'-kTv.7-'I . Citizen YOITR CHANCK. SEE THE GOLD WATCH OFFER ON THIRD PACE. HEGIN TO-DAV. CAPTURE THAT ELEGANT PIN. SEE THIRD PAGE. VOLUME VII. NO. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, TUNE 20, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville Daily WHERE THE SNJWBIRDS NEST. I'm a ciml place in summer, fur health unci recreation, visit linvillc,Grnudmlhfr Mountain, and thc beautiful region sur rounding them. Regular sales of mil cslalc at I.invillc on and niter Jim'' 1st. I Sill. Ilusuicssj lots and residence sites sold al private sale onlv. I The Hhccola Inn was oicncd the 1st. ill June, under the in.mngcnicnl of Mi. James T. SkiUs. Rcguhur daily stage limn Cranlicrry. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A FULL LINE OF COLGATE'S TOILET AND LAUNDRY SOAPS. - LlNVILLEn iNVITI'.S INVIiSTItlA THIN AS II) Climate, Water Supply, ' -t Drainage. DrivcN, Parks, Scenery. l'lann, Huilflinj; Sites, Investments. THE TURKISH BATH AND PALM A v Jwo uf I he Ih-hI 5 tint toi ct Buujm on th' market. CuIkhIc'k White Clcinatm, Hi cents three fur l!f, Oth' 1 kinda uh low iim U) entH per dozen. Cultiutc'ti tk-tuKuu lead ll the Itititiitiy sua ph. It will wash the tines I fab rics without injury. A. D. COOPER, PROVIDER OF GHOCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Court Square, Corner Mnin and College flti. HALF PRICE SALE l-'ANS, PAUASOLS, UMBRELLAS. $1 00 umbrellas fei fk-. $ I .rt parabola for 75c $:i ,rM riir'ttol fur M 7f $1 on mii tin ur name fans fut f,Oc 1 .25 utin or muuk funs lor C.'ie. All ttiruuK the liiK in mime proportion. FLY FANS ARE THE WONDER OF THE A6E. Nifklw iiliiltnl mid very nirviv nmsiii'd; iiiiiitiHoiiicHr ui tfn niiirki't; nn siiMrior o nil other; mi until incut t tin tnlile; .1 luxury to 1 h ihiisiii; 11 i Hsma; to tlir sii-K ; 11 iilciiKUif to tin' itiilu- nous; mill n ntH'wil.y to all, h Iiiti' Hi ar tiouhlenoin Tin' en iiidly ivvolvinir, diw-H not only frighten nnd drive awny tli fiitH. but cniiHua plcanmit ciivuiation 01 air, licrt'liv uddniir to the nnoy- ini'iit of every nieid during: till1 HlllHIiier lllOIltllH. No home in eonipleto witli- ur one. tsiKtnai iirice ihoi- red tin above diseribed fans until July 1st. Sold only by MDOMfiCt 41 Palton Ave. NA. OI.ASS. SlIt'VliNIKS, HOl'SI'.. I TKNISMI.NCS. inc. KAH1C CHANtU i.int ii.i.k mi-Riivi-MKixT 10., ' Secure a Bargain -title, N. C. ANALVSIi Ol WATKK IN A FAN OR PARASOL, "HON MARC1IE." ,17 M. Miilu Mlrcet. t'Slili AT THIS OUR POSITION ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 HAYWOOD ST. OlMMUNWKAl.TII uf M AHA1IM'KTTH. CKKTIFU ATH NAI.VKIS State Am vit'r Other. i!H7 Franklin St ) MOSION, M SS . April 21. IMin Tov'h II. Camptiell, Atihi vtlle, Nurth Cnr olinH. The unmplc nl water nulmiitted fur nnnlv mi hHn h M cnrrfully nam nrd, with the ful 'owinn rrnlt: The water niuiwi in part? kt liHi imh; H 'li'lB. volatile i'.on ' tiled It on M totnl r no (rnin prr mr V. S icull n 2o Thit water is almont entirely free frutn ur 2 iinic matter, whuw-tiK very uliht triurtuf iron, nultihur and hme. The wnter it very ftnd water io Irec fruin tiruntv ur minenil IiiljIii'sI railc mmk'. matur. 11. I. luiWKlIK, State Atniiyer In the j-ioiviy liustiiii'Hsi cualik's us to uivc coiiMiimirs ailvahtut-a of great value. !KAS. Wc keep llie IrM l'"ortunsa Onltmgs JapaiiK, GmipMwiler ami 1 ;n-hs1i llteak fast. COFFKE. The Cmest hlemls of Kouteil Collee in eisleiiee. the , Are heap. We ll notiniij; liut CORTLAND BROS, Real Estate llrokerw, And ItiTestmeiii Akiim. NOTARY PUBLIC. foaM t-ure1y pUievil at H n:r eot. 2 A SIA Tattun Avenue Mccond Hiu,r frMMIe I Mil Svi nps and Molasses are pure ami I wholesome. I RICE. i The best Carolina only offered. j FLUl'H, I The Obelisk I'lonr stands iineiiualled ' bv anv ever olfered in this market. Hotels and hoarding houses please 1 liear in niinil that we are prepared meet eomieiitioii in this or any market ! kesjicelliilly. Powell & Snider, ONE PRICE STORE, II. REDWOOD & CO. Wr ank attention thia week to our Cloth- intc for men, buy and children, In which wr how excellent ntylcn nnd the b t of value. AIho to Mtiue deitlrabk thiiiKR In Kuttona- le lirenH Condi. A numlwr of attractive Itenm In vurioui lines Jut ojictied. H. REDWOOD J CO. CLOTHING, DRV 60008, SHOFS, HATS, ETC., ETC. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE MEETING OP CITY FATHERS u KliAL liSTATli. WlUI.B. OWVR. WW.T. .6WYII & WEST, i Sacceuora to Walter B.Owyn) 1ESTABLISHKD 1881 REFEfl TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE. 4Loana Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Rotary Pnblk.. Commliaioners of IectB. FIRE INSURANCE. OVPICR-Ooatlieaat Conii aqnarc. J. V. SCHARTI.E. MERCHANT TAILOR MO. 43 NORTH MA'N ST. nat received, a foP line of Bnglitth and do mettle wooknforirinK and in miner. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, Tlie way to innke money in to sa ve it. And the way to wave it in to have your pre KcriptioiiH filled at Canni ehnel'H ilrun store, and you will finil by doinj; bo you will Have from 23 to 30 per cent. m every prcNcription. We do not take goodB that the iieople know the jirice and mark down to coHt,and then eliHi'Ktt two priceH for a pre scription to inakeuptheloti8. Ytiu know clerk hire and lioutte rent imiHt be paid and the profit muHt be averngetl Home way. A hint to the wine iH Huflicient. A full line of De- Vault Flavoring ICxtracta in Htock Mr. J. Taylor AmiBB mid Mr, Chas. VV. Devaultare with ino and will be pleased to meet their friendH and cum tomerB. Don't forget the place. CarmichaerH drug- Htore, No. 20 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. 38 I'atton AvniM. Nut (MCA bnlld'f. ovl d3m P O Box IS. FOR KENT OR 8ALB. titttKraMt owned bjrT. Wllaoa aa rp rftaa, conwr Pttack Broad Aveaa and Hay- -waod Street. TkM koaan an located aear 4fcc coatcr of iowa, coataiaadlas good Tkwi, diift ekvaatoa. For laferaatloa apply to ; JOHN CUILOt 0 pa X o pa x u I fa o s C8 V a u A H 0 H a 0 i $ O es I 7- - x t s O i .? S G 5?r-li c is .t: ? a, h x a v a- Si"5 " &w ) g 40 I 3 g a ri T IS 8 a 3 H i i 0 e a 0 u a es !: s THIS NHW MEKTING HOtIR WORKKD, Conalderable HanlueaM Done I.la uorl.lceiiM; Doubled-TlicHlrcel ttnpcrlnlendcut'M Bond Fixed l j.ooo Mcveral III In. The new nlilernianie tu'elock rule went into effect yciterdav nfternooii. The rejf ulnr weekly meeting be)uu pretty soon niter that hour. There was a considerable numlicr of nuditoia, but the faces present were in the main new ones, faces that could not encourage llie hoard except at meetings held in the afternoon. There was likewise a falling off in the attendnnce of old friends who have adorned the benches in the mayor's office in rain or snow or dry weather fur many months, until this new wrinkle was taken up. Alderman Reynolds was late, but not because lit forget the hour, lkside him there were present Aldermen Oudgcr, McDowell, Stnrnes and Leonard. Muyor nianton presided. rax Exemption Again. W. W. Jones, esq., representing the Asheville I'urniture and uiuiiufueluring company, and the I". A. Demens Wood working company, argued the matter of exemption from taxation for those com panies. He represented that there had been an error in the tux list, which showed that neither of the firms ennu under the $.r.(),0()0 provision made by the aldermen several years ago. lie stated that the companies had over the prescribed amount invested, and asked the board to give them the exemption given Mr. Graham's company. A sharp discussion followed between Mr. Jones and J. M. Camplicll, of the Asheville Tobacco works. Mr. Cnmp liell notified the hoard that if anv of the manufacturer were exempted afl should be, and rice veisa, and t lie mutter would be taken into the courts for settlement. Alderman ionard finally moved that the tax collector Ik-instructed to collect taxes from all manufacturing conipnuies employing unner JSoll.OtM) ..apital. Car ried. Mpcclal TaxrH. The sHxial tax list was next gone over and n few changes made. The license on wholesale and retail liquor dealers was increased horn $500 to $1,0011; 'drug stores, exept for medicinal purposes, $!,0IM); on phnuliers, increased from $'.Ti to IS.W: on ticket sculncrs. reduced from $10 to $5. J. H. Lee in behalf of several teamsters asked the hoard to lessen the social tux on ox teams. Alderman Reynolds said he had driven ox teams in the long ago and proposed to stick by anv (crsun whose lines tell that way. So' the tax was lowered to $.50 per year. About I'ovIiik. The uinjor.city engineer