P^CH dollar that you save to-day will save you from some financial embarrassment io the future Your respect for yourself sod the respect of associates will also be yours. The interest we pay on deposits increases quite materially your principal if you add to your balancs regularly. Establish business relations with this bank at once. A savings account will help you systematise the daily all sirs of your life. -CITIZENS BANK EDENTON, N. C. Koduoo News. Mesdames Raleigh Parker of Norfolk, aud Buaaell Myers of Suffolk and children are visiting their sister, Mrs. Paul Parker. Mr. L. S. Carter's laaaily mo tored to UoUand and' spent the day with relatives Sunday. Mr. E. D. Eure went to Nor folk Saturday. i Mr. J. S. Felton's family and Mr. J. B. Felton's family spent Sunday with their sister, Mra J. L. Williama Mr. J. T. Carter's family visit ed Mr*. T. M Howell at Drum Hill bunday. Several from around here wont fishing in the mill puod Friday. They caught right many fish. Miss Ethel Carter of Rocky Mount js visiting her grand-pa rents. Mess,*. J. T. Garter hod Z T. Williama * Miss Hazel Thawley who ha* been visiting Mrs. J. T. Carter left Sunday to visit at Drum Hill and return home next week. Agatha Felton apent Saturday and Sunday with Edith Felton. Mrs J L. Williams and child ren visited her brother, Mr. J. S. Felton, Friday Misses Odessa and Geraldine Paiker and Leigh Belle Fslton arc visiting relatives in Suffolk. There was a Sunbeam Society organized in our Sunday school Sunday with the following offi cers: David. Carter, president; Abbie Harrell, vice-president: Ije-lic Pilaud, secretary, and Nel lie William*, treasurer. - - - —I- --LL Yeopim News. We reorganised the B.Y.P U. Sunday night. The following officers were elected: Mr. Grover P Jordan, president; Miss Mattie Beasley, secretary; Mis> Dora Jot dan. treasurer; Misses Ethel Ha - reII and Lillian Webb, group captains. Miss Estelle M unden of North Eden ton it the gncmt of Miss Ids Brabble. Mias Alice Simpson of Hert ford is the guest of her grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris. The young people of our com munity went on a hay ride Fri day evening and attended the Lawn Party at the White House After a pleasant visit to her aunt, Mrs. Mary Parrish. Mlu Bessie Bhem has returned to her home in Washington, N. C. Mrs. J. J. Perry visited Mrs. A. K. Jordan Sunday afternoon. Messrs. George and Herman Caddy of Hertford attended the Lawn Party at White House. . Miss Dots Jordan entertained company Thursday night. Mr* and Mrs. J. E. Brabble, Mr. J. M. Baker and Miss Mattie Beasley motored to Suffolk Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris and family were guests at the home of Mr. J B. Brabble Su n day afternoon The Thrice-a-Week World ol New York* and The Albemarle Observer, both one year tl-70. Send subscriptions to The Albe marie Observer. Kdrnisn, N C HEALTH, COMFORT, ECONOMY It it absolutely essential to your health aad comfort that you have a refrigerator that c«a easily be kept cleaa aad freak. It ia oaly a refrigerator with a per fect circolatipa of dry air that ia aever damp aad III amellipg. We ghre oar guaraotoe with every refrigerator we talL More cold with LESS ICE 18 WHAT WE CLAIM KbHHHhB Natural Iron Best Cheapest Tonic Of All Hijhly Concentrated Acid Iron Miaernl Goea Prom Two To Six Times As Far lore Powerful, Ecoioorical Thai Prepared “Pateits” Wber people find their appe tite off, vitality low, and are Kish, tiled and woru-i>nt. a aboil treatment with jn»t plain, every day iMlmal H ou la tbn wieMU coo roe. Ton aau get natural iinu, known a* Acid Iron Mim-ral, at n<« drag storm nail a fifty erat bottle goea from two to six tium ma (pi an other and weaker iron oom ponada ot laboiatorv au.i chemist. A dollar bottle will permit a •hula family to take it a oonpte of week* which in it* powerful, highly eon centra ted form ia aerial ly sufficient U> iocrraoa the fam ily’* vitality, strength, and appe tile id a truly wonderful meaner Acid Iron Miueral baa been bottled, tested aud guaranteed