STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, oi Nancy, Ky„ says: “For quite • long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease. 1 would spit It op I began to have regular sick Headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It |ust seemed to tear my stomach ail up I found they were do good at all for ray trouble. I heard THEDFOmrS black-draught recommended very highly, »o began to ua* It It cured m. I keep It In the house all the time. It Is the beet liver medicine made. 1 do not have tick headache or stomach trouble any more.” Black-Draught acts os the jaded liver and helps H to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household tor use in time of need. Oet a package today. If you fed sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feeJ fresh to saorrow. Pries 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE au Belvidere Items. Public school opened here last Monday with an enrollment o( sixty-two popils. Mist Mary AJ* •ton ol Powellsville and Mias Belle White of this place are the teachers. Mias Emma L White has been visiting friends In E City for the past week. Dr. I A. Ward and family spent Bunday at Corapeake A Union Thanksgiving service will be held at the Friends church Whiteston 11 a. m Rev J. A. Busaell of the M. K. Church will deliver the address A liberal of* feeing is asked for in behalf of the suffering Armenians. MIS. MART I. COPELAHI REAR. Last Wednesday morning Mrs. Mary J. Copeland, wioow of the late Blihu Copeland, departed thia life after a short illness A few days before she was stricken with paralysis trom which attack she never rallied enough to speak understanding^. Mrs. Copeland was in her 78th year. The funeral service was held Thursday even ing in the home. Rev. 8. A. Wood gave a brief but beautiful message from the text '*1 shall be satisfied when 1 awake in H>s likeness.'' Elisabeth White also ■poke. Appropriate hymns were sung. Many beautiful floral de signs covered the casket. The body waa Laid to rest in the fam ily burying ground on the old homestead She leaves three daughters, Mrs. John H. Ward, Bclvidere. Mrs W illiain Jakcman and Mra. £. G. Privott of Suf folk, Va. ; six sons, Messrs. Lu ciua Copeland, Hertford; Calc Copeland, Sunbury ; Oliver Cope land, Richmond, Va , Xenophon Copeland, Rdcnton , Herman and Hubert Copeland of Tyner, be sides other relatives and friends to whom we extend our sincere sympathy in their lonely hour INSANITARY BOTTLES 5 Cents KDENTON I BOTTLING OO. Gam Poni News. Him Neiia Baaa spent Bator day night and Sunday with Miaaaa Agnee and Liana Baaa. Miaaaa Martha Harrall and Oertrnde Baaa spent Saturday af ternoon in CoUr-tin. Mianea Sophia White. Lncretia Baneb nod Lola Prirott, Maaars Mark While, Raleigh Hollo well • od Clareooe Leary atteuded eer not* at Ballard a Bridge Sunday morning. Mrs. Mol lie White, Mr. R. L. Harrell and family, Mr H. J White and family riaited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Harrall Snoday. Mina Blaoebe White riaited Misa Lam is Bins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bnooh ria ited bia brother, Mr. Jim Baneb, Sanday afternoon. Mr. a»<i Mr*. L D. Harrell •pent Sunday atUrnooo with hit aiatar, Mrs. L. 0. Wilson. We ere sorry to report Mrs. Bettie Bass on the sick list Several of oat people sailed at tbe borne of Mr*. HP. Wilson Sunday evening. We are aorry to report that her son, Johnnie, is not sny better. Mi. and Mrs A. Baa* and aon, Lloyd, visited at the home of Mr. W. L. Smith Sunday afternoon Miss Lillis Bvena dined with Miesss Viols and Lottie Wilson Sunday. Colds Relieved Without Dosing It yea hare tried “laiw Mtde ‘in' «■ I l — t£*a “TapO. lab- Salrm. Apply Set M Wnb ww tfcathaoat and AetotpaA.m.ta nAVhtttii waD aed amr wM>«m baaSap nm tkat an laW^wMt'aM* toaatfc. aad. la lidtSae, ThTi fc akaaaWd *a paraa. Ik CSa. ar«LdS. VKKSw-tfSMX Hickory Fork Nows Mr. James Briggs and Mins Estelle Miller were oak driving Sunday afternoon. Mia* Willie Copeland visited Mra. 1.. B. Hardison Monday avow log Meesra. John Waff, 8c., John Waff, Jr, A re hie Morgan end John Miller went to Norfolk Inst Thnrsday is visit relatives. Mr. R. P. Waff of Norfolk wss here last Satnrdny sad Banday os boa inane. W. A. Hardison and 0. C. Copeland were oat riding 8nndey morning. Mri M. W. Hardison entertain ad soaapaay Sunday Mias Willie Copalaed entertain ad Mr. George Coggins Sunday evening. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS None better tpade. Flrtt clear repair* road* on other make*. 