-'rf " - . .fv .' ' " -l- ' 5 '.:'" t".?: '':: - '- t'" 'if t .1 V: i . . !. ' tv 1 f TROTVILLB-NEWS V (Ttl u J 1 ' i 1 .v : .Belvra;;visit her Miss Bertie HarreU" spent v part of last week with rejatiyes in Eure. 1 ' ft Mr. Halford Winslow of Belvi- his sister, Mrs. Anna White. I 4 Misses Maggie tStanton, " AHje and; Minnie Overman spett (Phirg day with their under Mr; 5 Elbert Ridjick of;dy proj.8,, ; , ; Miss Eula Savage visited heristex Jrs. ?9fen Tolliff of .Jvidere last week. Mr. W. P. Miteheli spent Messrs. .Tom Trotwan and Lonnie Spvey wn Hnolk Friday. Mr Osear Pidiek ated the Union meeting, at Hereford t Sun day. -. v : -: ' t Mesaus. Joe Winsloy, feest WMfte, Qepil errv, W. P, Mitch ell, GopTge; aao,n ;nd Riddjck attended the :-Fripiid;s Quarterly meeliPg. at 3eder Sunday. i fgses Nettie.wd APPW. $9$ ir ' . . ;s . .-.. P.M. V : J !S iS 'S t 'f ''V '! 1 "f . XHAACTERSi-i:iW Junibo-'Jum S Mr. Gobbleton Lawyer ; Oheatam Henry MeiliUe ers HilEUiott LornIordan , ' A.rthi? rHollp well c Johiii WlHott ;f r- Rufus H ;Ryans J , Quinipn Jordan ( V RufusBaker I'llriinbn 'tucilfeEniott ivaiSolYQweli .5.-. 4;-v -Vf. ? Hannah -: - -r ' ; -L- ryl": Adelaide; 'WHf Mrs. Gobbleton , -:X''.:i. -r$KS ".Tumbo-Jum" a darkey who iloes only what he:isjft5;and gets everything turned upside down in an uprqarpus :wayl : Wit ori Knmnr ar nrpHnminant throuprhout the entire: farced (, --"..K - QMMCH SPItllSG Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shannon fiouse, Mrs. W. H. H unter and .daughter Miss Beulah spent Toes jday in E. City. . :" L " Mrs. W. F. Howell was the A. piyejsuest of Mrs Rr N. HolloweH vjsitd Mts. J. C. McQoter $aH nrday afternpqp. Mr. W. P. Mitchell , ,i Miss? ;Gi5dy8 pprbitl of, Sunfeory onQ ngjit lasi week. Mr . Oscar Roddick is building a. dwelling )ionSe. near here. iiiWss Simpson efltertyip ed some of the ypnng people Fray evening. Yaripns ; games werei play,ed after which , refegh raen,s were served. Thps.e pre sqnt were Misses Sadie "WliaPt spp, uAliiei Ri44ick and .yerna Wynne, Messrs, Jpp Wif)slow;i Ernest TV ite, Cecil Pwy, W. P. MitpJllR. 4. npni Qscajt aod Lee Rdiefe Mtall Mrs. Florence Butler snent Saturday afternoon 'with Irrs. Lucy Rarreli; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell spent a part of Saturday evening with Mr;1 and Mrs. D. S. Harrell. . Miss Francis Eure of Reynold on N. C. spent the week-end with Miss Delia - Harrell. Mr. and Mrs! A. L. Parker- Jr.' nd family andiMr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. R. Butler. Mrs. D. S. Harrell and children yapehjb Sunday with Mrs. G T, Hayes. - Mr. D. S. Harrell called on Mr. W. B. Parker. Sunday after noon. -'.' ' j " . Mrs. Flcrenee Butler and son Harry, spent Tuesday ixwHolland, Va,, on business. ( ' Messrs. George, Jeff and Dan Harrell and 'Henry Powell spent Sunday with -Messrs, Harry and Willie r Butler: 1 Mr. Asa Harrell spent Thnrs day morning in Gates on business. Thursday afternoon. Rqrn to Mr. and Mrs, R.Nf Hollowell Nov. 25 a son . fe C.W- I BWotf Uep- ; t Mrs. J. N. Widow's Wednesday : . - i afternoon . Mrs. Z. D. White, spent Mon day with Mrs. W. F. Howell. Mesdames E. L. Winslow and LinwoqpV Hunter spent Fiiday afterhoon with their . sister Mrs, Joe Elliott of Hertford. Miss Luia Winslbw entertained friends Saturday .evening. Mr. John Q. Wiite was $he guest of Miss Maggie Howell Saturday eyening. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haskett Hpbbs ?f flobfesyiUp, l Emmettl f,-;. a Mn Ho , p( Qarr; d BaJJord TfcslojWiOt Jgelvidere. a J. . N Winslow spent Sunday ith Mrs. D J, ; Rogerson. Mr. and MrsZ. D. -White spent. father Mr. Timothy Turner "of !Sandy,Crpss xn Jethro Howell, is spending netime ,witl? , his; pn W. F. Howell. ' 1 Mr., Atchie Miller of Winall land Miss Lula Winslow, were put riving; Sunday aternpon. Messrs. Leigh Moore and (Jones, Perry of Ballahack were tjhe guests .of Mis&Maggie Howell Sunday afternoon, . vy. F. Howell visited Mrs. Miss 3allie Hdgins entertain- ed at VRook" Frjday. night. ; Miss Leoria Ward , Messrs. . Eu- gene and Edward . Spivey.jand Otha Brown were guests of Miss GeprgierBcown Saturday? night. ,is.s, Sallie .Hudgin&and.broth er,, Herbert, spent Saturday - and Sunday, with Mrs, C. W. JEtprton. Mr. Pat ;Blanchard i. visited iriends Saturday and Sunday. Mrf and Mrs. A. M. Hudgins spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Joe C50sjs at filunbury. t Mr Nathan RiddiPk had . busi ness, here Monday Winforli Wev7s Notes WvA. Bunch Sunday .aftemcv5n. rG:E:Twine wrs. u. w .. ieect ajttenped tne Union meeting in Hertford last Sunday. A recerJtion was given Thurs day afternoon by , Mrs,. ' B.: W. Thach in Jhonor of the Bright Jewel Society. There wasn't any Sunday school at Winfoik Sunday ithe ITnion Meeting being in session at Hert- ferd., 'Miss, Annie Blanchard 4and Mr. Sidney Sutton were out driving Sunday, afternoon. ; - M rss Mary Jackson and Mr. RayeoiParinejinrtlisS; Bes sie hiteiyndr.vAnjo R dick were the . guests of Miss Carieillerl Sunday aite,rnoon Messrs? Clarence Twine . an d Ernest White were the guests of Mss Agnes Mitchell Sunday af ternoon. Miss Ljicy Oprey was. the guest pf JlissesQra and Ida Twine last Sunday, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Twine were the, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cprprew Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Simpson of, Teopim, spent, Thanksgiving with. Jie.r parents Mr. and Mrs, Miss Lessie W-aird Bungay ni "v . M r? 4 .Jordan took ! Mi Orene-Hollo well to ehurchl Snht daymorning $>&Mp). - ,ie8srs.r;cntnDert wara, Artnur Hollo weliwiUfa Evans . were Jthe guests of , M as Mary Asbell.jSunday night; , : Mrs. Curtis Asbell of 7 Norfolk is visiting her. mother M ra Mary Twine. ' i'. For Infants nd .Children Always bears the . Signature of -,rv;; cqrapealie News, '-' -''"'it'. '-:tA -' i. . i .. :;- '; Miss i Edla Eure entartained a few friends Thanksgiving, Those present were : Misses Judith Eure of Macke s, Minyie Eure ol Gates ville, Evelyn Oorbin of Winston Salem, Allie Briggs of Suffolk,, Delia Lassiter, Messrs A. I- Lynch, S. p. Leary, . L? L'issiter, Jf, E. Norcume. Jr , W. O. Speight, S. D. Eure and Corbell Jones of Saagei ; Home made chocolate candy was served. A1J expressed themselves as having spent a pleasant Thanksgivings Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rountree spent Sunday around Sunbury with relatives. Miss Carrye Beamon was the week-end guest of relatives in and Mrs. J. R. Pierce at tended the quarterly . meeting a( Cypress Sunday. Mr. H. G. Eure spent Saturday night and Sunday in Suffolk with his sister Mrs. B. C. Ellis. Mrs. Jv F. Beaton of Norfolk i --a-- yMH I mi - rMttCfcded: a social at ki . pt rJllflRpuntr 0f iWr MrsMallie Riddick Hobbs. J. H. CopelaruT and W. N. Wopten attended .meeting Satur day up the river. - nd Mi W PcWn: maggie Jjamb and Annie Baccus, assed through West Beluiderei $eyf ,.( H. . jrpwn f of Alper ienf vvjas t weekfenc guest of PT B,t5piyy ,vis Ueeirchter, , Mrs. G. T. loiciSun ; JVIif. , .Wdgins Lhad:aj5 liis, ueas, Swnyrs; .Wspn and Brod rjerti ay.eye.pjngUlv M,rs.