Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chappell apeat Budsj near Hertford with their daughter, Mra. T. W. Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perry and children apeat Sunday in Hert ford with relatives. Ml* Maggie Phelpa of Ply mouth la the gue* of Mra. L. L Baaaight. Mlaaea Lena HoUoweU, Blsic Turner, Maggie Phelps. Lcta Bee night and Bessie Chappell called on Mhw Sadie BooweU Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Mixell and Mrs. W. L. Boswell are viafttag relatives in Bertie county this Mra. W. W. SpruOl and child ren spent Saturday afternoon In Edeaton. Mr. Ernest Boswell, Misses Lena HoUoweU, HI sic Turner and Bessie Chappell were out motoring Tuesday afternoon. Miss Bertie MiUcr is visiting friends in Paradise. Mr. sad Mrs. B. T Mixell. Mr. and Mra. L. L. Baaaight. Mr and Mra. G. W. Thomas, Mn. W. L. Boswell, Mis. R. B. Lane and haby. Misses Maggie Phelps, Ssdc Boswell and Leia Baaaight, Mew ars. B. L. and W. R. Boswell, Bruce Baanight and Gus Perry motored to B. City Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Charlie Jones and child* ren of Paradise were guests of Mrs. L. Miller last week. The visitors at the home of Mr Bdwar«l Chappell Sunday after noon were Misses Lena HoUowcll Btsie Turner. Blanche and Mar garet Spruill, Messrs. Htldred and Johnnie Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Turner and children, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Chappell and baby. Misses Elsie, Turner and Lena Hollowed are visiting Mrs. R. W Turner. Messrs C. B. and N. S. Chap ped, Johnny and Hildred Jordan Misses Lena Hollowed, Turner and Bessie Chappell at tended the B.Y.P.U. at Bethel Bumlay night. We arc sorry to report mem bers of Mr. Rufus Hollowed** family very ill. Mr. Patrick Ward and sisters. Mitre* Nannie pud Mamie, visited friends in Hobt»vilie Sunday. 1- — - — - _ _ Hickory Fork Items Nr*. Geurgn Sutton amt bel»y “f B OUy cauie Monday to visit her ulster, Mrs. c B. Sitteraon. Mr and Mt* N R (j>JW)|nnd. .Menara. Aidin' Morgan. Jiihnui. Uilh-r uitil Wmbni A. Uai-diMm. Mia*#. C<>rni« Smith. Eimn . Mor, un and Carrie Smith wen visitor* at the home of Mr N.T. Copeland Satardny evening Mrs. 1C K Waif and children , of Norfolk oame Salniday l*j viait relatives. | Mr. Pan! Cheasoa uf Oak City cams Matatday to viait Mr. and Mrs L B. Hardiaou. Messrs. Jim Urigga and Willn Bivens and Miss Annie Riven* called on Mim Willie Copelano Sunday night. Misses Carrie Smith and Ratli Che—on speul Saturday uigbt with Alias Willie Copeland. THE CITIZENS BANK 15 DISTRIttUTING A VAL UABLE HAND BOOK for farmers. The Citizens Bans is giving a way a book of valuable informa tion that any (aimer will profit by rending as it contains over 100 practical suggestion-, that will save both TIME and MOMEY The next time you are in tostn go by and get one as they aie Free for the ashing.—advt. Otpd. Oorape&ke Hews. Mias Judith Eure spent Mon day afternoon aa the guest of Mis. Judith Bawks. Misses Mary and Ethel Speight are the guesta of Mrs. L.M. Koun tree. Mrs. J. £ Pearce spent a lew days recently in Norfolk. Mins Della Lassiter has return ed home after being one of the house guests of Dr. acd Mrs. I. A Ward of Belvtdere. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brinkley August 12th a son, Ar chia Norcum Mr. A. L. Lynch of Wallace* ton, Va., was the guest of Mrs. A. 8. Ward Monday night. Miss Ethel Bunch is visiting relatives in Chowan county. Mr. W. P. Turner of Cyprcsa, Va., spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. J. tt. Lassiter. Misses Mary Oue and Mae Jordan of Portsmouth are the guests of Miss Esther Barnes. Mias Gladys Missile of Palmy ra, N. 0., is the gu«»t of her col lege friead, Miss Josie Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Barnes of Dabney, N. (J., arc spending a while at the home of his parents. Min Esther Barnes entertained at a lawn party Tuesday evening In honor of her guests. Misses Jordan. gjBoru to Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Benton Sunday August. 