rr-| XLhc Rlbemarle Observer iHEs Vol. 8. No. H6._EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917. Subscription- m no . v„.. Patriotic Day At Gatesville fliitods of People Pay Trikote to Men Call ed To Colors Rev. W. A. Hall Delivers Address Gatesville. N. C., Sept 1.— Hundred* of people from all over the eastern section of North Car olina gathered Friday at Gates vtUe, N. C., where Patriotic Day was celebrated with elaborate ex ercises, In honor of the men who are drafted into the army. The court house, the gathering place, was beautifully decorated with bunting, tlye national colors anti the fUgs 'oi the Allies. Kcv. T. B. Crutchfield, chairman of the National Council of Defense, presided at the exercises, and the orator of the day. Rev. W. A. Hall of the Sufi oik Presbyterian church, was presented by Rev. M. T. Plyler. Mr. usli congratulated the people of (Gates County on the patriotism shown by this meet lag. and declared that piety and patriotism go hand in-hand. tie declared that America is Aghting la a just cause, and point ed out that while the war seems far away, it is England and the Allies who are keeping it from ear shores. He paid a tribute to the President of the United Slates end said that the first step to moral greatness is sacrifice and self-renunciation, and said that the Master of men said. “He who would save his life must lose it.** He declared that the soldiers who have volunteered have done hon orably, but that those who have been drafted are equally honored, for nothing could be done with out a great army behind'the gen erals. Referring to the gift of Testa ments to the soldiers, Mr. Hall read the chapter in Bphcsians which describes the “whole arm or of God." He advised the men to learn the “use of the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of f|ni4 N WOO. The address was dosed with the quotation of the stanaa which has been added to “America:" “God save onr splendid menl Bring them safe borne againl God save our menl Make them victorious, Pattest and chivalrous— They are so dear to usl God save our men." Altar the ringing of ' ‘The Star Bpangled Banner," Attorney God win of Gatesvilie spoke to the soldiers, who were assembled on the platform all during the exer cises, assuring them of the love and devotion of the people they were shout to leave behind, evi denced fa a small way by the comfort bags presented by the women of the coonty. He also spoke to them of tbe business aid committee which was organised to look after the interests of the drafted men while they are off Aghtlog for their country, and amused them of every assistance pnaBfilr la their affairs. Mrs. T. W. Gotten, chairman mi tha Woman's Committes Na tional Council of Defense, gave tha Tsar amenta to a a umber of I young girl*, representing the “Lend-a-Hand" club of Gates ville, who in turn presented them to the prospective soldiers. Mrs. Coitcn spoke very briefly of the love and prayers which will follow these men wherever they go. The music was rendered most affectively under the direction of Mias Lucile Waiton. Dinner was served on the Bap tist church lawn, by the women of Gatcsville, under the auspices of the Woman’s Committee of of the National Council of De fense, and an elaborate and abun dant menu. The chairman of the woman's committee, assisted by Messrs. Godwin and Costen, has just com plctcd a campaign of the county for member* of the American Ked Cross, and application ia soon to be made to have a chapter organ iaed in Gates county. The meet ing today, one ol the most in spiring ever held in the county, closed with the tinging of the doxology, and prayer by Rev. Mr. RoyalL Below is given a list of the men who are called into the service of the country from Gates aqd whose hamet have not been here tofore published. These men were the honored guests at the cele brat ion Friday. 4 Willie O. Spivey 13 John T. Williams 17 Beecher Modlin 38 William L. Rountree 96 Arthur Parker 31 Willie 1L Langston 84 Quinton M. Wiggins 48 Clenny Winslow 61 Moody G. Perry 71 Waverly K. Parker 70 Nathaniel Wilkins 76 W. Bryant Askew 81 Willie B. Turner * 83 Sidney W. Small 84 Isaac S. Harrell 86 Kennifer T. Stallings 90 Oscar Horton 98 Lycurgus L. Brown 104 Marshall B. Hobbs 106 George M. Brown 190 Walter R. Barnes 198 Talmage T. Freeman 138 Cape Charles Casper 149 William N. Mathias 146 John T. Eure 141 Frank L. Nixon 167 Charlie W. Hofler 160 Oscar Lee Austin 174 Claude L. Umphlett 188 John H Raby 184 John X. Nor cum 189 Elijah Bunch 198 Peytoa L Harrell 191 Joe R. Duck 908 Solomon Q. Eure 904 Tiiman J. Harrell 206 Timothy L. Rice 208 Archie Riddick 218 Edward Hendrix 998 Robert Ooilins 996 Junius A. Hobbs 980 Charlie B Wilkins •88 John