Vol. 8. No. a8. EDEN TON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1917._Subscription: »1.0Oa YssT “80MEWHERE IN FRANCE” Our fellow townsman. Dr. Robert Dranc, of the United State* Medical Reserve Corps lias been loaned to the British “some where in France," for service in tbeir hospitals These hospitals are o( three classes. Base (in the rear); Field Ambulance, (about five miles back of the firing line); and at the Front, (in rlo<te touch with the fighters.) Surgeons rotate in these sta tions, the same man n^t being kept continuously in any one hospital. Witting 24th of Au gust 1017, from a hospital dug out in the s>de of a hill, he said: "Things continue to be quiet, as a rule, but with occasional breaks which 1 am not allowed to men tion The stay up here has been . good experience. l‘ve enjoyed it, but for a regular thing 1 like the other better." ("Up here" there was no oppor tunity to change clothe* for lour <»*yO One continuous roar and rum ble of the guns made him wonder that all the men were not killed. Generally, the small number of casualties was surprising. Some days later be was back Id Oamp, in a tent, where he had enjoyed a bath and, where he ex pected to get a good sleep "To morrow I have to see the Battal ion bathed." "Last night I saw a very in tereatiag fight About ten miles eSthflfBuit have been a raid going on; lor, alt at once, lota oi gunW' Went oft—aad lit up the horizon, as sheet lightning. The other tide then sent up lots oi Ughta, some colored ones for sig nala and white ones for illumina tion. It was a very pretty aight —beat other firework displays I’ve seen—but it was bad to think that mea were being killed." There is a fine spirit of cheer fulness among the troops. RAILROADS AND LIBERTY B0ND8 — r Washington, D. C., Sept. 16— ' Fairfax HarHaoo, Chairman of • the Bailrosd*’ War Board, author ises the following: ▲t the request of the Treasury Department, the railroads of the United Sfates will co-operate in the publicity campaign that ia being plaaaed (or the second Liberty Loan. Qalsrsd posters advertising the new liases of liberty Bonds will be placed in the waiting rooms of . every railroad Wation in the coun try. Through these posters the Treasury Department will be able to reach the millions of pet eooe who use the railroads and ■ . present them with timely infor mation concerning the Second Liberty Loan. The 1,760/100 employees of the railroads will also hare the ' enbject called to their attention by a aeries of posters thdt will be placed In the railroad shops and all other places wheye employees Mere then WO,000,060 worth of the •(» issue of Liberty Bonds ware purchased by railroad em The Pragremhre Parmer, and The Albemarle Observer both lor 91.10. Add rase Albemarle ■fltww, filiiM, M.C. CHAUTAUQUA AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27,1917. COUNTY MUST FIGHT DISEASE8 MEW ntn LAW KfUUIIU PM YO CUMS AMI MCU8EMDIIERS TC tEPCNT GASES Tf tl. AW. W AIRES, TIE CON ITT •UARIMTIMt LAW NOW IN FORCE To reduce the number of in fectious diseases in the county and thereby prevent numbers of deaths, slid save thousands of dollars, is the task that has re cently been set before the people of this county. The new State Quarantine Law imposes this task, but with it, it does not impose any hardship or impossibility. It requires only that every citiaen shall do his duty in reference to any contagious disease in his household or community. It pre supposes that every citisen wants to see his county rid of disease as far as possible and will do all in his power to bring this about. The State Quarantine Law. which went into effect August 1, requires that every case of cer tain infectious diseases in any home shall be reported within twenty-four hours by either the physician in charge or, in case no physician is called in, by the householder, to the County Quar antine Oflcer. The diseases to be reported are whooping cough, measles diphtheria, scarlet fever, smallpox, infantile paralysis, ty phoid fever and cebro spinal men ingitis. Any home having a case of any of these diseases, when it has been reported, will have placed on the front of it a large yellow placard bearing the name of the disease. If there is no yel low caid on the front of the house and if there is a case of any of the above diseases in bouse, eith er the physician or the house holder has violated the law and, consequently, is liable to indict ment and to the penalty of the law. The