Aff V.J: VA4A ( r ' ;- -" TJis" A j,4, 1 "'l:l 11 s-Uw a , ,,. a i !.?4 iftoi.t$iiiiii T - . . - - ; A ' ' - - 4 C - - -J ;;i4;v 4 '44JV4. .4-4 ; -v. -I - -4 4a4-44a4. - (Fiona State BpiIfiaitO eauareis mat All ChriapniiMtdf A letter issued irdiiutU4iW rfiQpaf ' thingaWtat Sanatarium fpr ihe4Tiixnentdf jt&f ule& 1 'oa -by '.elpiut the Tuberculoid i;f;"TJ : ' : iat Sntidav inrNovember or-&ut-lfok-2kJ-&:' 1 "-! . -s-1 --.e':4 JV1? '"it? s IflWtrillTl'. ' is the ect of a lecture to" be r.iiavLi t I1 PY ,,.ou. Dy jk A . . . ,the "Church iace iu the Pre-. UWWmM sfoalnn)5iiaen. ; rV ' j ' , ces," fires tuV firi gun iatuV ElSigy great batUa'UiuKb lhaUlL NHi iBkuare Spcakt! Feasibility of . fight. With this request tov- te li'lffofe . T: " pbercalosi Day IVtovement duf-' Red Cross Stala and ariitatemeht " h ana aiso oi .tne wprs oi, JLiie Tubetculosis iunda aiid v.the1 f Tv f Nation for the ' ' i u i n Q Study and Prevention of .Tubel : great cEBsad,tbat la being inade I . , - - v v r. v ;':vTw i against this terrible disei 'IHscgSimakijhe plaft' ent.ofJhat of crusarrrfclrea liaa practical bycaUing Special ittentioato&etate TittlgtMS SJiow One Case qf Qpn- sumption; a : Yeacrfpr. Every Twenty Communicants; Turin 4't??,i rr, ";vriov.:utnii.4i-,?s fc s-i-:5 iiiii -I wopmi iNortolk.: . Admission v -u nun carter rouna : ;'.,v" In an effort to . ascertain how: seriotka a problein tuberculosis is' Ip the average church congrega, tioi oXthenited National iAssociatioQ for the Study and Prevehtiou of . Tubefcnlosis' published toil ay a : report hich showa that.iu nearlySOOp church: es in 37 different states one funer al iu every ten is due 16' this single dissase.-'l'" .: '' (Jzi "Through : a question oaire' sent out 11 over the country 2;852f cl ergy me u r epresen ting l,603;3p0; Communicarits or; parishioners anffelfiJoti ; : sisterj3s;T-Lv:;j f jalifieirhome on iv Jackson aureet a.B'j jner. gave replies Utlhng at howr vmany! f uncralslhey I offfeiatedfor ihe' yeaftndihg;u earoldxi brother, pas Jo,un4 daa ,in hi, bed.r j The yourjj man was, ;iu L his. hithtaQ spirit t when;: he AartjAtejp;! relaiivesh eus 4udebiw fXonjJH letter) vrhp;, was xnatfilitecharacter an4 rSeals B8.os T.awi6yBjiffs .v5iA tubercalosis: how. many Hvinl; ther suggested , that locJ ,Mm ,,s f . rW)t, lta nf ui ,fnrt bare.m their panshps, and how 1 nl falrai nn f IW1 I - vT . V 7 ' " '"I -.. . JT3.i.t.,ir-. -..-.2.:. a. , . , s " e a :"c i - "a ncerelyt-.-Abope Uhat November Work of tG flale-.of ; the Seals-siud - -.j h - J. U v . i li i: - u 9ttvtlie dayv. wmcb you have UiKt the Hot be.fispeciatly jpre- t - m u " i' !t . v Vv - j ti m i r designajQ-asubercnlosis iDay, settted to araoas and PlulatlMsafe . ? b , . , . if : ; . . v will result t : in Hikenine i4he asjan open ppportunUy fur service. V; r , . J'rrTiTc A nr rr . - . . ' f ppplecoithe-United i States still Asl75percentlof the receipts of V A - vT. , xi o i i a ifur$her tiolonly i.ihe necejisity, local commtttes, it i, nrged;, that to tVpfect feasibility, , of Chnreh sQCietiea seize, this oppor- "J " ' tubity to Oielp .neidy vtubei5ealar terb!4 U6' - Ao : ... n A jwmber. of qrernors? jare pecsons i their commumties ;v . . V, inir, . ne con.V, wouwg - proolamrtions onsiihe ofermo. and other appropriate P Y ' Camn, - - . -. lanhrtnla m naUA nnrincr t.naMpk AV Word For viJ altcanipjiign against tubercqsis. The movement is not . fort h -H simpryto bring tothe people i all TWwouid be a : old. bleak MWS 14 w m w a ru w v m a m w vannr in It. . AnalPU;Pf:iaMii- ; - i , , i husmess principles. . ; :c- - y TrpTJw..