(Rewired too Wie for ire* week). ' Dr. tad Mrs. L A. Ward En tertain at Hmm Party. J Ker one week, beginning Mon- ( dey.-Adgant 18. Dr. mud Mm. I. A Ward entertained at a delight- ( fol boose party, Um gnaaie being ( QaooU Ward. Hyland; OU More^ bead, Weidoa; end Mery Alston. PowellerUle; Messrs. W. M. Stereason, Pendleton; G. A. Tri ■ysr. White Salphsr Sprints, W.Va.;Bryoo Raster, Grover; and T. H. Weaiharbaa, Weldon. The week of Malty opened Mon day ereoiag with an iafortaal rn eaption givea by Dr. end Mia. Ward. Miaa Nell* Ward la bar asaal graceful wanner received the gneete at the front door end preanatnd Iken to the receiving line, which wee wneapeacd of Dr. aud Mis. Ward, Mias OU Mare bred and Mr. W. M. BUrenaoa. Min Della Laaaitar and Mr. W. M Hollowell, Mine Mery Alston end Mr. Roy Hollowell, Mies Geaola Ward and Mr. George 4s bell, Mine Laare Hollowell end Mr. T. 11. Weatharbee. Mins Esther Elliott and Mr. G. A. Trimyer, Mian Gertrade BaUwna and Mr. T. L. Ward. Miaa Willi. eMa Cofield and Mr. E. N. El Sort, Mian Beanie Lewis and Mr. T. Ward,Mwe Emily Ward and Mr Bryon Keater. They than went into the living room where Miasm Lammia Wright end Laey White presided over the push bowel. In the dining room Norfolk erwn and aahe vara earned. Tneaday the members of the bonaa party with a namber at invited goatee “joyed n eamp eapper on Ibe aebool eampoa. On Wedaaaday warning Mm. Same White antes teinad tha hooaa gaaate at oarda. . Prograaaive Rook vaa played af ter which punch, oraaa and eake . vara aerved. ' In tha afternoon n picnic at Holley‘a Wharf vaa en joyed. Tharaday the party vith a lew invited gaaate motored to Edeelnn. Mr. T. C Peary vaa hoot Tharaday evening at a voter • melon patty in honor of the mem bora of the bonaa. Friday morn ing Mr. B. C Ward accompanied the gaaate on an aatemohile trip eight aaaiag. In the afternoon ' they vara invited to the home of Mr. T. R Ward far dinaar. Hat wdey morning. Mr. T. L. Ward .of Bytaad took tha gaaate motor lag end in the evening Manats. Bennie and Carlyle Ward, Jobs aad George Aebell mterteleail the geeete et a delightful earpriae party. Alter iptodiai a two - mb* reaction at hat bar ham Hte Laay Whim mtaraad to Gmaaa boro Monday. I nla-Maa aad Uw Babb of Ivor, fa, apaat aavaral days ro omily with thair gnadaotbr, • Mm. Mate White. Mia* Okie Balford of Ivor la the guaat of M*-' <*d Mm. Jay Wimlow thia weak. Miaaaa Wliliatto CoAaid of B dm»n*. Lata BaUaaaa at K. City. Clyde Lewie of Wtlmlagtne, Mr. aad.Mm. *A>yah Latah of New York hem ban* moral garter at theteomoof Mr. W. H. Leah. Mm. Qaotg* White of QteMord CoUaga waa th* gaate te Mr. R» fa* White’* late weak. Mr. MeodOopalaad aad Traitj am viaMag Mm Barak Laydra. Alter a two woaka* vbit to Maatee Miaa Mary Stettk earn* hoar Taaaday. • Tka OMldrm’a Day matteaaa te Piaay Wood* akarek late Baa* day proved a aaaaaaa. Th* aab* jate-Th* Ladder of Lib" waa . hmatifally Ulaatrated aad the 0 MihuM ia the musical pert of be program Laat Friday afternoon from 4 U1 6 o’clock Misa Mary N. White intertaiaed a number of little oiks ia honor of bar nieces, LuU flee and BUaa Babb. Varioaa [Mm ware enjoyed after whiob >ake and ereaas waa served. Oh Thursday, Jane S8ih. the body of oar loving father was Laid to rest in the family burial ground. But his soul baring beard the command of the King "Come up higher” had winged Its way to mansions of delight. He waa nearing his 76 year, waa a Confederate soldier of tbe Civil War and one of the oldest mem berm of Bethany M. E. church in which he will be greatly missed for he wae always ready to do all he could for its cause. Although there were often great obstacles in his path, yet he always looked to Him who is above all (or help, and when toiling at his bench one could often hear the dear, but tremulous strains, "He Lend* «th Me.” He waa known by tbe community at Urge to be a man to do all the good he could. One of the striking traits of kis character was his devotion to his wife and six