Manufacturer of and Dealer in Screen Doors & Building Material Com, Meal, Hominy, Oate and Hay, Saab, Doors sad Bllads, Bracket Work, Turned Work, Moulding, Stair Work, Church Pews, Flooring, Ceiling, Cement, Lime and House Bills Complete. Paints A oils. VBV TIN AMD REPAIR SHOP We arc prepared to do all kinds o( tooling and guttering, make Stove pipe, tobaoco flues, boat tanks and do a general repair business I Muddy Gross Nows. Mr. Jimmie ttpivev accompa nied Miaa Mary Biddick to Hobba ville last Wedncsdag night. Misses Hattie and Pattie Ward Messrs. John Parker, Kcm Stall ings. WilUc Biddick and Charlie Mitchell called on Mis* Jennie Overman Friday evening. Miaa Bunice Holler was the guest of Mias Minnie Bagicy a few days last wreck Mr. “Bill Stallings and Miss Minnie Bagicy were out driving Sunday afternoon. Mi. Cecil Bunch accompanied Mias Maggie Moore to church Saturday afternoon. Mr. Jimmie Spivey and Miaa Mary Riddick spent Sunday with Mias Gladolia Parker of Bcynold soa. Mr. Cecil Bunch made his us ual call Sunday night. Mim Jennie Overman, Messrs. Alvah Blanchard, Willie Riddick and Lycurgus Overman spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Buth and Marian Humphries o( Win fall. Mrs. Olsra Riddick, Mrs C.H. Riddick and two children spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. A. P. Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Riddick and children spent Bunday with her father, Mr. John Hinton. Mias LUxie Moore, Mm J. W. Riddick and baby spent Monday In Suffolk. Mr. aad Mrs. R L. Rice spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R Moore Mrs. Cora Blanchard and baby are. spending a lew days with Mia. M F. Blanchard. Mrs. Martha Hofler has return ed home after a visit to the Miss ea White. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bunch spent until bedtime one night re cently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Overman. They were ac companied home by her sister, Mias Elinor Overman. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie McCarthy ^qgt Thursday with Mrs. Joe Riddick. Mias Jennie Overman entertain ed company last Tuesdsy night. Mr. Ittorney Wiggins accompa nied Mias Eunice Hofler home Sunday. Messrs. Vance Carter, Jimmie Harrell, James Bussell, Nurney aad Burry Wiggins called at the home of Mr. R V. Bag ley Batur day night. ■•hob earth, Jr., Testers KcsIpaltM After nearly 99 year* of active service with the Branning Mfg., Co., and the Wellington and Powellsville B. B. Co., during the Inst sixteen years of which he has held the ofice of president and treasurer of each, Mr. Horton Corwin, Jr., tendered his resig nation August 97, eflective Sept. 1, 1917, which was accepted. Mr. A. T. Baker was elected to suc ceed Mr. Corwin. Mr. Corwin will continue the remainder of the year in an advisory capacity. Mr. Corwio is the recent in ventor of a gasoline motor log ging truck, with patent pending, which is creating considerable in terest among lumber concerns FIRST QUOTA OR DERED TO REPODT List of Men Ordered to Ro port to This Local Board For Military Doty sad for Traasportstioa to tho Mo bilization Camp at Ciap Jackson, Colombia, S. C. The following-named men are hereby ordered to report at Ike office of tkia Local Board for mili tary duty and (or transportation to a mobilisation camp. The time they must report la 4 P. M. on Sept. 4, 1917. IMPORTANT NOTICB—From the hour and date above named, the men herein shall be in the Military Scrvioc o( the United State* and subject to military law Failure or unpunctuality in re porting are serious military of fense*. Wilful failure to report with intention to evade military service constitutes desertion, which ia a capital offense in time of war. ' • The posting of this list in the office of the Local Board consti tues notice to each of the persons named herein that they are or dered to report at the hour, date, and place named, and from that hour they arc in the military ser vice of the United States. ' Order