( -Mh SrI n?e, h;s, usual call Satuflday nfghtfs Mr.. an,d Jrs.. J, 90:4 Mr-Clyde Elliott and iSunda ': -;C :, v:- ! vrwxa vWjJCIttJjlU )VCr UUf UtlYingj Sunday afternoon. 0m InjSfe rstrrnedj to Mr. J. A. Lane to attend school during the, winter. Mr. Jerome-Hnrdle made hfc msnal qaUfSaturiay, mgfiK : Mr.t Archie Laydpn anfJMsfigj ijtei&jge and YasJi.Cppelanc "Tfero.tmfc driving . Sunday. aftej- mm t'h Sf?hlm. Uinedtrjen45 i?an4y. ; v "lfFrlaiiipAlan jpt paturday evening in Belvidere. n, : i aodtt Mirs; J. :;Jrqwri rtsngiyinin Norfolk t ; J&fsry, :piiiaet;: d .i)!fepjye sn yMg atJ. Sjveyv ;- Mr. John Farmer and family of Bethelvand Mr. G. W. Riddick and (amily were the guests pf Mr. n Mrs. T. M. parrne Sunday. Mrs. Jacob barker and chil dren. of Burgess visited her pa rents Sunday afternoon. . We are sorry tp say that M r; J James Core v met with a misfor- tunef last t Frjr- night to lose Jiis best horse. v., . Christmaswill sopa.be here,, l The wedding Wev wish yfpu a merry Christmas and happy New Year., t A pocket-fulj of v money andla heart full of cheer, v 4 " --n, ;:. , MO ITEMS . Wtessra. Jijnan . Gepfge Asbeil, Mias AsheV; an eni(e Jlapbs, anded, p, Riyer meet-; inSBnay. . , C Mr,, and, I4s. , R. tW Twine Spent, qnay; .w; her ; motheij Miss. KelJ acohs ?alled to LlLiss '. ;:-Mary lIl v ; Saturday : ; M.rt. J,pe Chappell aejcozppanied iVss. .Albr.ta , 4ibeI home frpm ejrSuudaafternoon. X k r.oT.5 Twiner -made is Uvnav and ; Sunday, g fia4an here are aUpd: ing the meetir, 'at ; Oak 4,Grpve Mrs. A. P. BIpinchard , anif children called Jto see Mris. R.' D,' White Saturday afternoon.; ; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ' Rountree spent Sunday. wi,th Mr. and Mrs. John Moore -: "i M isses Evie and Elinor Qver- man spent Friday night with Mrsr Jessie Riddick. -: '-W: Jfessrs. Luther Boyee and Clinton Stallings palled to see Misses Annie" and SalliBiddicy fhnrsday night. ';;.: , Miss Elinor Overman-called to see Miss Geneva White morning. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Brpwn and is spending a few daysere;4wtj tPhildren of Willow spent Sunday relatives. : Mr, and Mrs. C W. Priukley have returned home after, spendr ing a few days in Frankiing. Miss Virgie Blanchard eatertained Thursday night id honor of Misses Dolna Harrell of Sunbury , Mary and Ehel; Speight of Suffplk. Mr. J. E. Norcume and son Joe attended the ball game in Norfolk Thanksgiving. ; Misses Margaret White and Delia Lawrence spent the .week end 'at their, respective homes, in Belvidere and Reynoldson. .' . f Mr. and Mrs. Ike Hobbs i Wer6 the guests of - Mr. and Mrs. L W. Riountree Sunday, afternoon. - Mesdames T. M. Benton - and Ar S. Ward spent Friday in Nor folk shopping. Mr. Richard Brinkley is suffer ing from a stroke of paralysis Miss Bertie Henry of Charlotte, N. C.( is the guest of her cousin Miss Bessie Mathias. Mr. Sheldon Eure called tp see Mr. J L, Lassiter Sunday after noon. . . , ( '-c.v Mr. and Mrs G. . C. Hollpwell, spent bunNday at. the home of herj parents Mr. and Mrs. T. M 'Mathias, I '. . .,: , 1 :'f vi M.rs.; J. R. Lassiter and daiigh-j ter Miss Delia were visitors at the home of Mr. J. E. Norcume ounaay. ;; Mr. Dempsie Jones of Whaley-I ville called at the home of his; aunt Mrs . : Fannie Eure Sundayj v Mr; G ; C. Morgan made.a triri ip peiyiaere batnraay returninj Sunday accompanied ; by r Mis Margaret wuite. . I VissEthei Bunchy up again jaf ter several days ill nesy witnfiever. (:Mr;ii:;L;Brinkley: misfortune id gethi&DggyJbi wao lujiueu uuii ue wii. recover . Mi. Vv. 6. Speight snent Sun- .