children, all of whom survive him. He was always ready to do all he could to make them comfortable and happy. The church has lost a faithful member, the county a loyal citi sen aad the community one of Its best men. All was done for him that loving hands could do, out ne coum not stay longer, for God bad called him to go where He had made a place for him in that beautiful heaveoly home. We would not call him bach to the sorrows and evils of this life bat rejoice in the thought that he is "Safe in the arms of Jesus." "He is sleeping, only sleeping. And his form is laid away, in the heavenly Father's keeping Till the resurrection day. "He is sleeping, only sleeping. All his trials have been borne, Besting in his Father’s keepiog, Till the rcsa met ion morn." DAUGHTERS. IwttwUst WittCmwill Cfwmll Cltittai Add Their Praise. Another link with oar neighbor lag town of Creewei! ia provided in the following gratefnl and gen erona statement of a wall-known resident there, Mr. Jackson who eaje: H. T. Jackson, Oraawall, N. C, aaya: "I aoflwnd from backache aad paiaa acroaa my loiaa. If 1 attempted to stoop or lift anything sharp twinges saoght ate ia tbs small of my bask. My kidneys ware wank aad tbc kidney sec retions wore too frequent in pee •age. The aeoratioao vara siao highly adored aad scalaieaJ aedi •eat. Siam I aaad Does’s Kid ney Pills, the hawkeeka baa left, together with the pains ia my loiaa. Bov I aan stead all day long aad not have that distressing pain ia my bask- My kidneys are regular ia action, too." 00c at all dee lean. Poster Mllbarn Co, Mfgra., Bafcio, K. T. Adet. THE CITIZENS BANK 15 DISTRIBUTING A VAL UABLE HAND BOOK FOR FARMERS. The Citisens Bank ie giving i> ray a book of valoable infdrma tioo that toy farmer will prole by reading ae k coat sis* over lfO tract kal enggentiona that will am both TIME aed MONET, rhe trst time yon are ia toon |o by and get one as they are fm far the asking.—sdvt. Mpd. A Soldier’s Side Of It. We're no4 ashamed of the uniform And if you're e friend You will never toy against it Any word that will offend; It baa covered honored bodies. And by heroes bed been worn, Since the days of the Bispublio, When the Stem nod Stripes were born. Uniforms have many Some ere khaki, eon And men who choose ms Are many patterns; too. Soma are eons of wealthy parents, Some are college graduates, Some have many virtues, Some are limply reprobates. I We have many skilled mechanics, Men of brain and letter, wko Loyally have served their oonntry That they are a credit la No, indeed, they ere not angels; Blackguards?-yes, we’ve some of those, " * Bat when they come into the ser vice They all wore civilian elotbas. Men of all kinds when they’re drinking. Misbehave, act rough and swear; Drunken soldiers or civilians Are disgusting anywhere. Grunt os then your kind forbear £006, We’ll appreciate it mooh more Than a lot of noise end rhinyigg When we’re leaviqg for a war. We have eat with yon in public. And have smelled your whiskey breath; Heard remarks, inaana and ailly, Nearly boring us to death, Though we’ve offered no objection When at theatres we met; Yet you think you should delude os Prom tba most exclusive set. I! you meet as oat in public, On the street or snywhere, We don’t merit sneering-^tnoces, Nor patronising stare; For we hare an honored calling Aa oar garmeats plainly show, You may be a thief or a person— How on earth are we to know ? We don't oars about roar profes sion Occupation or what yon do; When yon’rs lookup at a soldier And he’s looking beck at yoa; Who in there to judge between aa As we stand there asea to manf Only oua—the great Almighty, Name another if yon eao. Drop yonr proud and haughty bearing And yonr egotistic pride, Get aoqoainted with thh soldier, And the heart sod soul inside; Test sod try to analyse him, Critieise him through and through And yoa’U vary likely iiod him Just as GOOD a man AS YOU. By Sgt. Geo. C. Smith, Motor Truck Co., No* 47, Sad North Caroline Infantry, in Camp at Charlotte, N. C. CASTOR IA Partly Won Clotkisg Wasted The Darya* War Relief nakae M orgaoi appeal for partly vara olothiog for the eofferan U tovoo eraeoatad by IbeOenaaoo. Tbooe viebiag U» Bake op thie bos, wkteh will be eeat la Septeaber are rrqeeolrd to aeod their eea Iribotiooe to Mioa May Warrao, Qaaea Street, Bdeatoa. It. C BD6NT0N, . N, C, SINGLES! SINGLES! SHINGLES! 