nnd the stfect committee were instructed to go to Rich mond at d inspect the paving there, and Commissioner Conant, of the advisors, Was asked to accompany them. Alderman Uudgcr, by whose motion this wus done, was sure that the visit would lie profita ble in the end and the citizens would never protest against such use of their money. The mayor was instructed to pay liu gineerCutshnw.of Richmond, a reason able sum lor his services here in consul tation with the joint board. A Nultutuce Coiwpluliivd Of. Capl. Null Atkinson, for himscll and Dr. II. L. Taylor, protested against the erectiou of a "mammoth chicken coop" near the llallery I'ark hotel by Col. Coxe, which building will lie witlung thirty feet of the kitchen of Capt. Atkinson. ne increiore asked the hoard to look into the inn ttcr, as no permit had ever been received by Col. Coxe to erect the coop. A committee consisting of Alder men McDowell, Slarni-s and Brevard was appointed to look into the matter nil stop llie building if thought neces sary. Win Kettulnjle Thl.itfH. Alderman Keyuolds, for the committee to look into the work on the new city hall and market house, reported that hey had spent some time on the build ing. They had found a rather poor class ui ones mnaonscnipiovcil on the struc ture, nnd also found' that munv had nrKKs nnd been put into the foundation, fhey recommended that the force of mu. sons lie increased Tlie committee was his auctioneer's tnx quarterly in advance i IT ti.. ... . ...n.... ...... ...j i.. 1 1 ..,,.i.,f, nun i,,nii ui itr't lu lliaKC same arrangements with Mr. Illair. A jury waa ord r.d on the ojiening of streets from Uailey to Grove, and from I'hillips to llluuton streets. ' nilla. The following hills were ordered paid: rtnncomlic IJrick nnil tile company, bricks, $:'62.70; J. A. Teiuieut, work and mate rial, $211.77; J. II. Woody, $lS.r; People's Light, heat and power company, $120. !i7; l'rcnch Broad Lunibercompnny, $15.Ki; 12. F. Mines, $l.7."i; Rnndolph Kcrr I'rinling company, publishing atatc ment, $'.11.80, Mayor lllauton read n hill from the livening Journal for publishing the "Tree of Brotlierly Uive,'' lr $-'50. Mayor lllauton said the ideu was good but the printing was ioor, and Alderman Rey nolds thought the matter should go over until they could learn the circulation ol the paHr. The meeting then adjourned. A TERRIFIC COLLISION. I'Ol'H MEN KII.l.tCD IN vYHKCK, IS HOT DOWN EAST. TUB MOUNTAIN REGION HIGHLY FAVORED, IH A Mall Train Wiih liehlnd Hand and Ran m ureat Mpvtd Into an Open Hwllch-I'ltirnl HIirlekH of Ibe Dying-. NliW Oki.kans, June 20. A collision on the Illinois Central railroad last night nenrSauvc, wascnuscd by nil oicnswith A freight train was side tracked anil run into by the south bound fast ex press. Pour men were killed and six severely injured. The killed were: Ungiueer W. 1 1. Mitchell, fireman John Lnwson nnd Charles Munn, nil of McCombCity, Miss., and Bill Williams (colored) of Hammond, La. Wounded: Engineer Chns. Cornn, ol New Orleans, almut the head; postal clerk L. T. Ilinford, of Jackson, Tcnu ; postal cl'-rk P. J. 1'rar.cr, of Trenton, Tenn.; Isom Lewis, Jim Lewis, (colored I of Hammond; Calvin Neils (colored). The mail train was la-hind time anil was running very last when the accident occurred. The passengers were severely shaken up, but none were seriously in jured. Win n the passenger train dashed in on the Ojicn switch there was n mighty The Rurean of Hanllatlon MuhI Come Here Real KHlate Con vention I'oHtponed TUe Excur sion lo Anhevllle. Ralkioh, June 1!). Dr. W. C. Murphy, who recently returned from a brief visit to Asheville, given me such a tantalizing statement of the weather of the moun tains as to make me feci bv contrast the extent of the heat here. It it hot, but in truth I have individually tuiTercd very little. Hut everybody else puffs and Iinnts nnd Inns in the vain attempt to iccpcool. Hundreds arc running away to the sen const, few to the mountains Morchcnd is crowded I should think be yond the capacity of comfort. But Tnl mngc is there nnd. there are thousands who would willingly suffer to say they had beard such a celebrity. It Bliould Come Here. Dr. Murphy wnsgreutly pleased with his experience at Asheville, and is encouraged in Iiok.s that