L. J. Winslow, who has recent ly purchased the merchandise of L- N. Bollc well here, also hat charge of the poet oAce. After several weeks stay with Mies Ruth Lamb, Mias Clyde Lewis left last Friday for her home in W liming too Mias Ira Ward of this place ond Mr. Fred Jenkins of Potecaai were united in marriage at the home of the bride Wednesday, Aug. 3i Only a few of the im mediate relatives witnessed the occasion. Miss Ira eras one of our most popular young ladies and will be greatly missed by her many friends throughout the community We wish for the couple a long and happy union. Mr. Ho (us Chappell ol Bdeo ton spent Saturday and 8unday with fricods here. Mr. E. L. Chappell recently lost by death bis three year old " Mr. Walter Hayes and Miss Bmma L. White spent last Mon day as guests of Me. and Mrs. Miles EUiott of Mcge. Prof. -Arthur Jordan of the State Uhlveisity, Arkansas, ac companied by hia mother. Mrs. Fterehek* Jordan of fiuabnry, •pent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mattie White. MimMabelle Harrell of Drivers has just concluded a visit to Miss Mary Smith. Mr. Timothy Jessup left Moo day tor Wake Forest college, where he will attend school the coming year. He will be num bered among the honored stu dent* because of hia success is winning a scholarship to that college. Timothy always stood fast in his classes and by hia ge nial disposition was everybody’s friend. We wish for him a very prosperous year at college. Hickorr Fork Nows Mm OcUtIk Bunch and Mint Eleanor Overman spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. W. G. Bunch. Mr. Pool Hobbs and Mbs Bet tie Twine were out driving Sun day afternoon Mias Elsie Turner made a shaft call at the home of Mr. W. G. Bunch Monday (morning. Mr. Bugcne Twine was the gnest of Mbs Annie Rountree Wednesday night. Cecil Bunch. E. L.. L. H. and Abram Hurdle went fishing bat iiortujr morning. Hits Elsie Turner made a short call at the home of Mr. J. I, Twine last Saturday afternoon. Mr Joe Overman called to see Mias Maggie Riddick Sunday of fer. C G. Bunch spent a part of last week near Ravage with >!r sister. Mrs. Mary Jones. Mr. and Mrt. William laann , are all smiles—"It'sa boy* .jfers- W. F. Bag ley spent one , afternoon last week with Mrr. Ultra Twine. „ Miss Minnie Bunch spent lent week near Savage and attended the revival at Osh Grove church. FFBBOF CHARGE I fraMk kM IWBiUM fit rilt. I COME TO SEE D. F. WEBSTER HERTFORD, N. C. Wa da expert Automobile REPAIRING We alee da expert VULGAHIZINfl F«U line of Maxwell aad Ford AatoaobUe Supplies rain mssuki mnt rwM MIG! CAMUIA I BTC TtKWIAL WA. iHfOIA, WfTHtlfT TtABAE EM ».*. Tbo Mtoviii aoaadule iigim pubUabad aa tatormattoa only aad ara TtAlItt LEAVE EICMTBB lOtTTIMUia 11 ai p. m.. dait), iiobt xxraxs8 tor Pbyottsrillo aad GbarlokU, Palfan Sluplag Oara toe Balalgfa laabai aad tatarmadlaia sta 11 mi PM., Dally, for Balalgti. Qolds boro, Beaufort ar-< tatarwedlate ■toltoaa. Park* Obr earrtee to Vaahtagtoo aa>: Vow bora. ■MTVMVM m, dally, Mlgfal Kapraas far Bartolk. Pallama Blooper 1:W p. a., dally, Bapraaa tot Hartford, BHaabalb City aad Bortuta. Puik iNP.A Daly for Hortlord. Bllaabetk OHy. Norfolk aad lataneedleto T«0 A-1C., Dally, aaoopt Soaday, ter BuBalh—antra BuffloU bmi A. U 10KM .A X, Dally emsept Sunday tor SaSolk aad laiamadlata stations Pur part Ian Ira apply tol.A Barney *. P. DADTOU, O. P. A. Bartolk, To. MARTIN KELLOGG SUBBDBT. H. O. ;FIBt iMBRAKf A SUKETY BOMBA Bakes as low aa any and companies aa P«l aa tba beat. Bataa wUl be gladly faratabaS alt bar la person or by mall. Illtt DTtKPSM TULETt ,Ml-orton O. at m.an pri^ - . nfj Bethel Hews Items. Mrs. J. C. Haskett or Hert foid spent a few days this week with her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Li