12th, a daughter. aMn. J. L.Borcuas and Mian Maggie Norcum were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Brinkley Saturday afternoon. Willow Votoo. Mr. A A Bar ms of the Meth odist orphanage will prsash at Zion M. B. Chuteh on Aogost 26th In tbs afternoon. Miaaas P lores cs Bfannhard and Sal lie Hadgias and Mr. Pat Btanehard usrs guests of Miss Charlotte sad Mr. Jos Winslow Sunday. Mr 0. W. Hinton and family ware tha gassts of Mr. A. 8. Hadgias Susdsy. Mrs. Elisa Bandy and ski Id ran of E City, and Mrs. M. J. Hnr luli and suns wars (toasts of Mm. J. H. Spfvcy Thsrsdny. Miss Lanas Ward of Bosley ■pout last ossk with ksr grand motksr, Mrs J. M Brow*. Ms—a. Lsydsa brotksrs sad CodsM of Edsotoa spout loot rsekmd vhk tkstr senates Mae *n». Julian aud Herbert Hudgins. Muons Lanm uud Alice Spivny entertained Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Hudgins and children, James sod Ernest, spent Saturday and Sunday in Cains vills. Mien M.tlilx Itlnucliard is sway «>u a flail t*> 3li«« Minnie Perry near B.dvideru Mln< Alice Spivey entertained s friend Woilnmday evening. CASTORIA For Infants and Children h» Um For Ov*r 30Years North Rylnnd News Mrs. J. C. Jordan exiled to see Mrs. U. O Chappell Friday eyes ing. Mr*. I. I. Forehand is very ill. Mrs. S.irah Jordan iv spending a few days with htr «un, Mr. El bert Jordan, near H.iriclUville. Mrs. H C. Chappell is on the sick list Mr. md M* A H Jotdan called to «ec Aits. L. E Fore hand Sunday afternoon. Messrs. W. Jordan ar d Wesley Raper calhd on Mr. L L. Fore hand Sunday morning. Mr. J. C Jordan attended meet ing at Aulandcr Saturday aid Sunday Notice. Sale of Reel Estate By Virtue of a d.-croe of Him Xuperloi Court ol Clio -at. County, S, C, lu the apet lal grvoandinga of A. Baa* eeo wile AC it tie Luo, at al, against Julio Hol low* I aud wife, AAolUu U. Hollowed, et al., I will aril for uaah bt fora tha iwait hnuae door la Abienton. N. C , on Saturday Uie ZXad day of ikplemli.-r, Uli. at 12 o'cluek H., tha following deacrlbcd real oatate In Chowan County North Carolina, Oolong lag to the Batata of the lata tlulutoe Beat, davaaaad, lo-wil: (I) Beginning at Brier Ball lauding at a Black Gam ; tnenoa running Jaaae Smlth'M line to Hubert Nlaun'a line, ooroaring at Q. T. liana' and others linns at a Black Jack . luanes a straight llns to XUumOooowiu'a anil John Base' line; Uo-nca a straight Hue to the rrver along said Bass' One. chenoe along tha rlrar to tlio Ural atsUoo, oootaiuing fifty acres, more or |. as, aud being the property Conveyed to Uulntoo Boss by Wllllatu h. Myers aud wlfa. Lav Mu* Hyem, Aptd loth, ineu, by dead dolt reutftvierl la ufiim of Heglstar of lyusda for Chowan County, In ueeti book "1" pages ktg-S. W ocgiuaiug *t« Uum ill While’. Uwliiif huiul, winch Ulricas u»* Am guelua Base uwct (rum the land be twin iwhirtM; iheuc* rubbingBooth 43 itu »nwWeni, •iun| Hlu di> leiotinJ Hue, to • Ouleei. tee Buelbwrat puiut uf the tfuiaton Bene property; thvaue North uiie-beli uugrec teal 34 l-lll uLuli.e to a 11*y uuu Uum ixmimm . thvue* Aortb Mi um to While'* Luillut leouu ; UUMtlhUJl 4 III . M lhlgl.1 lilit) from an Id ruad to a ataka; theuoe Mouth » dsgrsaa Waat to . Uum aad eontlno lug lk a etndgki lluo from etln Old to Wklta’a Landtag teal, aad up th« road to baglaulag point, ooatatalag forty four acre*, more or laaa, aad being that part remalalag of the Parry Aakley tract after a eoaveyaace of ferty-four •area, more oi laaa, to Auguataa Bam by Uuiu lob Mesa, by deed duly raglatar *d la oikoa uf kegiei *r of Loads for Chowan Cuuaty, la book "IT" page ltd, rafareuee to which la made. Thl* 20th day ot Aaguet, IMT. M. H. LkAMY. OuiUlDUMOMr. Notice Coder and by virtue of a dead uf trust axauuted to W. B. YnvvUby the farm ere KduuaUoaal Uo-Oparutlv* t'ulau of Am or lea, Macedonia Local Mo. KIM, listed lie camber M, 1913, aad raglatar *d la Book Mo. 33. pegea gMr-7, lMgla ter of Ikon uMoe ler Cbawaa County, M. 0., default haelag boon made la the payamal M the note* severed by said laatraaieat, 1 will **11 for caeti before the Court H*ue* door la UeMee, M.O. ua Mai unlay the 33a M day of Beptambar, 1M7. at 12 u’eluak M.. the follow lug da sari bed tract of land in He.nad Iowa. Ship, aaM Oonety aad Mate : Uegtunlug at aa liee stake oa Weak afda of Maaadaala Moad at Minor's Una, those* Westwardly aloag Miner's lias 44 yards lu aa Irwa Stake; I a ease North wardly parallel with tha sold Masada ala Moad M yards to a gam; thsnsa East wardly parallel with Millar* Una 44 yards to Millar's eorwor, ptaao of ba glaelBp. eoutalalag laara, maaa or laaa. TMa auth day af Aagest. 