the Bureau of Sanitation will be fixed at Asheville. That will de iKiid upon the liliernl interest taken in it iiy the citizens ol the city. It will be of eonpicious advantage to Asheville if she secured it. It will lie emphatic enuncia tion of the fact that Asheville is recog nized on a scientific basis ns the centre of sanitary investigation and authority, ami willdrnw to it, as the focus nl know Irdgc the interest of ON TO RICHMOND. The Committee will ;o There lo Look nl llie HlreelH. Another consultation between the aldermen and advisors and City lingi ncer Cutshaw, of Richmond, was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Cutshaw has iniprcBscd the board with his thorough knowledge of the paving question. It was practically desided that where brick pavement is to be put down a ten-inch bed ol sand will lie laid, packed with u fifteen-ton roller, nnd the bricks given a double "tamping." A committee was appointed at yester day's meeting of the aldermen to go to Richmond and investigate the manner ol paring observed in that city. The com mittee is composed of Mayor lllauton, City Ungincer Lee, Aldermen Keyuolds, Leonard, und Starnes, and Commissiuci Conant. This committee, with the ex ception of Mr. U-c, left in company with Mr. Cutshaw, on the 2:15 train this afternoon to execute their commission. They will be absent several days. BIG FLOOD IN ILLINOIS. A DIHTRKHHINU HCENi; WRECKAGE. OF FnriMH Under Water-An iron llrldKe ,oo Feet I.onit Wmtlied Awav and Nol Vet I'oiiiid-lCnor- iuouh Lohh or CropH. I'uokia, III., June 20.-A Hood washed out Pnrm creek and CopiK-ras creek val- the scientific physi- leys Thursday night. People in Pon Du ciansnll over the country. That it lint Lac were coin nlctelv li, inii ,l i l, u already been so recognized ns such focus ., ,., i.. . , , bv the leading physicians of the United m MWaUr8' 1 llt yesterday two men States adds strength to the nrgu- lrom tl,cre rowt'd to "bridge and reached incut that it should hnve lull rccog- tins city. Hie farmers lor live or six nition as such. This will he had, when it miles np the river und a mile and n hall is made the headquarters of the Bureau , . , ., ,.. . ..II!...:,.,:... "aek to tint hills have lost all their croos. In many places the water is yet standing nine feet deep over the corn fields. Along the Toledo, Peoria and Western railroad, is a terrible scene of wreckage. Household furniture of the jicople in l-armdalc and Hilton was all washed away. China, bahv enrrinics. w.-nin uimi eiinie, pianos, laulcs and lences an of Sanitation. The Agricultural Colleiie. The city has been full, so tospenk, with the commissioners of agriculture, and the trustees of the agricultural college. Their sessions have Ik-cii continuous, liu. their work is routine, and of little out side interest. The value, und nlsothe pro priety ol the college was recognized, nnd piled ten feel high against the railroud it was ordered Hint add it ions lie mane iresiie. immediately to the accommodations. The iron bridge, 1100 feet long, over Among the pupils ut the college are two Ten mile creek, was washed away and II unco m lie Doys, Mattuews nnci aicioy , una noi yci oeen located. of whom I heard lavorahlc reports. ill roil uu Lac towns nn w irr I The convention of real estate and busi- big brick yards stood Thursday, there is ness men ol tne soiiin, cniieu 10 meeincre now luiecioi water: llie loss ol croos crash of the two great IkmUcs together 1 the 21th instant, has been postponed live stock and gardens will be enormous i-ilh ih.- i,iii,I ofi.riiiiliiifriin.ini lh.- uiuii nirini -r uome. ",i,u,ui luwnsiup, iinas I lei h ll. . . i ..?,m ' S 1, r,i I The bonrd of World's Pnircommission-1 man wus driving home when a bolt ol ........ -.-t..,...., ... , , f 1,A ,.-, ,,f V,.rt 1, I lirn lll.'l ll,.t IPiltltlfr 1(1 tf, w,tl,l,;a l,...-o..u shrieks ol the woiiinteil men. The mail train consisted ol the mail oil here today. This includes the ladv com mit! Mrs. Charles I'riee ins arrived, as ha R. K. Cottcn, of Pitt county, routinurd and VEGETABLES! RECEIVED FRESH EVERY DAY AT ' HARE BROTHERS, 17 BouUi Slain Street, 0 ! f e 0 m . eu rd-. eci 93 9 m &) C6 A H 05 j " j 7 00 o o S2 a 3a S'S'o 0B oj R O fr tf P 3 u o g a S r d o g 4S Ah sla3 1 -1 1 .... 