H. Seawall 984 George R. Sea well 936 joy H. Baker 948 Bills N. Hoilowel] ' 962 Oornie A Wolfley 969 George T. Riddick 968 Martin Lassiter 964 Frank Simona 970 James W. Spivey 971 Robert R. Jones 976 Wilbur L. Bure The Albemarle Observer, The Progressive Farmer The Thrice a*Week (N. T.) World, Regular price $8.00 All 8 for $9.80. Ad dram Albemarle Observer, Eden Con , M. C« Demonstration Work The rush of the canning season is now over. The girls and wo men of the clubs in Chowan Co., have put up about 88,000 tin cans of beans, tomatoes, soup mixture and such, besides the large number or glass jars. That means an average of nearly cans to each person in the county. Remembering the fact that the weather conditions have not been the best w.e (eel that we are not boasting too much when we say we are proud ofoungkls snd wo men. Miss Coble now has an office in the building just opposite the Bay View hotel. She will be there on Saturday and Monday and occasionally through the week. She haa the labels (or beans, tomatoes snd soup mix tures at 86c per hundred. Come and gel them and be ready when you want to selL Again we would urge all the girls and women of the dubs to get your exhibits resdy foe the (sir. You have done so well all' summer thst we feel you will be resdy for the lair. Ail together now, let's make this the best (air yet. MISS CIRCS COBLE. Co. Home Demonstration Agt., Bdcnton, North Carolina. WMcallccl h CMcsvae, N. c A meeting of the Womet^jJ Committee of the National cil of Defence met in Gatesville,1 N. C on Aug. 8lst This meet ing was for the purpose of com pleting the organisation in the County, but owing to a very small attendance very little busi ness was attended to. Some of the beads of commit tees for the following depart ment* were elected: Food Production Registration for Service Food Conservation and Home Economics Women in Industry Pnhlic Health Child Welfare Maintenance of Existing Social Agencies Educational Propaganda Liberty Loan Home and Foreign Belief Safeguarding of Moral and Spiritual Forces Publicity Finance. Notice to Fishermen! At the last mealing of the Fiah eriee Commission Board bald at Moeehead City, N. G, on the 0th, day of Jsly 1917, a motion was offered ss follows: "That the closed season fat shad and' barriag shall be from April 20th to January 1st, during which time it shall be unlawful to oatsh with nay net, naans ot other appliance, nay shad or her. ring la the wstars of North Caro line. N The eoaaideratioQ of Ihie mo tion wan dafarred anti) a wining of the Board to be held at Edcn toa, N. G, oa the lad day of Ootnber 1917. All parties Intarestad^are re q nested to meet the Board at said meeting aad if they so desfaa, they will be heard on thie sabpet. Rsnpsetfally. H. L. GIBBS, Pfahariaa Com'r. r Selected For Service ntmi LIST OF Mil SIUSTKI m muTitr siiviei rtsa LSCAl ISAM FM CROWAI SMNTT tSPMTII BT TIK •irrsicT mass rvt EASTEIR MST1MT Ifil Important Notice To Registrants This list, from the date of Its posting at the office of th* Loral Board, constitutes node* to those whose names are listed hereon, tuut they have been selected for milf*juy service, and charges them with aa obligation to watch the bulletin board of the Local Board and to hold t be (natives la read!* ness to report for military duty at the office of the Local Board at a date to be specified la a later notice to be posted at that office. Date of posting this notice at office of this Local Board Sep tember 5, 1917. Date of posting verified aad certified correct. C S. VANN. Chairman. L. K. SUliMBBELL, Secty. Office of District Board For Bastsrn District of N. C. September 1,191T. The following list of ad, call ed for military service by the Local Board for Obowas County have been duly f-Tiurt upon by the proper Local and District No in Ink dress Local Name No. gtvna Board | Local Bd. 1 Henry Banks, 969 Edaaton 7 M L. Bunch, 676 Tyaer 11 William Boyce, 696 Tyner 16 O. E- Spivey, 784 Bylaad 16 Lewis Bdoey, 766 Tyaer 17 H. S. Roberta, 107 Bdeatoa 19 £ D. Worrell, 978 Bdeatoa 96 Dempsey Little 909 Bdeatoa The District Board for Eastern District of North Carolina, JOHN D. IS. is. rAUK, secretary. The Following Man flap* Hot Appeared tor Exaadaatioi: Notice bee been seat to them twice to the address given oa their registration cards, end post ad at the court hoeee. I(they do not come ia at once their names will be sent to the Provost Marshall, Gen. Crowder, Wmh ington, D. C. and dealt with by him 48 Jamas Blount 409 J. EUward Wltaoo 909 Aaron Halsey 991 Fred Biggs . 