121 aj-ojuiux xy 1 OJLA JGi V ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Bj RASDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. Tub DultCitbik, Democratic. Is published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rates ttrictlr cah : ... OKI VIA! I6.00 Srs Montr 3.00 1.50 SO 15 Thim MoKtm.. Ori Montr --. MONDAY. JULY 13. 1891. It is said by a New York society jour nal that xther members of the Yander bilt family will in Test at Asheville, to en hance the ralueof the Biltmore property Oxford Day. Let Vntcome. We've lots of land left out of doors yet. President Harrison and the members of his household at Cape May Point went oat in a United States revenue cutter for a day's blue-fishing Friday. President Harrison, has no more right to 'use an U. S. steamer fora fishing excursion than Bafdsley had to pocket the interest on Philadelphia's public money. - A Cincinnati dispatch says Gov. fames A. Campbell, of Ohio, will be re nominated by the democratic state con vention at Cleveland this week ami will decline the honor. The ob ject is said to lie to further the Gov ernor's chances for the presidential nomi nation, but it is difficult to' see how it can. We want to see Camplell stand on his record as governor and beat Mc Kinley out of sight a hard thing to do, but not to be shirked. I The letter of R. L. Coleman, published in The Citizen today, ought to weigh a ton with anybody who has any doubts as to how his vote should be placed in the matter of the Atlanta, Asheville and Baltimore railroad. Mr. Coleman is as good authority as could be brought for ward in the emergency, and what he says is known by all who were ever ac quainted with him to bejust as he states it from beginning to end. We direct es pecial attention to Mr. Coleman's letter. Col. L. L. Polk was accused by a Minneapolis pa per of making a verv se rious cha -ge against the democrats of North Carolina. He denied the accura cy of the reiKirt and was very much grieved that North Carolina papers should ha ve printed it without investi gation. About the same time W. C. Oates, of Alabama, was rejiorted as say ing something anti-alliance anil Col. Polk fell upon him with numerous col umns of ponderous brevier. A ud now Com eth the Hon William C. Oates and de nies the authenticity of the f reported in terview. Hencewemay.be allowed to remind Col. Polk that a dose of his own medicine awaiteth him. He should in vestigate first and castigate second. CMvilizert KtllluK. They do those thiims letter in the In dian Territory. While we try and retry, and postpone, and haggle over law points anil fly-sjieck decisions, the Seminole, so we read, is tried once. While we get to gether an apparatus that ; costs thou sands of dollars, try it on a cow and a horse and decide that 'twill do; while we collect scientific men from all parts of a great state, swear them to reveal noth ing of what they see, the rejiorters being kept back at the point "of Winchesters; while we bind our victims in a chair and appl a fluid that scorches und scars and burns; while we take the bodies of our victims and cut them up, giving over tlie "remains" to the tender mercies of quick lime while all this is being done the original American, as the other day in the Indian Territory, lead his victim out, seats him on a rock, untound, with his eyes mercifully hidden against the near approach of death, ami shoots him through the heart. 'Civilization has not civilized the taking of human life. The soldier's way is best after all. A short march, a volley of musketry, anil all is over. LIFi; IX XORTII CAROl.IXA. The Kaleigh News and 01sei vet will, in the near future le changed into an eight-page paper. The town commissioners of Salem have levied a tax ot"$l on male and IjUO on female dogs. The law goes into .effect on and alter August 1. Winston lailv: Mr. George liege, the oldest citizen of Salem, passed a way at the ripe old age of '.II years, j His wile, who survives him. is 81 years old and still very active. The sale of real estate which com menced Wednesday, was continued Fri day afternoon, the sales amounting to $11,675, making a total for the two days of over $ie.onb. Chas. Jordan, representing the Bucna Vista Saddle and harness company, ar rived in Kaleigh Friday. He proposes to compromise