rrz| £Tbc Hlbemarle ©beervet: |H£J Vol. 8. No. 46. EDEN TON, NOBTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1917. eSobscriptioD: >1.00 » Year Sensational Charges Against Superintendent J. 0. Alderman School Board Investigates Entire Proceedings Given Below One of the most interesting meetings held in Edenton in years was that held at the court bouse Monday afternoon from 3 to 0 o'clock. 1 he house was filled with men anc* women, many of whom sat throughout the entire proceeding. Beer aince war was declared, many charges of disloyalty or pro-Germanism have been chsrg cd to our County Superintendent Key. |. O Alderman. It was a well known fact that before war was declared he was openly and decidedly pro-German and having these charges of continuing a rather pro-German influence, the school board was called together to have these charges investigat ed The school boaid had a ste nographer to take down the en tire proceeding and in order that w* may be entirely fair in report ing it, this paper haa gone to considerable expense to publish the entire proceeding as taken by the stenographer As it was so lata when the investigation was nonoladwj. the school board cd ■ >—fwfcerikfraut uluvg coy action u itil a future meeting. The moot?** *aa cnlryd „ to e* <e» * VMMcf b} tlar chairman of the board!, Mr. W/ t. Berry man, and the following took place: (continued on page 8) GHRI8TMAS BOX FOR OMR 80LDIEB8 OUR SOLDIERS of CHOW. AN, out mm and kindred arc in camp training to be went with the GREAT AMERICAN ARMY TO PRANCE, there to do bat tle with the hungry and ravenous WAR DOGS OF THE GER MAN EMPIRE, the devourers and ileepoilen of the DEMOC RACY OP THE WORLD!! I We have the privilege of send ing to dhch man a CHRISTMAS PACKAGE filled with good things and fuller etUl of LOVE from some one at ■ HOME, SWEET HOME, where hh thoughts and heart will turn for glad tidings and great joy. THE BELL BATTERY CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OP CONPRDESACY, with the c<4 operation of the publie will All them boxes and dispatch them in time to be received by^jOUR SOLDIERS ON CHRISTMAS morning. The DAUGHTERS CON FEDERACY will offer to the pobUo a CABARET no the tin log of N or amber Mrd at Ball's Open Room, Idnton, end w Bcft the patronage of the citisena of the town and county. It la their aim to make thle ea t art single at oharmlag and beau* tifkl, and they will appreciate any Mk>ine« tendered them by thdae who an interfered In the plan uf of the MEN who are offering their Uvea in the defence of oar HOMES AND HONOR, that wa may live to aee the day of TRACE. v ON CHElrfrMAB was bora the GREAT PRXMOB OF I PHAOEI Mr». Patrick Matthew. Pres. Mr*. James Woodard. V-P. Mrs. lullen Wood, Mrs. Eugene Marrlner, Committee on A.rrsngetneot. RED BR08S NOTES / National Notes The American Bed Croaa War Council haa appropriated one and a quarter milliwu dollar* for etaer-* gcncy relief work In Boumania. One million of thi* will be «»fd for the purchase of food-etuffs. Anothsr large item in the ap propriation will supply forty thousand pairs ol shoes. Medical supplies will be sent in Urge quantities. Auxiliary Formed At Another Auxiliary was formed at Macedonia school hocsa last Thursday aAera see. Tiara a turn, ware mnVadamd tea aAemg eMfctad were Mm. bam Morfh. chairman ; Miss Miliar, secretary; Miaa Lina Foxwell, treasurer. A rally ha* been planned for next Friday night and we hope every one who can will attend and help to make the rally a great success. Auxiliary Among The Color M rMpU. The colored vootti of Rd«tn ton are becoming interested in the Red Croes work. Friday hi* ternoon Mrs. J. N. Prudes met with several of them and afte^ fully explaining the Red Cross work an Auxiliary waa formed! It was named “The Edenton Auxil iary*'’ Fannie Bariham was hp pointed chairman. Ella McDonald treasurer, aad M. C. Garrett sec retary. Mrs. Prod an invited the members to visit the meetings ef our surgical dressing department (or instruction in the of supplies. Ws hope ell the color ed people wUi feet the importance of this movement sad do all they can for its advancement. The Surgical Drtmiaj Dwf't. The surgical dressing deport meet meets tlfcce e smeh—Tues day store log and Thursday after noon The chairman, Mias Mar garet Pradea, earnestly requests that ill wifi giva their help In this work. A box of articles has been tent t* the Hrislon Supply Do pot In