UVER DIDN’T ACT DIGESTION WAS DAD _ • 4 Altar • Fir Dm of HNUtaqlL My-—Mn. Cynthia Ot Oh town, aaja “At to «». the Itrar doaa *•* “* » wen aa wtoa yoaip A tow •*«. *7 etnwiarb wu all oat of «». I «U constipated. my User Ml My direction wma bad, and ® ®tofc ■* BW* to mad me My ap I waa Tory weak... 1 would tire Black* > totoi aa I totaar It it t Mt My appetite I beeema eWouser My naturally and tha least J_ »°u rltbtod with a tew ; tew of BUck-DrtefcL* wn4o Tborftord’t ~Wh OlwH « atandard. hooaohoM rmaetj. Bwiy motabm. of wary family, at tteab k1t« In doaaafng tha aratna uf f*. ltorln* tbo troablw that wmo trow conctlpalioa. Indlwotte. Iwy Itror, otc. To* cannot hoc* voU — TOW ■tomnrb. tiror oaf bo veto aro la not natty aod to a wtoral **y. If yon fwl oliahb. toko a Ini tonight. Toa atU fwl froah loiaoima. Pita* Me. a par ton—On* cmx a few AD fraggte. J. • IN MEMORIAM Alter s lingering illness o( more than three year*, in the home of her son. Mr. Thoms* Benbury, on the morning o( August ninth, Mr*. Elizabeth Ferrisa Kimberly Worthington departed Uus life iii the seventy fifth year of her age, She was the daughter of Dr. John Kimberly, who at one time filled the chair oi mathematics in the University of North Caiollna, and Emily Capehart, daughter of Mr. Tristans Capehart, Bertie County, N.C. She waa first married to. Mr. Lemuel Crcccy Benbury, 1st Lieutenant, Company A, 1st N. tl, C.8.A., of Sandy Point Plan tation, Chowan County, by which union there were two children. Subsequently she married Mr. Herbert Worthington, veteran of the Army of Virginia, whom she survived. The funeral obsequies were held in Old bt. Paul’s church, Hdenton, oi which she was a member for many years prior to her removal from the pariah, and her remains laid to rest in the Bembury plot In the beautiful old churchyard wherein repose the.ashes of some of North Car olina’s most distinguished citi zens, and the chosen Saints of God s elect Of her immediate family she is survived by her son, Mr. Thom as Benbury, and two grand sons, Thomas and Lemuel Benbury. all 'of Houston, Texas, and a daugh :tef. Miss Bliaabeth Paxton Ben |bury, of New Yotk City. I "On the resurrection morning Soul and body meet again; No more sorrow, no more weep ing. No more pain.” Winton Boy Scouts in Edenton Eleven boy scouts, led by Rev. J N. Bynum, of Winton, N. 0., stopped over Wednesday after noon in Edenton enroute from a week's outing at Nags Head They were joised here by the Camp Fire Girls of Winton, led by Mr*. R. C Bridget and return ed to Winton Thursday. The boy scouts who stopped over were: Eddie Knox, Wood Pearce, Jamie Sears, Robert Carter, Max Watson, Shepard Story, Ernest Banks, James Griffin, Byland Hanks, John Bruce Joyner, and Bolac Britt. The Camp Fire Girls and vis itors were as follows: Mrs. R. C. Bridgcr, Guardian ; Misses Mary Bridger, Genevieve Taylor, Helen Turner, Dorothy Hale. Margaret Taylor, Anna Lee Carter., Bailie Matthews, Mary Matthews, Vir ginia Story. Visitors of Camp Fire Girls: Misses Mabel Jenkins and Margaret Blount of Suffolk, and Mr. Julius Britton of Winton. ■Jr. Blrtg'a Mew Line Kills Fresh Salt Water Fish Received Daily and kept in a Sanitary Way. N. J. HOLLOWELL, THE FANCY GROCER Phone 63. Queen St. Bdenton, N.C. M. Q-. Brown, Manufacturer a€ and Daalar In Screen Doors & Building Material Cor* Meal, nomfny, Oata and Hay. Sadi, Door* and Blinds, Bracket Work, Turned Work MonMlng, Stair Work, Ohnxck Pens, Flooring. CM I in*! Caossnt. Lime and Bonae Bills Complete. Paint* 4 Oil*. VBV TZIt AMS &BPA1H SHOP W* *re prepared to do all kinds of roofing and (utterii^, make •tore pipe, tobeoco flees, boat tanks and do a general repair business Zdenton Local Hew*. Mias Rena Ward of Elisabeth City, who has been visiting her east, Mrs. A. J. Ward, returned home Thursday. Rev. Henry Lamb, wife end two children of Colombia, who have bean visiting iu Belvidece motored by Edeoton Wednesday end stopped over with Mrs. A. J. Ward. Mrs A. M. Whits of Bel riders, visited her sister, Mrs A J Ward, Wednesday. Mrs. H. L. Story