Children Cry for Fletcher** ^ Tea Bay* Always Bought, and which has baas la aao fo> erer ayar 30 yearn, baa borne the signature of repenrfc^*>°»^* Wai^r AD Cawhto, B^erimeats that trifle with aad endanger the health of ^HgSSMBSE. baps aad Soothing Syrupa. It is pleasantIt coauiiia neithsT Opium, Morphias a or other narcotic nubataace. Itn *** “ “» faarantaa. Far more than thirty years h has heao (a constant uaa for the relief of Constipation, Fistula ary Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying FrwtbMo .S banrfro«^«d by regulatiag the Stomach and Bowels, aids * *°°*5 I*Yinf healthy aad ■■taral sleep. the (^Hdraa'a Faaarec—fce MothmS Friend. ^ QENUINE CASTOR!A ALWAYS Bonn the Signature of _‘ In Ike For Ova136 Years Thn Kind You Haw* Always Bought Wins PER CENT OF ML AGGIOENTS UNF’HEVENTABLE >MB Win, rNOUQHTLlM WNOUC HAITI. AND 16 MBMAMCI CAUM MOtT A00IMMT6. nmn chan bed oa a truck aad la i aad arlng ' g t of t offering. Taking a Chance. Aa emgfoye of a oartalo yiaat had of wiebieff tha eaainlaatdoe baa tha oataMe of tha guard raff, which la tkh eaaa waa pooaltda. ha evidently chab ad or atapged oror the gaiud raff Aad waa caught by the drtitig hdl Ha waa bran ed lately whirled to kh death Had it baaa ilanlefnh aoa aaaary lor UUr man «e go Mh tha guard ran. hta drat aat baaa to atag tha i laaa of a anger hand, lag or area life Aa employe in a mill while changing ndto caught hlc An gar aa a chary adga of a boa aad tailed to tan «t attended to. Aa g raouk tha wa^d baeama Infected, naraaattattdg tha ah a aura of the Injured naa (na hta word Jot Urea waaka. Imyreper Uaa af Freight llnalar. Aa aatgloya ta a warahoada was ar Aered to nt Oomm auUarlal from tha Utrd door. It waa aaoaaaary tor him to aaa tha elevator. Uflhg «g the aafaty gala ha otartad the elevator aad Prices Cut . " / .« As we will discontinue handling tires - and auto parts. We can save you twenty to twenty-five per cent, on these goods. Ford springs $2.60 each ELLIOTT BUGGY CO., Edonton, N. C. — ' . .. —i — . i Beynoldson News Item*. Miss Mamie Bam of Rocky Mount spent last week with friends in this community. Misses Nannie Vick and Nellie Duck of Sooth Quay, Va., and Mira Elisabeth Rogers of Hamil ton, N. CL, were the guests of Misses Maude and Margie Lowe last week. Mias Juanita Horner and Mr. Leslie Carter of Richmond, Va., called on Mias Velma Hines last Thursday morning. Misses Mamie Rasa and Jennie Cross, Messrs. Ed Parker and Charlie Wiikini motored down to Ocean View Sunday afternoQn Rev. Mr. Mae of Reeky Mount assisted Rev. Mr Lowe in the re vival services beld at Reynoldaon church last week. Mrs. Lyd^a Pittman entertain ed a numbe. of her (nends Sun day. Miss Helen Lee of Norfolk, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Florence Lee last week. The Mtsws Hines entertained the following guests at anpp< v Thursday night: Misses Elisa Mason and Louise Capebart of Roxobcl, Mr. Julien Wood of Kelford, Misses Irma Riedel and Olie Wise' Everett of Holland, Mias Helen Lee of Norfolk, Mr. Emmett Hines of Suffolk, Misses Elhclecn and Louise Eure, Fran ces Story and Mr Paul Story of Eure. Mr. and Mrs. M.A Daven port of Oates, Mr and Mrs L. C. Carer of Roduco, Mimses Lots Lawrence and Essie Eure, Mrs. Lydia pittman and Mrs. Pat Ur Savage. Miss Mary V Langston and Messrs. Tom Carlton and Bradford Pittman. • A ttrd Cross Auxiliary was or* gsniscd at Beynoldsoo Sunday night with Mient a part of last week with Misses Essie Bure