Atleafea, the contents of whiehw&a: 960 Sanaa OoaprwMi 9x9 100 ;• *.;'•< •• 4x4 48 Abaovfxxt Fada 9x19 80 Folded Gauae Strips 90 Sanaa tolls 900 Saute Spools 48 " Laparotomy P»<*» 91 Oakntx Paris 166 Sanaa Spoofna 6x9 19 ” Drain, 9 loch 1* “ ’ - k >--*> Kid Croon Killy At Bacadmli School Homo Thaw nOl hi • Bad Crow n*> 6 1 y at Macedonia School Boom on Friday nlfkt Nor. tftrd under til* auspice* of tbs Macedonia A#4 iliary A. R. C Speech by Hey. W. A_ Oadc. Patriotic soifa Refreshments. THE WOMAN’S CLUB The members of the Woman's Club are coocerned over the fate of the Rest Room. The amount contributed by the business men has never been sufficient to pay for the upkeep of the room, and It takes all the available (wads of the Woman's Club to facet the •xpauses. There is an impraaslria that the Best Boom la not oaad by the people of the Oeeoty. Tkia is a mistake. Many of the1 visitors express great appreciation lor the comforts awarded them, especially the mothers who bring their children. The room Is else aaed for Bed Cross work and as a place of meeting for the Board of Trade. As it serves so many worthy purpose* h is surprising that h has as* met with a a* am geaeroas mppott A.*—*la» *T rM Board of —rthe wwgi Cnmtr make a saw canvas of the bad-' •em dace nf the town and the re mit has been far from satisfactory. Tbf foUowiog list subscribed: Al» be merle Grocery Co. «*»*nnei Bros, Beak of Bides to a. Jefcn C. Bond Co., M. P. Bond, Byroad Brea. Hdw. Oo., C- M. Byrua A Bro , Dr. H.ILElkmi.Bnaah^ Mfg. Co., Oitlun Beak, Bveratt* Woodard Co, Edeatoo led Co., J. H. Bolmea Oo., 7. A. Wood* ard-Holme* Oo., N. J. HoUdweb B Son, J. Habit, C E. Kramer, Griffin 4 Ralph, W. A. Leggett, D. B. Liles, H. R Leery, Dr. J. 7. H McMullen, j. H. McMnllao, Jr., U. Madrln, J. S. Northcott. E. & Neraaa, A Ncjam, WUlle Owens, Preden 4 Prndcn, C. S. Venn, W 8. White, B. I War ren, T. H. White, L> P. ZieaW A Son. If every business mao Hi Eden* ton would contribute even a smell sum there would be no trouble la raising the necessary amount. FREE ADVERTISING The1 Horth Carolina Expert* aoeat Station la cooperation with the Department of Agriculture bMMe Monthly a farmer* Market Bulletin. There *je 9*00 cepiee of thla bulletin mailed monthly to mm>' ' Ptf+mn may Hat any kind of farm product* or lire stock tv*t they have for ml* without charge. • If you hare anything for ml* me an* or drop m* a card aa early ha peaalhle to that I caa get yea Hated to the December haaa. State whet you hare foe ml*, quantity, when you caa aMp, variety or brood. ' your poomMc* J. S. McBEE, Coahty Aguart. Per qaaek rurta try a Waal Ad U ear pepar. THANK88IVIN6 BAY Thanksgiving tMi year should ht celebrated with fasting and with prayer rather than with (casting and jollity. It would Hi become the people of this na tioe at the present time to make their Thanksgiving Day a ssasoei of feasting as in the past- Far batter weald it ba to ns she that day a day of conservation of (odd •to the utmost extent; and give the dlferencc between the coat ef a dmple dinner and the coat ef thp elaborate dinners of the peat to ftUgfoes or to] Oross work. The Nation 'tends to be called to the seriousness of this hoar, sad Thanksgiving Day should be mads the ocoaeion. ' At the be ginning of the European war the eh archer of England sad of France ware crowded to their capacity with worshipers who sought for rf (assess of sine—individual aad T-hMnsi—ead sought the help ef Almighty God lx the hoar of their aepd. 8c PhaTs Oathadral wy crowded with thousands who £%d to the utmost its vast apaaaa aad tees of thousands ftiled the fasaato awaMag their tara to en ter tor wish ip. {Mb, gey ead fell of the light er things oi IMe am are hed ell tbpnght, *■ that hoar which open pi the world tragedy aoddedy hflgdto things of eternal raises, d«H odd b front Inr fbpdajfli" rad I ■ . I the alateet alter lech ef oo the pert of American people In failing to give special attaatfoa to the day of prayer recently sat apart by PmMtul Wilaom Dm Nation was called to payer, bat the churchee, no far a we era Inm, had no larger , than oo usual occarioa% and In stead of being crowded, as In London and la Park at the he ginning of their war, oer rhntrlsa bad a oraty attendance. The contrast Js a striking gad a sad ana. It Is due la part that Ingiaad aad France a« A« mighty shadow of Impending horrors hovering over them, while «o hade hoc yet dome dose