1. 1 in iHmonets two ve.tihiili- s cruet-M. 1 he mail c.-r ran '"-j, . nil tiuiiif I lir I wo I'tu'inf-M. ti'ili'imr out I lit-fldorint ntul i-rnvliitiir in the .iilfw. I A Sd CSHe The smoker was thrown off the track A second death has occurred in the anil the ladies' coach was partially tie- family of Mrs. lileunuii, of diphtheria, railed. Two sleepers ; remained .': j The lltclv. who i t!auKhter of the lute track anil escaped serious injiirv. When,,. . , .. theenLMiies met the shock caused the Kenneth Ravner, once n well known poll freight train to break in two and the tic.m, anil who married a daughter ol rear end was shoved back several hun- Col. William Polk, an old revolutionary drctl yards. Six cars remained attached Patiiot, arrived here last week to visit to H,r 1,, I, .In ,!,. 1,1,. ,in,l uiri- .mi,ul,p,l her old fa 1 1 1 1 1 v Iriciids. iiiteiiilini' even topieivs. Three of them telescoped one j tually to go on to Asheville. Due child another, the nearest ear to the engine ! was taken ill with diphliiena immediately lieing driven clear through the next two. on arrival anil soon died, and another There was nulliing leli of them but died last evening. There are two more splinters. i children, both ol whom arc ill with the ..KTTKR FKOH JOE ROIIV. j "Xchark's M. BuslK-cis still extremely . .. ill ri.ip u.e h -..,,i ve hu. . hK.m," c ls lmniv paravd, an.l . )B Jl1(u jtinious most ol tnc lime Skvi.ami SmiM-.s, N. C, June IS. The (tlx Hundred. LniroR The Cirui:: We paid your' The Yarborough hotel is lieingculargetl progressive city a visit this week, and we and the "six hundred" may be nceommo. were truly gratified to see what a won- dated when they visit iic exposition. derlul change had been wrought since '. But that w ill lie hut a drop in the bucket we were there three years ago. We had I learn that contracts have been made not time tofc-cthe city in its entiritv, but , f"r "'' r "'" l'""Kc temporary, but , , ,. ,,, , . ., ... very complete structures such as were so , n cl)rctivi. nt Atlanta in disposing ol the is ticsimcu to tic oncoi inc largest cities crowd ol the south. The excursion to Asheville on the 25th i.l.villr wn. nil ri.'M aft.r i,i,t is looked forward to with interest. The , , ... ., .. rates are exceedingly low, onlv $11. 50 for there-hut getting there wn. another . ti(, rmin( tri) (mllK. o( mMinj, question. We hnd a good horse . a lirruth tf iuie coul monnUilu uir con hi'gS.v. hut, ye gods, what n road! Tins tlsl. w, llre now gasping for dear is not tnc roan ui imss, anil u we nan , ti,,B urnacc lieu led atmosphere nor oeen a Binci inriinrroi iiieeiuircn our belief is we should hnve indulged in some cuss wortls. The road from here to your city should lie dressed up nt once as it can be made a beautifiildrivc that would Hhe Will lie AtThe Urund IHoiuuiy Htock UuotatloiiH. NkwVonk. JiiikO. Uric 111'-: l.iikiSh.,r, lo.',",: ChieiiKti .iiiil North nistim lull'.: Mirlulk mill Wl-hUtii n-J: lv.., i aim not i-oinl li-rimuul l.V',: WiMttrn I liiun Till... ColtOII supply. NliW YlikR, Itine L'O. Thi-tnlnl vUlhl,. , piy t,i col ton rr the world in y.r,7.".lT,y Imlra, or which 1 ,!H l,:i.-, l,aU lire Ann ri- ean. itKUiniit 1,7711, Mill unil 1 .llllll oiii.) hulls ri-Kitiviiy iitsi yiar Knuiim ut nil in ttinir iciwus, ii. ,i i a links; nu'iitn from imuiuiuoiia, lil.l.i,. Croli ill KIKllt. ',4,UN7 tmlc. Ualtlmore 1'rlceH. Hm.timokk. lime an -Flour, .lull, weslt-ni Ukt :i.7f,ni l-.iio; i-xiru, .a.-,i 1.115, lain ly, l.,.riM...a.i. Wluat. imiiiilai. No. a r ,1 iol, sl.oi.iTfil.iaii-.. auutlitru. win (lull, l-ulti, $l.u. '.ml, ii,, i.i,ti)lierry, $l .or,(n l.O'.l. Corn .itiillii-rn ..'.I though his condition js slightly more ytlluw, linner ui 7oc ABOUT TWELVE MONTHS ACO WE SOLD In Asheville, N. C, OVER '. TWO IIUNIHCEU PAIRS OF KNICKERBOCKER HIIOULDHIt 1UIACES. ' FOR Men, Woiucii mid Children. OUT OF ALL.THAT NUMBER Nut utu- ik r so n was disuppo'iiU-d la the use of them. Tiny are In'yond doubt the best am nitrnt tturublc brace ever worn lo fact they ure the ONLY RELIABLE combined bract- and Busjrtndir In the market They arc dimple In euustructiun, easily ad- jitated ami wurn with K:rfcet comfort. feivcn (Hiwcr to hvc New York Market. NHW YuKK, luilf 20 Stiu-kM. -lull nnil Uniiic, MunvT, vuHv at at; lixchanui'. Ii.iilt. 1.h;i.: ahort. .fihi.; HtfUi h.n.l-. .lull and sU'iith; Kovtninunt IioiiiIh dull but steady. Cottnn ipiirt, -ales it.;i lulled; Up. him., H-Se; Or U iins, h i;(.Mie: luluriti iMK-n.it uleailv and eluncd tnv. Iinic. 