the embezzlement of Clar ence ltuslee uHn restoration of the shortage. Busbee's friends will accept the proiosition. i Kings Mountain News: A mine of tire Clay has been found near here which will prove to le a bonanza. Prof ledoux has just completed an analysis of it and savs there is only one vein of the clay in the world that .equals it in quality and that mine is located in Russia. ; Winston Sentinel : It is now assured ! that Editor Ramsey, of the Salisbury Watchman will succeed Baylus Cade, as editor of the Progressive Farmer. He is well known as the man who made the unwarranted attack on Senator Vance in regard to the sub-treasury bill. Kings Mountain News: Some days ago Mary Arrowoou, colored, was en gaged in chopping stove-wood when a stick flew Up striking her on the jaw-bone and causing her to bite off her tongue. Dr. J. G. Hord was sent for and sewed the tongue together and Mary now has it in active use. .Mr. W. C. Stronach who has full charge of the Soldiers Home is often in receipt of small donation, but thev do not seem to be anything like what would appear necessary for actual current ex penses. It is a pity, that more genuine, substantial sympathy is not extended, to what can be called our worthiest charity. Wilmington Messenger. Governor Holt is rather discouraged, kits the Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger, at the prospect of having anything like an extended re creation this summer. The large amount of additional labor thrown upon the ex ecutive department by the general as sembly in the matter of the direct tajtcs, will require his closest) attention. s A WOMAN'S RHYMES AND REASONS. I am afraid we will have to admit the truth of -the-old saying that: -Where ever there's a riot and a rumpus and a row, there's a woman at the bottom of it." Recently it was Miss Couzins. of Chicago; but it isn't always cousins it may be a "nearer one yet, and a dearer one" like my lady Brooke on the other side of the pond. It is even impossible for women of note to get together for a quiet luncheon; without dropping a pebble of speech into the shallow waters of public curiosity, and disturbing even those who stand about its shores. A few thoughtful women, among them several members of Sorosisquietly sipping their Ixviillon in a New York restaurant a few weeks aeo, united iu anathematizing the literary food that our leading newspa per serve with a variety of sweet sauces to the fair sex. Was it one of their num ler or one of the waiters that reported the discussion to the New York Herald? At any rate the Herald took the mat ter up and invited letters from women the world over, embodying their views on the subject in question. Dozens of women have responded and the writers f the letters printed in the Herald, al most to a woman agree with those at the luncheon. They are tired of having a corner in tneir paper devoted to com- in fi.-h And W like froth 9nH frizzle md headed "For Women." But it seems to me this is a great fuss about a small matter. l : ueiieve our journalists are nizing the fact that a woman of the present will read and understand every - thing that a man will, and still have room for more. have, in self-defense, de- Ailed to make this extra food for the mind as liirht as nossible. trusting to the seasoning to tempt the taste. But why should we complain O, Sorosisters? I have vet to pick ud a paper with a fence huilt around all but the woman's column Even if the editor'stried fencing.it would onlv serve to keep out the ladvfied vountr men. who are now almost as numerous as athletic voung women. Let us con tinue to read the news of the day. the editorial columns, book reviews etc., and then fill up not on "A Feast for Fair Women," but on Dante's poems in the i Italian. Plato's philosophy in Latin, or Mistral's Mirieo in prorenci.il I-rench! It is said his High-low-Jack and game, A. Edward, Prince of Wales, In recent gambols near the Brook, Has told some curious tales. lie says as Arthur's table Of knights was known to fame, So shall be his mighty table And Poker's now the game! And if the swells about his isle. Dare rage in loud tir moil. He will pour upon their troubled crests 1 he very latest Hoyle! All this and more the limpid Brook Upon its babbling way ; And still Victoria holds the