40 car loads for isle at reasonable prices. Avoid the high coot of alate and metal reels by using the real ahiogle that we all know will last for ages without paint or ether care. WRITE TODAY FOR PRICES ADD ORDER DLARK Do your oovering now before harvest time. It is our pleasure to serve yon. E. I. WARREN, Sales Agent Edenton, N.C. L -- Chowan College News) 1 This has been a bwy at Chowan Collage. The first three weeks of done was spent in repairing and whitewashing the hell*, bed rooms, otaes-rooms, dining-room, and Htshan Dar ing the last week ia Jane, the Pastors at the Omwee and West Chowan AasoeUliooa held en In alitnte et Ihs oollege. A “8e tamer School” lor the teas here of Northampton, Hsit ford and Bertie ennettss was coa d noted ia the eollege beildiaga daring loar weeks m AU ot hugest haw ses given by the eollege loree to eenoiag end pfokliag vagetablse. They hope to have, by November, one >honesod galloon of raaevd vege-> In bias stored for wintsr see. Mias Beetriee Nye of Winter, villa, N. 0.. has been visiting President I i neb aery's family. Miss Oeorgiana Baldwin, the eollaga bonae-keeper, who has been at the collage ell the earn* mar, is visiting her mother at Wbitanlie, N. C. Sbe will re turn ia tfam for the openly of eabool. Nearly all the rooms ia the sol lege dormitories are tagsgeri for the fall, aad appUoatkmp are ar riving daily. It eeemethai all the roooma will be sngagad by the opening at eaheoL Mia. J. 0. Van! agitogham of Raleigh, N. C , has been spend, leg e few days at tha collage, via itfag Mm Lineberry. Tba carpenter* anal work, bailding aaw atapa to all tka Mala aakraawaa. novtag and rapairiag a toaaat kowaa, aad painting tka roola of tka atin badMioga. Tka ■aperintandaat nl tba groaoda, Mr. PeikUcgrmpb, baa all kia kaada bwj wowing tba lawaa, triMadag tka uhtnbbary, rounding tka walks aid getting tka grounds in a nine condition. Mrs. Oroaland, tksaoilaga m troa, is expected to Mrira tUa weak. Ska will ken tk* build In order lot tba opaulag of aakool SapUMbar Mb. Bath tba old aadtbgaaw laaab an aaaM aurfoue to fagf* work, aad everyone la pniHgfng a vary profitable »d proepavous aakool year. I U°95*&iH8*1385 DELIYEKW AS ALVAYSir-AI tout 9300 ton Iku attor can at equal POWEK aay CAPACITY. J.H- IMHJLUR, JR. H.R. LEARY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ( EDENTON, N. O. Mice tf Sale of fareri aeit Property. By authority of the Seanluy >4 Com merer aad the Commie dooet of Fieheriee, reeled bide br the purchase of “Lanoah Pa rol," at the Burma of Fieheriee Metioe. Edcnton, North Ctrolina, rill be received ut the above' eta ■oa, ap to 4P. M , September 16. 1917. The government re MOea the right to reject any and dl bids, deemed ioeoasiateat with ■be rules of the boat's equipment •• Launch Petrol" is e twin terew power boat equipped with two 18 j h.p. Lathmp engines. Her length is 46 feet over ell, seem 13 fL ead draft 3| ft. The »oat is completely housed, with warai* aebia, eaptaia'a qBar ms, kitchen, engine room aad tommodtoaa desks. Tar me. Cash. For farther description aad in bemation yon will oortaepoad rith the superintendent. W. K. MORGAN, Sept, Fisheries Station, M Hdenton, N. C. HobbfriHa Hmn. Altar a visit to relatives and (needs here Mice Lola H union returned to her home in Whaley, nils Saaday. She was aooompa tied home by Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Carter and baby, Mieses Claire aad Ethel Carter, Messrs. Laos Hobbs and Robert Hotter. Miasm ’Grace Sykes and Lola Beard spent Friday afternoon ■ith Mimas Iona sod Audrey Mb* Sibyl Russell entertained wptiy Friday