7xiniTMr: July, 7 !tlft(7it; AuKut, H.oum.s oa; Sep- UiniHT, H 17(ji.1; Oetolier, H 2suiH.2d, k cailK-r.H JOdi H Flour tlull and wcuk Wheat- iii ie l and linn Corn niiiit and t milder k thill and htt-adv at SloTiti (fj. U,io. Lurd (itiiel and Hiiadv at $( 5iii,.,; ipirit Turuialiiie ilullund uadv ut asU (a:tHAc. KiiHin nuicl bill weak ut l.l-VjtU 1 j. irenjiiid (tiiiitiy. HKM, IIAKNKV'H I.1.CTIK1'. 10 tt U -a a a a general suk-i vision of the building. " The Clllaen Huld j,ooo, Altlerman Stai ncs made a motion that the city street sujicriuteudeut be required to give a bond of $5,000. Mayor lllan ton thought that sum very excessive, and suggested $1,000. Altlermnn Key- noltls then moved to amend and make the bond $3,000, and it carried. Mo Advice, Hlcane. Alderman Reynolds had a letter from Mr. Charles McNnmec and proposed to read it if thought advisable. But us it win on the paving question, it was left over for the joint bonrd, Mayor Wanton re marking that the board wasn't neediue attvice from any one just now in the matter of paving. The mayor also gave out the news that he knew a man who wanted $250,000 worth uf bonds right away. Won't Advertlae That Way Or. B. K. P. Bright sent to the board a staiemeat that he had prepared a pam phlet advertising Asheville nnd asked I he board to appropriate $U50 lor the ex liense of publication, and $50 lor his ser vices. Ur. Bright said the proHsitiou was many times fairer thnn that made by the Forum some time ago, as physi cians, who would read his hook, scarcely ever read a magazine. The board de clined to accept the proposition. Engineer Re-elected. B. M. Lee was re-elected city engineer by a unanimous vote, aad his salary was fixed at $1,500 ier year. Aldermen Brevard, Gudgcr nnd Mc Dowell were appointed on the light com mittee. Joseph Harbin was elected special po liceman to look after the Farmers' ware house. The proprietors agreed that the extra officer should not cost the city any thing. The Hoapllal Matter Put Off. Alderman Gudger, lor the commit ce appointed dn the question of granting a permit for the erection of the Mission hospital at the corner of Woodfin and Charlotte streets, said that the commit tee desired another week in which to re port, which request was granted. The question of permitting the erection of a market house on Spruce street, whs relerred to a committee, but the commit tee did not report. " It is very probable, however, that the permit will be refused. . Minor al altera. Capt. C . McCape complained of a stable that was being bnilt near his banat by Mrs. Carter, and Aldermen Starnes, McDowell and Brevard were appointed to investigate. J. M. Blair asked to be allowed to pay ie much enjoyed this summer by vottr citizens nnd visitors ns well as ours. Have this important matter fixed up nt once anil we will ever pray, etc. Hill Nye has "pitched" an urmy tent near his cottage where he can retire from the turmoils anil noise of our growing city and fix up his humorous articles, that so add to the gaiety of nations. Ilonnycrest inn will be ready in n few days to give n hearty welcome to nil who wish to s)ieiiu a delightlul season in Skythnd. Several lieautifiil cottages arc now ready for those who propose to occupy them here this summer. When you wish to usccnl to a higher plane come up and sniff the Kkylund breezes. Yours Truly, Joe Ruby. NlBlll. Al'FAlKS UF COSSIijJUIiXCIi. POKKII'iN. One of ihe men who wrecked a French mission in China, was cut to pieces by rucr ol inc government. The Chilian insurgents have accredited in ambassador to the l imed States lo blain recognition of their cause It is reported that prominent officials Hl'LUlVAN-ai.AVIN. The Two Will Flifht A io Hound Content. New Yokk, June 20. John L. Sullivan has authorized James Wakely, of this city, and Charles ohnston, of Brooklyn, two ol his former hackers, to match hi in against Frank Slnvin, the Australian. The conditions he nniiita call for ten rounds, (Juccnsbury rules, $1,000 n side in stakes, winner to