throne In her own capacious way! Asheville readers of the Springfield, Mass., Republican, as well as the many readers of Tiik Ashkvim.e Citizen in Springfield, noticed, no doubt, the identity of the verses heading the column for women in Monday's Republican, and the verses in the Becky Sharp column in Tuesday's Citizk-x, and Becky feels called on to rise and explain. It hapiiencd in this wav: the verses were sent to the Republican several weeks ago over the initials I have lieforc made use of in its columns. As I received nothing in re sponse but the Irishman's "silence and ery little of that," 1 concluded that mv manuscript was reposing in a Massachu setts waste basket, and in an umisuallv liusy hour dropjied it into the Bcckv Sharp column. When the Republican reached me eutiesday evening imagine my norror. i nau stolen-my own verses and even audaciously changed a word or two! It looks as though Becky Sharp needs onlv a hi tie fiencil, an office stool and an advance agent, to be a syndicate. Here arc ashes and cinders, cigar stumps and mud. A bad cg that some one has dropiied with a thud, Applc-paruigs, oananas, an orange or two, A torn leaf of lettuce, a bottle of glue. Such a crossing the heart of a manmiht ! appall. But the trail of the woman is over it all. Men perhaps it would he Iwtter to say married men who can with a show of skill handle anything from a jig-saw or tennis-racquet to a wheel barrow or a tandem team, arc ucpardonably awk ward when thev take a baby. The little ones, who usually like to go to papa and i est their tiny bodies on his confident strength, are only too glad to get back to the maternal arms, cross and uncom fortable, their clothing pulled this wav and that, crumpled as to trills and rum- pieu as to icmier. i nere lsn t any ex cuse for this sort of thing. It has been my lot several times to see a large- hearted pnvsician. married or single as the ease mitrht lie. handle n littl- one I with a skiiltul tenderness even a mother might envv. One instance was that of a I little eirl verv ill with bronchial frvir 1 iihfii thf i wtrir arnv-frt hi n.it ent uric ' . .... 'I ..... . v " . . ' - . siecpinur, ana tie made a thorouirh exam- I lu"K viiliiuub wuij; iicr, I turmnsr Her frtni side to side with the I trentle inirirlerv in which the Hindoos are I said to be adepts. Now, as we can't all marry doctors couldll t somebodv Start I a school to teach the art of babv-tendine I to D'ingiinj husbands : liecky Sharp. Have you 1 I'inchiirirh . Tk , ,1 Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu dent Lamp? Do they work satisfactorily? Do your Lamp Chimneys break? You get the wrong sort! The right ones are the " Pearl Glass," made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts burgh, makers oT the cele brated rearl-top lamp chim ney, which have given univer sal satisfaction. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Mine. 31. Fuac Smith j From IVcw York, j Is prepared to accomoliah thr t-rv l..- ; wens uiaKing at snort nonce. 57 S. Main st PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. B&-Mc Artistic Millinery Very cheap. junStm WITH KIND IMPAIRED. Maj.. w. "W. Hampton Accidentia or Pnrposelv Kills Himself. Prom the Winston Sentinel. Maj. W. W. Hampton, a prominent and well-to-do citizen, who resided in Wilkes, above El king, was noticed to be unpaired in mind for several weeks and a few days ago was taken to his brothers, Columbus Hampton, in Surry county. The latter was having a well dug in the yard and the workmen arose shortly after daylight and while stand ing out in the yard heard a noise in the well. Upon going there they found a man's shoes and hat on the platform and on looking down they witnessed Maj. Hampton struggling in the water. They drew him up as quickly as possible, but when he reached the platform of the well he was dead. The deceased was about 60 year old and was a relative of Gen. Wade Hamp ton, of South Carolina. He leaves a wife but no children. . His estate is val ued at $25,000, including the famous swand pond farm on the lad kin River. iiwknaa msrm w m m m em - sr w? mTUW A Judit Comical Misquotation on the Bench. From the Winston Sentinel. The court was sitting at Salisbury, a I murderer had been convicted and was J standing up to receive his sentence, Judge Caldwell had, with great solcm- "a., BM'vitr a need the n,t' and impressi veness prono I poor fellow s doom. I "Now," said the Judge, in conclusion, .