Human Nature •koald hold to tho belief, sad the thinfs which have bee* proven tree. Aa you try to fathom your financial ‘®*®r** lrMr cbancea of sncceaa will be more certain if yon look from the vantafe point of a bank account ea tulnheij here. It will establish confidence in your self and credit -CITIZENS BANK EDENTON, N. C. M». and lira. L. M. Rountree and Mia Mary Speight spent last Monday in Norfolk. Mrs. I. A. Ward and two chil dren, Ruth Alice and I vie Al pbonao, of Belvidere spent Mon day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Lassiter. Revival services will begin st Eureka church Sunday Beptem her S and will continue through the week. Mrs Willie Pearce and daugh ter, Miss Blanche, of Bunbury •re the guests of Mrs. L. M. Rountree. Mr, H. A. Eure of Norfolk spent last week here with rela tives. Dr. I. A. Wan) of Belvidere and Mr. J. R. Lassiter motored to Suffolk Monday. The Woman’s Missionary So cicty of Bureka church met Bat* nrday afternoon and appointed Mrs. David O. Brinkley and Mrs. A. S Ward as delegates to the Woman's Missionary Union which , - wtU be held at Riverside Baptist church September IS. Miss Della ^Lassiter, leader of the Sunbeams k„wa*. appointed to represent the band. Mrs. Riddick Brinkley spent . Tuesday in Suffolk hospital by • the bed side of her husband who „ is there for treatment. . Revival services are being held at Oak Grove Christian church this week. Rev. J. M. Roberts ol Windsor, Va., is assisting the pastor. A Home Red Cross was orgaa teed at Parker’s M. E. Church Sunday morning with the follow ing officers. Mrs. Itaie Kittrell, chairman; Mr* T. M. Benton. vice-chairman; Mia* Lucy Lee Morgan, secretary-treasurer; Misses Lizzie Franklin, Della Lazsiter, Bdith Savage, Helen Lee and Mr. B. H. Saunders as membership committee. The first meeting was held Monday after noon. Mine Ethel Bunch has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends and relatives in Norfolk. Mesdames T. M. Benton, A. S. Ward and J. H. Dali were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Brinkley Saturday afternoon. Mr. Jarvis Hobbs and Miss Edith Savage made a short call at the home of Mr. J. Ik Lassiter V» ednesday a'ternoon BURGU9 NCWS. Mr. CL B. Parker and family, Mrs. J. H. Parker and children spent Sunday near Hdenton as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moran. Mead am es Sarah Weeks and Rot hie Outlaw visited Mrs. Geo. Bateman Friday. Messrs. George Caddy and Ambrose Sawyer were “derr" hunting Saturday evening. Mr Whit Matthews is on the sick Ust. Miss Virgie Outlaw visited Mias Mattie Howell Monday af ternoon. Those who vi.itrd Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parker Wr