lake all, and the match to lie contested liehirc the athletic club Which offers the largest purse. When Slnvin was shown snilhyan s dis patch to Wakclv instructing the latter to arrangt n teu-rouud contest for them. he said: "All right, I'll light hun. Want lo Wo to Court. Huitok Tiik Citizkn: l'lcase state that there will be a meeting on Monday at 3 p.m., in the room of Mnj. J. A. Wagner, over Southern express office by those who arc in favor of investigating the legality of the bonds of thecity about to lie issued, and steps taken to test the matter in the courts of lust resort. Re member the hour. ' A'. The Charleston Daily Sun savs of aud the principal collec planters of t'.u, Mrs. Harney, who will speak at the tcmaln are interested in n plan to aunt x Grand Opera house Monday night nl i"icmaiu to tue l uitcu Mates. S:M0 p. m.: "Mrs. Harney spoke an hour llerr Isaacs, of Berlin, who has charge , i,,.ir ,i,,r,,, whirh the audi,,!,-,. ,,l ' committee lor the reception ol lie , ' ... i , . " hrew refugees from Russia, is in lavor of icrnnie y wepi ano mugucti. one pos- Kmmi, thc Kri,nu.r )0rlilin ()f t.lu U) sesscs the power ol mimicry in a remark- ... o ,.w ......,. , .;.,. a hie riciFree. ant uses it more ill pathos thnn ill humor. The title of the lecture The Austrian minister of foreign alfairs wn."l'rom lerusa cm to crricho." I was nniilc a carelul intiuiry into the aliened a striking und original presentation of mal-trcalment ol Austrian subjects who the temperance question. Mrs. Harney were worsing on u new ruuroau in Mr hail heen received vutluunrKctt attention, gima, linn mimu inui no iiireiun work both ill this country und in Utiropr, but nicn were subjected to ill-treatment in in spue ol all her platform exierience, tnui sinic. Mr. Howard did thc distinguished lady iiomi:. but ample justice when he said that her Th IK.lim-n salc of lhl. i,urim To- woninnlT modesty outspnrR etl even 1)acco WorU!1 lo the Aincricun Tobacco the glow of her intellect und the tune- jlm a 0n; ful music of her tongue." - Mr. ii. victor Neweomi), a well-known Death of MrshCalrmi. Wall street operator, has been placed in Mrs, John Cairns, wife of thc proprie a privute lunatic asylum. tor of the Kecras creek woolen mills, died Dr. Charles Alexander Fastman, an In ut her residence eight miles north of diun ol lbs Sioux tribe, and Miss lilninc Asheville, yesterday about 10 o'clock, X, ,' v 1 T 1 1 ' after an illness of only ten hours. Mrs. Thursday in New ork. Cairns was a native of Scotland nnd a At the meeting held inKichmond, in pro most excellent woman. She was a mem- motion of the movement for the erection bcr of the Episcopal church, nnd her ngc of a monument, to Iclferlon llavis. a was about 50 years. Mrs. Cairns leaves committee wns appointed to visit Mrs. a iHisDanil ann lour ennuren, one oi unvis and represent to her the ndvant whom is tlie wile ol James t-rans, inc ages which would accrue lrom an rnv North Main street merchant in this city, mediate prosecution ol the work. It The funeral will lake place tomorrow nt was also declared that Richmond should be thc place of the sepulchcr and the site lor the monument Wli II A Vli JUST UUCIilV 150 PAIRS-ALL SIZES . FOR MEN, WOMEM, BOYS AND GIRLS. CAM. AMI BX.v'mINU TIlliM. GRANT'S PHARMACY, 84. South Mailt Hi. I M nAMDRm it mi unmi ullli ;dealek in real estate AM) AdENT FOR TUE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. 'pKUSTUB SALU. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by It. A. I'uLtiain on the 17th of May iH'.io, to secure a mile mentioned therein fur "Hoo. Said trust be hut duly retc'tUt'ied in hook Nu. 71, at pase 7 of lUoicotulwefunity I will sell for ciihli at the court huuiw duor in A sluv die, N. C , on the 20th June, lKiu, (on Satunlavr the lot mentioned in said tru-l. situated on drove street, in the eitv of Ar.be ville, N. C, mm May, Ih-ji. 14. F. FATT.N TruHtee. p(K KliNT. a nice rt.mns m Hill street. Wuter In houHe, $s )H.r uioutU. "pOK 8ALU Have for sale 10 or 12 lota of 20 acres, more or h un cacti, liVi "'ilea of court house at $50 iter iiere, ami within out mile of ro-M-'sed street railway. The nmlier on the land in worth price aked. Applr at onee. L'erms euny, to ttuit pure tinner. Parties can et vnouh tire