-the evidence against you was so over- whelming, and the law so plain, that I you cannot hope for executive clemency My advice to you is to abandon all hopes of earthly aid. Look above and ask for help and comfort, ar d forgiven- ness from Him who has said 'come -unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will do the best I can for vou The audible smile which swept over the bar, called the Judge's attention to the tact that he had made Je a misquotation, nded it by saving, -fleet." I and he promptly nme words to that e For horse-colic Simmons Liver Regula tor is known to be the best remedy. few 3 & POUDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter bakine rowder. High est of all in leavenine strengths. Latest IT !. Government Food Report. 3 u 3 m 5 Q hi M S 0 X. a o CARPETS JUST RECEIVED From tlie Factories IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. Seventy-two rolls ingrain, extra super, 3- phr tapestry, body Brussels and velvet car- pets. One hundred and eight rolls china straw i 1 j . i . .1 !.:.. . . t i uu-v,., ...... c ..... u uu '"r rugs. nt ty-one art squares. Cocoa and napier ..;.. r. .;.. i : i,ome ol tntse oods were bouellt at greatly reduced prices and will be sold at a I bargain Call and see my immense stock, the largest anil Itn 1 .ilticif , ri r-1 1. u :M t. . n . . v-... . , , ... .. JAS. P. SAWYRR, 49 Main St., vsiieviiie, x.c. jun23d3m x-i:isiii;i roo9is. For rent, well kept, centrnlly located. Modern conveni nces at WESTERN HOTEL S. Y. Corner Public Square. Asheville, N. C. jun!6d6m -TAKE YOUR Broken Jewelry AND DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO M. A. TILLER, AND HAVE THEM MADE AS GOOD AS NEW. Mo. ie n. Court Square. NEXT DOOR Td POSTOFFICE. IS!! A Household Rsir.sdj FOB au. J DISEASES T V ! C.troa SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT r it mre& . euh. Czeua, tvnr 4 htm ii m; SKIM ERUPTION, . i:dec beina ?r. Ho in toning M th rjst-i and res'crinf lfe .caps Italian na Impair -1 from any ram. ni plir.ost suoerr.".:rrl healingr trooarilas j j'M'y in vanteeUf , W, U V cirectionssrs Iviiowed. i v ' T ntt TT.i.rsni ,tto V KltC - "Botk of 1 pme ?'003 64-11 CO., Aftsnt ,6s. FOR LIVER. A orli llvr dtrmacta tU4 wklT am, mm prodnrn Sick Headaclae, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu I m - n matism, Sallow Skin and Plies. Tmwm i n better rmey lr nM rrnnmoa dUeae than Tutt'a pills, mm m trial will prT.- rnrai m Sold Everywhere. WHEN YOU WIT Bed room Suits, ;CJ Parlor Suits, V Easy Chairs, Kockers, lionrrH ftlCle lOa8 Extensio xtension Tables Dining Chairs, Kitchen Tables, lied Lounges, Single Lounges, Hat Racks, : Wardrobes, Center Tables, Office Furniture; ; Pictures, Shades, ITRMTl'Ri: AEPAIRD, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS - LAID. CALL ON - BLAIR & BROWN. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 3 a Patton Avenue. G. II. MAYER. CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 6 1 Sonth Main St. - PERFECT SIGHT. IJxists in the absence of headache, pain In or about the eyes, dimness in r ading or see ing at a distance. Have your sifjht tested free of charge. Sat- :fac'.ion guaranteed. microscopes I'or school or professional use. See nature miniature. Microscope slides all pricta and kinds. Call and examine them.. I Pedometers I To measure the distance you walk. AJi fnds I ot scicntmc instruments. ; u BRICK! BRICK!! FOR SALE. V The West Ashevi'le Brick Company are now prepared to sell and delirer in the citv I or elsewhere THE VERY BEST QUALITY of brick ever made in this section. Address us here, box 578. WEST ASHEVILLE BRICK CO., Asheville. N. C. Specimens of the brick may be seen at the I real estate office of Natt Aydnsou & Son. june!3dlmo THE MAITLAND SCHOOL,, HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 0 French Broad Avennei MRS. burgwyn maitland. principal. I Competent teachers, and thorough instruc tion. Lessons in Music, China Painting ai 1 Kensington Embroidery are continued during me summer vacation. , aecca l y MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL .7 HOT SPRINGS, N. cl This charming resort 44 