_ rrr Qbe Hlbemarle Observer Ihs1 ' _■ ___ , I_ VoL 8. No. 37. EDEN TON, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, Htl7. Sobecriptfon: tl.00 jT^«r CHOWAN COUNTY'S SOLDIERS’ BUSI NESS AID COM MITTEE. MS NTH CAMUNA CCMWCIk OF If FIMtL SCUIEKS' IUSIRISS All etMMTTIE. Tbe parpoee of tbe ('-ominitiee •bell be to render assistance to (Jolted States soldiers, sailors, sad marls a, in managing lbs de tails ot their private bosmeee while they are away from bon»«*. and to render them assistance in •btaisiag employ meet wbeu they retar o. Ha realtor tbe word "soldier" ■ball be ooueirned to include all persons in the military or pava! nsrvioa of the United Stan*. Tbe details of toe business especially In be looked after, upon request ot s soldier, are: s. To reader, without charge, say legal aarvioe desired from time of sail to tbe colors until tbe end of tbe war. b. To are that during tbe eb ■eoee of tba soldier there shall be so Upas la kta insurance policies, mo fslbtre to pay taxes os prop arty nor Interest on mortgage is debtedoeee, sad to make such le gal transfers of property sa tbe soldier or bla family may desire. a itM that ao advantage aball ba takaa of any aoldiar in legal prooeadlnge in which he tm7 b* a party, or ta whieb ba I may bare an interest 4. . To leak dbr aad aaaiat in earing for all paraooa who may be, or who may hereafter be come, dependent npou e eokiier for aapport. e. To aid aoidiara in aeooring employment when they tetnrn. f. To arrange for apeeial train lag or edomdioB of soldiers par tially disabled by woonda or die K- To eee that all aoidiara who are called to the oolora are psaperly tatfiaured, ao that they may role daring their a beano©. h To perform any otbei oer ▼ioa lor aokiiars when neoeasity therefor ariaea daring thaitr ab aaaoa at the front ORGAN 1ZATION. T ba nmt for organisation shall ba tbs coun ty, and there shall ba a oommittee in saoh ooaoty to twiiak of not leas lhaa six mam bars. Eaah eoouty aommitten shall atm the soldiers from that aoonty axolo aimly, aad a bail ham tha right to eonsUtote braaah or township tooniHvo in aaeb pUoaa and of aach namber as it may think prop** FINANCES. The eommittaa shall depend upon votanlary ootv trtbatkxu, an aocurata aoooant of Which aball ba kept, aad obatamr •bail ba left orar of tba aoutnba tiona shall be returned pro i«ta whan tha voik of tha oomaittea shall ham baas eompljted after Wbrmo soldiers are able to do so, they shall ba expeotad, af ter tha war, to repay nay money that shall ba adraaaad for them In hasping in form their life ioaur anaa polleiaa. is paying UxM, in torsos, sta, and the total soma Nanai, so wall as tha a moan t laJhOrsr ham donations, shall ba dtakribatad pro rats after tba and of the'war la thane who Shall bam Ns'ddM of Ihsla^m shall ba padf say aareina. no rente •hall ba paid.aad only soeb sacas Qypty Marionette*.— Oo“p2*d *•'*■•"* »•*«. Tfeaodoala Dwtoiaa. Katoaeca *mn »a Mary Haw to* Tbaea ladlaa praam aa tmanallj attract)™ pratrram which ia who)/ malqsa, eoaoM. ta« at dramatic akatrfcaa. htotortc action aaoca and r*adin«v EPEWTOH HIGH 8CH00L AUDITORIUM 8EPT. 25, 26, AMD 27 aery expenses at printing, post age, etc , aball be deducted from tbc sum received, end strict ac count shall be kept, sobjeet to in spection at any time by any per son interested. Alter the war ie over, and all baeineaa has been concluded, tbc books and aoconote aball be tarn-| «d over to the North Caroline Council of Defeosn tor aadit sad preservation. Very probably few soldiers will avail themselves of Lbs assistance of these committees. Most of them will be able to make their own arrangements, or tbeii imme diate families will look after the seme for them. The committee is intended to look after the legal, financial end business interests of ell absent soldiers wbo have not been able to make their own ar rangements, or whose people, if they have any, do not do so for them. The purpose in to assist an absent soldier in the seme manner as a brother would aaaiat an absent brother in looking after hie fioeueiel