Free With School Shoes! A Dandy Water-Proof Book Bag or 2 Nice School Tablets. Wo show a Big Line of Sweaters for School Children. Everett'Woodard Company “Leaders of Low Prices” “Everything to Wear” EPENTON, N, C, Lei Is Kitw Yoar Wants For This Ctlna. C—h In Advance. ®U Unse or Imm 26o tor or*. 7&U tar 4 wnta iddllioMJ llaaa pro rata FARM FOR bALE—Located on Hertford Road 9 mile* from Edenton, in Graded School Dis trict. containing 130 acres, 100 acre* cleared, good 8 room dwell ing. 8 tenin' bouses, good out buildings and new tobacco bam; lour head mules, 8 horses, (arm ing implements of all kinds, cans wagons, buggies, pea picker and engine, etc. Terms easy Apply to J. T. SATTERFIELD. 4t Edenton, N. C. Farms For Sale—Let me know yoor wants C. H. HOBBS, Real Estate Dealer, Moralised City, N. C. tf. WANTED—To boy a good milk cow or trade a horse for oua Address Boa 179. Bdenlon, N.C., or notify Albemarle Observer offioe. One Hundred end One Acre Farm For Sale— 60 acres in high state of culti vation, 61 acres in woodland, some lumber. Extra neighbor hood, good location, good water, good schools, near churches, 2 miles railroad, good buildings, fairly good roads, near High School. Good crop on farm this year. Sold fifteen hundred dol lars worth of crop last year be sides the corn crop. Price 64,260 (Four thousand two hundred and hfty dollars) • $1,000 cash, six years on balance. L. A. ROUN TREE A CO., Sunbury, Oates County, N. C. tf. AUTO FOR HA LB—One flve ( passenger automobile for sale. < Will sail cheap and make terms to suit customer. Tires nearly new. C B. ELLIOTT. Edenton, N. C. 4t — 'Farm For Sale 166 acres, T6 in cultivation, 1 mile from Savage postoffice nnd station. Near churches/ and schools. Some timber. Plenty fruit Good stock asnge. Good buildings. Good farm. Price $$300. August II, 1917. W. L. BUNOH. Savage, N. C. 4tpd FOB BALK—A good, gentle, family horse. Apply to UK. J. H. McMULLAN, Rdenton, N C. The Western Union Telegraph Co., can use several young men between sixteen and twenty-five yeais old as messengers. Good wages guaiantced. Must have bicycles. Messengers are taught telegraphy (rce and given posi tions at the key soon as qualified. Apply by letter to Manager Wes tern Union Telegraph Do., Nor folk. V». ' 4t DOG LOST.—Large white hound with brown ears Tip of left car oearly torn off $6.00 reward lor per>on who returns this dog to me. H. N. HUGHES, Edcntou. »• 04t pd. WANTED! Young white uau to work on farm near town. Good wagan. Writs or coma to see ms at once. E 0. REA, Bdeotoa, N. C. tf. PEANUT PICKER* ENGINE FOR SALE—One 1010 model (Kj Heothall Peauot Picker and one six h. p. gasoline —with wood saw sod frame attached, both in good running condition Have only been in use two ana nous. Will Soil outfit for $420.00 (Four Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars.) Tar ms cash. Apply to J. J. Rountree, two Allan from Sunbury, N. C.. on OaAsTilla Road. BUTLER-WILDE* To the surprise of their friends Miss Lillian L Wilder, daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. T. J. Wilder sod Mr. Lewell B. Bailor warn mar ried Friday of last weak. No data