np lla |«caval high standard for thirty yaara for ik in hospitals, surgery ami denial work, awd it may iw» be (roared id family eiami boa lea. Be anra you get the geneiue, the trade mark “A— I—M" m yoar protection It ia uoo-alcoholic, ia Dot • laxative, aad ia the prodoot of the oal> aadioinal iroo mineral deposit of its kind knows to the world, 60r and $1. Buttled by loesara, tb* Ferrodioe Chemical Corporatioo, Boeooke, Va Note: Aoid Iron MinerxJ ooo taina aaab a high percentage of iron it may be nasdoa as exter* aal gnrmioide, antiseptic »■»< astringent. Farmers, surgeons, and iioutlets use it to atop bleed* ing, prevent soreness and as a healing agent, ^ee Uireotioua on bottle Advert leatwenb Cisco News. Mrs Mary U. Hobbs and Mias Nora Byrum returned borne from Norfolk Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tredviile Dale, Mrs. Emma Boyce, Mrs Mattie Byrum xad Mr. Leighton Dale of Tyner, visited Mr*. Lula Top pin Monday afternoon. In last week's news the. paper read, that Mr. F. B. Hobbs was working at the Naval- Base, but ik snouio nave Dcen that Mr. Hobbs is superintendent of the Naval Base. Mrs. Mary Ward Basks of Portsmouth Is the guest of her Slater. Mrs. II. I. White. Messrs. Tom Monda and Dew ey Boyce motored to Fldenton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. White gave an Ice cream supper at their home Saturday evening. Quite a nun ber of their friends were present and all reported i pleasant time. Mr. Torn Parrish of Kockyhock has accepted the agency atCiacu station since the death of Mr. E. E. Toppfn, the former agent. ♦ | I Mrs. T. D. Hollowed spent Tuesday afternoon In Gateevttle In the interest of the Bed Croes. Mr. Pat Ward and sisters, Mbs es Nannie and Mamie, Mr. Oarey Bunch and slater, Miss Abecflta, of Identon motored here Sundey and spent the day at the home of Mr. J. C. Hobbs. Mrs. W. H Riddick spent Tues 1 day in Eden ton. Messrs. Alphees and Raymond | McC otter of Deep Creek are here i guests of their grandparents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. J. C- Bunch. Mr*. C. B. Holioweil spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Prances Hobbs of Trotvllle. Mr. sad Mrs. A. F. Stallings sn«J children of Bandy Gross were gm sts of her parents, Mr. sad Mrs J. C Bunch Sunday after noon. Misa Lena Holioweil is Visiting relatives near Edenton. Mr. Ervin Blanchard accompa nied Miss Sinide Holioweil to Hobbsville Sunday afternoon. Muses Aurelia, Ed la and Jen nie Holioweil called to sec Miss Donnie McCotter Saturday after noon. Mi se* Lisxie, Abbie and Min nie Hobbs aad brother were the gfcastt at the home of Mr J. C. Bunch Sunday evening. Idttle Misses Tlrgte. Ethel sad Banks' Bench were guests of Mesa Kosa-NeOe Bunch Tuesday afternoon. Miss Corrie Holioweil called to sec her grandmother Friday af temoos. ML. Gurney Hobbs called on Mias Aurelia Holioweil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. King of Joppa vMted her parents Sun day afternoon. Mias Corrie Bunch visited her sister, Mrs. Edward Eason, of Sandy Oross Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Holioweil visited relatives near Trotville Sunday. Mrs. Alice Hobbs spent Tues day with Mrs. J. C Hobbs. FEME Oh CHARGE Why ul*r with Indigestion. dyapap. •*», torpid llvar, oouUpalku, tour •lawand, coalapipal-food-inaiaai lag. tan., wbaa you oats gut a saapis Mth ef Qraaa'a --girrt P ha war true •aw. 4.' Leggalt'a drag utore. Tbto aaodtolaa baa r« wart able curative pro perties, and baa drwooslrted Its efflci. •My by Wly yarn of laaaao. Mead MhM aiaoflaa oaiiaad by • dlevrderad ••OMNNOfc f Waww to pal up to II and 7* oerct bottle* For aaha in all civil ad«i Holly Grore News. A revival will begin at Oak . Grove church 4th Sunday after noon, Aug. 96th, and continue . through the. week, afternoons and evenings We hope to have a good meeting. Rev. J. M. Roberta of Windsor will assist Rev. H. H. Butler. lira. J. P. Hancock and son, Rowland, ot Gird let rec, lid., and Mm. Ida Brinkley of Port Nor | folk returned home Saturday af ter visiting