- .-.i a . rr. i . rr , . tion, of addresses apd or fmrpX .Sentimerithe graaiestos riifitirf j force in the world today. .Jt tig ieg ;orfom l&ithe maiispring thatjnakes Au!;UmnKrX-i vSbii tionJ ar fiib StMy'8id f Preiion 122d psible ipses. haj gifepre Ws,anditdreatt heart thafeisheseiti r x f . I i&etNew Tork. , ' ;.It is, business that regulates 'rrf-f and promotes the good work- that sentimentbrtikig 'MoA stiength v - andluessjtlut 'XhiTit fl'' : . '' ,;i ' ' S viniofJn i nttfio caliedl : to and proves true the great wiotn see Mrs. j, W. Orerman Moiaiay that is its ' that.cpobQrateal jhe :diet rIBijd;gllw tions of sentiment that lead' :t6 gpent Saturday 'night and Snnday the care Irildrc n destitute IiIfeleuWriiaKit?a W net only beautiful to. do this: but 0 Wflf that it is a financial invesWe Tss nnie Over taat pay&i deHjUOsp that it is better, it is cheaper, Riddick called td see Mre.ixvA v; . moreefconomicai' w . waiur t wrw P many communicants or parish' v6ners. iThere Were 30,798 deaths from, all causes Reported i .showing a death rate of .4 per 10;00Q pppulatioh, which is considerably higher than the : correspgndlog rate for the entire country,, J38 7 In infi. This hh dfcath wte is probably doej to the faqt: that pastors of "churches 'pfeciate at many, funerals of others than .members or commqnioants, while. thdir " membership reports are taen from actual records, "As indicating. the extent Of the tuberculosis problem in the aver .age.chnrch.thejftgurea,flhow jfchat per cent of ail the funerals reported rWce caused , bytuberculo sis and-thaVin.r a.ddition to .the 3,794 deaths ; from v this, , disease,' the ministers- bad i 4y254 ' i living casesnow . .under their pastoral supervision. 4nf one,yearf there- iore, .the 2,852 -churches ,were caring for $048 case s of tubercu- lpsis, or . an Vaveage, of nearly three for ieach ; cpngregcation The Average sie df i4heoougegatipn was ;oq, which - would ..indicate that there is a-case cf tuberculosis developing each fjcarij foreyery ,7 Becau9e,tuberculosis demandfe L&o much time i' and money from the churches, The National . As sociation. for Study and prevention of Tuberculosis is calleU . upon all of them ibrxugh. -the United States to? join in.v an-educa tional campaign against this disease . oo Tuberculosis Day, which will be pbsetved-dnnngfthe weekof:Novr "Wn a chil fof-afew slidrtyeaTS MrJiomipify callef t(i:see smaliiinlftiia :,-'S . ... ' -tAY-M:m:U:u ;B ow it to undergo the ultimately night ; Housive ana neart DreaKiug ex-i . .- , r 7 - ; J anet Olieyivuaay 'tTb 'Marry or Not TcP Mariy Xhai?sl the" a ion';5. . -is; -:' i i.-,r.-- C--- n. is, the subject of a lecture , td be given . at Jtfacedbnia church "at 7: 30 p-m. Nov.v30 by JD!r. G. W. Swope .oNorfolk. dmis V Prience that is the uhhdppy ilbt J.see'Mi -J aoet ;VB.y f I ;:--cf nan,i ' -rviiit'to 1 1 U&UOi . - III1K i i.niH canton M tarter, :Mi$s Selma,;-HdrrelkspentiPri Kg&w-Jj&xi uty ujgut-vvirn ivnssfs iucy.;ancl Jeawiietten r; Miss PoniefEurretuTned apen tthe ekrfethHrs; li t Parker. ,Mr.rAsa Harrell, visited! afehe Sunday, hbms fromuflblk lMSMon v C- ;Zohd;abbi&Harfelll f7v,:; -. .-y Mwl Youf ChftstrttafePamlSltfieliof:ii IMPOKTAT; that. jou shouldmail ybul; (Hsiwairar! Cels early 'f6Jt8ySlMMiif.Set1 them off a,nd at ' the; t sam4iine lielp" purekf' ffnr'bejr)gcer' FP wded, witji; pakas n4 oherj 5r, gWe hini : a ; .chanie .to; EureffEurel ipo::ojffoi Pcmas-apy idwasfSi:' biales man intoistproihisbr n-law, L. W. Jonw, on WaAidn jThenmfcaerrii ranged, afte th armal. of xekt- tives. . V j ik j-.