evening. Mb* Paoliaa Hobba baa recent ly aoMladad a visit to friends aad rabtivaa ia Norfolk aod Suffolk. Mr. aad Mrs. P. D. Hobbs. Messrs. W. D. and Junius Hobbs motored to Portsmouth Saturday end spsat Urn night. They re fereed Sunday afternoon. Mre. D J. Boontree end daugh kar. Elite, spsat s few days re ■antly with friends aad relatives |p Part Norfolk. Afters two weeks’stay with hkeir brother, Mr. W. A. Sykes, Mr. Paul Sykes sad sister. Miss Brass, left Wednesday for their homo m Woodland. Manors. Walter sod Wallses frpMght. Misses Pauline aad Saem Hobbs motored to Ossan View Saadsy. Among other* who seat wars Maas re. O. Ward. W. L. Riddiok sad M. H Hobbs Mis. Jessie Murrey and little ion returned hoses last wsk after t visit to bar sister, Mrs. W. L. Riddick. She was eosompaaisd toms by Mrs. Riddick who rV Brand boats Monday. Mrs. M. H. Hobba and baby ipsat tbs week-end in KJagsboro rttb bar mother. saESsmaMmmKmm w. a. PBIVOTT, Attobmby-at-Law, rout nautiici, ■atabUshed 1807. >DBLL BJELOB., a=r Norfolk, Vs. I , Notice. Sale of KmI Estate By virtue of • deeree of the leyedw OoMt mt Oboeea Oewaty. «. O. in the —i--*-g- • riui ■ ire MlUle 1m, et eL. against fehh Id U>»eil tef wife, Motile H. HstlwweU. et 11^.4 will eeU ter eeeh Uw oourt house door In *• a. Saturday the Had day af September. 1S11, ah U s'oleah M., the foitowlhg OMsrtbsd real aatate la Ohowaa Coaaty Sorth fiaw>n»e_ balaag lag to the aatate af the late Qalatoa Bess, < roe sail, la-wit i (I) Beglaatug at Brier Bail 1— el a Slash Qua; thaaos ruohlag leasa Smith's Uaa to Hobart Nlsoa's Uaa, comer tag at Q. T. Baas' aad nheea Usm at a Blech leak; Uaaea a straight Uaa to EaamOoedwla's aad iaha Baas' Uaa; Uaooa a straight lias to Us Hear Ifty i property eua rayed to Quia too Bm by William U. Myara aad wife. Laroata Xyara. Apill 19th, I MO, by dead dely ramtrdad la ofhee of lug talar af Daada tot Obowhh Ooaaty, la deed bash “T“ pagaa Hf-1, (S) Uaglhhlog at a Oum la WbMo'e l.aewllng Hoad, whtah flrldoa the ha Shstua Boas trast from the load harath assort bad | Ibaoaa rua ole (South t»,4a §TIM Mid dlTiliOMl lAASp la a oursar. tha Southwest potat af tha Qalatoa Beas proparty; tbeoae Sorth ooe-helf degrwo Hast M 1-1U ahalaa to a Bay sod Uaa aoraar, thauaa Berth M dagraea Hast to White's ■»—g Bead; and eoe till slag la a •iraighl — from said road to a stake > thasM Booth ** uagxwea West to a Burn and - lag la a atr eight Uae Utb tain pate to White s I oartlag Bouu, ead ap ^e rwad t« begin a lug petal, aoiHalalog forty - loer acres, aaora ar laaa, and balag that part rdaootaUig af the Perry *-»-«-y treat altar a ooaveyanoe of forty-hour aorea, store oi laaa. to Augustas Maas by Qutatwa Baaa, by used duly raglatar ad la oBee of Baglatar of Deads fur Ohowaa Uouaty, la bosh "W" page «Pf nlatoM to whlok la Mi. This 20th day af August, 1P1T. h. u. uai, Uommmauhar. ===========-=*-=, Notice Under and by iiaia af a dead af treat axaauMd luW.g l'nrou by tWfferm MdaeaUoaal OwOptnura Valia of Aatarlaa, Maeadoala Looal Be. UM, datad baewmber 10, Ills, tad —gf rTy •d la Umi Mo. J3. pagta 140-7, Bagla tar o€ DoatWofflaa lor Obowaa Ooaatg. M. Cl., dafaalt barlag baaa aaaa la tee paymaat of tbo aotaa eoeurod by mM laatramoat, 1 will aait for aaah batoaa tbo Ooart Mowaa door la KdwaVua. M.G. aa Batarday tba ttm aay of Boptamber, 111?, at 11 o'eloafc M.. Ua lottowlag do aarlbed treat of laae a Baaaad Tri aa Mala a I eg at aa iroa stabe aa Voat w— - -1 MIBn'a lias. Itsaoa Waatwardly tioeg Miner's Uaa 44 yarda ieaa Iroa auks; throes lortb wardly parallel wttb Ua aaM Maasda ala Moad ig yarda to a g-— • “• Kaatwardly pataUal wtu MUM'S Uaa 44 yarda to MUlaTa serssr, pfaaa of ba Tbia 10tb day af Aagaet, Ml. w. a. raivorr. H 1. LEAST. -i Attorney at Law • S. B. MU.LEK & Ctt., ■JU.I raitaa PMb Mark*. Mt 1°U nil IIJtLEKS j^jigiOToiS.’SS^ Ks J: QRIFP1N, DENT15T, * - -- *9 n, v —1 ■-!_ ■ i a ma . ■ —— PnNtoB a Prwdca, ATTORNEY S^T-tAW, BdMtM, N. Cl

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