1*17. W. ft PftlTOTT, M. ft LEAST, Tramaa A Iter hay at Law. Here he is—good okl PEPSI - Cola! The mo«t succotslul " thirst - killer ” that ever was. Never whs a thirst, not even one of those dry, “co**ony,“ mkl-eumroer thirsts that hiia a dunce with a PEPSI - Cola. It just goes like lightning when this tall, tinkly, " ice - bergy ’* glass of PEPSI - Cola lieaves in sight. Try M just see how refreshing and invigorating a drink can be. And don't bo selfish—have the grocer deliver a case home mo the kiddies can enjoy it. too. Gdenton cJ&sH? SBotiiiny Co. __W»deFroa Tri-Fare Distilled Water_ Rube Midrin, Proprietor Nttice tf Sale of lovern* ■eit Property By authority of the Secretary of Commerce and the Commix lionet of Fisheries, sealed uids for the purchase of-Launch Pe trol,” at the Bureau of Fiaherie* Station, Edeutoo, North Carolina, will be received at the aliove eta. toon, op to 5 P. M , Septe.' ber IS, 1917. The government re serve# the right to reject uny and ail bids, deemed inconsistent with the value of the boat's equipment ; *• Launch Petrol' i» a twin •crew power boat equipped with two 124 h.p. Laibrop engines. Her length is 45 feet over all. beam 13 ft and draft 34 ft The boat b 00m ptelely housed, with oetmwain cabin, eApiau>‘a quar ters, kitchen, engine room and ooaamodioiu decks. Terms: Cask. For farther description and in formation you will correspond with the raperiatesdeat. W- *• MOBOAN. ttupt. Fiabene- btation, *t _B lewtuw, N. C. No. 666 Ttfc b a arasMas amend amsctslo wrfSESSSs'i *r»^ej>sek Ike FemsriAms Sale of Valuable Farm By authority of signed by Ale*. Uopoland ami id* wile, Sarah C. Dope htnrl, widt h said note J* pa*t ouc, anti Jvaruil having been mail, by llmaua. ar anil holder, anu *ald salt* K also inaile by aalu Ttu*teo, by forllicr au thority. vealrtl in bile under the deed Of Trust signed by Ale*. Copeland am wife. Saritb O. t'opeUi d. of even dan wuh forvaaid note, and mad* v*> e*. cuio lhe (ay mom thorauy, or formerly owned liy the Held company ; on tire Ire a l by the lauds ol W f. Out law ; on the South by the lunda ol T.S. Ward ; and tiu the West by th* land* of a. N. W ird. and la thelrunt ol land on which sold Ales. Cop* and lurmeily llv«-d, oi lived at I lie i im* of hie death, an i conialn» I#S, i.lmly-five acres Im th*' same more ur les* Sail i'ce*l of imct r,iu J be |(iUi, i rp. Curled in Peed the* No Id m |>ug*s «»■•«« of the * •' liiMittnetllalv Mtadotis. Partf Cur aerve-a to Wui'lilugtoo air: Nonetn NORTHBOUND 4:4Ja. Dl„ daily, Nielli K*pi<«* i*r Norfolk. Pull man Sim ).rr 2:1** |>. in., tidily, Kxfr.«n Hertford, Elniaheth City and Notloi>. l'uil* uiau Uni nrviutt. 2:80 P. M. Daily tor Uonrord, Eilcabeth City. Norfolk anti Inlertuudlata pul MM. T4*J A. M., Daily, axuapt Sunday, fur MuBolk—arrive Suffolk u:#i A. U lO.OU .A U., Dally eac- pt Suuday fui St Sulk and I it term* Hate alatloua Pi»r |mrtloula» apuly iit ».a liartioy N *eUl At KdelllMl J F. DALTON, G. P. A, Vn, Patrick Matthew* C« E. Oouanltln*and«vmirart«it»r Kotrlneerand Surveyor. Drains*.', Land Sully aod AffrtmMnral Knirlinu-rttiy a Specialty. U yoant*. Sjmeial term* m Farmer*' Onion man. rnRNTON. . N. C. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! SHINGLES! 40 car loads for sale at reasonable prices. Avoid the high coat of slate •Ml awtal roofs by using the real ahiogle that we all know will last for ages without paint or other care. VRITE TODAY FOR PRICES AND ORDER BLANK Do your covering now before Imrvest time. It is our pleasure to serve you. E. I. WARREN, Sales Agent, Edenton, N.C. ■—■—mmmw ——a—