bed been annooooed aod the erent was sooner than expected. The marriage took plaoe ia Elias both City io the ofioe of tbs Reg. iater of Deeds, the ceremooy be ing performed by Jasiioe of the Peaee, J. W. Moadec. Miae Wilder and Mr. Boiler bad Sti visiting ia Norfolk aadlbeie de cided to merry before returning by way of surprise. Mr. Botler. formerly of Windsor, Va., baa •barge of tbs loaeb room at thJ Norfotk-Soetbera depot He also baa charge of other leash room* of the Norfolk-Southern. Mr. uf Mrs Batter will be at borne on Oaknm street after e few days. M. Wll, Vutfictvm of and Doalor in Screen Doors & Building Material Com. Mctl. notably, Ottt and FViy. Saak, Doan and Blinds, Bracket Werk, Turned Work, Moelding, Stair Work, Obnrck Pro, Flooring, (JaUlng, Cement, Um and Boaaa Bills Complete Paints * Ode IBV Til AHD REPAIR "OP Wa are prepared to do ail kinds of roofing and guttaring, make Mom pipe, tabasco flues, boat tanks and do a general repair business USdezitozi. 1ST. C. ' J Kdenton Local Mews. Mr. Joe Mitohell, u Assyrian groeer, mad the aister of Mrs. A. Nejem, sleo eo Assy rise, were ■tarried in N >w Bern this week. Dr. J. A. Mi token er ead Mas ter Jake Moth returned tkie (Fri day) morning after a trip to Be Uif h and Helms. After a visit to Mrs. O. C By rear in Queen street, Mra. Mar garet Perry left Friday to visit relatives in Ores well eu route to her boats in Newborns. Mies Thelma Kemp returned Wednesday after e three weeks’ visit to relatives in Norfolk. Bev. E. L. Walls is oondnoiiag a revival at Hobbeville this week. Mra Walla apeat Thursday with him. Mr. and Mra. 0. 8. Yana sad daughter, Mias Myra, returned Wednesday from Baffalu Li this Springs. Ye. Dr. J B. Parker of Gateaville was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. D. B. Lilas left Mooday for northern markets. Miss Margaret-Rath nod Men ter Elbert Mnse of Wiooatico, who have been their gneela fur the past week, eooompanied them. Mrs. L. D. Bpnd and eoa, Wm. E., came borne Buuday night af ter spending two wceke at Nags Head. Mr. W diner Herrin of E. City, who hen beau nailing hie aunt Mrs. J. 8. Dana, returned home Friday. Altar a stay of aareral weeks at Nags Head, Mrs. Wm. Capefaart, Sr, oame home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bond sad soa of Borgass wars hare this weak to attaod the funeral of his father, Mr. Heury Bond. Mr. Joaieh Elliott, who ia working in Norfolk, spent the week-end with hie family lo Mag nolia street. Mr. M. W. Miller, Miaeea Mar garet Miller and Annie Weed and Mrs. D. U. Smith returned Mob day from a week-end motor trip to Bertie oounty. After a pleasant visit to hw brother, Mr. W. S. Ferry end Mrs. Parry In Coart street, Miss Mery Perry left Monday night lor ner Dome Mar Colaralo. Altar a week'* riait to Mrs. H. 0. Jackson In Water street, Mies ee 1 de-Mae end M >17-Lee Thorn ton returned to tkcir home near L City Wednesday. Born to Mr end Mrs. U. R. Parker Taeadey, Bept. 4, a aoo G. IL Jr. 1 After a riait to relatives in Month Norfolk, Mias Aiethia Ward out home Monday night. Mr. Ferny Lowell of Berkley ■pent Saadey with hie Bister, Mm A. II. Day. Dr. Richard