1 FOR 8 *-.' l YOr" HOME PAPEIv. || f ."5 ; on'.v costs :?l a vear. C'c ="V N J;--,- ; % j. :;:■•"■- t*■•.*}• •:/>' _j- -•» > v- ,\^>"i'^'":-^''i'f v ,r f ■ .¥•* f ! It • rV},-wo l f-' #•:. iltttff t(»'sy ' £ Li* • tf k* Wj * l * i» J" ATTORNEY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. p.- i nice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to ;*! business. Collections a p'.'ci.ilcy T. E. fflhitckor, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . DUNN, N. C. Practice wheievcr his services arc required. K. S. SMITH. M. F. HATCH Kit. Smitho. A ito rn eys-at-La w, DUNN, - - - N. 0. Pi- cii-.-o in ;'!! tlr* c«v,irt« of t'.i:- Slate* i'rO'.npt t> uli l> iiine?s ruste"'. >;'! >■ it; Tin: Li ANX nil HniMinff.. ii. NCI KAN. .1. C* CLIFH(KD rti cL.ean « u> hi o .• --, Pt'VN. : : : : V. r - Orti -o over Mer;-hant tt Farmers I'. ink. Y \ STEWAKT. 11. TJ- GOPWTN .Tr«">nT t rp.h'.F'V MLUAIii ii UuUWifl, ; e;> BVi! CoSSStliifS-St-Uv, DUNX, N. C. ynt , ..., -t;«r ii State o;il Fodera: t ii-;-;- but not for Inn. C.*P. LO t /r.y/s/O n > Ui ) — v t c? r \ ->■- V r* Y ■ 1 r»va"'ice in ti*e !• tato au' l\ieral Courts v.iievVver ser vices are desired. , *il>t v r of the \> a-hin«itOn, C. Bar, and wi:i practice ovfoie anv of the Government Dep:.rt nn>:us in that City, e-peciohv n.-'otiatina compromises with the Internal Revenue Co-uijii l -- in case 5 of seizure of Government Distilleries v/'. B- Murcarsoti, JOSESB -HO. N. C. p- r-esLaw l» Hum tt, Moore ga-l - i»j- co-ntios I'Mt not ioi '■ ■ "- 1 • I»20-iy. Dr. J. C. Goodwin, y.s~, I DENTSS^. Dunn, N. C. OHi !"•_* rooms o:i second floor J. J. Wade's building. Ti'i? n«,\ 1/ A{? nrvv lilii -I CAPITAL STOCK $2'"!.000. Wo otfer unsurpassed advan tages, :iud loan money on easv terms We will extend every acconxm>)t!.ttion consistent with conserverive hankinc. L. J. REST. President. J. W. Po'RDfK, Cashier. r- n ri 8 }£,*!! C- /" f' U:S. U. L V? iLoUiS, &Dentist, ourjixr, im. -■ OiTice over Mfrchants & farm ers New Hank next door to Hood & Grantham. wmm ii mmi li-XK. ItS, IC. CAPITAL STOCK $2U,000. Every accommodation ottered to the public. H. F. Youxo, President. V. L. oTKi'iiKxs, Cashier. If you have a bad cold you lvpd a gooii reliable rn lit tne like Chaniberlaiu's Cough Ilem pilv toJoost n and relieve it and t> .-illay thi- irritation and infia mation of the thoaat and lungs. For sale by Ilood & Grantham. '.,'•4 ~ . ' ■" X II "if .If¥ IS t§ At ir-* « p>-~*x —z -wr ? '■• v* v -v- • ~ w*% I H |J M |C i|i A I'll I f\j H T}-~ £ T JL J. I V o 12. « i-1. a Hint. "father," asked Tommy, the other day, "why is it that the boy is said to be thu father of I the man?" Mr. Tompkins had never giv -1 en this subject any thought, 1 and was hardly prepared to ar ' swtr offhand. - | "Why, why," he sail, stnm i b ingly, "it's so because it is, I i suppose." "Well," said Tommy, "since I'm your father I'm going to i you a ticket to a theatre : and a oollar besides. 1 always s I said that if 1 was a father I j wouldn't be so stingv as the rest of them are. (Jo in, and " ; have n good lime while you art; ' | young. I never had any chance | myself!" Mr. Tompkins gazed in blank ;amazem'lit at Tommy. Slowly the signiticanee of tlie h i nt dawned upon liim. Producing the -ilver coin, be said : "Take it, Thomas. When you really do become a father, ! I h"']>r> it won't be your misfor- I r une to have a sou who i.; smart > ; r than your.-elf.—Exchaago. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur !>:?ii:s are superior to tiiose of ;h> most celebrated s-dphur. -'. "ings, having the additional " I advantage of being made any j desired strength.Taking mrd ! ' icine bv absorption into the sy - j tern through the skin by : taking medical baths i- a very ;'. llicienr method of obtaining a constitutional treatment. It never faiis to cure and ■ all blood and ekin diseases. A.