wood off the laud to pay for it within one yuir J. M. CAMIMJIiKL I'or sale ir loU nenr Vanderbllt't ctttutv, lrom $100 to $.000 each. Apply to J. M. CAMl'BKLL. 1 1 o'clock. HUOT A 1RKNC1I HtlUKCT. IN PRICES TO CLOSE OUT CERTAIN LINES In Crockery and Glass. A GREAT REDUCTION INj ,. Kiiiuur chis, luuti jkis, auvct war, ij I am lii littler shupc to HI) lati nr.ki-.lfcir Vocal and liiHlrunieuial Mualc.al Miss Alice l.itchty, teacher of vocal an.! instrument!!) musical the Asheville fe male college liming the past year, will rcmnin in the city during the summer Mot The Half Haa Been Told. Colonel Reporters arc usually given to exaggeration, put vou didn't begin to tell me one hull there is to lie seen out nt ''The Belmont." 1 drove out yesterday and I tell you it is thc finest place in this vicinity'. The air is pure nnd free from dust and smoke; the building is beautilullv shaded ; the hnlli and veran das arc one-half mile in length, and afford excellent promcnudes; the grove of sixty-acres and the two medical springs are speciul attractions; their private street car line, the west Ashevillc and Sulphur Springs company, will be in operation uly 15th, and then thc "Bel mont" will be twenty minutes from depot and thirty minuets from square. Now, Mr. Reporter, I want to ask you a question. With all of these coantry ad vantages, what city hotel can compete with it? Reporter 1 agj with you that when their street car is runuing, "The lkl uiout" will be on top, The Black Republic to be Called lo Account. Paris, June U0. At the cabinet council held to-day, it wns decided to demand rc- nnrntion lrom I lavti for the shootinn of and will receive pupils, both vocal nnil M. RiKiiud on Corpus Chri9li dav, on thc instrumental. Miss l.itchty lias nun ground that lie wns a French subject. large experience ns teacher in some ot tlie iKst institutions in me country, anu Prominent North Carolinian Itead I.r..1.L,i,lv ounhticd lor the work. Slit Chahi.uttk. N. C. lune 10. This may be found at 1 ib Merrmmn avenue. morning, nt ins Home ui kchisviiic, ix. c, Acadcmy for ItancliiK, Urace aud Dav id Settle Kcid, who was prominent m uecormu, public nll.iirs away uiick mine time oi Mi T1,otll.on wiii win ,.cr i ....,:.... i,,.i ;..!, ' ClUPfl III UilUUU .UIHlir infill MVAL, Atlaiifa t.oeH Drv. nt H:3tit t nan over weaver Aivcr I i . Th. ...Unal ,.n iiil.tn 1 ,wv , lIMCi A I", iiiaiiuwuuii inkiin mv mwii ATLANTA, j tine .-u.-iuuvor iiemp- . .., Wfdcsdavs. Lessons for hill has created a big sensation by vetoing masters and misses on Tuesday anil all beer Menses. Thursday afternoons, nt 4:30 beginning on the 2'.. Sixteen lessons for is lor each A Hundred Yearn lo Come. ...ntlcmnn. but for two or more children V. t. i. t.i:.. President 1'olk, died. hotels than any house lu Ves-:f n North; olinii, aa my ito.k Is the laixcst and ihf ijriecs the hjvti.t. 4 Iatfto line of Mason' I'rnit Jars, Jelly Otnues, etc., CieW CffJ" Woter Wltrrs, tlw Innit niter on the innrk.t.J IMease cull aud sec inc before huyhig vlse-i 4lKi-e. 1 t ill make 11 to your Intertst to1 .-ull anil price uiy Koutlu. Wouldn't you like to live until the year in family $7 each, For ladies joining in A. 1). liOOO. just to sec the icoplc and the world generally f Who knows hut you might, if vou observe the laws ol health, and keep the Stomach, Liver and Dowels in full action. . The best medicine known for this is Dr. Pierce's I'lensnnt I'cllcts. They are smull, sugar-coated granules, but powerful to cure; produce no nnusen or griping; easy to take, and a sure cure I'or biliousness, constipation, headache, and diseases produced by un inactive liver. A convcuicut vest-pocket remedy. club of five or more, a deduction will be made. The journals of Georgia, Florida, Vir ginia and North Carolina, speak of Miss Thompson in words of highest commendation. All contemplating joining these classes should 1e on hand promptly at the open ing on Montiuy evening. Miss Thompson is promised a class from the most select families of Asheville. ju20d2t J, II. LA W, Noa. 57, 59 aud 6l S. IMnlll St. -TAKE VOVK 1 lirokcn Jewelry . . anu !; DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKS M. A. TILLER, i AND HAVE THEM MADE A8 GOOD Al NEW No. 16 N. Court Square. NEXT DOOU TO l'OSTOFFICli