197 H. la Roberts 889 Joseph Holley 997 Simuel Johnson 999 F. *. jonee 494 JL K Harris •40 Josh J. Short « Partly Worn Clothing WmM Tbs Darya* War Belief malms as orgeat appeal foe partly warn eiothtag far the eefteren ia towaa wishing lo make ap this bet, wbwk will ba east la September tribe does to Klee May Wartae, Q—m Street, Sdeaioa. V. C. urnnuun mnt ■. kmt if BElVIVEtl, I. C., AMOMTNttf tlLECTII TO M TV FBAMCL Among the Coast Artillery Reserve officers recently graduat ed at th* Fort Monroe training school who have born assigned to duty in France Is Lieutenant Henry H. Perry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bragg Perry of Belvi dere, N. C. Lieutenant Perry left the University of North Caro lina and entered the Reserve Of Traiaiag Camp at Ft. Ogl*. thorpe, Ga., May 14, 1917. A month later he was transferred to the Const Artillery Training School at Ft. Monroe, Va., and was commissioned Second Lien tenant In the Coast Aniiisry Corps, U.S.B. August 14,1917. Lieatcnant Perry km the distinc tion of being the youngest at Ft. Monroe to receive such n commission, fifteen days after hw twenty-first birthday. This pa triotic young odEccr has our best wishes lor great success and a sole saturoto home and friends. • -> T EDENTOS HONORS DEPARTING SOLDIERS The three young getlemen, Memra. E. J, Ward, M L. Bunch and William Boyce, who consti tuted the Brat contingent of Chowan county’s quota left for camp Wednesday at 1B:S0 P. M. Before leaving they were given a luncheon by the local Woman's Council of National Defense hi the rest room. It was a delight ful repast, one of the young men remarking after he bad finished that he regretted that his capaci ty would not permit him to "get around.” Mr. Charlton Harris, who will be with the next contin gent, participated in the honors with these. After leech, the four were grouped beside an automo bile on Mala street and while two large Bags waved from their sides held by little Misses Alice Main ly Cason and Mary Turner Bush, Mrs Cason took a kodak picture of them They ware escorted to the Norfolk-Southern depot by quite a number of our dtiaeas and another pisture taken at the depot. Before boarding the train, they were given many hand shakes of farewell and good wishes. On the train they join ed many soldier boys who had boarded the train at other points. I Anderson Items. Mrs, T. W. Nixon spent Tues day seer Bdentoo with her moth er, Mrs. Bdward Chappell. Mrs. Motile Lone celled os Mrs C. W. Beid Teesdey after noon. Mrs. Jack Hunter visited Mm C P. Be Id Taodajr afternoon. Mrs. G B. logcraan went to Hertford Taasdny iftirnooii Minnie and Nora Rogesaon call ed on Ida and Ncilia-Lot 8ta^ iags Wednesday afteroooa. Mra Ida Reid apent Wedoes day with her mother. Mra Bench. Mia* Addis Reid and sister tailed on Minnie and Mora Stall ing* Sunday afternoon. Mr. Will Nison spent Thurs day night with hia brother, Mr. C F. Nixon. Mra. Cora Stallings spent Wed naaday afternoon with Mra G.R. Rog arson. WfMWwi nr nc (NdMfh (By Buutl T. Maura) Preparation are aow aipidty under way fra takiag care of the largely increased aaaAra of ex hibit* at the greet Eme Pakthia year. The (air will ha held Oat. lBth to BOth. aad It le gratifying that a rpecial oaoMaktn will lira every hoeae m Palaigh irwtt thit arewd Executive i I |g. praveraeata to the | the fair grooada aad tl tmtk so that If faipy we prevail the pleaaora af the great fair aeadaat ha ii> auniahed, for ladaed this para, the fair erOl aot ealp afar great «r«r before, bet baaeddal laaaan are to be leatoad-Miyk m4 fW jura at this ‘‘-i- -rhia fnd con servation aad load prodaettoifta of aach Iraportaaca Erray farth er bop aboald ge ran* ad stray housekeeper ia the State aad via fair belongs to the people sad President Everett will ^ead hie resource! alaera far asakiog k a grand meetiag place far North CaroHalaaa / Mr. Wallace Jordu was a er at the home of Mr. A. X. Jor dan Sunday aftaraooa. ' ' Mr. Grover Jordan accompo- - nlod Misses Mnttfo BsasUy and Dora Jordan to ssrvtcas at BatftnT Sunday aftornoan. Mr. Tates Jordan, On. G, Ya. Bsft,haa returned to Norfolk after spending a abort furlough with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jordan. Misses Bertha and Margarwt Beasley were gaeats of Mfaa Bildn Jordan lata Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mm J. B. Brhbtde weretbu guests of Ms brother. Mr. John Brabble Sunday attar We are glad in ay that oar B.T.P.U. Is progressing sleety.' Misses Mettle, Bertha and Margaret Beasley left Monday night for Klou College whore they will attend school. Mr. Donate Wood and Mies Mary Jackson passed tbradgh our coauaualty Sunday after noon. Mrs. W. H. Bate and two children of Washington. M.C.. art visiting her persnta. Mr. mad Mrs. A. J. Procter. The Thrice o-Warfc World of New York, and The Albemarle Qboenrer. both one year tLTtl ssarU Obeerver. Sdoatea, «. C.