'NN, : : : : N", C. Office over Merchants & Farmers Bank. \v" A. STEWART. H. L- GODWIN STEWART & GODffi, Attorneys aci CounseUoTS-at-Law, DUNN, N. G. Will practice In State and Federal Court?'.nit not for fun. ~ C. P. LOCKEY, Lawyer, BENSON, IST- C- Will nnu-tice in the State and Federal Courts wherever ser vices are desired. Member of the Washington, D. C. liar, and will practice before -un- of the Government Depart ments in that City, especial!v negotiating compromises with the" Internal Revenue Commis sions in cases of seizure of Government Distilleries etc. W- E- Murcbison, JONESBORO N. C. Practices T.aw in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for fun. P.*. 20-ly. Or. J. C. DENTIBX Dunn, N. C. Office rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. 1 BAM m CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otter unsurpassed advan tages. and loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative hanking. L. J. BKST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier DR. 0. L WILSON, ® eni ' fS *' DUNN, N. C. Office over Merchants & Maim ers New Rank next door to llood & Grantham. wrnm farmers M m, g. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. Y. L. STEPHENS, Cashier, JUST LOOK AT HER, Whence came that sprightly *te;>, l'autless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She looks good, feels good. Here'> her secret. She uses Dr. King' 1 : New Life pills. Result —all organs active, digestion good no headaches, no chance foi ''blues." Try them yourself t Only 25c at Wilson's drug store, Vol. 12. ■ Can Yo\i JCat anything you want? Most people can lie t. When you can't, its called "iudi- Ristiou," wUich develops "dyspepsia" —the agonizing terror of the age. Coleman's G\ia^rai\tee positively cures all forms of indigestion j and dyspepsia. "Take it, eat what you : want and be happy." ' CUBED 3Y ONE BOTTLE. "I suffered lor several months with ir.digesiion and ccuLl scarcely cat anything without iiitinsc suffering afterwards. I found no relief ur.til "Coleman's Guarantee" was recommci:dcl. I bought oue bottle, and took it cs ditecte.l. and from the very first found relief, and tiv the time I had tai:en the first buttle was not only feeling better, but was entirely cured." V. W. JIJFKKRSON, Danville. Va. PRICE 50c. A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists. tFTnlce no substitute. COLEKAN REMEDY CO.. Oantffli. Va.. B. S. * The Landmark has heretofore referred to the unusually largo number of deaths from drowi - ing in the State this summer, j A noticeable feature of these' fatalities is that nine tenths of them have occurred on Sunday j while the victims were engaged iu bathing. Bathing of itself is not a violation of the Sabbath, but persons who go swintmiig in streams or ponds 011 the Lord's Day generally go fal si ort aud not for the purpose of cleansing their bodies. We are net saying that those who lose their lives on such occasions are victims of the Almighty's wrath, but the fact that so many deaths have occurred among Sunday swimming parties causes one to revert to the law as liad down in Exodus 8-11: "Remember the Sabath day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work : But the seventh day is the Sabhathjof t'le Lord thy Cod : in it tlnu shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thv maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day : wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath dav, and hallowed it." —Statesvi.'e Landmark. DYSENTERY Ct'RET) \\ ITIIOUT THE AID OF A DOCTOR. "I am just up from a hard spell of the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Tinner, a well known merchant of Drummond Tenn. "I used one bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used, for 110 doctor can pre scribe a better remedy for bowel complaint in any form either for children or adults. Ft never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Hood & Grantham. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. «j'h .diet Church-Rev. K. M. Snipes Pastoi •r»l )esfirst Sunday night, and fourth Sun- U morning and night. Frayermeetu.* ,-o/y Wednesday night. Suuday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. G-K •Jrantham superintendent. Baptist Church.-Rev. w. B- Morton, pastor Services Ist and 3rd Sunday morning and ' night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, R- O Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church,-Rev. R. W. Hinef pastor Services every first and fifth Sundaj jiorning and night. Sunday school ever) Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superiuteu dent Disciple Church—Rev. J. J. Harper,pas tor. Services every first Sunday iaornln f md night. Prayer meeting every Tuosdaj light. Sunday School every Sunday evening it 3 o'clock Rev. N. E. Hood Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. C ackson. pastor. Services every first Sun lay morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street .