Human Nature •koald hold to tho belief, sad the thinfs which have bee* proven tree. Aa you try to fathom your financial ‘®*®r** lrMr cbancea of sncceaa will be more certain if yon look from the vantafe point of a bank account ea tulnheij here. It will establish confidence in your self and credit -CITIZENS BANK EDENTON, N. C. M». and lira. L. M. Rountree and Mia Mary Speight spent last Monday in Norfolk. Mrs. I. A. Ward and two chil dren, Ruth Alice and I vie Al pbonao, of Belvidere spent Mon day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Lassiter. Revival services will begin st Eureka church Sunday Beptem her S and will continue through the week. Mrs Willie Pearce and daugh ter, Miss Blanche, of Bunbury •re the guests of Mrs. L. M. Rountree. Mr, H. A. Eure of Norfolk spent last week here with rela tives. Dr. I. A. Wan) of Belvidere and Mr. J. R. Lassiter motored to Suffolk Monday. The Woman’s Missionary So cicty of Bureka church met Bat* nrday afternoon and appointed Mrs. David O. Brinkley and Mrs. A. S Ward as delegates to the Woman's Missionary Union which , - wtU be held at Riverside Baptist church September IS. Miss Della ^Lassiter, leader of the Sunbeams k„wa*. appointed to represent the band. Mrs. Riddick Brinkley spent . Tuesday in Suffolk hospital by • the bed side of her husband who „ is there for treatment. . Revival services are being held at Oak Grove Christian church this week. Rev. J. M. Roberts ol Windsor, Va., is assisting the pastor. A Home Red Cross was orgaa teed at Parker’s M. E. Church Sunday morning with the follow ing officers. Mrs. Itaie Kittrell, chairman; Mr* T. M. Benton. vice-chairman; Mia* Lucy Lee Morgan, secretary-treasurer; Misses Lizzie Franklin, Della Lazsiter, Bdith Savage, Helen Lee and Mr. B. H. Saunders as membership committee. The first meeting was held Monday after noon. Mine Ethel Bunch has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends and relatives in Norfolk. Mesdames T. M. Benton, A. S. Ward and J. H. Dali were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Brinkley Saturday afternoon. Mr. Jarvis Hobbs and Miss Edith Savage made a short call at the home of Mr. J. Ik Lassiter V» ednesday a'ternoon BURGU9 NCWS. Mr. CL B. Parker and family, Mrs. J. H. Parker and children spent Sunday near Hdenton as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moran. Mead am es Sarah Weeks and Rot hie Outlaw visited Mrs. Geo. Bateman Friday. Messrs. George Caddy and Ambrose Sawyer were “derr" hunting Saturday evening. Mr Whit Matthews is on the sick Ust. Miss Virgie Outlaw visited Mias Mattie Howell Monday af ternoon. Those who vi.itrd Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parker Wr<l< esday WHAT IS ANY PRETTIER, Mrt Noiiblc, or aere sanitary than a kitchen fit ted net with ahiaiag white ware? Onr liae of kitchenware fllla this want, being the moat perfect, beet finished, bigkcd. highest grade . liae of ware ever shown at madeaata pricae. And ear pricaa are aMderate. Come In And Sefe It! f 4 •• _____ ---— Miss Mary Morris of Hert ford, the Misses Felton of Beau fort. Mcs.-ra. Ben Thatch, Sr., tnri Jack Felton, Ucv. Mr. Or mond fil Hertford and Rev. Mr. Bindley of E City. Mr. Jack B.iteman and little •on, Raymond, of Winfall visit ed his fattier, Mr. George Bate man, Sr , recently. Messia. George Bateman. Jr., and Matt Matthews, Mia- Pau line Da it, Mrs. J. H. Parker and children motored to K. City Tucs day. Hertford New*. Misses Oarrie-Mae Holmes and Klitabcth Phelps of Creawell re turned home Monday alter visit ing friends and relatives here. We are sorry to report both Msbel and Irene Woodard ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Jesse Lane ia suffering greatly with inflammatory rheu matism. Mias Willie Cannon is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. Reed, near Andersen church. Misses Isa Gordon and Virginia Tucker have, returned to their borne in Plymouth alter visiting relatives here. Their cousin, Mias Nellie Tucker accompanied them borne. