Zbc MwigU #b«crpct H. L 8TOKY Editn t»« Pnuw»t " PUBiMHKO xvxar nut>t> Ixi'ix' •> "niol nlv* ~— January y. I»H|. at un in* »«•» M HAmhuu. N. • ^«a4ciaato«tll»lU «. Ml>. aOBUOSIPTlOM PB1CB: ONK TEAK ..SI JK) •IX MONTHS.SO THESE MOUTH8.» imw, a.6. ret ftp. 7, ltn T«n MAMMA ■AM tTRf tT People were greeted Thindaj Bsoraing by » ring chopped with •a in eruead one of the shade Uses oo Xaio street. It bed been dose seeretety to the night end so fax the gailty party has not acknowledged hie deed. It is ia t«resting to kaow that this waa oee of the (oar trees about which e petition signed by quite a am ber of tbe ritisrusof Edeoton bed been presented to Ibeooeueil ask ing that theaa (fees be removed before the street is peved. Soma obj’-etion to the removal of these trees by aome women resulted in tbe eon no II som promising by o» deriag that the ties farthest south be removed sad the other three allowed to staod. The gir dled tree is the awe fsnhsai north end one of the three order ed to eland. Whether this ttve - wee deadened as e rebake to the action of the town council, or by come person beat aa destroying proparty or wbat is not known, bat it waa sot dons by say small child. Wbate ver may be tha sen timent with regard to these bans, the person who did It ahoald, if found oat, hews the fall exteat of the hew. The writer signed the petition to have the trees removed bat bn would also sign a petition to have the one who deadened ii proceeded to the M1) extent, for tbe reason that people ahoald be taagbt to reepeot taw regard leas of ooaarqaaoass. It ia a spirit of anarchy that would prompt a mas „ to. jsugrt to x*Q*«.'ws ia defUrraof the law:* r•• - GALBERR l X ROADS Mrs. Belli* Elliott entertained oompauy this week. Mrs. Agatha Forth ad enter tained friends the paet weak. Mr. aad Mrs. Joel Focanaad and JLasille Evans sailed to see Mr. aad Mrs. George HoUowaU one afternoon last week Mr. end Mis. Ernest HoUowell ; sailed in EAaad Monday. Mr Clave Hollowell sailed at the hoaw of Mr. Joeeph C Ea soo oee attaruooa last werk. Mr. end Mrs. Herman Baker nod baby visited Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Eason Snndsy e her soon. Mrs Ageths Forehead celled to e«e friends in ByleaJ oas day lent week. Mr. sad Mrs. Alfred Rosettes of River View were geests of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Forehand Sands; afternoon. Avoid Trouble With ' Onion-Flavored Milk Weal lUWrfk N. a. Sept— Tba Of fie* of Dairy Exporiatenta ttoa warae dairy famaca to ba oa Iba took oat lor troebio rvaalting from tba fall arop of gariie, oa wild oaioa*. Tbie fall crop ol wild oaioa* la aeaally aot to free** aa tba early or apriap amp aod way aot leaolt la ao •mb troabta to Iba dairy sea, bat tba foilowiag praoaotioaa ob«aU ba takao to avoid oaioa iavoeod dairy proJaata: Gtva tba dry eowa aad yomag etavk tba raa of oaioa lafvatvd Will INSPECT FOOD HO SOFFIT HOUSES OMANUATNM M NKFIOTIO MT mmuhamck min in month moi im STATE DEPABTHEMTS HELP AM MMlap Whw* NN wd •«* HHa At* tend Will »■ 6wrM *Wl«H OiMiiUiii My rira ar WMM Willow No tea. Alios Laura Hpivcy is at home sltcr a lew days stay at the home t»l her uncle. Mr. licwellyn Spl vey. Miss Sallie Hudgins entertain* ed Misses Alma Fisher and Clara Male Brown last week. Revival services dosed at Eioo Methodist church Tbdraday night Rev. j. AL Russell assisted Rev. Mr. Fisher Mr. W. J. Pierce of Bclvidere passed through here Sunday. Miss Myrtle Rountree of Gates ville was the guest of her cousins, Misses Mable nnd Bernice Blanch ard last week. Several of our people spent last Friday ill Gatesville. Mis. J. W. Hudgins entertain ed