quarantine officer of this county ia Dr. J. W. Warren at Edenton, N. C. Report* giving the name, address and achool dis trict of any child or person hav ing a cane of any of the above named diaeaaca moat be made to him within tweaty-fonr boon af ter the dincase ia racogniaed. He will, once a month, publish all the names that have been report ed to him lo the county new ape \ per in order that all the public spirited citizens of the county, and those who would have less Mcknets and death, pailicularly among babies, children and young adults, may report to him any case that has not been reported. They may send him the name of any person who, they know, has had any of the specified diseases and whose name does not appear in the paper. Buch a service on the part of any citizen will be held in strict confidence by the quarantine officer and will be coo sfdered a service done for the good of haoianity and for the protection of life in tJ couity. The names of those reported to the quarantine officer as having a contagious disease Last month are: Geo. Eoxwell, Edenton, Aug. 6. Eunice McCienny, Yeopim, “ lQ. Lemuel H. Bunch, •* " 10. Ethel Bunch, “ “ 10. Johnnie Bunch, • •• 10. Henry Jones, Edenton, rtd • 31. HOME DEMONSTRA TION WORK PROV ING A 8UCCE83 Washington, D. G, Sept llto, 1917. Bditor, Albemarle Observer : — In the midst of the big questions which are constant ly under consideration here in Washington, growing out of this momentous war in which we are engaged, my thoughts frequently tarn to the folks at home, partic ularly as I read our local pi per*. I recently read in the Albemarle Observer some account of the activities of the Home Demon stration work in Chowan County during the recent summer. it appears that the women and girls of the Coeoty have put up 9900 cans of beans, tomatoes and oth er fruits and vegetables, plus a number of glass jars of similar products This is very fine. Let it be remembered that everyone who participated in this work made a distinct economic contri bution toward food production and have thereby done their bit toward winning this war. Bui mere are other incidental benefits arising. This food will be consumed during the winter season at a time when fresh fruit* and vegetables cannot be readily obtained, and will help to pro mote the health and vitality of oar people. It farther meant ao actual saving to the Coonty of the value ol these canoed aad preserved vegetables and fruits, which might otherwise have gone to watte. This work has united in s spirit of friendly co operation the women and girls of the respective communities in the County, and has served to pro mote a better acquaintance bo tween those who live to the town and those who live on the (ana. ▲gain, many of the girls who have participated have fond themselves. They have discover ed new talents and new resources by which they may become at least in part sal (•supporting and bnarcis'ly independent, and they li*.« thereby been made happier and mole contented. I distinctly recall the initial ef forts for the establishment of this Home Demonstration Wor^and the earnest aid then offered by many good men and women of the County. Surely they feel well repaid for their efforts, and ta«y will continue to dedicate a pen of their time to the farther promotion end development of this work, until light, content ment, self-reliance and hope ahall enter every home in the County. I congratulate Miaa Oirce Coble, our County Agent and leader, and bespeak for her the continued cooperation and encouragement of all our people. Very eincesely, JNO. H. SMALL. 9 mm sciool OPENED MONDAY (Beported by Miaa Mary 1. Whit*) Suobery, N. C, Sept. 17_ The S anbury Public High Be bool opened its ninth eeadou Monday morning, Sept. 17. 1017. with 118 dadeotn. which wan the largest enrollment for the beginning since lie estab lishment Forty five of tbs 118 atsdeota ere is tbs H. S depart Tba aaditorfam vaa Allad to Ha Mating oapeoity rvtth tka frtanda and patrona of tba athool togeth er with tka stadaets, who bad aa aembled to kaar tba txwtbw of tba aaorning. The devotional pa Hod waa in aharga of Bar. Mr. Byaan, tka Epiaoopal raatrn. who likwwlM contribated aoMa halpfnl aad Inspiring rrMalta, tka principal tkoOghta af wbiak war* that every life la of importasaa, aad that the deteraaiaatioa to aa eompliab something worth wMla will be tka aaaai of davalopfag i at*B or woman, whom life will bs of none ralna to civilisation. Mr. H. L