Dillard returned Monday night Iron Buffalo Lite la Springe aad Norfolk. Mrs. W. T. Hoi low all and little daaghter, Onella-Mae, Spent Sat urday and tieaday in Hertford with her ■ inter, Mrs. E. A. Byram Mrs. J. Freak Whits sad sons, J. Frank, Fred aad Nad, left W ad sudsy sight to visit rslslitu near Coleraio. Messrs. Johnny Aafaall aad Tommie Waff, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ziegler motored to E. City Su dsy alter 000a. Mias Fannie Prirott is rhfog relatives in aad aronad Hertford. Miu Gladys Norman of Fly monte was the week end gneet of Miu Mlanfe Bateuen In Conrt Mr Brass Jonas 1aft Monday fur Charlotte to re-join Oo. T. Mrs. B. F. Fraosla aad non, Don, left Wednesday night lor Cnffsld to visit her sinter, Mrs. George T. Leery. Mr. Richard Elliott left Saadey for Aanopolia to eater tea Naval Mr. and Mrs. W. T. HoUowafl aad little daughter want to liver ▼tor Wedeeaday |o vittt kb pa ito. Mr. Md Mr*. Job. T. HolloweU aad to attend the rsri vel at Ballarda Bridge akorch. Mr. HoilowaU earn bom Wad Maday eight Mrs. Hodova eod baby wlU remaia nattl Batar day. Lieut R. D. Dizoo of Nov Berne apaat tba weak aad with bn father. Maatar Albert Byroai baa re taraad from a visit to relatives la Washington, D. C. Afters aortbara trip Miaaao Addie Rea aad Haiaa Holma bars ratoroad boaaa. Mia* BataUe Prirott b vbitlag bar brother, Mr. George Prirott of Petarabarg. Mr. Bofaa I. Chappell baa aold bb largo farm to Mmre. Powell Brothaea of near Edeaioa. After spaadiag trttrtim with bar niaoe, Mra. W. L WaDoaa of Haleigb, Mra. J. H. Haskett aad two ebildrea, Leroy aad SibyL Loaiae, ratoroad bom Friday. £lnar Robereoo of CheppalTa Hill apaat loot week at tba boats of bb male, Mr. J. H. Haskett. Mrs. J. C. Marita aad ehddraa arc riaitlag relatives ia Haotbad Nash. Mr. W. A. Everett of tba Ever ett Woodard Co. left thb weak for aortbara cities to npbabh bb stock of dry goods. Mr. T. E. Forehead, who kaa bald a positloa with tba W. A. Leggett Drag Co. for tba pool two years, baa resigned that peak boo aad tanpttd one with Ever ett-Woodard Co. ■n. a. A. rarfcar at Bofloik la tinting bar boo, tor. d. B. Parkar Mr. and Mia. W. £L Ward and bar brother. Dr. H.Q. Balpb, left Weddaeday tor Balharan to rial! thair brother, Dr. WOliaia Balpb. After a abort risil to bar aoao in, Mr*. W. H. Ward, Mia* Clara Maa SpraiU laft Monday for bar Mtoa Hi Coiaabia. Mr. Oatay Banah laft Wadnan* day for l.t L College, Baiedgh. Mr. C. A. Smoot, looel euper Inleadeot of paving, to able to be oat again after a few daya iUaaaa. The Fanaan Supply Co. baa an hand now hoae-aude flow pri op in half barrvtl oaaks.Thoaa rioting sonaa plaaaa call at OHM. Add jwigfiB*a Z loada. ftMn. Jin Yeomans and two children left Tuesday for their htane in Bey Oity, Mich., after a pleasant visit to her parents, Mr. s/d Mrs. Joe Bilk. rttlas Goldla Boyce of Porta* m»uth la the guest of Miss Lu ll* Eure. ■Mrs. Robert Taylor and Miaa saiDoUie and Fannie visited at Ufe home of Mrs. Mary Eure T .eaday night. Quite a number of people sfhnt Sunday at the home of Mr. J< e Ellis. •Miss Susie Beaton k spending K sc time in Bosley. (Mr. and Mrs. U