-k :! t . , - , , your druggjst i>r a noofe on ■ : lAquid Sulphur. For Sale by | Hood & Grantham. The sultan of Hacalad is a : grand stand player. l_ I i CAUTIOK. j This is not a gentle won! j but when you think h-w !i- | : able you are not to purchase for 7-")? the only remedy universally ; 1 known and a remedy that j lias had the largest- sale of any : medicine in thn world «ince| 18dS for the cure and treatment i ' of Consumption and Throat and! Lung iv mbios without losing it - j great popularity till these years, J ?ou will be thankful we calledl j your attention to Boschees' Ger-j I man Syrup. There are so many; i ordinary cough remed.es made. ;by druggists and others, that i tare cheap and goo 1 fur light: j colds per bans, but for Coughs, j Bronchitis, ( roup, and especi-l .ally for Consumptias, xvh*re : there is tlii.•• ulf ex} ectore.tion : and coughing during the nights I and at mornings, there is noth imgiike German Syrup. Sold i:»v alt druggists in th-' civilized j world. G. G. GKK: N, Woodbury, N. J. j I'OWIi DIRECTORY. I cnup. lIES. • ' >SChur. l!—Kev. K. V. Pi ij ca raster 7'jealiret S'ir.'iay iil;rli*.as;»l 1.-artti .-'m:- a. 1 I'riyorru -liufr . ,ry r.iphl. r'uivlaj »(•'. 'I V' S':i :ay L.i>ni'c? Rt loo'cloch, U. Tr-ntb-n. s L i"_ riut^nuetit s.-H-t'S 5 i~' '■ ■— r. 'V. w. TJ„ Mnrton. v*ntivr I • r*ic:S :tx:.l •.*■' i\ ;.*.*! • : • ry 'i'.urs-iiy nij,M -'ic.'ay s.-. 00l *>-«ry -uti lay moraiutf, H. O. I ;:v' -r . Tuisl-; t«?i :a' - Cl.uifh.-ReT. R. W. lili -f . w.iior s%rvi -s -v-ry first a: d lift;, .-iiutlay n>rtiii!ff and Bight. school «v«sry . lay wifiiiiit*. I - II• s!cLf.uii, , i J*ut Ch invi— R»v. J. - T . llari"-r, j.p.a .•r. Service* evsry first Saodajr inoraiag .el i.ijjlit >'i-iyr WCIUIK every Tu.s-l»y n -ht. >:;:n!ay >thool every Sunday eveaioff wt : o'clock H«'V. N. B. Ho."i sui't. » refi win Baj'tist Charch.—Elder H. C. iao"-son, pastor. Services every first h'oii-• , | iayiaofr.ingar.dnljfht. PrimitiveHajitist.—Church onßro«.«Jafreet «.\iUr B. Wood Pastor. R-.ur'i'ar servi •KC OJ. t>;e t hire! Sibbath Kioni'iig-. and Satur- Ky t;siore, iu each mc.nih B» 11 o'clock. LODQK. Palmyra Ko. 1i 7, A. P. & A. M. Hr,:l - i it Telle)!.*. Z i I !!. L. Goilvin, S. Vi'.; 11. H. Andcrpoii, i!. V." ; v". A. St«wart, Sic Regular { 'omTiuiiit'Sflons s.rc hold oil the SrJSa.ur ' lay At.ld A. M., and on the Ist Ffi.iay •,t. o'clock p. si. in each month. All Mft- in jroTi n-i-JMiiff are cor.lialiy Invited lo att ':nd these comiannlrstl'ina. TOWS OPFICBR3. M. T. yooi)?. Mayor. COMMIH.^IO.VRHS ' •/. 1,. S'EJ.H' !:S, M*l>. Uol'.iday, J. D. Ba:ncs I A. Twylor. j W. H. I>U!iC«n. Policeman. COUNTY OFVICKRS Phori?.Si'fs A.Sf.liacn. . ; Cl. rk. T»r. J. H. Wi'her3. py-pist"!" of A.''- IJollotvay, * ■ Tr»h' si"-r. 1.. !'■ 3?si!tiieTB. ! STl rv..y P. F. J*:-NOI!A;D. '> Coroner. I»r. J. P. Me Xay. I CouMy F.thtnir.er, P.sv.J. K. FUck. ' ; Coninii« , "ion»rs : P. r. Younij, Chairman J fSaiit.h, T. A Harrington. 1 C? *3 r r-T S5-. beara ilw T OHN A. McKAY. E. F. YOUNG. Top inn I Fn ilib Jill). ft. iSlliM! lilllliiullll by, ' Manufacturers of Turpentine TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IRON & FIPAFAPPL IMASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN- JbIBMS ERAL METAL WORKERS. . v , . , Machine work of every description. A. li. r arquhar s Machinery and Mill Supplies, ;■ ciX. FAIKJUIIAII & GO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws". We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOIIN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN. IT. C. I T IW ITO y Hi § \ Us ilk —AT— I FLAKTSB3 WAlll©!