and aooa re turned Thursday from Wake Pos set. Mayor £. R. Conger and Mrs. Conger returned Friday from a trip of tour or five weeks during which lime they visited Detriot, Mich Mrs. J. N. Pruden left Thurs day foe aeveral day* stay at Nag. Head. Miaa Nets Newbetu of Ports moeth and Mrs. Grace Ruethka of Norfolk are guest* of their cocnin, Miss Lilliau Wilder in King street. Mr and Mrs E. M. Hill end two little daughter* of Boykins, Ve., came Mooday to visit Mrs. Hill's eistor. Mrs. E. J. Griffin, in North Edeoton. They ware accompanied from Ears by their brother, Mr. P. D. Story, who with Mr. Hill motored bask to their homes Tnsedey. Mr. Reginald Griffin of Wood land, who haa been speeding aev aral weeks with hia unale, Dr. E. J. Griffin in North Edentnn left Thursday for home. Dr (Jrii Aa accompany him. Sept J. O. Alderman west to Masl*o Wednesday to attend a meeting of County Superinten dents. Mias Viola Alderman left Tana* day for Tbefmont, N. C, where she has aooapted a position to teach this year. Mrs. Buses Bateaus of Norfolk is a pending the week with her mas, Mrs. L. W. Holloman, ia Granville street. Mrs. daw Morwitz sad child ren of Norfolk arc visiting Mrs. L. W. Holloman in Gran villa street Mr. S. J. Bateman sad family of E. City were guests of hia ah ter, Mrs. L W. Holloman Satur day sad Sunday. Mr. Lewis Mitchell returned to Buffalo City Wadneaday altar a short visit to hia pareata, Mr. sad Mrs. Geo. T. Mitchell, in King street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prank White attended the Milter— Baglay mar* riaga in Hartford Wadnaaday morning. Miaa Maada Elliott U visiting friends in Norfolk. Misa Bernioe Williams la spend fag this wash with rslativee in Portsmouth. Mrs. J, H. Holmes sad child* ran, Ruth-Rea and EUaabeth JanMa, are spending this wash at Nags Hand. Miaa Gladys Kramer is riaiUng relatives in Norfolk. Mias Agnes Leery is spending thin weak with friends in Oolareia. Mr. J. H. Holmes, of the J.H. dolrnaa Co., and daughter, Mia Helen, left Sunday for Mathers cities. They war* joined in Nor* folk by Mia Addie Ben, who wil accompany then. Master Walton Parker of Nor folk Is Urn facet of hia anal, Mrs. L. W. Holloman, tbia week. Mx. and Mrs. Hugh Mitoheorr and ahildroa of Raleigh were gaeata of his brother. Dr. J. A Miteheaer end Mrs Miteheoer. la Quean street this week Mia Myrtle Rea same home Sunday after s week’s visit to rel atives in Norfolk. Mieses Fannie end Betellc PH ToU spent the week-ad with Mends in Bertie County. Having eoncladad s plaaaat visit to relatives in Norfolk, Mra. J. J. Long and children returned boats Saturday. Mias Maad* Rough toe spent a few days this week with bet pa rent* at Bandy Point Faria. Mr. aad Mra E. H Walk* of Avon* Were la town Wednesday enroot* to Norfolk wbeia Mr Walks is being treated for a se rious throat aSeotion. Master Elbert Clement* tin'* «wd sister, Bmb, cam- Tbormiu) to visit tbeir aout. Mis. D K. Lite*. Mm. C N G • iIRh's mur-, “(Jladya U,’1 w>>u atoon.l ioon-i at Cambridge, \l«l, thi» w—k in a feat mo- Mr. C, N. Uriffln in now with Mrs. Griffin's bom*. She will non Bgniu next week Dr*r Washington, D. C. Mm. Kit* B. II of Snffolk is visiting her brother, Mr. 0. K. Park*/, on Magnolia tlrmt Mr*. Maty Tdleu of N-»il>>lk visited her sister, Mrs. UW. Hol loman, several day a Him week Mrs. Boomloa Biggs of Wil Immaton is visiting relatives in Bdeatoa. Mr. Johnny Asbeil spool Sun day afternoon in E. City. M tries Pansy PrivoU and En tail* White, Masers. Geo. PrivoU and Ivaa Smith motored to Oosea View Sunday for the day. ’ Mias Susie Williams has m turned from a visit to relatives ia Coieraia. Mias Henrietta Fagan of Rooky Mooat spool the week-end with bar mother ou Qaeca street. Mr. J. H. Simpson of sear E dentoo left Monday f> vieit km sou, Mr. W. M. Him peon, at An na polia, Md. While away Mr. Simpson will probably visit Bal timore, Washington, DC.. Eastern Shore and other points. Mr. Ckaa. U. Wood returned thia weak from ft stay of esveral days at Magi Hand. Mr. Amaru Joseph of Fred