L. Bess and crtldrea of Hdentoa spent Turn* bb*, Archie Barnes and Shel d n Bure Monday evening. *Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bouatree. Alasn Jackson. Carrie l\>h. Ethel and Olile Booed c^led at the hoo* of Mm Mary I4!re Monday afternoon. ' • , , , ^'trtiy Worn Ootdln| Wi , The Dnryoe War BMkf • i nr^nl o^pul for partly friblog lor tha ■sd.rsn In - ■ hy IheOermaoa. Thorn i win bo Mi In HOG CHOLERA STRUCK The herd of Callin Bros., Currituck CoM Shawboro, N. Cn about August 20. Three died before National Hog Oholora Provontlvo could be administered. One that was down is now up and eating. All are on the road to “Wellville" to-day, September 6. National flog Cholera Preventive Co RALEIGH, N. O. ■B.H.A. BOND DEAD Mr. Henry Alexander Bond, age 78, died at bis borne aboat 9:DC a. b. Mooday September 8, 1B1T. He bad beta ia bad health far severa 1 boo tba sad tba aod waa expected. Tbe daaaaaad waa bore September 28, 1844. and waa at death tbe oldest as tire man of Bdaatoo. Ia 1871 ba wea mar ried to Mbs Ebbs Hadgtne,«bo amilim bia. Ba ia alao earn* ad by fow daaghtan. Mrs. W M. Badbaa of Bdeetoo, Mm. Jinn Webb of Hillsboro, Mqe. H. H. Prtetoc end Mr*. Cbaa H. Wood of Edaaton; oaa ton, Mr. H. T. Bond of Bar gem. N. 0 ; two sta te". Mrs. Mary I Whits sad Mrs. Lalm M. Jonas of Edeoton; two brotbscs, Millard F. Bond, Sr., and Joba C. |Boad of Edan ton; ons ball sistm, Mis. J. A. Woodard of Idsnton; and tan grand children. Tba fanoral aar rtes at 11 a. a. Taasday waa cm dnotad from tbs boam fay Bar. B. B. Draae sad tea body iatarred ia 8b Paul’s ahorah yard. Tbs pallbearers wars Mtears. W. S. Snmmereli, J. M. Vail, a O. Holland, Msiadith Jonas, J. L. Wiggins, J. R. Wbanter, Waltar B. White sad B- P. Badham. Mr. Bond was for a aawhm of yeare book-keeper far tea atom of tba Branaiag Mfg Oa. Ha repre sented tea County in tba Legisla ture twins and was tea father of tba ••Water Front Land Entry Law." ia the interest of tba Dab ermea. He ia tea Brat of bit brother! and tlttem to pans sway. Trrtrnit Vm Mr. B B. HoUud ud Marty of JackaonrUla, Fla., apart a put ol laat vaak ban aa lha gaaala al bm paraata, Mr. aad Ma. Au WUI MitakaU vapft to Hartford Tbaraday afteraooa. Mr. aadMra. #. H. Bpa%kl aad aaptocvof Gmoo. aad Part Troiau attendad aarriom rt Oak Qroaa i a Mia. V«°u Wyaurt Si^T,EraTirtaauiart koa. agaia afkar a ria* to rakdl n la Norfolk. to Spaigkk aad aoa ham aaar I I < I *** QaH. a aaaibar of aar paopla ara attending ramal aarrlaaa al Hobbarilla thia vaak. f ken las Ij lesey itie? A qoaitkM often naked and one that baa n rssdj mmwm In a eback book. If yon own a abaak book on tka Bank of HobbarilU yoa nan always tall wbara year ainaay baa gone, and. by reviewing yomr aaaaalsd abaaka ommdomMj, tall wbara yoa aan '’draw in** a little an yowr T-jnr IHaiss More than that: If yoa administer your hah thrush > akaakiag aaaeant with thia bank yonll tod tt meek aaaiar to Moamlate a raaarve than if ypa handle it ta nanaij Bank of Hobbsnlle, Hobbsrille, N.CL a Freeh Salt Water Fish Received Dally and kept in a Sanitary Way. • • N. J. HOLLO WELL, THE FANCY GROCER Phone 63. Queen St Eden ton, NjCL