enough to he shadowed by the hsrful realities of war. But at the coming Thanksgiving Day the Freeideot might well again appeal to the Hatioa to reeogalae its dapendanea fpr victory upon Divine help, add we might aa well act apart that day aa h day to h^ detoeed aot te forti, not to the pleasures of Ufa ae la the pane, but te the serious sspogai tion of all the hotrosa which w« are now (adeg. Brery church la the land should be open. He church, k matters not Mow may be the eapectnd sttiailwn i. should be doeed, agd In every church the mssesga of the" hour should he delihered pith the at BOB power of Che preacher aad mdaivad with tha ijwpam aadllea tma of Its Import by dm people who are gathered thereto wor ship.—HeadfnrCuwea Beoord. \ Shadow Party Thm *IU b« a "MmIm Paa ty" at Khtr Th« ahtol koaaa M Hoataabar SSrd at bdbpM •"•o'doA, altar vfcfafc oHB folio* a "Triakot Sal*." TW poMIc HuflOad. BROW WHEAT AND HELP WIH THE WAR ■very firmer in the Stsie should raise enough wheat to make his own flour. Of course I do not advocate the raising of wheat (or a commercial product, oor do I mean to compete with the great western and northern wheat growers That would be as senseless as advocating the western wheat growers to coda* P«te with the south io growing cotton. We have not got the facilities (or handling wheat as they have, bet we should grow eooegb for oar coasumption, •specially so long as the war lasts. Some will say I have oo where Ij can grow wheat and my lead will out suit it. Did you kaow that the sweat potato patch makes an MaaJ place for a patch of wheat? That is where I raise mine- After 1 dig the potatoes I sow the WMtt broMcut over the ground nad take a tara plow and cover the viaca (till deeper that had bean turned under by aiding off the potato aad thee sweep out the middles with a plow aad the •rick ie finish ad until next July when h is ready to cat aad bind. The potato vinca seem to he ••■ttn for the wheat aad it grows very nicely after potatoes. Along is the spring after the gold weather is over a top dress, ingf ahtaaoda is very bias filial, peaching about aad which la 900 of-the best things a burner. tan do for Us land’s sake. We mould grow a little wheat jest the acme m we grow a garden not from a money standpoint but for a fiav tag la the family. We do not grqw gardens fur the prefft there Isla them bat for the convenience. Wc could take the gtrlia spot ■ad pet It la cotton at the pres eat price of ooQoa aad buy mote cabbage, cekae. cymblings and aecb things an we grow in the garden to two jrnera, tort we are In the habit of growing a garden «iitii mighty good habit. My crop of wheat coat torn than Me per bushel bet of coorae I did not coeat toy labor which was not muck. If, for no longer, we shoeld grow oer own floor un til the war la oner. We can do oer bit la this way. Every be - rei of Boor we raise makes that assay men to spare to help feed the Allien. Right oow is s floe time to rt»w wheat. Any time after tho flirt big white front in November, sad they any we have bad several. Yea, nay dm* thh aontb ia all right to sow wheat ia this section ot the State. Mmmtm will say ob bow aa I going fen get it tbxaabcd ? Tom can tbraab it with a peanut thraahar. Tha Lit tle Giant thraahar doea tha work vary wall, but a regular whit thraahar iemach bettar aad waeld be a good idea for several firman to dab together aad bay atm Mr. Z.W Kvaiu has aac aad k dona fine work. 1 think they CM soosathiog like $400 aad aw la a neighborhood coaid do tha * threshing (or ass oral fanners aad 11 believe i( tha farmers sara gat to growing their own whtmt »*ny will never want to give k «p. IW straw stock (or «aak aad poakry is a big thing. It ghw the chick was aoanmhiaa to 4# to •eratcb for thdr gala they will had ia it, tha cat ran aad cafes will lad an ideal place to baric, the straw makes the beat of hid diag (or stock aad it baa all tweed good crap. Aad m far wcddiaga It totem Itrik CMk ainghaaa. The betta tad ^ota Wtt oo the otgfct tsoda lot Kav West, FU. Al^ar tkair they will ba at baaaa io f.atn vilW. OYSTER SUPPER will Kk >f To Patron? of The Norfolk k Caro- ; lina Telephone k Telegraph Co. I and Connecting liana T* mklt m to oooply wftk tte —I-t , «* — "-* ^ +m-Mly -—'- i Hu •* ^ tafeplMM recta aqi toUa to mm «in, Klcg «rcat. cm fetor to*. the Ctk mi to.- ' •f b J. 3. TliLKER, Load Manager.

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