and Lucile Bines. « Misses Bliss Mason and Louise Cape hart of Koxobel and Inna Ret del and OHie Wise Bverett of Holland wete- the guests of Mm Mary Virginia Langston last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sawyer of Gates visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C Eure last week. Mr. L. R. Vas&ar and family of Lumbcrton, N. C.. spent from Sunday until Friday with Mr. and Mr*. U.. R. Bure. lii- O. C- Ward, ftyltnri, uyi! that Nation*) Hog Cholera Pre ventive doe* the wotk. Advt . Cam Pond News. Mi-s Lonic Harrell returned home Wednesday alter i visit to relatives irf Norfolk. Mime* Goldie Bunch, Lottie and V^a Wilson spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mias Djxw”,jp4rci1 Mr*. feygr >e HAllomaa and little near flarrellaville are vlfliBia here. , ttiWJtjUu) Bass spent Satur day'^gj^witb Miaa Gertruda Mt**^t^jle and Jaaie Peele visited Mies Nalia Baas Sunday. Mieaae Annie and Annie-Mae Peels visited Miaa Ueaie Bta Baoday. f Miaa Bode Bunch entertained company Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs.' W. V. Byrum have returned from Norfolk. Elton Wilson and Clarence Har rell apent Saturday eight with Rodney Harrell. We are hony report little Bcade , Nijcon suffering from a I* broken leg. Mrs. Settle Harrell spent Sun day in Oowpen Neck with rela tive*. Mia* Martha Harrell entertain ed company Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jimmie Bunch spent last Friday in Suffolk. Mr. and Mrs L. C. Wilson, Mr. Jim Bunch and daughter. Boeie, spent last Friday in Eden* ton. Read Mr. Harrell's statement in thts°eek‘s paper. National Hog C^Slera Preventive. Ad. Hertford Road N- E. and N. S Chappell spent Sunday near Hertford with their sister, Mrs. T. W. Nixon. Mr. C. B. Chappell visited at the home of Mr. J. W. Haper near Chapaaoke. Sunday and was accompanied home by Miaars Mary Cartwright and Alden White who will spend a while with Mrs. Norman Chappell. Mm J. G. Goodwin and child ree spent Sunday afternoon In North Edenton with relatives Mr. and Mrs. R. L- Ward of North Edenton called on Mr. Mrs. J. G. Goodwin Sunday even lug. After a week’s visit to Mrs. R. W. Turner, Misses Lena Hoilo weil and Elsie Turner have return R W. Turner spent Saturday in HobbsviUc with relatives. Mr. Johnny Jordan called on Mies Bessie Chappell Friday evening. Mr. Carroll Mundeo of E City spent a (aw days last week at the home of Mr. K. T. MiaxelL Mias Sadie Boswell entertained company last Thursday. Last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs. JEL W. Turner entertain ed a number of their friends In honor of their guosts, Y?t»t« Lena fioilowell and Elsie Turner. The Using room was prettily de corated with ferns and cat ’Bow ers and here the guests enjoyed various games before they were invited into the d •nlng room, where the long table with its cloth of snowy linen end center piece of cut Bowers, presented an Inviting picture. Ddiciooi cream and cake were served. Those who enjoyed the evening were Miner Maggie Phelps of Plymouth, Sadie Boswell, Bessie Ohappell. Lena HoUovsli and Elsie Turner, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chappell and daughter, Blanche. Mr. and Mrs J. E Ohappell and daughter, Mary, Messrs. Hildred Jordan of Hertford, Carroll Man den of B. Chv, Ernest and Wal ler Boswell, Patrick Ward, John "V Jordan, L\ H. ai d N. S. Chap ptll. Me**/*. C. H Chappell. Mil dred and Wallace cal/rd at the home of Mr. B. yi. Timer Fri