their aiatcra. Set dames R. T. and B. A. Savage , and T. VV. Biddick. Mi. and Mia. Warren Bice and daughter Mbs Eva. of Richmond and Mrs. Bdn U offer of Sunbury spent Friday afternoon at thi Home of Mr. B. F. Beamon.' Mbs Edith Savage eniertained Ur. i. 0. Whedboe and daugh ter, Utas ’.iladyo, Biases Ruth Bell and Fh} e Savage and Mr. Eebvin Nixon at supper Monday evening. After being ill for sometime Mrs. ft L White is slowly im proving. Mbs E >tna Benton spent Hun day with her coadnx, Misses Be* nice and Hettie Hearn-in, oi Sav •r Mr, Charlie HolLi d and lam Uy of Newport Mews spent Bun day with Mr. aad Mrs. lames White. Miss Alene Savage is visiting her coeefn. Mias Margaret Ban*, dora, of Port Norfolk. Mbs Lillian White came home Sunday after spending aometime In Norfolk sod Newport News. Mils Susie Beaton and Mr. El liott Bernes of Corapeake spent Sunday morning with Mia* Annie Hope Ward. Mr. Wilber Pierce of Norfolk spent the week-end with bis aunt Mr*. P. M. Eaaoa. Mm Pm HofUr of Norfolk b LOOK AHEAD! OOM who look ahead farthest. Look ahead five or . tea years from aow aad ask yourself whether a food baUace at the BANK OF HOBBSYILLE the result of your continued efforts, will not coana ia haadily ia fiviaf motive power to your success plana. Bank of Hobbsyille, Hobbsyille, N.G. E. I WARREN -Agent For Southern White Cedar Shingles Manufactured Excluahrely By John L. Roper Lumber Company NORFOLK, VIRGINIA spending a few days here guest of Mr. and Mrs Henry HoAer. Mr. and Mrs L T. Hill of Suf folk arc visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hill. Mrs. W. S. Leary and children of Portsmouth are spending aorae time with her parents Mr. and Mia Chaa. White. Mrs. Hany Steward and baby are thegueatsof Mrs. P.M.Eason Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mias Leona Ward, Mrs. A. J. Ward. Mr. and Mrs T. B. Ward and children, and Mias Annie Copeland spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mis. B. H. Ward Several from this community enjoyed a picnic at Silver Spring Wednesday Merchants Mill News. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Cherry, Mias Grace Cherry and Mr. Qu Thrasher of near Norfolk motor, ed here Sunday and spent the d ly with Mrs. J. F. Speight. Mr. H. A Brown spent several days in Norfolk last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Newton and children of Wilmington, N. C.. are visiting their mother. Mrs. J. R. Brown at this writing. Those who called at Mr. E. T. Morris’ Sunday were Mrs J. C. Balnea and family of near Suffolk. J. C Morris and family, W. F. Morris and family, Mr. and Urn. F. B. Smith, Miss Eva Matthews, Messrs. John Matthews and Her* bert Brown. Mias Rebecca Wolfley IcffSun day for Wbaleyville where she will spend some time with her brother. Mr. Jeff WotJey. Miss Amy Riddick from — • Oatesville, was the guest of Miss Mary Morris Saturday afternoon. Mis. R. B. Turner returned Thutsday aftei spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Turner. Mr. J F. Speight went to Suf* folk Wednesday. Mr. N. J. Riddick lost a koras last week. Mr. Ben Owens improves slow* *1v*>7ouri wyiiato DELIVERED AS ALWAYS,—At least $200 l**s than other cars ef equal POWER aay CAPACITY. j.m. mcmilian, jn. Dealer EAKM *OK SALE!! A big bargain 4$ miles from N< rfolk on the finest con crete road in the State, containing 168 acres, about 90 acres in high state of cultivation, light scil, | mile to elec tric line, 7 room residence. large barn and other out build ings. 8-room trnani house, shipping facilities on the place. This farm is a very cheap one. No land in its neighbor hood for anything like this price. Terms can be made. Price tlfl 000 ROWE & COMPANY 243-4 Arcade Build tag NORFOLK, VA. 1 TTp ■ % Ice can be need lor many things, three of|which era (•■lari Health te#Mhg For the family. By Drinking For Keeping Feed - Melted Ice. and Reducing Cent - —- of Living. let mmc fr«n sisibm inctna eta wetr Well pecked in sacks or car load ‘ « a. f . 4 • "» H ‘ v ‘

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