riekaburg, Vs., ia the guest of Mr. S Heaten oa Magnolia St. Mr. Herbert Jeeefae sad Mias Lears South of Factory Hill wee* married in Bagtater of Deads R. W. Boyee'e raeideace Saturday at 7J0 P. M, Mr. Soyoa, J. P. o4K oaatiag. They wUl reside oa the Hilt. Mr. M. H. Dixon of our tows has already gives two ease lor the nation's defense. Richard D. Dixon in Sod Lieutenant la Bat tery A, Field Artillery, now la oamp at Newborn, N. 0., and G. Rrownrigg Dixon is a Sergeant In Company I, 2nd N. C., Infantry on duty at Oherlg te, N. C. They sxpaet to be sent to Fraaes aoou. rhe Inst sefcoower of brinks to be seed la paving Water street sad pert of Oekam ia uow at the County dock being unloaded. BocBy Hoc* Items. Mr* Nannie B. Parrish and daughter, Sarah, are on the aick Uat. Mr. Sidney Hollowed dined with Mr. Joe Whiteman Sunday. Mina Mattie Whiteman dined with Mine Nelia Base Sunday. M***es SophU and Gnaclle White nf Merry liUI visited rela tive* and friend* here Uat week. The revival meeting win begin next week at Bockybock chunk. We kope we may have a Urge at tendance and a good meeting. Little Ha and Maggie Leary of Edeaton are spending a lew day* at Mr. B. W. I .eery's. Mr*. T. R. Hollowed and chil dren of Norfolk wbb have beea ■pending *oa»e time with relative* here returned to kor boos# Uat Thursday H.E. LEARY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ED BN TON, N. C. FI Non-Skid give you the mileage ind the value you should have. ft* Far Sak Bb Ford Auto Salas Company Let I'% Kiew Voir tints Ftr This Mm gShTTAd^Se. ~ IbUMMrluiktoroMSMi, 7 to ^ ****** Hass pr» nu ~>ORliALK-^Onc black marc very gentle. Six yean old and •ound. Excellent driving borae bnt works good anywhere you use her. For terms apply to Mrs. T. J. HOSKINS, Edenton. N. 0. itpd. FOB SALE—1 -IBIC" Ford touring car, excellent condition, mohair scat cover, new tires, ex tra radius rods, Claxton horn. Recently had motor overhauled. Will sell (or $905.00 cash, quick sale. Write G. 0. GATLING. Oates, N. a8* FARMS FOB SALE—1 have two farm* for sale, located be tween Savage station and Oom peake near N. B. B.B.. Terms reasonable. Apply • B. T. SAVAGE. ®t Corapeakc. N. C TO 8IB80N HASTE If GiU^ju Ha ate will communi aate diraot with E. H. Uibraada, Boom SB, 80 Want 34th 8traet, Now York City, ha will learn something lu bia advantage. Stjid. Firm For Solo 166 acres, 76 in cultivation. 1 mil* frost) Savage postofBce and station. Near churches and school*. Some timber. Plenty fruit Good stock range. Good outbuildings. Good farm. Pries 83,800. August 81. 1817. W. L. BUNCH, Savage, N. C. — ' —a ' '■ FOB 8ALB—A good, gentle, family horse. Apply to L)R. J. H. McMULLAH. Bdenton. N.C. Farmi For Sals—Lst m yornr wonts. C. H. HOBBS, Ron] Botstn Dealer, Norahead City. M. C. tf. WANTED—To buy . good milk eov or trade a bores for cas Addraaa Bos 17*. Hdanlsa, N.C, or notify Albemarle Observer office. One Hundred and Ons Acts Fans For Sals— 00 acres in high mate of cal* ratio*, 01 acres la ■«*<■«»<, some lumber. Extra neighbor* hood, good location, good water, good schools, near chnrchea, t miles railroad, good buddings, fsirly good roads, neat High School. Good crop on farm thfc year. Sold fifteen hundred dol lar* worth of crop last year be sides the corn cropL Price 04J8O (Poer thousand two hundred aad hfty dollars) 01,000 cash, afar years on balance. L. A. R0T7N TBKB A CO., Sunbury, Oates County, N. C. tf. AOTO FOR SALK—One five passenger automobile for sale. Will sell cheap and make terms to suit customer. Tires near*y new. G B. ELLIOTT, Pdowtow, N. G * 4t S. B. MJUlf C0, . pls.T Sultoo TUHaM. SBW TOSS I • ; wbolsssls oomcsnon MSI I [ALIKS •£**& hTfwmos airs to m uu or mri oanou sa aaaix. B. J; QKIFF1M . #fll oonuT. Bdsoton, N C Something Attractive Candle-sticks and 8erving Trays in Mahogang are now being shown by us. These goods are superior to the usual sort both in design and quality l«il trders iivei Proapt Atteatisi LOUIS SELI6, ELIZABETH OITY,1.0. Ert.bli.fe4 1883

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