310 City Hall At*. Norfolk.Va *tp thomfsom ft rarrz. Let T« I sow Tour Wants Far This CoImi. Cash In Advance. BU Um or Um 26c tor am woe*. 7to •or • anti Additional lima pro rate FOR SALK—My (arm located within 4 mile of Ciaoo station, containing 40 norm, more or lean, 30 aorwa oleared ; good dwelling booae rwoonUy ramodlad aad paint td, alau good oat buildings. Soil U light Mrs. T. M. HOBBS, 4t K dec ton, N C„ B 1 WANTED—A man to farm and do general work about aame for 1918. Single, character good. Addreaa, Mra. EMMA H, WHITE, 4tpd Bclvidere, N. 0. FOR SALE—At Nag. Head, ocean front lot, moat desirable location on beach. For informa tion apply to ALBEMARLE WHOLESALE GROCERY. E denton, N. C. LOST—Buggy robe with tiger’s head in center, between Hertford and Great Hope church. Kinder will please return to J. E. WHITE. Hertford, N. C., and receive reward. 4tpd. OFFICE FOR BENT, corner of Court and King street*, apply to Mrs J. A. WOODABD, Bden ton, N. C. 4t FARM FOB BALE— Known as the W. M. Ward farm. A good light land (arm. Will grow any crop*, corn, cotton, wheat, peas and tobacco Contains 71 acres about 60 cleared, the remainder woodland, pine and gum. Fine hog and cattle range. Good two story bouse and out-buildings, extra water. This property is worth $8000, but lets than one half that amount will buy it Basy terms. Apply ta L. i. WARD. TrotviUc, N. C. $tpd WANTED—A good reflag white lady to help to do general | housework and cooking for fam ily. Good wages. Write or see R. H. HOLLOW ELL, Tyoer, N. C., R.F D. No. 1 $tpd. Farm* For Sals—L«t me knew your wants. C. H. HOBBS, Baal Batata Daalar, Noreltaad City, N. C. tf. Farm For Sale! Valuable home and (arm foe tale. About 160 acres of the noted Brsyall land, located on the Vir ginia Boad 6 miles from Edenton, N. C. Between 80 and 80 acres in good state of cultivation, 60 or 60 acres easily cleared, now partly cut down and ditched, land easily drained and adopted to all crops, corn, cotton, peanuts, to bacco. oats, wheat, and track. 8 room dwelling, S tenant houses. R. B. siding and warehouse on farm, products shipped without hauling off of the farm, about' three-quarters mile of three-room graded school with teschcrsge connected, convenient to several churches, rural mail and tele phone services, good location for store, cotton gin and saw mill. I Will aell the farm alone or will sell farm, saw and planer mill, cotton gin and all fixtures For further information apply to C. D. WRBB. R. P. D. No. 1. Bden too. N. C ^ 4t. _AaJ___. tOB SALK—I will mU on Hoeetnber t7th 1017, at my home place, all of my farming implement*, corn, fodder, three horse*, three brood now*. be«*e hold furniture, etc. Term* of ■ale cash. Sale begins at ten o'clock sharp. t* J. i. BOUNTRRB Norfolk Cotton Mnrkot motile*q>mn <r*ur) mm Uettn Local Nows. Last week it wm reported through this paper that Mr*. E C. Kemp's daughter. Mrs. Roman, was ill in Norfolk with diphtheria They wish this corrected, that her illness was not diphtheria. Mist Louise Coke has resigned her position as teacher in the Graded School here to accept a more lucrative position as book keeper (or the Norfolk-Southern railroad. The school trustees re fused at first to accept her re signation but, in consideration o( the great and efficient service she had rendered the achco*. they were compelled to accede to her wishes. Mrs. W. A. Cade will succeed her. Mrs. Cade has had i considerable experience in teach ing and is said to be a fine teach er. Mr. W. 6. Brothers u;ent to Noifolk Thursday on buainesr. Mr. John Heed McMullan has resigned hit position with the Noriotk-Soutbern K. B. aod ac cepted a position with the Albe marle Wholesale Grocery. Mr. K P. Hud ham has been quite ill this week with nephritic colic. The ladies of the Baptist church are preparing » box for the or phan* at Thotnasvillc. It will be packed Monday. Let all who can contribute. Send ail contri bution! to Mrs. A. T. Bush. Mr. P. G. Perry ■* now book keeper at the Uotton Mill having recently resigned his position with the Albemarle Wholesale Grocery. Mr. H. A, Hobbs and son, Allred, o( Boston. Maas., have moved back to Edcntoc. A very pleasing little play was given at the school auditorium last night and quite a number of people attended It was gotten up by Miaacs Coke and Holt as sisted by Mias Brown. The pro ceeds amounting to t96 dollar* are to ba used tn pay the part ol these two rooms on the Liberty Bond, the remainder to be used in these rooms. Miss Mary McAlister of Team, took charge of the 7th grade at school Monday. Mr. Laurie Kramer and sister, Mis* Gladys, attended the mar nage of their cousin, Mias