-IdMr B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi :1s on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur lay before, in each mouth at 11 o'clock. LODGE Pal ayra Lodg;, No. 147, AP. A V. M. Hal at Masonic Tempi*. '' :l > :or ' , ' | . L. o-iwMi. s. W ; H. B A, V> J.W; W. A. fete wait, Sc. lt£ • 1 ommui.icattoiis are field on the ?rd r-'atui lay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friua; it o'clock p. m. iu each month. All Ma ions in good standing are cordially invite( to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young. Mayor. CommissionkkS V. L. Stephens, McP. Holliday, J. D. Barne j A Taylor, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. County Officers Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. Clerk, Dr. J.H. Withers. Register of Deeda. A. 0. Holioway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, P. P- McDonald. Coroner. I)r. J. F. McKay County Eiaminer, Rev. J. P. Black, Commissioners: F. F. Young, Chalrmai J A- Smith. T. A Harrington. JOHN A. MoKAY. E. F^OUNG Tie Jus. 1 McKa? liiniiis ft. "SdMNNfefct Manufacturers of Turpentine tools, mv' hinists, iron & ifHHHHBb BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN- Slimmm eual metal workers. Machine work of every description: 'Machinery and Mill Supplies, Agents for A. B. FARQUIIAR & CO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE .TURN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, 3ST. C. hIWiTTfIIU 11 DM DDI 1 1 AilfinUun hnMM Che Planters Warehouse is open every day for your tobacco. I wish to announce to the TOBACCO GROWERS "of Har iett Sampson and Johnston counties that J have leased the PLANTERS V/A RE HOUSE; if DUNN N. C., for a term of years and am in the business to tay. Having AMPLE CAPITAL and a good line of Orders, 10th Foreign and Domestic, I am in a position to look after fOUR INTEREST and get you the Very Highest Market Prices or vour tobacco. Every pile sold on my floor will have my CLOSEST PERSONAL"ATTENTION We are going to have a rood corns of buyers on our market during the coining season, presenting the American Tobacco Company, Continental Tobacco Company, the Imperial Tobacco Company of Britain and all of the other large concerns of the United States ind abroad. There is going Fo be a hot time on the Dunn Tobacco Market Hiis Season and the PLANTERS WAREHOUSE will be in the hickest of the fight. Competition will be strong and evet> )ile of tobacco sold will call forth a hot fight between the three riant rivals of the tobacco industry. I shall take advantage of his in the interest of MY CUSTOMERS and see that every Tile of tobacco sold on my iloor ha* the attention of the buyers. have been in the Tobacco business for the past 20 ye.i.s md ful 1 v understand it. Your interest will be protected by m\ t r our wishes consulted by me and nothing left undone on my wt to make it To Your Advantage fo sell your tobacco at the Planters Warehouse, If you arc in search of the best-lighted warehouse in North Carolina, come don? tr PLANTERS. If you want the Very Highest Market Prices For your tobacco bring it to the PLANTERS. If you appreciat, he best attention and the most faithful service don t forget th PLANTERS. Bring me a load and I will convince you o Alm After market opens we shall not annoy the farmer witl lrummers and therefore enable us to pay them better prices. Yours to serve, J. J. WILL JS, Proprietor of Planters Warehouse, Dunn, N. G. ~ UNIVERSITY" ofNorth. G* rolina. The head of the State's EJuca tional System. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, MEDICINE AND PHARMACY One hundred and eight scholarships. Free tui J' on t °^ ers and to ministers' sons. Loans for the needy 563 Students 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Central Heat ing System. Fall term begins September 8, 1902. AclUiess, - F- P. VENABLE, Pres., Chapel Hill, N. C. I^AGRICULTURAir^iNK^ - T MECHANICAL COLLEGE. | \\ Industrial education. jj IV A combination of theorv and practice, of book study I B| Sl*"" tOl ' R month SO teachers, 309 students, / I Write (or booklet "A Day at the Hi A. & M. College." j || President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh. N. 0. j ive all things; hold fast that which is good. Duwrr, w. c. AUG. 20, 1902 Who is That Bertie Preacher? Y sterday a boy went to the postofiice and got the C. W. Polvogt Go's mail. While walking along the street the boy dropped a letter and turned around to pick it up whereupon a white man beat him to the letter and picked it up. It was addressed to Mr. J. C. Loftin onWf Mr. Polvogt's clerks, and tbe boy tried to get the man to give him the letter but he re fused 10 do it and started to open the letter. The boy told him not to open it but the man tore otf the end of the envelope and pulled out a check for a considerable sum of money. The boy could not induce the man to give up the letter, so he went on to the store and told Mr. Loftin the circumstances. Presently in came the man with ! the letter. Stepping up to Mr. ! Loftin ho said : "1 am the Rev. from Bertie county. I'm an honest man. I found a letter and check belonging to you, and I demand a reward for it ." Mr. Loftin took the letter and the roasting he gave the so-call ed preacher was done in lan guage never heard in a Bertie Sunday school. The man brat a hasty retreat and was glad to get "out without a re ward. He was lucky not to have been seized by a police ! man, and he may vet