-ft i I had th catara u&& Xacs- iPeruzuk. Ijurchae4 alx tottusv C3 wttlchs two bunerad ad tea pooart Perone. It rarely titlvt Mt oUrlTr f or comUl? atMsssss tbat Z vec fcor( ci" fpand Mrs, Frank Wia9w ancKchiefe Stallings Suq44y; llfelc Hobbs iQ. FJorine BIanchard visited lflk was.iou village Monday, went .to Hobbsville i!ond morning. Mr. Haywood Bunch and Jsi45Kbb vsitd Mesdames an4 . Maxie IStallingji Sandy-Cross Saturday. rV WilterHoliowell attended ilie Union meetmg at ' Hertford andj Saturday. y-. y Muddy j Cross Iteum N with Mrr.and irs. : J. B. Riddick Mr., Lee Trotmari calie5dtoisee Miss Annie ; Riddick Saturday night :- ; m o"M:i Mrs. J. W. Overman called to see Mrs. R. D. - White Sunday morning. ' " " ' " : .' ' ; V' Misses Annie and Sallie Rid dick and Annie Overman, Messrs Herman 'Boyce and Joe Overman called to see the Misses Moore Sunday evening. Miss Lizzie Carter spent Satur day night and Sunday JwitleMiss Janet Bagley; ' ';7?-- ' Jesse WinsloW and Elma Perry were the guests of "Miss Maggie Moore Thursday night. Messrsr Noah and Tiinius Hobbs Lloyd Carter and JRpbbie Hofler Netiinffin ?of tsmonth callad to see Miss Janet Bagiey ounday'vnigiit. - . - : Mr. Hurley Rountree called toi see5 Miss r Lizzie 'Moore'Saturda night. ;.-;::;:t:::':f-: ;: v':;-;:?' spent riday njght and Saturdaj as. the guest f ; Miss Bunch. " ' iv---' - - '"'' Hollowell visited their sisterv Jaf ft L, obJ pf rotyiile Saturn aayatternppn. i Sevfrorn hi; w xi Mod eclioWat IWhit f Miss Ira Hollpwell spent P&tf Miss -rVkMU . HKK-:,- ' !'l 4M jSP. Bunch r";ctaiih ter Rosa- Nell : spent Sunday with hermblhif ;iiR5tffiK'bb ' Mr.- Shepahi JBtallings spent jVvneairir Mr&Htooli ter Ili anddayitl were the gueis ti?pf relativesmeax Messrs. Sidney ' Benton tnA Corbell Jones were the guests qI the Misses Brown of Wtggias Roads Tuesday night. Elton Taylor apeat day in Suffolk shopping; Mr. T. J. Bunch is spendiira sometime here on business. Mr. H. G. Brown has nearly completed his new hom 1 Harreir Swamp. ; Mrs." B B. Lee called td Mrs. J. L Benton Tuesday eren- day.; Messrs Albro Ellis, Kenetli HarreU, Kirk SmaU were tile guests of the Misses Sauider Friday night. Ijlaiid Mrs. -Willie Saatf spent Sunday evening witi !tr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of Bosfey Mr. Chester Powell entertaltd a number of yong frieads Soa day evening. f Mr. Rbb if Jones accompanied Miss Mattie Byrumto OaGrdve hurch; Sunday evening. AMrs. AliceBabb of Portsmutl and Miss )Allie Briggs of 9 8ifflk spent the week-end as the gitl of Mr. and M rs. C-X Jones., Mr. Moss Twine . spent the week-end in Chowan county. The ; people of this place Mxtt been very busy picking peanais te past week. Messrs. W, L. and Jaekso Banch spent one day last weefc in Catesville. ' Mr.;'' Corbell Jones ac n led Miss AlUe Mmst Miss JpdXhMHfi of Cp?nfi Thnrsdajnightt relaties. : i Miss, Helen Lee.spent ffi Mr. iind s. Tom eniertai&ij atJ3$bj;t pf rjentM phnr$daysiigh4 ;,-ittjaaj day night with i&tr. and Hsi eSniaUiQiAcofn Hll. r.MasterfNprfleeilee8tft3i- edafewof his. feds a44f Mis.:.Addie SmaJl caucg r aee M rs. -Nanpie 7o wU wenifig. ; ' h Jf Mtssi Maffirtftii&eftfero h Sundavi .eveninj?. iss Matties Lucy;a04 Byruraetcrtauicd isiilesitflobhs sPoi t&y-?':?ff:'f 0 . . mm . Amn FurcitwrOf Amerfcftri Steel Fcacec r Sunday morning., . ; iSunday morninWt:.OafcGroye.l nafen .- ' - . ,' x ':''" '':' -y 'sd!'' '-K