day evening. U T. Miascll called'on Edward Chappell Sunday cveafag. Mr. Dan Rogetson and family front aear Hertford *pent the week-end at the home of Mr. J. H. Haskett. Mrs. N 1 Chappell and daugb ter, Blanche, kisses Mary Cart wright and AJden . White were guests of Mra. R. W. Turner oa Monday afternoon. Mr. Lewis Bo*well made Ms usual call Sunday. I _ Mr. Charley White, Bosley, 4an tell yoa of the aarita of National Hog Cholera Proven tlve. Advt RUB-MY-TISM Chas. R. Robertson « ftiem Couisstn irrni j2-2S££sasl 36Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Va. W. L. WIImw >*«Ttv|. f fl FARM "BOR SALE!! A big bargain 44 miles from Nr rfolk on the Attest con crete road in the State, containing 186 acres, about tft acres in high state of cultivation, light toil, | mile to elec tric line, 7 room residence, large barn and other out build ings. 8-room tenant house, shipping facilities on the place. This farm is a very cheap one. No land in Its neighbor hood for anything like this price. Terms can be made. Price 816,00a t ROWE & COMPANY 243-4 Arcade Building NORFOLK, VA. Hobbsrflle flews. Mb. Nellie White of Hertford k visiting relatives sod friends here. . Miss Laide Hobbs entertained a number of her friends Saturday evening in honor of her guests, the Misses Hobbs of Corapcake. Mr. I. W. Hobbs and family from near Edcnton motored here Sunday and spent the day with relatives They were accompa aled home by Miss Iona Roun tree who will be their guest for a while. Mr. Johnny White and sister. Mias Oleo, spent from Friday un til Sunday with Mr. Waddell 1 obbs and Misa Etta. Messrs. S. L Hollowd!, Leon Hobbs and W. D. Hobbs, Misses Rllle Rountree, Ethel Carter, Mary Mitchell and Sib> 1 Russell went to Gatesvilk Sunday after noon to visit Miss Amy Riddick. Revival services will begin at Hobbsville next week. Services afternoons and evenings. Miss Gladys Hinton speat a few days last week with her sis ter, Mrs. T. W. Blanchard. Mbs Nellie Blanchard is here on a visit. Misses Mary Mitchell and Rtbel Carter are visiting Mrs. E. A. Rounttec All Hog Rakers will eventual ly buy It. Rational Hog Ghokra Preventive. Advt. Mr. William EtfcarMjt Daatf On Monday evening, Ang. §7, Mr. William Etheridge departed this life in tha 68th year of hla age He suffered a paralytic stroke, from which he never re* covered, about tea day* ago. All was done for him that loving heads could do, and he bore hie sufferings patiently, but be could not stay longer with aa In this cold world—God had prs pared a place for hire in that firewtlfnl Heavenly home and could not wait longer to call him. The fu> ■end was conducted from the home by Eev. Joaiah BlHfttt and the remains laid to coat In cemetery. He lanvee to mourn their lorn a mother, bu., Kennedy, a wife, two daughters, Mrs. Bradford QhappeU of Fbplar Heck and Mim Ottie **tmlitge. five sons, Mr. HssdtnM »»w ridge of Bdentoo, Messrs. » ■* Sidney, Jet and ^»Tnr~ Etheridge. “ Tis bard to break the »~rfrr cord, When love has bound the heart, ’Tis hard, so hard to apeak the words, ‘We must forever port.’ “Dearest loved one, wo amt lap thee. la the peaceful grave's flirt la. Bet they memory bill bechcrieed ’Till we see thy heavenly fact.M A FRIEND. -- ——mmm■— 7 *. > H. C. HOGGARD & COMPANY ' INSURANCE Real Estate, Rentals »H Aoctiaaem Salt 400 Dicfcsen Balldiai Pfco~666 M6RTOUL VA. J VIRAIM1A fABM»_Tu a—* »-»-Tint UtAJi I aad o*ar teatea. BcaatifeJ Water hvete, ee Teak, Im, . her. Liate aaa* ha.