Maude Kramer, in B. City Wednesday. Mx. Jimu Alderman went to Norfolk Wednesday on business. Mr*. S. &. Marriner went to Norfolk Wednesday on bt^incss. Mr. Herbert Smith of E. City ■pent Sunday with his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Smith, in Church street Miss Zena Blanchard of Muddy Orosa is here with her aunt. Mrs. Louisa Blanchard, who is ill at the home of Miss Lou Brown^in Oakum street. Sergt. Oscar Brown, Co. “I,** Camp Serier, Greenville, S. C-, is at home on a short furlough Mr. and Mrs. K. T Brown left Monday for New lork, where they are carrying their Uttle daughter, Katherine, to a spec tails* for examination and treat ment. Mr. O. B. Elliott spent the week-end ia Charlotte with hie wife who it there for treatment. While playing with adme other little boys in tbs neighborhood Monday afternoon. Prod White, tbs little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Prank White, waa accidentally ■truck over the left eye With an axe. causing aa ugiy gash, which waa aewed up by Dr. McMallan. Mrs. B. B. Wright and little daughter of B/'Clt^ are guests of Mr*. L P Ziegler It Broad street. Mr*. Geo. C. Wood left Thar*, day lot Winston-Salem to attend the marriage of a friend. Miss Betelle White left Wed. needay for Suffolk. Messrs. Jobs Tucker sad Prant loom want to BarfoUr Tuaadaj TRY IT SIX MONTHS Do bottle with every impulse to spend end pat the , result of each victory into a Bash ef Hobbsville savings account. Determine now to try it for aix moaths. In that time you will have found the saving# proposition Icon difficult than you supposed sod more encouraging than you had ever dreamed. Bank of Hobbsville, Hobbsville, N.C. to join the U S Navy. Ur. and Mrs Ra venal Holland have returned Irons tbeir bridal tout and are at home at the Bay View hotel. Ex tra copies of ibia paper can be bar) at 5c a cop\ as long ax they last Honor Soli of Edenton Graded School Slid Grade— Lth«i MoMnlHo, Mildred W bed bee, h'red Chalk, Heael Roberson. 8rd Grade—Tbeliaa Thompson, Gordon Blow, J. H. Haskett, Margaret Harrell, Lee mao Jethro, Kathryn Leggett, Randolph Mar tin, Mary Toner Bosh, Elisabeth James Holmes. 4th B Grade Helen Badbani. Alioe CaaoD, Dorothy Moore. Aims Sadler, Lankford Slory. 4th A Grade—MaOeline Elliott, Mary Kageraoo. 6th B Grade Helen Goodwin, Elisabeth Smith. John M. Elliott, Warren Stillman. 6th A Grade— Elsie Goodwin, Elisabeth Bosh, Agues Chappell, Virginia Harrell. 6th Grade—.Willie Bell, Katie Dail, Katie Roger,on. 7th Grade—George Everett, One Hughes, Louise Alderman. 8th Grads—Jacob Hobowaky, Percy Satterfield, Mary Leggett, Iona Walls, Lsroy Dail, Portia Alderman, Sadia Hobbs. Caroline Privoti ' * 9th Grads—Thoaii Alderman Lydia Dowdy. Sarah Sotton, Lil lian Webb. 10th Grade— France# Rea, loan Boyce, Male Siliaon, Sasic William. 11th Grade—>A a n i • Ward, Hal an Holme*. Oornie Ward, Minnie Hollowell. TrotvOle Hews. School began here Nov. 6th, under the management of Mimes Mary Harrell of Woodland and Alberta Twine of Sign Fine. Misses Anna and Elsie Simp •on are teaching at Muddy Crow and Willow respectfully. Mr. Bay Winslow tad Mias Retta Gridin of Sign Pina, Mr. Robert Holler of HobfaeviUe, Misses Anna, Bl sic and Bod lie Simpson, Messrs Will Mitchell. Lom Trotman and Fonaa Benton were guest* of Misses Mary Han tell and Oilie Riddick Sunday evening. Miss Eva Trotman spent one day of last week ia Suffolk shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Riddick and children visited relatives near Sandy Crow Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Biddick aad baby of Muddy Cross, Maseru. Will Mitchell and Tom Trotman visited at the home of Mr. R.W. Simpson Sunday. _- - -_ Rubbing Eases Pud Rubbing aenda tba lUtnnl tingling tbrougb tba laab and cpiickly *opa pain. Dmtada linimeatf that you can rub wkk Tin be* labliig iWMaak ia MUSTANG LINIMENT B A At«aUdk»" Save Toot Con Catch The Bats Mr. B. J. Tkach. Hartford. N. C., says: "I caagkt 36 rata ia one sight la oaa of Capa 1 sod's traps.'* Price $8.50. Hugh Copeland, Hertford. M. C. Fresh Salt Water Fish Received Daily and kept in a Sanitary Way. N. J. HOLLOWELL, THE FANCY GROCER Phone 63. Queen 8t. Eden ton, N.C. A GOOD* FARM 100 acre* of ftne ridga tailed, ^ mile from Virginia Beach Electric Lina, with tHceiphte thicket. Not a ditch on the place and none needed Near high echooL t room home and outbuilding*. Thia i« aa fine a piece of light na there la In Tidewater. Price $7,600, worth $10,000. Term*. ROWE k COMPANY 343-4 Arcade Building NORFOLK, VA.

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