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Winslow and children, Gladys Felton and Mildred Reed were out motoring Sunday. Mrs. 1. n. W in slow and child ren left Wednesday for Bdenton to visit relatives. Mrs. Skinner Britt returned to her home in Norfolk Wednesday after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bray. TheB.Y.P.U. of the Baptist church gave a watermelon party in honor of Misa Mat tie'Mac on Norman and Mr. PhUiip White, who will leave shortly to reef ter college. Mr. and Mm Guilford Litch field of & City spent Sunday with bis sister, Mrs. M.B. Walker Mr. and Mm Huaae^- and little daughter, Margaret, are visiting Mi. and Mrs. M. B. Walker. Mr. Clyde Hill, Mias Hattie V. Hill and others from Bosley were in town Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. K Winslow and Gatbcrine Beed are visiting relatives in Chowan county. Mr*. W. n. White is visiting relatives in Norfolk. After' a visit to Mrs. B.S Brick house, Mrs. Jones and daughter, Faye, returned to their home in Norfolk last Friday. Mise Ethel Adkins of Norfolk came Monday to Wait Mias Nep pie Goodwin in Church street. Mr. Harvey Clark and Mfm Margaret dampen were quietly married in K. City last Thursday night* They are at home et Old Point. Va. Mrs W. H. Jenkins left Tues day for Norfolk to eater 8arah Leigh hospital to undergo an operation. Mr. B.S. Brickhoueeand da ugh ter, Vivian* spent Saturday in B. City. Mr. J. C. Cam pen spent Satur day afternoon in B. City. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregory and daughter, Doris, are spend ing this week in Norfolk. Masers. Haywood Ziegler and G. S. Harrell of Edyaton motor ad here Soaday. Mr. Carey Smith is spending sometime at Ocean View. Mias Cora ( Blanchard of B. City is tie geest of her mother, Mm Blanchard* In Church street. Miss Sadie Sanford la visiting relatives la Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Nad Miller were goests of her mother, Mm Har riett Baglay, a few days this week. After a week's stay in 8. City •ad at Oklako, Mias 1 villa Lay. den came home Monday. Mka Myra Skinner came home Friday after a short stay at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whed bee arc at home after spending sometime at Nags Head. Mr. Johnny Jones of Norfolk spent the week-end with kis aa ter, Mrs. B. S. Brickbouse. tut Glidmn Newt Mr. C. 0. Chappell qpeat Son* day with relatives In Northamp ton county. Mr. Lowry Spivey and Mias Fannie Stallings were out driving Saturday evening. Mr. John Lane escorted Miss Roaa Parka to ckarck Saturday. Thom present at the home of W. E. Parka Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Byrutwasd child ren, Mr. and Mrs. & F. Berry man and children, Lala and Cor nie, Mr. sod Mrs. 0. G. Chappell and two children, Curtis sod Car son, Mlaa Mary Foxwell, Messrs. Warner Bunch sad F 1. Whits. Mrs Ahscilla Hollowdl and children o( Norfolk are visiting her mocker, Mrs. Elies Parka B. F. Berryman is on the sick Ust. Mrs. Lucrctia Ward tpesri Turn day with Mrs. W. E. Parka Mr*. Mary Window died very suddenly Monday morning, Au gust 90. Mina Partheaia Williams oi New Land la vWtiag Mins Pear) White at this writing. Messrs. Baade Baker, Berry L. White, Miaar* (vie Baker and Pearl White attended a pknk at the M. B. Church, New Land, last Wednesday. Misses Lillie Mate sad Okie Kaiford, Sarah Maie Winslow and Mrs. Delia Wlaslow visited here Thursday afternoon ' Misses Parthenia aad Sobelte Williams, Pearl WUte, Messrs. CUlph aad Berry Lse White vis ited friends near Ahoskie Friday and Saturday. . A large numbsc (me here at teadad the VMeads Quarterly Meeting held at Bkh Square last Mr. Percy Wlaslow had ,t|a misfortune of losing hte hoo* Tueaday. Mrs. Non White, daughtf. ateteraod atecc returned team Nags Haad test weak. Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Williams hawa another heir—it's a hey. Mrs. BUsa White is oa the sick list this week. Mrs. Tam Paean is suffering from injuries received from a (Ml. Mr. Otte Baker of Pleasant Shade Is vfsMag Mb aaat, Mrs. B. H. Ward. Miss Vara Bafamr of Suffolk sareut Baturdey add Sunday at the home of Mr. Is a JUuatreew Mr. I. j. Nicholson returned to Mias Bthel Bwladefl left last Thursday for her heats la Bah ; Mrs. 1* O Ions ties and sea, Wallace, aad daughter. Novella, aadMIaa Aaaie-Hepe Ward spent Moreday afternooa la HebhevUle. Mias Novella Boeatsue eater tahsad company Seaday. Several frum ham-I sor LOOK AHEAP! “ rko C ahead fastest are the ease who look ahead farthest. Look ahead five or tea years from now and ask yourself whether a good balance at the BANK OF H0BBSV1LLE the result of your continued efforts, will not coma in handily in giving motive power to your success plans. Bank of Hobbsville, HobbsriUe, N.C. E. I. WARREN -Agent For Southern White Cedar Shingles Manufactured Excluaively By John L. Roper Lumber Company NORFOLK, VIRGINIA vice at Warwick Sunday morn ing. Mr. B. B. Ward and family ■pent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Riddick. Miaa Novella Rountree spent Saturday night with Miaa Ruth Johnson of Bunbury. Meaars Amos Comer and Rl liott Barnes were visitors here Sunday. Miss Lillie Baines and Mrs. Bettie Sutton were In our village Saturday morning. Mias Annie-Hopc Ward enter tained company Sunday night. Mr. mod Mrs. B. H. Ward spent Tuesday afternoon in HobbaviUe. The well bog needs it as well as the sick hog. National Bog Cholera Preventive. Advt. Win! All. Mrs. J. H. Barber spent last Tuesday as he guest of Mrs T. J. Nixon. Mrs. Joseph White has return ed to her home in Norfolk after an extended visit to relatives in Wmiall and Hertford. Messrs. Arthur Gilbert. Frank Nichols and Mias Ruth Gilbert of Norfolk were the week-end guests of Mrs. Luther Nixon snd Mias Virgie Miller Mrs. Wiliiam Sawyer and chil dren and Mrs Clarence Garrett of K City are the guest* of Mrs. Thoms* Wmid. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Hill of 'uffolk were the guests of Mrs. A. R. Winslow last Thursday. • Mrs. Oliver Layden o( Okisko has returned home after spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbomfe* Ward. Mr. Durwood Barber is spend ing some time ir. Bdenton as the guest of his cousin. Eugene Ba ker. Mr. Opal White and Mimes Euth snd Dons White and Frank re Barber motored to B. City last Sunday. Mr. Halstead of St. Brides died at the home of Mr. Miles Jones Sunday night. Eare llBtes. Mr. Lum Parson of Salisbury, Md., spent Monday at tbe home of Mr. A. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mr*. J. M. Johnson of ' Norfolk are guests of his brother* Mr. T. A..Carter. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Turner and daughter. Helen, spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. A. M. Johnson. After spendiog sometime here Mrs. K. R. Carter and daughter, Beulah, returned home Tuesday. * Miss Epie Carter of Norfolk Is the guest of Miss Minnie John son. Mi-scs Carrie and Lurlenc Po well entertained company Satur day evening. Mr. Bob Eure called on Miss Epie Carter Sunday evening. Mivses Minnie and Norene Johnson entertained company Monday evening — —.... ONE of the greatest ^delights of owning a car is the elegance of liana and distinctive ap pearance of your outfit. No matter what style ef the Reo you select you have s car that is correct in every line and detail. Wa are here lor the purpose of helping you select the ear you want so you are welcome to any iafor •ation we can give you. . *■—-------L—

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