mile from- Ashe ville. under its new management is being con ducted on the highest grade of excellence which insures its continued and increased I air. Natural hot water h.t-h. i ,H1. jkois most luxurmns. fewimming pool wh natning suits, same as at seashore, billiard bowling, tennis, etc. Amnsement for the j pleasure seeker, rest for the overworked health for the invalid. House modern in all appointments, elera ter, electric bells and . as Table and ser vice nnexcellcd Rooms good sized and well turnisnca. Jr'er particulars address DR. W. E. ROSS, julld2m TRY THE Twit's lis TORPID MODEL STEAM I LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. SLIPPERS, TENNIS. ALL VARIETIES AD f PRICES. . Latest Styles Stkaw Hats. Don't forget our finely equip ped Custom and Itepair Department. " Weaver & Myers, THE SHOE STORE," No, 39 Patton Avenue. 4 4.1 ii .. .. o o o o o o o o o o o o DO YOU WANT A WATCH ? Or Would You Prefer A-:-: -:-PIN? The Daily Citizen has bought, and they may be seen in the show window of A. M. Field, on South Main street. A SOUD GOLD LADIES' WATCH AND CHAIN. The case is 14 karats. handsomely carved, with Elgin move ment. The chain is gold, beautifully decorated with fine hard enamel. Also, a BKAUTIFUL LADIES' STICK PIN, made upon special orden The Pin is what is known as the Clover Leaf de sign, and consists ot four Handsome stones one Aquamarine, one Amethyst, one Topaz and one Diamond, set in solid gold, beautifully ornamented and en graved. This Watch and Pin are to be given to the two ladies in Asheville who will show that they deserve them. ' The Watch will be given to the lady securing the largest number of subscrib ers to The Daily Citizen between, this date and December 1st. The Pin will be given to the lady get ting the next largest number. " A subscriber will be the name of any person in Asheville not now a subscriber to The Citizen, accompanied by $1.(K. A name accompanied by $2.00 will count two, and a name accompanied bv $3.00 will count three. And to all $3.00 sub scribers The Citizen will make, in addi tion, a present of one of those splendid birdseye views of Ashevilie. Ladies, this is your opportunity. Any gentleman can get subscribers. but they must be counted for some ladv. Look at the splendid Watch and Pin, 1d see what a handsome and costly u resent either of them will make for your wife or young lady friend. They are unusually costly and beautij I ful, and there is not a ladr in Asheville - - but would be delighted with either for Christmas. They, will cost you nothing, except' a little effort during odd moments when doing nothing else. The D mly Citizen is the people's pa per, and this unprecedented inducement is offered in order that many more peo- P'e may read it each day, There are at 1.50( mCU " Ashe- vine who do not ow subscribe for THE ClTIZBK, who are amply able to do St), and THE CITIZEN knows no easier way I tr arrnrr them than hv nlist-inr tlv 1 to secure tnetn tnan dt enlisting the efforts of the ladies in its behalf. All names will le carefully entered in a I j book kept for the purpose, and the lad j sending in the greatest number of names, accompanied by the money, as indicated,' before December, will get the Watch on 11 1 -1 ... 1 . 1 . a : . 1 1 " . . . . . I next largest Will get the Pin. I HANDSOME o o o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o SUfllER GOODS FOR 1091, TAYLOR, BOUIS No. 43 Patton Avenue, Leonard Cloaiiable Refrigerators, Water Coolers Wire Dish Covers, White Mountain Tee Cream Freezers Fly Tpaps and Fans Oil Stoves, . Fly Screens for Doors and Windows Agents for White's Sewing Machines. Old Established Machine, Long and Favorably Known. PRICKS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. See our machines before purchasing. jaWETT STEEL RANGES. Handsomest Range ever seen in Asheville. Sample up in our window. Well worth STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURAN T. