_ I $.1* £be Hlbemarle ©bservec Fee; —* # .. Vol. 8. No. 3»._EDENTON, NOBTR CAROLINA. FRIDAY. AOGU8T 17, HM7. Subscription: >1.00 TO THE FISHER MEN OF EASTERN NONTH CAROLINA The 'Fisheries Oommi<»un Board, at its last meeting held oo the Std o( July, adopted the following rule: “It ahaii be unlawlul to use any net, aeine or similar appliance for cafechinN fish in the waters of Noftfa Carolina, having a bar of leas than one and one hall (H) Inches or a mesh of less than three (8) inches before tarring. This rule shall go into eflect 8ep ' tember 1st, 1919." (Since the organisation of this Board, the greatest problem that has confronted it, has been to adopt some measure which would prevent the destruction of small •ah. At a meeting soon after its organisation, the Board passed a rule that uo oet or seine oi leas . thaalft inches bar or 8 inches mesh should be used in the. wa ters of the State. Tnis rule met with opposition, and, in defer ence to the views of many of the iabermen, the Bov id modified it, reducing the site of mesh and pscacribed the minimum sixe of ■ fish that could be bought and sold, in the hope that this might, is some way at least, remedy the trouble, instead of accomplish ing this purpose, it has been, to a great extent, a failure and small fish are stiU being destroyed in great oumbvra. The continuance of this means that the children and grandchildren of the present generation will be deprived of a Uvlihood (or themselves as the iah In the waters will soon be de picted. Tbe only other methods of preservation of the fish is to cull them as they are taken from the waters and are still altuc, or to use a larger mesh. Tbe fisb eimeo claim that it is impossible to cull the fish with any degree of satisfaction as they are taken from the nets, and hence the Board haa been forced to the conclusion that it is necessary to (Continued on last page) Five Canning Rules • i. ' I. Kea? water at a jumping bail aad do bot allow fire to die ddwb for aa instant while cabs are la tba -Mir. B. Keep oover on eanuer every ' ■omeotol tba prooaaaing time. Steam playa a large part in eoofc faag aootaota of oaa. B. The quality or grade of tba pack depends on tba anmbav of wbota fruit or uniform pieoas of halt in the can, tba eoior of tba MH, tba weight, aad tba flavor. 4 Tba flavor is dfteo injured by letting pealed fruit stand too long before eookiag. Prepare at nay oaa Hat as many sans only ■■ caa be prooaaaad ImmadUtely. f. *fltrmigbt from vioa to oaa" dwli b* tba motto. Haver can it its fruit. Urn* Jana S. MoATim mon la Tba Progoiasaive Parmer. A (otaij lair that ia made ap largely from lb* beat exhibit* that her# been plated ie community fake, beak ia tbe nurel diatrieU. , Bay be expected to bar* the very beet la tbe eeeaty. It ie a good plea la bate the aariaa of ootn awalty fake prior to tba eoeaty lak a* tba prtea-wiooin# exhibit* la tba eosmaaity faua nay be aarriad ap to tbeeoeoty lair vbieb • • la afieet caakea tba flotaaraeity lake tbe loeal eaiu of Um aoaaty fMV,—Tb* Prngfeeeire Farmer A LAWN PARTY Tlieic will l>c a lawn party giv en Saturday evening August 18, Irorn 7 to 11 F. M., on the lawn just in front of the Presbyterian church. This party will be under the auspices of the Ladies' Mis sionary Society of the church. The object of the party is to de fray a small debt which is still testing on the Sunday school room which has just been added to the church building. Bcfresli ments of different kinds will be served. On Sunday evening, August 0, there were forty three children, with open minds and hearts as sembled in the new Sunday school room, there to receive from their faithful teachers the teaching of our Saviour. When we remember the words of our Saviour when be said “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the king lorn of