Your/lnances let yoor finance* bother yon—that's why a good bank has been established is yoor community. The quickest way to figure out your business prob lem is to open a bank account. It will always show the exact status of your business allairs. Open an ac count with this safe, conservative bank and your mney will bo properly taken care of. -CITIZENS BANK EDENTON, N. C. G«n Pond Nows. Him Vivian Evans of Jarvis burg and Miss Lola Privott of Eden ton visited at the home of Mr. Z. T. Evens last week and attended the revival at Rocky Hock. Mm. Dan White of Hertford is visiting relatives here et this writing. Mias Janie Peels spent Friday night with Miss Boalc Bunch. Mr. George Williams and fam ily and Mrs. Annie Jordan from near Ballard’s Bridge spent Satnr day sod Sunday with their sister, Mrs. H. P. WUson. Misses Lola Privott, Lillie and Vivian Evans entertained a large number of young people Thurs day and Friday evenings. Misses Viola and Lottie Wil - son entertained company Friday evening. Those present were Misses Janie Pcdc, Grade Ash ' ley, Martha Harrell, Boaie and * Gnidie Bunch, Messrs. Ernest y Williams, Cara Baas, Joe White man, Sidney Hollowell, Barnie ■1 Ninon, John 0.. Jimmie and I* John B. Bunch. Mr. W. A. Nixon and family spent until bedtime Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. L Q. Wilson. Mias Grade Ashley visited Miss Rosie Bunch Sunday. Mr. T. D. Wilson and family ol WUliamston are guests of Mr. and Mis. Jim Bunch at this writing. B. L Harrell has a horse with the staggers During the storm last Satur day afternoon lightening struck in the grove at Rocky Hock church and killed two team. Mr. George Harrell and (amity, Mr*. M. E. J. Harrell and aon, Roy, gisited Mrs- Bet tie Harrell Sunday. Mr ^Clarence Leary accompa nied Mias Lqla Privott to her home in Bden(oa Sunday after noon. Mr- Jim Basa and family of Green Hall spent Saturday night with his brother, Mr. W. T. Baas. Mias Mamie Goodwin from near Gieat Hope spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel White. Mr. Johnny ..White spent Sat urday night a| the home of Mr. J. F. N'xon. Mias Martha Harrell entertain ed company Saturday evening. Liles Evans of Jarvisburg spent Inst week with his cousin, Cara Evans. Miss Janie Peele is spending this week with Mrs. W. F. Oale of Center Hill Miss Ev*e Peele left last Thun day for Norfolk.’ II (ss Pansy Taylor of Golerain is visiting relative* here. RUB-MY-HSM Wfll earn yoar Ifts—Hw tVeurnlgin, Ilsndnehee. Crumps, Colic, Sprains, Praia ■■, Cut* mod aorna^Old Skarva.^8 tinge onnaarta penally"and autaranlly. Price 2Sc, The Thrice-a-Werk World ol New York, and The Albemarle Observer, both one year 91.76. Send subscriptions to The Albe marle Observer. Rdrnton, N C. A good garden hose with spray aosxletkat will • carry a good stress of water to ady dlafaoca ar oa ad yoor Lawn or Garden will keep it always Fresh and Green. The beet lias of hoee, ' reels, lews sowers sad gardoa tools geos rally are to he foeod here at the lowest prices _:_* _^ 1 . g Hobbsrille Hews. Mr*. Warren Hobbs of Nor folk came Monday night to visit friend* and relatives here. W. 1). Ilobh* i- working at Jamestown. Junius Hobbs has recently con eluded a pleasure trip to Ocean View .md ]ame-town. Alter a vi*it to friends and rel atives here. Mis* Nellie White tins returned to her home near Hertford. Pat HUiicliard and Jim dpivey were c.tilers here Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farmer and son, Mrs Stephen Elliott and daughter. Marine, from near Hertford are visiting relatives here and attending the revival Mrs. Brinkley of Qliden is the guest of relatives here. Miss Vir«ie Hobbs of Myrtle, came last week to viait her sister. Miss Susie Hobbs. M r Bumic Outland of Newpost News spent Monday night here. PATRIOTIC BALLY A Patriotic Rally and ice cream supper (or benefit of Red Croea at Elm Grove school Tuesday evening September 11th from 4 to 10. Mr. Butler of Tyner, Mr. Cade and Dr. Dillard of Edcnton and Dr. Shelton McMullan of Hertford will speak beginning at 7 ;30. Special music by Misses Evans and Nixon. Patriotic songs by everybody. Come and bring yodr friends. ' • Sodttco New*. Mesdamcs E. R. Roberts, Wil lie Cowper and Lucy Riddick and children of (Jatesvillc, and Miss Martha Cross spent Wednesday with Mrs J. L. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Howell were the guests of her another;, Mrs. Z. T. Williams, Sunday? * We had with us Sunday Rev. Mr. McCall, who preached an ex cellent sermon for us, also those not able to be baptised a month ago were baptised and received in the church Sunday. A large congregation was present Sunday evening. / «vcv, ww. n. nouoveu ana Rer. Mr. McCall and Misi(Bcrtie Harrell were the guests o Mrs. I T. Carter Sunday. Mr. R. R Bure’s family spent Suailay with Mr. M. T. F miter. Miss Bailie Mary Willis j0d Mrs. Cog (dale were the pi District of N C, Sep-ember 4. 1®17. The following l»*t of men, Call ed for military service by the Local Board for Aovu< County have bees duly paaaed upon by the proper Local and, District Boards aad are hereby certified a* selected far military service •ad not exempted or discharged. Order Bed Ad No in Ink dress Local Name No. given Board | Local Bd. N K X. WARD 140 Edenton The District Board for Eastern • District of North Carolina, JOHN l>. LANGSTON, t han in nt K, I*. I’ACK N Cii'irry. ■- ~r ■V*/ «*" - * ' • . WDVkwi uiavl i Tba Kind You Hava Always Bought, and which haa teen ia naa for over ovar 30 year*, haa borne the signature of w? -— and haa been made under bis per •0o*1 anperrlaloa atnee ita Infancy. tiV7Z Allow ao om to deceive yen In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-es-good ” are but Experiment* that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Oiildrea—Experience agalnat Experiment. Drops aad Soothing Syrup*. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narootfc substance. Ita age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty yean It haa he« la constant aaa for the relief of Coastipetfoa, Flatuloecy, Wind Celts and Marrheee; allaying Faaurfohaoaa arfcfng therefrom, aad by vuguladng the fltocaach aad Bowels, the aseimllatloa eg Food; glriag healthy natural bUm. The Children's Panacea—The Mother4* Friend. QKNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 39 Years Tb# Kind You Hava Always Bought W«w V— dfTY. _ W««t Bfllrldere. Mrs. Velum Winslow and son •pent Tuesday night with her •iateT, Mrs. R. H. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. T. O Lamb and children and Mrs. J. Q. Rogerson attended services at Great Hope Saturday afternoon. Mr. Memll Lane accompanied Miss Vast hi Copeland from the picnic at Chappell's Hill Thurs day. Those present at the home of Mr. J. H. Copeland Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. JohQ Lane and son. J. T., of Ballahack, Mrs. Lonnie Whitehead and children of Suf folk, Mr. and Mrs. A L. Hollo well and children ol Ryland. Mr and Mrs. A. E. Layden and son of Bclvidere, Mr and Mrs R. H. Copeland and son, Messrs. Her bert Lane, Lycurgus, Bugene and Lester Ward. Mrs. Ben Jordan was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Wooten, who is very ill, Monday. Her son, Mr. Ervin Wooten of Norfolk spent a couple of days with her. Messrs. Freeland Copeland and Caspar Lamb, Misses Myrtle L*mb, Mary Smith and Mabel Harrell motored lo Ocean View Monday and spent the day. After visiting hit mother, Mrs Jim Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Matth ew Wright have ret*rned home. Qscw New*. E. B. White, Dewey Boyce, Pate Forehead, Hugh and Dil lard White motored to Norfolk Saturday morning. They re turned Sunday night and report ed a very good time. Mr. W. Briggs of Oliden call ed to see his cousin, Mrs. A. L. Forehand last Wednesday. Mrs. B. L. White visited Mrs. 1 im White, who is recovering from a recent illness, Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs A. L. Forehand visited friends at Mavaton Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Clark and children visited her mother, Mrs. Hobbs, Sunday afternaon. Mr. D. W. Boyce accompa nied Misa Beulah Forehand home from Bocky Hock church Friday evening. A L. Forehand, Elmer Dail and John Brinkley went to 8ua bury last Friday. Mimes Thelma and Ethel Lane from near Hertford spent last week-end with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Winslow. VOU don't hare to bo told that motor trouble is x the one "fly in the ointment" of the autoist happiness. After yon hare fives os s trial yon won't hare to bo told that this is tho place whore you can rid yourself of such trouble. If aaetor trouble ia not positively inherent in the eofinn itself we can core it. Any way we can toll yon what is the difficulty •■d you will save tiaae, worry and money i by comiaf here first.