Story, of Edeotoo, than favored the aodiaom with a very instructive, helpfml and internet* iof address, tba entire oootaofa of which wa oonaidar of ssAoiaot worth and benefit to print in this ieron of tha Observer. Editor Story's Spooch “Ladies and Gentleman: It is with a keen eem of plans* srs and appreoiation that I ad drsm tba good psopla of this comanuHj this morning. Having nan lived ham ~~i"ttq yon »»<i knowing yoo m 1 do, 1 Inal it ail tba greater honor to be sailed op* on to say a few words. This was ooce my home and there is an ir repiwMble end inexpressible joy in tha heart of any boy who has so opportunity, after years of ah* aanee, to return home. It in true that I hare passed back and forth throcgh this community many tome* si doc this was my home, yet sever bat oeoe since then have I had the pieaaore of seeing yon assembled. In these eight years, many ebargee have taken place. The old eh arch in which we to worship together has given place to e new and mare ^ bedding. The school has been an larged end e larger teaching force employed. Another ohnreh end new residences have gone op and beaiaeaa, to boom extant, aor panded Theaa are some of the common ity changes, bat they hre not the greatest. Sines then the world has ander gone a ohnage, and Ufa is not to d|y what it was just eight yean ago. Then we beaked in |he Boa light of paaoa, never diWming that the darit war eloade eocld bang so heavy over this greet coentry of oen as they hang to day. Bat we know sot what * day even may bring forth, and who knows bat that the children of a decade hence may cell sa atapid? Children of to-day, on tbs m srafa, are far ia advance of what tbay ware a few yearn ago, and on lean a aaa atadiaa hard to keep abeaaat of the ttaea, ha will lad to kla eabarraaaaaat that be to a baak number. Bnae ia the abort yaars of ay 1 ifa, aoofa woadarf u I ahaa«aa bane Ukao pi aaa. Wby, I waa alaoat twenty yaara old be fore I took ay Amt ride oa a rail read traia, aad I had alaoat fta tohad ay aollefe aoarne before I bad mar aeea an automobile. Not •o with mj boynl They wen ruling the railnugda Man tbny ooaid walk ud bj tba Hm ay yunugeat bob aoald it|ad alnaa. b« would aUad ia fcig bad aad orunl au iMaawbd* Many thing* that vara a inr pan ago oouai<land laxaries -an today rapidly brooming aafdlbl Great an tin nhugMjkn that ban t 'k«u pUcw ia r~ar nadinrda. Tiie met bods of *~T~hl~g. tba hooka aa*d, the eqaiptneeA toqair* •i. ibt »fleivtiay of toBobcTu. tbo !*»• got'rruing isbual (apuiaaM, —all Um-w ikiBga n an filarial now from what tiny w,c- la by. B,,ne yeara. Notw“1—laadi^ tka law ikat l vaa *.prfWHt aitknnl Iwachr r leaa lliaa taalia I almiwit fear to oflara aaggaauoo to tho aeboola of today, for tbo rpa~oc l bat 1 might ifif mmm change that bod Woe nado tan yaara ago aod beaoan a Wgbhf ■took for than eight aad ba>po old boy*, it ia ~ rralnaa boo rapidly acme boyg and. Want then days. It ia Birth la^ «g of tba ordinary for a to jaaa add boy boo to laogb aft ojaftHl father kaao obea ha on tryjy Rapid haa boaa tbo yrngiiM mi oar aeboola ia tba laaft AAaaa eg tvaoty yaara, aad Un bail laaot yat which the aehool tJ*T aftoday baa puaaibiy to a griatm whM than tha teeohacaof twenty TWN ago. Fanait me to aogee mom of them: L Lack af Haaaa Tinfad*. la the majority at oar pea^nl ' day hoeaea,MpaMalty ipawiapaa aad rilligaa, lha boya aai gj«4» aiegbaa too aay-'pMga They art not kept la aAM» to their parenta1 aawtrqj aa they oaaa were, aor da they hnva |ho parental care aad ottamMoa gaa< eerr to make that —*—» *«■ — Moald be. Ln thie baoy world ef oore, pareota are aigfaalfa^, Aa most important oaaa God ha pr> eatham. Tha lather beada.ell hia energy toward getting tagplh» er a livelihood far hia faaafly gd laying by ia Mom —nrlfal^ far the future, The high Uvfctf and extra vagaaee of lhayo tiatM fa aaad a great deal of tha heal of the faaoily\ad pabtte fimtkm demand bo maah of tha hoaaawifa IhM the rnapoaMhmtha'af motherhood hava gHan gfaaa g other thutga aad the efcOAma am t left to tha earn of ■- r y aervaata, aad ia aoma Ubrnm, aatlmly neglected, aad lha aa^ training thay gM la at Mm aahaoi. Thia places a donbia bwadaa ap oo tha teaohar, for Aa hade it Masked Ball Fnecy Drear M N«An 'Benefit ef the Red Cross Bell's Opera Horae 8.30 P. M. Friday Sept 3S. Participant* 38c Adnlt Spectator* He Children . • . Kk If farther ialersatiee In 4e •ired apply te «£ aJuuSZl t

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