God," we know that if He had been there io bodily form He would have been delighted to have taught these little ones. The same evening the total num ber in Sunday school was sixty six and had it not been for the new annex we could not have ac commodated them At present, in the world-wide conflict between earthly powers, the ladies* of our town and coun try are doing s great work for suffering humanity through the Red Croas Society. There are many ladies of our town who, on account of the laek of time, can not do so much as others (or the National Bed Cross work but through their Missionary Society and the teaching of these little ones are doing a far greater work ior a far greater Red Cross in a tar greater conflict. This confliot is between the forces of evil and the forces of good contending for the souls of the boys and girls and men and women of our com munity. This Bed Croas has been made red by the blood of a dying Saviour who came to be crucified in order that we might win In this conflict. we extend a cordial invitation to all who will to come and do what they can in helping these faithful ladies in providing more roo,m in which these children can be led to higher and nobler lives. What shall it profit a town if it gaip the whole world and lose its own boys and girls? G. L. WHITELY, Aug 18, 1917. Bdenton, N.C CHINA DECLARED FOR VAR TO-DAY ■ • Washington, Aug. 14.—Ohlna has declared a state ol war with Germany and Austria beginning at ten o'clock this morning ac cording to cables from Pekin reaching the Chinese legation here this afternoon' OR. J. W. WARREN HEALTH OFFICER At a called meeting of the County Board of Health of Cho wan county on July *7, Dr. J.W. Warren waa elected aa county health officer and quarantine of Acer ol Chowan county for the unexpired term made vacant by the rcafgnation of Dr. J.S. Mitch ener. J. O. ALDERMAN, Sec to Board of Health. 4 JUDGE FRANCIS D, WINSTON TO 8PEAR IN EDENTON AUG. 21 Judge Francis D. Winston ol Windsor, N. C., is scheduled tc speak at lbs Coart Moose in B denton at 11 o'clock Tuesday Aug oat 81, in interest of tbs Red Cross work. This will bt under the auspices of the Chowan Chap ter National American Red Crons. It is hoped that many people will bear him, as ha will set forth one of America's greatest needs. Light On Avoided Subjects Tksre is aoutb+r sublet about which there is tbe greatest need for more general edeoalioo, and that ia concerning the isinona effects ol the diseases of immo ralilj. It is not practicable to bare this sabjeot taught in the oommon schools M tbe esbject of sloohol may be, and for this r*** soo parents' and older friends of boys eapesislly of thoas who may go off to war camps- should interest themaalres ia Basing that the troth is knows. Tbs Americas Social Hygiene Association, 106 west Fortieth St., New York City insuaa ssthoritatire pamphlets on this sndjeet, based on expert medics] opinion nt s coat of s few cents each, and a postal sard re quest will briag toy rseder a free list of its publications —Tbs Pro gressive Farmer. GatarrUJe News. Monday evening, ' Auqust SO, the Rpwortb League will give an automobile trip around the world. The places to be visited will be Japan* Spain, Iceland and Amer ica. Cost ost of round trip 36c. Refreshment*, iree ol charge, will be served at each station. Pro ceeds to put electric lights in the Methodist parsonage. In the baby show held last Monday evening C. P. Bathaway, Jr., of Willow and Helen Wil liams of Gatesville having receiv ed the largest number of votes were awarded priaea for their pop ularity—he a pair of gold beauty pint and she a silver napkin ring. Mr. and Mrs. W. & Hayes and Master Woodland Rntk of Windsor, N. C., arrived in Gates ^ille last Thursday tor a visit to relatives In aqd near town. Mrs Arthur Mitchell and Miss Evelyn