fall into the hands of the law for open ing a letter which he knew was not for him. —Wilminton Mes senger 6th, NOT OVER- WISH. There is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the act of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is parallelled by the man who spends a large sum of mon ey building a cyclone cellar, but ' neglects to provide his family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 1 Remedy as a safegard against bowel complaints, whose vic tims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is everywhere recog nized as the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these diseases. For sale by Hood fc Grantham. ♦ Forces to Guide Our Nation. Our nation is plunging for ward into an unknown and per haps unsuspected economic and " political future, as our system of suns and stars and worlds is rushing toward unmeasured space. Material achievements that arousd the intellegcnce, r. and masteiy of forces that para [j. lyze the imagination, are of s every day occurrence. What is to guidi this headlong and stu pendous movement? I answer that sound judgment whose highest type is common sense, that scholarly learning whose - ripest fruit is wisdom, and that rounded character whose mani -3 festation is courageous convic ition. —President N. M. Butler, Columbia University. SULPHUR BATHS AT IIOMS Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths are superior to those ol the most celebrated sulphur springs, having the additional advantage of being made any ■ desired strength. Taking med , icino by absorption into the sys tem through the skin by taking medical baths is a very efficient method of obtaining a constitutional treatment. It never fails to cure eczema and all blood and skin diseases. Ask your druggist' for a book on Liquid Sulphur. For Sale bj ■g Hood & Grantham. Square and Round Sale Fight. There is now going on in cer tain southern State-., particu larly in Georgia and Alabama, a most interesting light between the old square bale ginners and the round bale people. Or, to bs more exact, the contest is be tween the compress companies aud the big corporation con trolling the round-bale press. Inasmuch as the latter pro cess of baling cotton is supposed to do away with compressing, the compress companies of the South would, naturally, be ren dered valueless, should the round bale presses come into general use. Hence, it is a light to the finish, and some powerful factors and strong points of advantage are array ed on both sides. A meeting of the square bale gitineus of Georgia and Alaba ma held in Macon yesterday re news interest in this contest, and develops at least a few of the plans by which the square bale people propose to resist the efforts of the round bale people to gain supremacy. With the merits of this fight The Jou n l h s nothing to do —for there are strong argu ments in favor of each side of it —but the situation is, at least, interesting and well worth watching. The Georgia Cen tral railroad, which road tra verses or is in touch with most of the cotton-growing sections of Georgia and Alabama, was already the owner of numerous large compi'essea iu these two State, and it naturally behooved it to resist to the uttermost the aggressions of the round bale people. This it has sought toj Jo by securing, either through : lease or purchase, other com- j press properties, with the result j that it now controls a majority, i if dot practically all, of those located in its territory. But it lias not stopped there. Larger and better square bale ginneries liave been established wherever leemed necessary. The round bale people on the other hand, have put in their *ins and presses wherever pos sible to do so, and thus the two ire lined up for the titfht, both >ackod by practically unlimited capital and with any amount of j drains and energy to carry on j the contest. The fight really began in ?arnestlast season, but several pears may be necessay for it to develop its most interesting phase. What the outcome will oe, it is really difficult to pre dict. One side has the advan tage of improved methods, per iaps, but is handicapped by an jvident purpose to create a mo nopoly for itself, not only in Handling, but in marketing the South's great staple crop. The other side may be considered somewhat at a disadvantage m oeing tied down to old methods out many hold that this is off set by the fact that it attempts 10 monopoly, but leaves the farmer free to gin and sell his ;otton as he pleases. A good leal can be said iu favor of both sides, but it is a matter that necessarily, tho farmer will liave to settle for himself as the exigencies of his individual case may require.—Atlanta Journal.] Maitland, Fla., October 10th, 1901. The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen :—1 have had ec zema for over thirty years; have tried many remedies pre scribed bv various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so readily as to Liquid Surphur. I think if prop erly it is undoubtedly a specilic for eczema. 1 have prescribed it for others with most satisfac tory results. 