affair# and bolding his property safe until the absent brother returns D- B. HILL, Chairman. W. 8. WLLSON, Secretary. JNO. O. BOND, Cbm., C. 8. VANN. E. C REA, 0. H. WOOD, W. H. WINBOBNE, W. B. HASSELL, Chowan County's Soldier*’ Business Aid OommiUsa. EDENTON 88HOOL TO OPEN MONDAY The Edentna Graded School will open Monday, the 17th, 1917. Let every child who intends to go attend th# first day and never miss a day if possible to avoid missing on*. Ilire Brews, The Mute Teacher, Has Arrived. Mias Betsey Brow a of Boeaa Vista, Va., who is to have charge of the music in tbs Eden ton Gra ded School arrived lent Tuesday and U organising her class Th* taition ram* for mimic will ha 88-Nt) par month. Parents wish ing to as* Mias Brown aan do ac at Mrs. Waits* White's. SOW A PASTURE FOR THE HOGS THIS WIHTER Every farmer who is baying meet at present should reeliae the, importance of growing this farm prod aet at home; for borne one and a enrplaa for the market. The hog will appreciate and perhapa give aa great returns for good treatment aa any other farm animal. Do not expect him when turned oat on the raDge to root or die to be thrifty and fill the pork barrel at killing time. Bat oa the other hand provide good pen tane and get good boga and the renalta will apeak for tbamaalvaa. Meat la going te> remain high for aome time Mr. Hoover baa re fused to take charge of the meat situation ao prod act ion will large ly oontrol the price. There in no danger of there being more meat produced than the market will de mend within the next few yearn. Only a few days ago good hoge ware selling at HOc par pound on foot. Think of it, a hog weighing «uu lbc on loot being worth $40 on the eity market. Now doee it not eoand reason able that the farmers should pay more attention to hog raising and at least raise eoongh for home use. Sow something for the bog to eat this fail, winter and next spring. Set aside e few aores of the farm for a permanent pasture Send this with the kiad of eloreru sad grasses that la bast adapted to yoar lend. Sow some rape and red dower on a good piece of lend within the next tew days. Rape should be iarge enough to pasture within six weska after it is sown. It ean be graaed until the first frame theh th* clover will oeeupy the asms land and will furnish gracing from early aprt^ until Juwe whan it see be turned under aad tha land seeded to sore and may beans which makes an steel iest hog posture. When fed on corn alone hogi ceaso* be raised at a profit, but •has properly pattered sad (iv«a a email daily allowance of con they can be grown with e geoc margin of profit. Wben the peanuts are hn rmtei the bogs are allowed to giaan thi folds, tbs same is troe with son sod soy beta folds. Thismekae tbs (lUsaiog of tbs bags seat vary iittls. However, brood sows should sot be sllowsd to baooaa too fat on either soy beans or pss oats sines both have s tending to auks extremely soft tat, whisk is injurious to tbs is " i. S. MoBKE, .1. • '• 0°.«J A*-. THE WAR TALK JURY8HAR8E Jodge Bond of tbe Superior Court bench is making somewhat of a reputation as a patriotic speaker. A Charlotte mas who beard him a ooople of weeks ago at Lumberton was so uapcsassd with the forceful eloquence of tbs judge that be called at The Ob server office to make so especially complimentary report about it and the impression tbe apeeab mads on tbe people, judge Bond repeated the performance at Luu barton’s patriotic meeting. Mow day, than came on to Charlotte to aaa hie son who in one of the boya in khaki at Camp Greene. Ad verting to thia anatom by North Carolina judges of making pafcri otic apeeehee in the gnian of charge# to the grand jory. The Btateeville Landmark thinks that addressee of thia sort, so long as thuy are within reasonable bounds, “are proper seder the abnormal conditions now prevailing.’' If tot no other reason they would bo justified on aceount of the un doubted feet, se stated by The Landmark, that “the menses of the people need to be informed sod to here their patriotism a rooaed.” The Superior Omit judges of North Caroline hove been doing some fine work in this dirwetion, sod this Is partteolarly true of Judge Bood.