No. Name Red No. 36 B. J. Ward 140 7 M. L. Bunch 676 11 William Boyce 696 Local Board for Chowan County, North Oarolina. L. K. 8UMMBRBLL, Secretary. • . ■ . \ •' « lee cm bo need for muy thiaga, throe of|which are CMMrt lean Ecaaaiig Per the Family. By Drinking For Keeping Feed - Melted Ice. end Redecieg Cent —-- -— ; of Lteing, ice me rrm mom «ncsm wcn veer Weil pecked in eecka or car load 1 > • e # ’ Kdenton Local Kewa. Hon. John H. Small of Wash ington, N. C., was in town Mon day on business. Mr. and Mm James Iredell and children of Norfolk, Mrs. J. W. Watkins and Miss Pauline Brown of Baleigh have been recent guests of Mrs. L I. Rogers in Colonial Square. Mm L, D. Bond and sons, Fred and Wm. IL, returned Mon day after a week's stay at Nags Head. Mrs. Urace Roethkc and Mias Net a Newbern returned to their homes in Norfolk after a visit to their cousin. Miss Lillian Wilder In King street. Miss Wilder ac companied them home for a few days stay. Mr. and Mm N. J. Hollowed and little daughter, Elisabeth, Mr. and Mm W. T. Hollowed and babay visited relatives at Bivcr View Sunday afternoon. Mist Nellie Leary left Sunday to visit friends at Ocean View* and in Wicomico. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jackson went to E. City Sunday morning to visit relatives. Mr. Jackson returned Sunday night. Mrs. Jackson remained over until Wednesday. Mr. W. T. Hollo well spent Monday and Tuesday in Nor folk on business. Mr. and Mrs Heber Benton, and son, Nixon, of Sunbury were guests of Mr. and Mrs H. L. Story Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Holmes and daugh ters, Ruth-Bca and Elisabeth James, came home Monday after a week's stay at Nags Head. Mrs. J. E. Leggett and daugh ters, Mary and Agnes, of Berkley arc guests of her sister, Mrs Jno. M. Harrell, in Gale street. Mr. and Mrs C. S. Vann and Miss Myra Vann arc spending sometime at Buflaio Li this Springs. After a month's „scay at Nags Head, Mrs Wm. J. Leary and son, James, have returned to their home in Water street. Mrs R L. Wells and children have returned from a visit to rel atives in Louisville, Ky. Little Kliaabeth 8mith of Ply mouth is visiting her grandmoth er, Mrs. J. D. Bateman, la Court street. Alter a visit to relatives near HarreUsviUe, Mrs. J. L. Wiggins and children have returned to their boose in Granville street. Misses M. E. and Bettic Moore are visiting relatives in Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Matthew have returned from a motor trip to Littleton and other cities. After a pleasant visit to Mrs. G. L. Davenport, Mrs. George Cuthrell and daughter, Virginia Dare, have returned to their home in Norfolk. Mrs. James Warren came ap from Nags Head Saturday to at* tend the funeral of Mr. Thomas Warren. Mr. and Mrs. H H. Preston left Sunday for New York and other northern cities on business. After n pleasant visit to friends in Kinston, Mias Lina Simpson came home Monday morning. Having concluded a visit to relatives In Portsmouth, Mias Gladys Knkei has returned to her home Ul Magnolia street. . Bora to Mr. and Mrs T. W. BUiott SatlSday, August If, a daughter.' . I desire 1MMRDIATE com* spondence with four young nm who wish to work their way through school either hem or at Littleton, N. 0. J. M. RHODES, It Lake Jnntlaaha. NO Miss Pencie Howell of Berkley came Tuesday to visit her sister, Mra A M. Day. in King street. News reached here Wednesday that Mr. Julian B. Ward of My land had fallen from the tool of a building on which he was work ing and was badly bait. EUs brother, Mr. Ernest Ward went up to Byland Thursday morning to see him. Mrs. T. R. Winslow and child* ran of Hertford are visiting her mother, Mrs. Byrum In Oakum street. Lieutenants Millard P. Bond. Jr-, Ldoyd Griffin and Jo—pk Conger, who have been visiting their parents since their recent graduation from the Ofkcers’ Training Camp at Ft. Oglethorpe, left Tuesday for Camp Jackson, Columbia, 8. C., to report (or duty. After a w—k's visit to his sis ters, Mias— Halite