® Dunn, IN. C. r-. T- ~ o T ~V rf r> a liV -W- k A X L TO OUIt WAREHOUSE AMD YOU Y/IL BE tOHVIH&ED 1 That everv pile of tobacco will surely l»rir-j» "> r -s fi'll valu"." Our Anctiom e: i- " ".Jim Dandy ' Yen want to brhic us a load o. tobacco just to iiear him talk over it. life Want to Sell That's -what we arc here for, and if selling every pile of tobacco placed on our floor at the verv u.p will bring it, we are going to sell our &nare. Just watch and set-. Our Force i Ar.d ihev fire good, honest hulling men, who look aft* i vow and v>mr tobacco. on need not have anv fenrs about what you are goingto get, or[about vour stables, or about c«nnp room, when you load up and start 10 see your friend, T*r. -$r T-7 •**> ~vr- I T $ i' *1 *8 £* Gyftf- 5 SSj JL Proprietor of Planters VI arehouse, Dunn, X. C. f-rTommon grades are higher than we have c-ver .-•v i. them before. The Way of rinding Happiness, ' All who run after the gild"d chariot of joy get covered with dust ae.d are left limping alone :he read quite bereft of that de .»j-ef* of comfort with which the\ started on the mad race. Vet sometime?, when th° ones* for one's own happiness is quite out of mind, when one ih uusorbed in making some one else happy, down like a biidj from heaven comes joy, and J settles as if at home, in the| heart that has forgotten itself. I Happiness is never touched Ir* the hand that reaches out for it too eagerly. It flies into some hand open; to give not stretched to receive. The angels always appear un expectedly, as did the angel who sat by the tomb when Mary visited it at dawn. Going out to mourn she was met by un-, imaginable joy. How often does the long-an-' tici pa ted feast turn out to be a famine, gaiety having fled from ; the house overborne by much; ponderous preparation. 110 who seeks happiness for. its own sake shall lose it, and he who loses happiness for; another ?. sake shad find it,evf"ti in the hour when he thinks it is • gone from him lorever, and is content to have it so. —\\ onian s Home Companion. Every blonde carries her own headlight. ITIN: BEST REMEDY FOR CKOUP.! I JFrain the Atchluson, Kan , Globs-] This is the season of year when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. I One of the most terrible things 'in tlie world is to be awakened in tiie middle of ihe night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost •Mire to b l3 lost, in case of croup, j as a revolver is sure to be lost in jcase of burglars. There used Ito bo an old fashioned remedy for cronp, known as hive syrup and tolu. but some modern , mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to throw up the phlegm quicker, and gives re lief in shorter time. Give this remedy as soon its the croupy cough appears and it will j prevent the attack. It never ; fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Hood & Grantham. I 'Liire Dowie is approaching a : titheless crisis. ! CASTOR IA For Infants ?.nd Children. • [he Kind You Havs Aiwsys Bought Bears the sjj? , Signature of Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." E>UIMI\T ? IM. C. NOV. 4, 1902 Cffi aciCcrttpticn in S't Louis In St Louis an energetic pros ecuting attorney has been | spreading dismay among bribers , and takers of bribes. lie has forced a confession from one of the latter company. A num ! ber of dishone&t legislators are in jnil or have confessed by flight. Also there is dismay in the places where the managers of corporations j.rfither, and sev cral "leading c-iiizf-ns" expect to attend thnir vacation indefi nitely. As usual the scandal is connected with the grant of I public franchises, a source of dishonesty >o prolific that it is no wonder many