1 consider it the best remedy for cutaneous af fections I have ever known, and regard it as the greatest medical discovery of the age. Respectfully yours, W. A. HEARD, M. D. For sule by Hood & Grantham. The average man thinks he i* getting into public life when he marches in a political torch light parade and is allowed to contribute toward buying the uniforms. SHATTERS ALT- RECORDS. Twice in a hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 cumors. When all failed. Bucklen's Arnica Salve soor cured him. Subdues inflama tion. conquers aches, kills pain Best salve in the world. 2fu atC. L. Wilson's drug store. Mexican Hustang Liniment * n .! don't stay on or near this surfare, but go«?s an through the muscles and "j j tissues to the bone and drives out all toreness and inflammation. 3 II For a Lame Back, dj| Sore Muscles, 1| ~4\ or, in fact, all Lameness and | £ ness of your "body there is nothing 1 r ; - that will drive out the pain and in-jji } fi j, flammation so quickly as j | s Mexican x I \ Mustang Ltniment?i\J t'- If you cannot reach the spot 1 ! jp* self get some one to assist you, for j|l |; it is essential that the liniment be ir g) rubbed in most thoroughly. \ Mexican Hustang Liniment overcomes the ailments of horses and all domestic animals. In factt It is a tlesh healer and pain killer no matter who or what the patient ia. A Few Don'ts. Don't buy food that has been in cold storage if you can secure fresh food ; sometimes turkeys and fish are kept frozen for years. All fresh meat that has been frozen loses its firmness and flavor when allowed tc thaw, which is necessary before cooking. Firm fish and fresh meat are essential to good and wholesome living. You will ■;ee offered for sale smelts and green smelts, and many house keepers do not know the differ ence, which is just this : Green -melts are freshly caught; -melts not bearing this label arc frozen. The frozen ones become tasteless and flabby when jooked. Don't buy foreign fresh Fruits or vegatables when the natives are plentiful. Don't put celery in the re frigerator just as it comes from he market; wrap it in a wet doth, then in a paper, and lay L on the ice until needed. Don't depend upon extra heat vhen you want water to boil piickly ; but add a little salt to the water and watch the grati fying results. Don't throw any thing away >ecause it is too salty; add Drown sugar until it is just right. —Womau's Home Com panion. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is mdorsed and prescribed by many leading physicians throughout the country for all blood and skin troubles. Hun lreds of cases of eczema and Dther skin diseases have been permanently cured by the use of Hancock's Liquid. After all other remedies failed and pro nounced incurable. For salo by Hood & Grantham. Oriyinal Observations. Life is full of checks and many of them are forgeries. Some men wouldn't hi any worse than they are even if thej were married. A woman sorter expects bur to come around in the wa\ as the milk man. Mighty few girls can eve] talk about a new engagement without wetting their lips nerv ously. LOOK PLEASANT, PLEASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan of Eaton, 0., can do so now though for years he couldn't because lie suffered untold ago ny from the worst form of indi gestion. All physicians anc medicines failed to help birr till he tried Electric Bitters which worked such wonders foi him that he declares they are f godsend to suffers from dyspep sia and stomach troubles. Un rivaled for diseases of the Stom ach, Liver and Kidneys, the} build up and give new life t( the whole system. Try them Only 50c. Guaranteed by C. L Wilson, druggist. No 30 The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico ,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beaok, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasviile, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pi ne hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that }our ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address It. L. VF.KNON. C. W. WKSTBURY Traveling Pass Agt., District Pass. Agt. Ciiarlotto, IT. C. SsJ.clijao.oaa.el. Va S. 11. II AItDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, \V. A. TOBK, Traffic Mai;aper. Asst Pass-, Traffic Mgii ALL WEKE SAVED. "For years I suffered sucli untold misery from Bronchitis" writes J. H. Johnston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often I - was unable to work. Then, r when everything olso failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. Kins'* r New Discovery for consump j tion. My wife suffered i* ten sly from asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best croup medi cine in the world." A trial will convince you it's unriwiled for throat and lung diseases. ' Guaranteed bottles oOc and sl. ' Trial bottle free at C. h. Wil t[ son's. L- "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR I LANDS." r The above is the title of an a attractive booklet just issued by )- the -Passenger Department of i- the Southern Railway. It is l- beautifully illustrated and fully y describes the winter resorts of o the South. A copy may be l. secured by sending a tv>o-cent j. stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington, D. C.

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