and Pencie Warren in Magnolia street, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warren and children returned to their .home in Norfolk Monday. After attending the funeral of Mr. Tbos. D. Warren, Mr. Stepb* *P Worth left Monday for Nor folk. After a two weeks' stay at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. W. & Harney and little sons returned from Nags Head Sunday night. An eucoptiofal opportunity is offered in this issue for boys to learn telegraphy. Read the Want Ad column. Mr. J. H. Holmes of the J. H. Holm— Co., returned Wednes day from a northern bus!ness trip. Miaaes Iflt-Mat and Mary-Lee Thornton from near E. City are guests of Mrs. H. C. Jackson la Water street. After a abort visit to heroines*, Misses bailie and Pancic Warren, in Magnolia street. Mm Haary De B. Hooper left Tuesday lor her home in Norfolk. After a pleasant visit to Mim Pattie-Lou Moore of Portaasontk Mim Sank Jones-home Monday. ! Mist Laan Thompson of Pta tego lathe geest of Mim Gladys Kramer In Magnolia street. We are glad to see Mr. J.C. Leary again able to rrenini hh duties in Kitchener's Pharmacy. Mr. Leary has bean ia Norfolk for the peat few weeks >»w<««g treatment. Mj. Herbert Smith of E. Otty spent the week-end with his po , rents, Mr. and Mm D. B. Smith, in Uburcb street. Mrs. Raymond Lee spent Mon •lay aight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Ziegler, ia Broad street. 8he was oa her way to Nags Hand. Mrs. Lnora Madria of R. City ia the guest of bar son, Mr. Beu btn Madria and Mra. Madria, at the Woodard HoteL Alter a visit to relatives ia Scotland Neck Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter S. White sod children have returned home. They wefe ac eompaaied home by Mias Maude Leggett. Lieot Dorsey Prndea left Taaa day to report for duty at Hobok aa. N. J. Mr. Jon. T. Bell of Raleigh cams Tuesday to visit his parent* Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell la Queen at rent. Mias Pende Warren was ia Niagara, H. Y., when she receiv ed the wire telling her of the di nes. of her father. Mr. Thomaa D. Warren. The dey-old infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. M. O Brown died Monday. Messrs. John T. and Waltar Hollowed of River View were In town Monday on bualoaan oudMirottt.-’ ✓The revival services srhlch erase held st Warwick last weak wars well attended. 7 were kept land Sunday morning. There srers others who gave their names but were not present at the baptism. Mr. R. M. W bed be#, one of oui members who has not been with M In quite e while was present during the revival and visited severs] homes hi the community. Mrs. Orlando Ward sod child drea ol Hobbsvilis spent Friday with Mis. K. F. Ward. Mias Vera Mae Waters, who taught here last session, is the guest of Mim Inet Perry. Miss Mary Newby White of Bclvidere was the guest of Mrs. A. D. Ward Monday. Mrs. M A. Ward and children of Carters were the guests of Mrs. I. A Ward Friday Misses Pauline Deans sod Leo* oa Ward of Bosley were the guests of Miss Viola Winslow last week. Mr. T. 8 Ward and family. Mr. A. D Ward and family, Mr. C. K. Ward and family ar.d Miss Annie Copeland called on Mr. snd Mrs J. N. Carter of Cartels Sunday evening. Mim Tinsie White of Hobbs* ville spent last week with rela tives here. Mr. B. H. Brown oi Beulah ■peat Friday here with his sister, Mbs. A. D. Ward. He was accom paalcd home by his sister, Mim Llaaie, who spent the week here. Mrs A. J. Ward is la 8. City wftk her daughter, Mrs EL V. Lamb, whose infast daughter is very ilL Holly Grove Mom. Miss Mildred Whitaey, who has been spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beamon, retained to her home in Norfolk Friday accom panied by her aunt, Mias Olive Beamon. Mr and Mrs. 8. i. Savage and •oa, Bruce, Mesdames B. T. Sav age and T. W. Biddick motored to Windsor, Va, Saaday and vis ited their uncle Mr. N. B. Gay. Mian. Warm, Clyde and Bat ler Benton, wile and little son Robert Thomas or Norfolk are the guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Bentoo. Mimes Paye and Evelyn Sav age spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin, Mies Mary Rid dick, of Acorn. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett White of Buabury spent Sunday at Mr. James White’s. Master Clyde Bollowetl, who has been quite sick, is improving slowly. Mr. tad Mrs. Charlie By rum of Valhalla spent Thursday with kb slater, Mrs. B B. Ward. Mr. Charlie Beatoa of Wallace too visited hb sister, Mrs. B. L. Benton, Tuesday. Mrs. 8. A. Savage and sou, Bruce, aad daughter a, Mimes Faye aad Evelyn, Mr. B. T. Savage ami Mias Bdkh Savage went ts Suffolk Wednesday. TrctvUle, Mows. Mbs Hattie Riddick of Seedy Cross b visiting Mrs C. M. Rid dick. • W. H. Speight aqd C C. Spiny •pent one day last week in Suf folk. Mbs Phoebe Jones of Norfolk aad the Misses Jones of Core peaks visited Mrs. C. B. Ward last week. Messrs. Tom aad Peel Trot man went to Corapeake Thurs day afteraooa Mr. Braeat Spivey was’a vW tor in Drivers one day last week. Miss MelUe}Blanchard of Oates vWeapent Sunday night with Mbs Margaret Simpson. Mr. W. P. Mitchell accompa nied hy Misa Nellie White of Hertford, Mr. Marshal Hobbs aad Mbs Lula Trot assn accompa nied by Mr. Job a Blanchard aad Mbs Marie Blddlck were amoef the aumber from bare who at* tended the heptlam from War wick chutch at Oaonoo'i Ferry Sunday morning. T. JL Trot man was a visitor la Bosley Sunday *n firming Mr Otis Baker of Cmpson, Ta, •peat Wednesday and Wadnaadap oght as the gueat of Mi aunt, Mrs. O. W. Riddick. Mias Manola JolUfl of White* too spent a part of last weak aa the guest of ket ooaafa the Misses Bimpeoa. Mrs. John JolUfl and sen. Savage, of WhOcetoa nose hare Wedaaaday the gw eats of her ak> ter, Mrs. W. H. Speight. The Miaeae 8iespeoo entertain* ed a number of pn^ people Wedncedey evoniog in honor of their guest, Mies JoUifl. lisle To Be Tugkt lo Graded School This fear This new deportment wA bo ia charge of Mias Betsey Brown of Buena Yfaa. Tkgiaia. Mias Brown is a grid unis of the music ilspartmaal of Baa- • doipk-Macon Woman's OoMago - of Lynchburg, Ta., and oamoa* highly recommended. Abe. fa addition, has fad them yams ax peri coca in IsarMng This is a department that thn graded school has aoadad far a long time and we am wind ta knew that this step faa baaa tofan Mim Biowa wH fa ham la a few days to work ^ far ■ cUes. We hope thia new work mack success. Thomas David War ren Passes Awsy Saturday Angnat 9C, IflT. a bout 8 JO A. M. the spirit of Mr. Thomas Du Warren passed lata the Beyond. He sal If jmn old, having been born May fx, 18a. One of Edsstoa’a aidant citizens he nos taken aarionsty ■ * the Bunday bsfora. He la ana. rived by Mr. M W. Wacsna el Norfolk, Miss flallla Wright. Mr. W. P.. Mr. E. L, Mr. D. K. and Miss Penck Warren el I tmr. The fuocral service was 4 CMd frees St. PanTs Epiacopal ( vek at t o’clock tody laterred in ths < _ the service bring marketed hy the rector Row. XL B. Dress. The pail hansHS sees J. 8. McMul las, Jr., TJL Shroud X r p— W. O. Elliott, J. M Tag. W. H. Clerk, W. D. Bee. P. XL BriL Honorary: W. A. Evssstt, J. H. Holmes aad & X rfnrasaa Ok* Km. Hr. tod Mn. Jia Hiiln and children retained to their km new Hertford, Boadajr, after a viait to fiieode horn Md In Rocky Hock.. They were accompanied by hie deter, Mrs. Mat Goodwin. Mn. Maywood Baafca roteroad to her home Is PortHaooth Sat urday after a rMt to bar deter, Mr*. B. L. White. Miae Beulah Forehand retard ed borne tfnadajr fees HerfnHi and Ocean View where Mm hae bean vtri dag friande and aeterivaa. Mr. and Mn BUI Bnyca of Rockybock mot the Trieir eeil with hie *ade.llr. f. 1 Boyne. day altereooo ewlhteia Mr. Ha(h White want In Val halla Sanday aigbt. Meeere. Nanay Vanhand. Love called on the Minn Jordan Sunday afterdbon. WaU KtoVi Colored CWm M Sunday afternoon from Sk John'* Bylecoyal church by Bov. R. B. Oraaa.tha informant being In Vine Oak new dory. . A

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