men who would resent the name of socia lists arc beginning to think that those rights never should be •"rrnittcd to pass to private ownership. Nine-tenths of tin corruption of public bodies i traceable to the corporate con trol of public property. Wheth er thi- i-- true of America alone jwe are not prepared to say. J But the f:iet is worth noting, j that the industrious gentleman : who organized corruption in a ; Western City Council and a I Vv'c tern Legislature has gained control of exceptionally I valuable franchises in a foreign J I capital whore the integrity ofj j public oiiicial.- i« euppos«-d to | ibe a!)'>ve suspicion ; and this in -pile uf the r':tct tiiat his inter esting c ii\ r included a short stay in the penitentiary. lias the promote- changed hi- moth-! ids. tlie leop;:rd his snots? Or is the granting of franchises the; same ugly business, inviting tin j same s n-t- of virions enterprise anywhere?— Collier's Weekly. Asr.wci' A MIII FLAM i;s. Breaking into a blading home, some firemen latelv the - P3C» sleeping inmates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Dr.; King's New Discovery for Con-j sumption gives perfect protec tion against all throat, chest, and lung troubles. Keep it it near, and avoid sulieriim, death and doctor's bills. A tea spoonfui stops a late cough,per sistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and l.ue tasting, it's guaranteed to i-fy by C. L. Wilson, "rice s)c and $1 00. Trial bottles free. President Castro is an adopt at cens>rsliip as well as at gen eralship. Equality is a plpo dream. Fig I'nf costumes have had their day. ONE MINCTI-: Counir CUIIK. Is t only harmless cough cur" ih.it gives quick relief. Ii | cures coughs, colds,croup, brim-j ' chilis, whooping cough, pneu-! ni'.nia, r.-thma, lagrippe and nil • ! throat and lung troublos. "Ij ! got soaked Sy run," says Ger-j trude II 1 nner, Muncie. Ind.. ■ "and contracted a severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly: i lost 48 p"und*. My druggists | recomme;'led One Minute' j Cough Care. The first bottle: 'brought iviief; several cured i me. I am back to my old w ight! 148 pounds. One Minute Cough' j Cure cuts the phlegm, relieves! | the cough at once, draws out in ill unniation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for children. Hood & Grantham —--- — ! JiSnoa siw\l 3«H M P"!S Kii P cw ,iSO ® • IT 3u IXO&SVO o \ - Home Education of the Boys. Valuable Training That Any Fr."!::er May Give Ilis Son. There is a great deal of edu cation to lie obtained outside of J the schools and much of the best education is better contain- led outside than in. Education jis not stuffing ;i boy with facts, - but teaching him how to get his own facts and draw the proper conclusions therefrom. For ex ample, you intend your boy for a fanner, and the first tiling in farming is to know how to pro I duce tlio raw material, the grain and grasses. lie cannot too soon be«iu observing the ef , feet of different methods, of plowing early and late under conditions us nearly similar as c possible ; of the results from the different kinds of grain, differ ent qualities of corn, different thickness of planting, different methods of cultivation. These are matters to which the farm er should call the boy's atten tion and talk with him about every opportunity, aiming to stimulate the powers ofobserva ■ tion and reason, i He should encourage his boy ; to guess at ihe yield per acre of • each particular kind of grain, not random guesses, but cars-! fully matured judgments. He should teach him to measure the field and find out exactly how many acres there are, ob taing the exact amount of tlie crop, and thus verifying his guesses. All this tends