of Windsor are guests of Mrs. Lola H offer. Misses Lucille, Yirgie and Jim mie Blanchard left last Wednes day for a visit to . Suffolk and Newport News. Miss Clara Male Biown spent Sunday with Miss Nellie Male Rountree near Willow. Mrs. C. P. Turner and little Oaanille Poe spent part of last week with relatives near Marga ret tsvilie. Mr. J. A. Bason has recently concluded a two week’s visit t« his eons, Messrs. Clyde, Frank and Hubert Eason of Hew York. Miss Ida Eason returned boms last Saturday from a pleasant vis it to relatives to Hertford county Mrs. Frank Lawrence and baby of Drum HUI were visitors at th< home of Mr. James Rea lae week. Mrs James Bea returned hoax Monday from a visit to relative near Tyner aod Hertford. Sb wa« accompanied here by Mr Oscar Felton, Mrs Noah Feltoi awl children from near Hertford i | Mr. Hines from Hertford Oo, ] spent Sunday with hi* daughter, Mis. Willis Kiddick. j Min Willie Price Is spending her vacation with relatives at laomon Springs, N. C. Mr. Paul Hoflrr left this week for a visit to his cousin, Mr. Carl Orrell of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hathaway, H. P. Hathaway, Jr., Miss Bddie Bond and Master Hathaway Cross of Willow visited the home of Mr Kdgar Cross Monday. Miss Laura Leigh Riddick re turned home Saturday from a short visit to Mrs. G.W. Hudgins of Willow. Mr. John LiJIey of Holland was lo town Sunday. -Work was begun last week on the three rooms which the Metb odists are adding to their church, owing to the growth of their Sun day school. Mr. Richard Hinton has r^ cmily returned home from Bd havea where he has been employ ed in business for several Miss Marion Williams is visit ing friends near Norfolk. StlwU Mews. Mr. aod Mrs. E. J. Baa ah aad eoa of Rdaotoe, aad Mr. aad Mrs. J. C. Hobba and children of Both el epeot Helarday night aad San day bore with their parents. Mr. eod Mrs. A. L. Stallings sad children of Sandy Groan spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. W. H. Splray end child* ree apeat % few dsya last week with her eietar, Mrs. Oriaodo Ward of Hobbsville. Mrs. G. R. Hohfae aad Httle daughter, Irene, apeat e law daya with relatives at Rytaad reeeotly. Miaeas Hattie Hobba of Trot ville and Lean Hollo wail spent Saturday aad 8oaday with Mia. Amoa Hobba. Mrs. Richard Hurdle aad daughter, Mine Etta, of Hickory Cross sad two graod-ebildraa of B. City were gaeste of Mies Bat tle Hobba aad sister Sunday af ternoon. MIm Kogaaia D«ll of "T al a was the gaaal of her aooaia. Mho Siooia Hollo we 11 leak anal Mka Tan ate Hobbs spank tba waak-aod with raUiirM la Hal folk. MIm Abseil la Booob of Edaa too waa tha gaaat of MIm Oonrla Booah Friday afternoon aadsraa iag. Maaora. Daniel and Walter Hollow all Made a bate— trip to Edrnton Toaaday. Mr. W. Saott Boyoa Ufk Toaa day (or aortbara cities. Mr. aad Mrs. J. Haywood Boneh aad aoa risked rwUtiraa near Rylaod Sooday afkarnooa. Mr. aod Mrs. T. D. HoMowall aad children, Mn. D. Holloweil aad aoa rteitad ralatfraa la Tyaar Satarday afternoon. Departed this life ia hte third year. Doairlaa Wilkiaa, **“jnw •at aoa of Mr. and Mra W. 8. WUklaa. ThU Is theaasoad death to oeemr ia Mr. Wilkiaa* fateBy Ihk year. , The Thrlce-aWeek World oi New York, and The Albemarle Observer, both one year fl.TO. Send Mbecriprioae to Hie Albe marle Observer. Bdanton, | C. I ■ • mm ■' — Watch: Ua work to eradic ate Chakra. Ask year aoigb bora about It Nititol Hog • cooler a rrevaotatry* Adrt • t CHOWAN’S DRAFT ARMY 4 ■ Tlttl CLAIMIM H UIMPTIM 6 6 M L. Bunch 784 O. E Spivey 707 J. C. Nowell 776 T. L. Ward 140 E. t. Ward 704 Thomas Perry E. Ward 889 Ellis Phelps 808 Shepard Jones 678 W. O. Boyce 848 Walter Rogers no C. Ti Ward 8 Henry Basnigbt 880 Andrew Speller FAlUt r* RI88IT FRR MfTIICU FIAHIiATlOa 706 Lewis Edney 486 T. H. Copeland 604 N. B. Harrell 48 James Blount 487 C. H. Clough 049 C E. Owens, sick. Doctor's certificate. 