—Charlotte Observer. Partly Won Clothing Wwtsd The Dnryee War Relief —h— aa argent appeal lor pertly warn clothing for the euffarars la towns eveonetnd by tbeGevmnae. Those wishing to make np this bn. Which will be sent in September are requsetsd to send their earn, i tribe boas to Mies May Warren, CHOWAN COUNTY’S NEXT OUOTA TO REPORT SEP TEMBER 18. The Local Board received a telegram, September U, 1917. from the War Department ask— •**C for list of all available white men certified to District Board. Same to answer call lor Sept. 18, 1917, at four oclock, office of tha Local Board. Notice has been sent to the following and names placed at Coart House door. If notice is not received thiough mail, the posting of the names is considered notice by the War Department. Failure to re port is answersble to Provoet Marshall, General Crowder, Weak ington, D. C., and punished as treason or desertion. 506 W. C Harris 767 J, C. Nowell 784 O. E. Spivey 775 T. L. Ward 779 Julian B. Ward T70 C. T. Ward 704 Thomas Parry •76 W. O. Boyce 0 1 enry Basoight 10 Willi* Jethro 000 W. A. !>*•»• 488 W. L. Dale 060 Henderson Dali 006 Daniel Me Reeves 778 C. B. White 700 Herman Parrish 076 T. A- Sawyer 477 J. C. Boyce 180 West W. Byrum ' 840 E N. Bunch 084 LT Jordan 807 Q. D. Asbell . 88 George Haste 800 Merrill Dane 068 L. S. Stillman < 470 T. C. Byrum 487 C H. Clough un of uni ammo Matthew UUiiaa, wife, 1 child t.Other Valentine, widowed moth er. tuberculor brother, aod brother with one hand. David Tfylor, wife, 9 children James Blount, wife, 9 children Harry Morris, wife, 9 children H. iL Boberts, phyeicially defi cient. \S THOSE WHO IMl HOT AFPIARIO r<t kiahibatiob 09 J. Bdw. Wilson 99 Aaron Halsey 104 Prod Biggs 869 Joseph Holly 997 Simeel Johnson 999 7. 2L Joses 494 M. B. Harris 088 lyynR Bond EAT MORE FISH! i Fish is meat sad has S high food ml aw Analysis shows that fish mast SnaSs hm sa much body-be tiding Exparlaaots show that Ash is an readily digested as am other Tow on sin replaoa all othar ■sate with Ash every day is tbs year withowt ill effsets Them aiw ■«w possibilities of isirrasas is tbs sasnt supply by the fishsrtea thaw by nay other own i ad entry. Tba demand ia Iba past hm mot •40a] ad Um a apply. Sat fraab Sab if yoa are aaar tba anaroa of fraab fab. batfaa’t aapaat to bay at a low prion fraab dab tbaf bare to bo abtpyad bp oxptaaa for long dtataaaaa oa iaa. Cimaamayoax looaDy-oaagbt fab* *a aud don't ail mm tba mw kiuda. Tba ebaapaat ia ofaa aa good aa or batter tbaa tba faar. Eat aalt lab whelww yui are. Write ibe Bureau of FtaberiM lor r*-cipaa for preparing aalt fab far tba tabia. If yoa aat aMat lor breakfaat aiaka it aait batri^ aott mackerel, or other aalt fab Sab ' Sahara good eating if yoa pao pare them proparly lor tba labia. Do tbai. mi iooin du. jim ia notbiug better than flak pupated by tbia old-ltahteteed method. Smoked barring, tanked aria, ■molted bowfia, aaeokad dark, ' Mtnoked oarp. Tkn Ihra teat mentioned an jaat bd^ 4ite 1 duead to tba market. Utkathad gi4 Write (or net poo far pnpar* tog eaoked fiah lor the table. Don’t let Friday be tin only flab day. Eat' mere fab mom days a wank. Don't aUad bank on abte namaa or ungainly fnjodka at an agpnarim fay ary. ▲ abark worid not teate mf. U teatea good as Ik fa (bap fa . good eating and imfaHuM. In \ will not And any flfa on tba mat bat that ia not fit to eat rf fc la fa: good eonditteo. Tbn bate tent «T * fnab flab ia not Ite name fafilfa Look oat for near fiaU Tfap an eoariag) ffnafla. Grayfinb, Burbot, Oooaaflab, Shark, ghats, Babiaflah. Grouper. Praaat ia fiab la fan baaa SteaU-paaaaun —an ai ready in aaa by tbnnaiafa ripno ple Put up a supply of flab whan you can gat thorn ahaap. Oan fan ’ rone, too; they am anpndally aw trHioaa. get the habit) For ad non, InlomaHnn. lafan eta., ante U. & BUREAU OF FI8HREIRS, Dteirion F, Wafa, logtoa, D. C. Svatarj MBs ®P« *H*li Septaker

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