to de velop the judgment as well as the powers of observation. Where the farmers are buy ing and selling cattle the boy should always have an opportu nity of estimating the weights. Only in this way can he become I * a judge of live weight s . Let ' him make up his own deliberate '' judgment; then weigh aud seer now far he is wrong, and see if: 1 he cannot come nearer it the 1 next time. r armers oiten butcher hogsj 1 for their own use. Here is a c splendid opportu lity for educat ing the boy. Let him guess at the weight of each individual J hog; then weigh. After kill-: ins weigh the dressed carcass! f and see how nearly he can come ito the dressed weight. He wiil 1 ] | find a great variation in the 1 | weights of different hogs. In i 1 | cutting up a hog let In in weigh | v jthe different parts, the ham-,; ( the sides, tlie head, the shoul- j ders, Wiiere a i'at hog is killed and a large per cent of it ren- \ l | dered into l.u'd, let iiim esii-j' mate that; then weigh and see ;! i how near correct his estimate is. j' All this is education that can- j ! not be obtained in the schools : I or rather this is the practical ' application of education and be- 1 comes the higher education, the ' practical working sort that go»s with a man through life. Ed ucation that can not be applied directly or indirectly is of very litth- use in this world, and much of it is simply old lumber '•tored away in the garret of ' the brain instead of the garret of house or barn.— Wallace's ' Fa nner. A THANKSGI VJ>:: DIXNKR. Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Re peated attacks inflame the mu cous membranes lining the stomach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, producin::a swell-j ing after eating, heartburn,sour j risings, headache, and final!* ! catarrh of the «toinach. Kodoi ! relieves the inflammation, pro-j tects the nerves and cures the j catarrh Kodo! cures indigestion ; [dyspepsia and all other stomach troubles by cleansing and sweet oning the glands of the stomach Hood & Grantham. Wil'iam Zeigler, of Brooklyn, is in the market for an artic ex plorer. m A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Ben son, when getting his usual Sat urday night bath, stepped back against a red hot stove which j : burned him severely. The child | i was in great agony and his! mother could do nothing to pae-\ ifv him. Remembering that: j she had a bottle of Chamber-1 j lain's Pain Bairn in th" house, ; she thought she would tr}* it. j : In less than half an hour after i applying it, the child was quieit! and asleep, and in less than two ; weeks was well. Mrs. Benson lis a well known resideut of Kel- I lar, Va., Pain Balm is an anti ceptic liniment and especially ' valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by Hood , & Grantham. FOR HARNESS montM* 3 - 0 r™ Me * lcan Must ring Llni. T V It's this way: ■-*„ , A You can burn yourself with Fire, with i ~l 5' ctc *' or you can scald yourself 1 wi ih Steam or Hot Water, but there is J only one proper way to cure a burn or J scald and that is by using , Mexican Mustang 1 Liniment.'! immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old j i linen CiOta, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely upon the wound. You can have no adequate idea v hat an excellent remedy this is for a burn until you have tried it. I A FOWL TIP. l ,i r 'lBl,!i c V,, MP or nn 7 Liniment it i .oi? 1 P° disease use Mexican Miistani Limmcnt. It to called a STASdaed remedy by poultry breeders? * tducation for Farmers. Every young farmer in North Carolina has an opportunity to j get the foundation training .or his work. The winter courses in agriculture and dairying at the .C. A. and M. College are practical courses designed en tirely for young men and wo men who can leave the farm onh- in winter time. Ihe cost of the whole course is but thirty dollars which in cludes board, room and books, j ! he lectures and practical work j are devoted to stock raising,! dairy farming, butter making, milk testing, feeding and breed ing farm animals, veterinary me.; icine, entomology, soil study, stock judging and farm crops. 