friends Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Lassiter is improv ing. Miss Florence Blanchard ex pects to take charge of a school in Stanley, N G, in the near fu ture. Mr Mills Riddick of Gatesville was a caller in Willow Thursday. Carter News. Mrs. Jasper Baines and child ren of Suffolk spent last week with Miss Mary Aigeiru, Those who visited st the home of W. A. Ellis Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wolfley, Dr. and Mrs. Phillips of Portsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. liufus Hobbs and chil dren of Hobbavillc, Mr. and Mrs. W G. Rountree and children of Eure, Mr. and Mrs. C G. Ellis, snd Misses Virgil Rountree and Placid Brown of GatcsviUe. Mr. and Mrs. M. A Ward and children, Misses Nellie Pruden snd Mary Ward and Messrs. L. P. Hinton snd Noilleet Pruden spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs O. H. Britton of Oofield, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. £. A. Rountree and son, Ned, of Hobbsvdle, Mr. Eugene Carter aQd daugbtgr. Mxs Elisabeth, of Suffolk., called St tbe home of C. E Carter Sun. day evening. Mr. Floyd Hinton accompan ied Mias Ethel Carter to Sunday school Sunday evening. Mrs. W. W. Honry of Hamp ton, tV, Is visiting brr parents at this writing. Messrs. J O. Henry and T. C. Corbitt of Hampton visited their parental home last week. Misses Nellie Pruden and hary Ward returned Sunday aft r a week s visit to friends and ijLa tives in Oofield, N. C. £. V. Hofler returned to New port News Monday after sp« id ing so.ne lime with his pare ta, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hofler. Mr. and Mr*. Q. D. Ellis ton, I. C. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! SHINGLES! 40 car loads (or sale at reasonable prices. Avoid the high cost of slate aad metal roofs by esia* tbs real shinjle that ws all kaow will last (or ajes witbsot paint sr other care. WRITE TODAY FOR PRI0E8 ARD ORDER BURKS Do your covering now before harvest time. It is our pleasure to serve you. E. 1. WARREN, Sales Agent, Edenton, N.C. New Ro»d Notes Mr. and Mra. Baker Bojoe of Bjland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. Q J. Byram. Mr. and Mr*. M. 8. Ward nod children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. W. Goodwin of hlege. ' Jeeee Byram spent Wednesday and Thursday in Norfolk os bus Mr. and Mra. J. T, Bojoe and children spent Sanday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jordan of Byland. E. D. Byram made a business trip to Bdeaton Satarday. W. O. Bojoe baa purchased a Ford. Maedames Charles Jordan sad Q. J. Byram spent Satarday af ternoon with Misses Esther and EUea Hadaon. Mrs. Lillie Boyce and two ohildreu, Klla sad Belie, of Bear Swamp apeut Thursday at tba home of Mr. T. D. Lroa Mra. E. 1). ByraM sad sou netted bar mother Satarday after soon. J. R. By ran baa traded ooe of his bones for s Ford. Mrs. J. N. Boyoe sod abiidrea of Poplar Neck spent Wednesday with Mrs. Missouri Boyoe. Mr. asd Mn. Fred Mardso of NtfTWk. are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Griffin. After spending a few days with bis sister, Mrs. J. T. Byron, Mr. Tandy Daniels retornbd to bis boon in Newport News Monday morning. Mies Early By ram so oompenied him boos. B. B. nod E. B. Byrsm end T. D. Boyoe spent Tuesday in Bdeo ton. Topey Sava. Mr. and Mr*. Abram Parker of Holy Neck spent sp*rt of last week with their son, Mr. A. L. Parker. Meadames A. L. and Abram Parker spent Monday afternoon with ktia. Sam Harrell. Mr. and Mra W. B, Durbvand children spent Friday In Norfolk. Mr. Sam Harrell kaa bought a new Ford. ■ Mr. G. L. Darden and family, Mise Folly Mure and Mr. C As kew spent the week-eod in Nor