-- - r ? ; a. , - hJ$$ ll(probiblyyibe afcen to the oldi ikoine i of drhe leased wEreNr &s Tuesday mbrning f othe, funeral WseridcQS jand interment, .! V . ;',:.: , v 5ome; Believe CloclForet Dentil 01 Aubrey Carter Suffplk, Npv. f ,23 r-Paui Jones, son of Im, W. Jones of J Suffolk, and rheph ' Aubrey Carlton Carter who- was found dead'in (bed atihe home " of' Mrs U W. Jones this ' morning, ;Wa& vhiUpgieiainNorfolk day, when a clcck . in v the room, which hW-Bdumi. for seyenj years, not haying worked at - a during ttiniesudd en lyfbegaij striking, and the pendulum ; td move . "Something iav; going to happen to as'twasxyoung Jonest remara. in a iewnpurs; ne w ceived, a wire f Calling hirn V hbme on account oi tne death qt yoang Carter, ': "-.- -J -t. funeral -of : Mrs. Daisy ;rFeitoni who died yesterday at her home, near, mageuiia, lit onaficiei early,te '.uti ;8il'f o'clock at the residence in ? the countylirlP The bpiliprie& bfptighV tq Suffolk and sent to Eure, N. ?C for intermertsi Ql ? -D AW ; Staler will acconi paujr thd friends' to ' Eure,i and will conduct the services at the grave 'if": pable "ofi You t.can help jilMrig W "S ' & fr. Mleiarcpo aipeeon - Mr. and Mrs; D. 3 S. Hajtf? ana lauiity,. iurx- auu jiurp. fferUorHa .attended f- the ; nrat bf . Mis up?and;tnade intd a nice -neat and moire easily hailaeIe puty 6. hB-sendtcte send a package earl.imfahJ nQt- to get. 1 netogether n hejiy yourneignDorv-.unjiiAygetp. through; and possibly ' a dozen others all coming; juste as .-. the- carrier starts off : with the mall;- inerciorc uc c an v i if aavs .. ana. n.the hbuppf the day; Jjah get.C U. Ii. tags with Insurance which you can nil out and, attach age. Then whe ny bu get to 1 'thfei Post Office' y oil :wiil have little to1 dp"?'YouCah! x etags1 are fiWfd o u t' arrd attach- ed in advance; to he : parcel : thajS it wibe a'great say er of tlmef 'to 11 HC fOrce lnr;tlS 'Ve y ou i ; "thVrBes tbsleseryi but we want you to 'help by be intHoghtful you cano help us out It 'ybuj Care . rp aowpiPeanEnQ putter gs .milte ind aNeamiifentfijiir k m'etal container sealed and then thclosed in a' stronesbox-'bf- cbr! cugated paper or, wood and ,th pl;em when properly , packed vsp ; tha.ts The queen .bee; is the bnyj, thi that can be rmaneol'whTeii'.iilii - ii- . . u - i i i t. iirfc- :-ii irig rods etc should be r iasteheq between boards., slightly' longe alad wmeton tSafticJ cipsedbefbrwiii tory3orhpp jchri WiAf sure att ffefeajnte fiehahdft luv ten- vcn3 .fuMU4vi , yy Vii w uii other in for matibii we will be, glad j&UdrehioJ .ed?wv, soga;, .', ' ' , " ". lyearspV, wJciYefamphne ' ' . 9i.i s , v uwucnuoi rr'wyv'iNiUU -:A:--: -A ,n o '.-M-r-i?-1 Parshe! tihilr$ i.. -A' - :-'r,Sf -.;.-.:,:.. . : , a,-, v'"--aa,,J jssJiint and iaunaltlilfcistie of nt:Jt to have you call 'at. the post officf aniiifllendeavbf f to ve you such lnformatiori as you eTepartment will not? permit ii;?A' -4" iy r. AAA A- i 'j'A A ' A- 5 4 - . 1 A f tn? a a- 4 ..jiu pd,a;;ithit 2h.. :;. u ;r rhabdytp ardQilil J 4iTJi;i u- . 4.v. ' 1 4' i auii- ,a,jft;ftwwjfaaifcM.ii.iiiiii,iif -- r' ' 4 .V ? ' ? 'vA .'4i r ';44'a-v? ta :;Ar 'ff :'4. V i-fctr. i.ii: j.ii.'k-.i.ivL iiiAi--A4r44.Av4v Dngnt lnieiiigciu ,:yung-n.cry;.i a4a4.a:44: terid wCanEl I always studyingtne'pflteteaaf, otarSinfe ' ::: t' one ouic acr.siwraijtvii . 4- : wtchem- ca