ng. Mrs. Annie Layden is spend ing sometime In Hertford with her daughter, Miss I villa Layden. Uncle Anderson Long, a high ly respected colored man died at his home here Thursday. Our old before the war colored friends are rapidly passing away. Mr. William Long is very ill at his home neat Ycopim station. Mr. Henry Long of £. City has been called to the bedside of hi* father, Mr. William Long. Mrs. T. W. Standin visited Mrs. John Phillips Saturday. Mrs. Phillips has been on the sick list quite a while. Mr. Wilfred Gatling from New Haven, Conn, is visking his mother, Mrs. Thomas Rronghtoo. Mr. Clarence Standin ia visit ing his parents, Mr and Mrs. T. W. Standin. ( A large congregation attended services at Bethel church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Clarence Standin and Miss Ethel Sutton were out driving Wednesday afternoon. C. W. Standin* visited his broth cr Sunday evening. Revival services begins at Beth el the 10th. Rev. Mr. Putney of Norfolk will assist the pastor during the week. Services will be held afternoons and evenings. Miss Lillie Satterfield o( £den ton is visiting at the home of her uucle, Mr. S. T. Sutton, this week. Mr. John Gatling and family have returned from a trip to Nor folk Mr. W. T. Williams has begun work on his new residence in tistesvillc. ?r. King's !Mew Life Plllri Notice! • Wo have now on hand Home-Made FLOUR Put up In half barrel seeks Those wanting some please oall at once FARMERS SUPPLY CO. CALLED HER FAMILY H RER BEDSIDE Sk Tam if* llblfcf A* A«k Dk, Says Tom Mr* At 1m Ak»W* Ami Wmm mi Am Cmid fm Bm Iccwy. i up dose to the ice—end when old Mr. Sun gets too • busy for comfort, go get one of them — and watch the thirst fly. Nothing like a tall, tinkling gloss of PEPSI Cola Just get a case — try one from your grocer and ace bow EASY it is to keep cool and comfy even in mid-summer— with that Mtangy," tasty, thirst-killer dose at band. Cclenton tftottitng Co. ^_IUdcFroaTri-P»re DUtilled Water Rube Madrin. Proprietor ARMIES NEED FOOD; DON'T LET IT BURN i ftrtbf RaWog of Crops Will Not Soffice; Every Cars Most bo Exfrdssd Toward the PisTonlisa of IWwiBdso ad Waste of tbe Food After it is Mado aad Housed Me aptrtta4 finance la the atat*. The latter aaka aooparaUaa is tka e*n* •alee twist toetarad by tha Caeaeil of National Defeoee sad which ha* th* asppett aad *h«*i cooperation of th* National Beard of Hr. Underwriter* aad ia heist peshed by Inaaraace Con ■Maaiaaan aad rtre Marahala all orer the nation The eatapalcs alee ha* the aodoreement of Psaaident W* aoa. who haa laaoad a elate most which »"flhe tha toilowtsd para«raph: 'Preventable a re la more than a prlrat* mtafanane U la pahUc der* Uetioa. At a tha* Mka thia of new road‘*a‘^ha^aaatad*~*"** E. J; GK1FFIN, DENTIST, Eden ton, N. C Offlu, CHItaw1 Btak BnUdhf. Pruden & Pruden, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Eden ton, N. C. W. 8. PKIVOTT, AtTORNEY-AT L»AW, nkE INSTIUNCK, OfllM n,.,—»v. (Vutrt Rohm. Ksiablithci Itfb?. ■ ODELL BROS., Commission Merchants SoltaftAri Norfolk. V«. •WWwoBBWw DELIVERED ; AS ALWAYS.—At least $200 lees than other cars ot equal POWER ear CAPACITY. 1. H. McMULLAN, JR. • Dealer - ~~ ~nr 1 * —pTa H R. LKAKY ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW EDENTON, If. U. OoM.vtlona a Mp*n|al|y. -^^ggg=8;_ . g=ac=rr= Patrick Matthews C. h, Cunaoltiapa/xlOpairaetla* Kngtnarrard •wr.-yor. r>ratna*». Land and 4ufi uRaral Tamn»/>na« a k{«a«alty. •• >*•"» arpartanoa. Spmtal >ara.a ua F.ra*rr» Oi tna an. BPCNTON. . N. C. 400 Tyi T All kind* and nil grad*.' __j 113 «p toMrueOon baaboMbaaob ma <**»• Tm and rap.,, part* .Jar all ntabrtTf paartUra t Maw— Trra r«r Bopaoio, B.T «*** RHWfcPhih iAoLETI

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