folk. After a pleasant visit to rela tives and friends at Holy Neck, Miss Mary Harrell returned home Wednesday. Mr. sod Mrs. Sam Harrell vis ited Mra C. Askew Sunday after noon. Mra A. L. Parker and child ren spent Sunday with Mra E.R. Butler. Mr. D. S. Harrell and family attended services at Bodaco Sun day afternoon. After visiting friends near Cure Miss Della Harrell returned home Sunday. Messra George Harrell and John Askew celled oa Misses Selsaa aad Della Harrell Sunday evening. Mia Selma Harrell left Toes day for Hon OoUege. Norfolk Cottoe Market mediae came (Friday) a.7« Drum Hill News Mlnei Lena Mae Baker and Olga Harrell are visiting relatives and (pends in South Norfolk and Petersburg. Misses Mollie and Ethel Carter spent the first oi the week with their aunt, Mrs. T. M. Howell. Mr. W. P. Biddick and family spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riddick. Mias Helen Cross spent last week with relatives in Whaley villn Messrs. Clyde Baker and Ho#, ard Jackson and Miss Ida Baker spent 8unday and Monday with relatives in South Norfolk and Portsmouth. Several of the boys from ^ round bere that are in the first draft attended the patriotic ser vices at 0«uavil!c Friday. Mis* Kdna Laws of Maryland is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lmwa. A Red Cram Auxiliary has been organized at Savage church and Mrs. Z. Y. Oroaa was elected chairman. Mis. W. P. Riddick vice-chairman and Mrs. J. M. Baker, secretary-treasurer. The first meeting was held this Tues day. Miss Elizabeth Speight return ed Sunday from Newport News. Mrs. J. P. Pcele and two chil dren. Mis. Lizzie Du Die and one child, Mrs. Addie Williams and one ehild, Mrs. Ellen 8utton and Mlm Ellen Sheerer of Portsmouth spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mra. J. H. Baker. Mrs T. M. Howell and son spent the week-end with relatives at Boduco. Mr. Emmett King and family of Portsmouth spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. a Austin. Mr. Bioadut Collins ot New port News spent Sunday and Monday with friends an«i relatives here. Mrs. Lin wood Matthews and two children spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Port Norfolk. Mrs. Wallace Holland is visit ing relatives and friends at New port News and Portsmouth. Tyner Mawa. Mrs. Claude W. Perry, after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. S. a Hdwards, of Woodland, returned home »■«* Wednesday. Mr. Sam Tuttle and family re turned to their home in Norfolk Sunday after spanding several days with Mr. O. & Lane and family. Mr. J. E. Lane and family re turned from George, N. G, last Thursday after spending several days with relatives. Mr. Joe Boyce of Edenton •pent several days in the home af Mr. R. W. Belch last week. Mr. A. W. Lane of Norfolk spent the wcfk-end with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs J. E. Lane. Miss Mary Davis left Monday morning to make her future home in Norfolk Mrs J. A Boyce left Thursday morning to make her future home *• Norfolk, much to the regret of her many friends Mrs J. A. Kitchener and mOth er of Edenton spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. E. Lane. __ ! Newest Felt Hats For flen r r Prettiest Styles and Colors We’ve Ever Shown. Prices $3.60, $3., $2.60, $2., $1.60, $1 Bv$r«tt-Woodtrd Co., u ham is w low rttiir’ "mtrnuM n wiak* * edenton; N. c. WAGONS and CARTS i We are headquarters for Chase City l Wagons, the largest *agon factory l in the South. We make carts and < have them in stock all sizes. j Thom wbo bay early will qave advance* in price. Come J a*4 look nod be convinced that we have tbc wagon for 1 bard m / | J N. ELLIOTT. EDENTON,N.C j