'I he value of these courses to a young man or woman who is interested in agriculture cannot i no estimated in words. The ex pense of attending will be paid by increased profits due to bet ter farming, a hundred times. Besides the financial value of the courses, there is the educa tional value of training and ed ucation that makes the man the master of his work. A circular of information will be sent to any one asking for the same. Also any information regard ing any of the Agricultural courses will be given by ad dressing ihe profes«or of agri culture, Charles W. Burkett, Raleigh, N. C. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is endorsed and prescribed by many leading physicians throughout the country for all blood and skin troubles. Hun dreds of cases of eczema and other skin diseases have been permanently cured by the use of Hancock's Liquid After all other remedies failed and pro nounced incurable. For sale by Hood &. Grantham. "He's quite a star as an after dinner speaker, isn't lie?" "Star?" He's a regula ■ moon. He becomes brighter tile fuller he gets." URIC3OL—I rs WONDERFUL POWERS. Mr. Harry Is.i.-ie. general bag gage agent Santa Fo It iilroad, Los Angeles, Cal., the home of riUCS'OL, writes - "Having suffered from rheumatism and a torpid liver, I was advised to try UCICSOL. 1 can assure vou the result is astonishing. It never fails to cure. I take pleasure in testifying to the wonderful curative powers of u riesol. It aiso cures kidney and bladder troubles caused by uric acid in the system. Drug gists sell it at $l.OO per bottle. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. No. 42 r K 1 ne Southern lv;u 1 way. Announces the Opening of the Winter i i ourist Season And tlie placing on sale of Excursion jTo all prominent points in the South, Soutn west, West w est Indies Mexicoand California. Including St. Augusti no, ralm IVach,. Miami, Jacksonville, Tarn pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Tl;omasville„ CliarJeston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and TIIE LAND OF THIS SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See tlipt ycui'jticketjreads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address It. L. VHKNON. (J. W. WKSTBUKY rraveling I'ass Apt., TMstri-t Vans. Apt. Ciia.rlc.tte, iT. c. Isicisj33.»iß.a.. S. 11. HAKMVICK, Gt'iioriil Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TUKK % TraiOc Manairer. Asst. Vatv. Traffic MgiJ "WID CJ. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. floadh y, a healthy robust black=mitl , of I ilden, Tnd., tint for ten ye?trs he suffered such tortues from' rheumatism as few could enduro and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking elec tric Rilt°rs. "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." Tliey roguJam the kidneys, purify the blood md cure rheumatism, neural gia, nervousness, improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try thorn. Only f>Oc cts at C. L. Wilson's drug store. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by .lie PahsHiiger Department of ihe Southern Railway. It is beautifully ill ustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of (he South. A c n py may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. 11. Hard wick, G. P. A., Washington D. C.