189 1. D. Dixon, enlisted. 409 J. E. Wilson 889 Harry MorTia 748 George Foxwell, tick, Doc tor’s certificate. 68 Tom Gilliam, sick. Doctor's certificate. 800 Andrew Speller, examined in Philadelphia. 741 Clarence Holly 888 Aaron Halsey 488 W. 1* DaO 881 Fred Biggs 808 George Skinner 806 W. G Hollowell 107 H. L. Bogart H8MTEI n MtlBftT nut as tttt'TEtST LICAi MAM m staviecs 868 Henry Banks 887 Isaiah Kicks 678 M. L. Bunch 60® W. C Harris William Boyce 784 O. E. Spivey 766 Lewis Edney 107 H. L. Roger* ‘ 878 B. D. Worrell 776 T. L. Ward 80® Dempsey Little 604 N B Harrell 48 James Blount 480 Frank Haught vn 488 P. D. Jordan 487 C. H. Clough 707 J. C. Nowell 140 S. J. Ward 86® Charles Perry 778 J. E. Ward 767 James Dillard 888 Ellis Phelps 874 Isaac Randolph 898 8hepard Jones 676 W. O Boyce 848 Walter Rogers 16 Willie Jethro 468 J. B. Wilson 880 W. A. Peels 81 Walter Askew 770 C. T. Ward 868 Harry Morris 760 Walter OoAeld S Henry Bnsnight 880 Andrew 8peiler 741 Clarence Holley 490 Aaron Halary 6U Hendetaon Dali 4WW.L Dali Mi Pred Ng(i 148 George Skinner 880 Luther Valentine 704 Thoaaaa Perry ill Thomaa Riddick 804 W. C. Hollowed 489 T. H. Copeland 1M R. D Dixon TUMI IXMfftt BT lMAI MAM J. T Byrum, wife and 1 child 0. L By rum. wife and 1 children H. R. Mitchell, wife and 1 cMM C. T. P.irr>eh, wife and IchMm Alex Qoodwia, wife and S " L. B. Harrell, widowed and tuberceior brother |. Habit, child under 14 Maynard Oh Maori, wife, 1 ehMd Vann Jordan, wile, i children a L. Harrell, wife. 5 children J. a Jackson, wife sad 1 child Henry Wills, wife sad 9 children w. uoiiowui. Wife end 1 •• William Hathaway, wife, 1 A*Mf Elijah Tripp, wilt and 4 children Reginald Yarboro, wile, I *• Priace Spruill, wile and 9 - B. T. Nixon, wife and 9 •* S J. Button, wife aad 9 • - E. B. Byrum. wile aad 1 child Albert Flemming, wile. 9 child'a I. R. Peele, wife mad S child H. D. White, wife, 9 chBdrea S C Smith, wife nad 1 child Walter Harris, wife aad 1 tMH U. a Satterfield, wife, * child's H. C Bynun. wife aad 1 child PHYSICALLY KFIfiUBT D. W. Griffin, J. B. Aldnmana, Lowrey 8pivey, H. S. Ashley, D. B Simmons, J. T. Outlaw, Er nest Holly, Edward Mania, Baht. Hardison, L. a Parka, Turin Coaten. C H. HottoweB. j. 0. Twiaa. Ci B. Simon** JJL Spen cer. C.C. Hudson. P. H.Dardta, I- L Load ter, E. B. Toppia, J, M. Jones, W. 8. Perry, I* C. Burton, G.& Hoads, Hi^h ton, B.G. Blanchard, H. J. Whits, Robert Bpivey. W. A. Baavae. James Olds, U. G. Privott. O.W. Smith. J. E. Chappell, 8. C. Blanchard, W. T. hi. p. f. Boundtruc, WUliam Aahuw, J. & Stallings, Shepard Burke, Bobtn Bankn, E ^ ^ M WE Mint Beginning with Um 119th of Mm ■uuoan printed in thin paper Aag. I, the next 98 have been called *f ore the exemption board turn which Dauber to toted the w leeinder of (Aswan scanty'* gao la. 41 of the 19 haring here Inina Iran the tret sell. EDENTN B9V8 9ET 99991891999 It ia announced thnt tha fitlnur img Bdenton bays to receive coat mission* after training at Feat Oglethorpe indude aan Irani Bdenton. Mr. MiUnrd F, Band, Jr, of the H. C National Oaud ia to be First Lieutenant, Mu. try Section, Beeerre Corps, end Mr. Lloyd X. Ori*a la to be Bee* oad Lieutenant of the mm. Mr. Joseph H. Conger ia to be Bee oad Lieutenant of Field AitOny, Reeerve Oorpa, and Me W. D. Pruden. Jr., b to be nrnnrt fitin Rational Aruy. Mr. Hillary C. Wbelow of Hertford ia «i«o to be Second Lieutenant, lafnntry Qitiffu. Renerve Corps. I _—_ THE CITIZENS BANK IS DISTRIBUTING A VAL UABLE HAND BOOK FOR FARMERS. The C it Imm Book b «. way a book of mhibb laiomo ttoa that my farmer wfllpraftt by »«•<«"« •** cootataa over 100 practical ruggoatboa that vfU aaaa both TIME aad HOMEY. Tbc neat thoa yoo are b go by and gat o«m ah “ Proa for tko i