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. Also, table boarders can be accommodated. L o'clock a. m. nntil 12 o'clock -p. n. I Am prepared lor catering at short t notice trial. Mj Celebrated Philadelphia furies Are well known. No one can anrpaa them." Am pro"d to say I have tbe finest, larees Range in Asheville. Can serve orders in from 3 to 5 minutes, such as Fish. Game. Ojtici on the Half Shell. Polite and attentive waiters. Pleased to serve all. Kep citnilT. dec-4dlv BRICK. BRICK. FOR SALE BY- BUNCOMBE BRICK Asheville. IV. C. A LITTLE HIGH. That is the way some people like their game. However, few people want even a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact and ever desirous of sav ing the people money (while making some for ourselves) The Citizen has purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIEW'S of Athevill (which havo been sold at $5 each) for a paid-in-ad vn nee subscription to The Daily Citizen. That is, you pay us $ 3 for Tue Daily Citizen for six months, and we will giv6 you a superb picture of Asheville FREE. That's a telling of fer or ought to be. You get The Citizen at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your $3 and the pleasure that comes of being liberal. If you want extra copies of THE PIC TURE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at the business omVe of The (Citizen. But first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That's fair. N. B. You can t ike your choice of the pictures, those on thin or thos on thick paper. The former are best to send away; the latter are the best to frame. . THE CITIZEN. JOTICK, By virtue of authority vested in me bv a certain oced in trust to me executed by J. R Hill and wife J. P. Hill, dated tbe 15"; h day of July, A. P. 1 888. and registered in the re jristrr". ffice ofB-conbe county, in book of mortgages and deed, in trust. No. 13, on r 407. and aeauel. default having hrrn made in the payment of the debt secured by stiiu t-j i. irnsi, i w n sen a certain lot ot land ,n tne Ktx- ot hcvile, county of Buncomb. and state of North Carolina, on the we. ide of New lepot street and adjoining the Jones hotel lot. more particularly described in said deed of trust, to which referenc-- is hereby mad for a more accurate description. door in the city of Asheville aforesaid at 12 o'clock m., on the 6th i!ay of August. A. D., 1891 This July 6, 1891. WW. BARNARD Jtd6d4tmon Trustee. $500 Reward. WB will pay the above reward foranycaae of L-rer Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head- 01 l. ache. Indigestion. Constipation or C01 ti veness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills. when the di rections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vrg-tab!e. and never fail to give satisfaction ' Sugar Coated. Iarge boxes, containing 30 pills 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations The genuine manufactured only by TH B JOH : C. W liST COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by T. C. Bmith &Co.. Asheville, H. C. & BEOTHERTOX, looking at. mll-3m BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR OAT. Street ears pass the door. Oprn Iron t. for Home Partfc. Flails, rtc.lj A'l I ak i- E. STRAVSS. Prop. BRICK. & TILE COLlPAfJY, P. O. Box 426, Tlie Thomas House, 12a Patton Avenue, This centrally located hov.se has been refit ted by the new m;.nagcmen - ..md is now t:rt cl -1 w in every way. Young men ririnng table board in the heart of :hc city, conven ient to all business hous-a. wiii fi d this house in v very way satisfactory. ;."d 1 m "Rapidly to the Front!" PitSKLlN, !. C. RBAL ESTATE In all its forms, in the richest portion of Western North Carolina. It will pay you to write ns for the best inducements and great est bargains in the "Coming Section oi the Sonth," or apply personally to our Asheville reprcsen tati ve. FREDKRICK RUTLEIOB. jan5dtf 28 Patton Avenue, JAMES FRANK, ; nmLK nt FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A11.1.I for Kernis ."r-..L Woolen Milis. North Main AsbeviTle, N. C Real Estsite Clieap. Parties wishing tbnj real estate at a hargain. will do well to look at roviistin the nett few days. Some pieces are ofiered verv low- for good reasons. E. COFFIN, Ho. 32 Patton Avenue 12nd fl.ior I Room N . . Office hours 9 to 2 o'clock. VEGETABLES! RECEIVED FRESH .EVERY HAY AT HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street. money refundeti. SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR. SAMPLES And Instructions for Sell-Messorvwent. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY Winston. N. C. Ask mj areata far W. I. Doiglta bf.. If net far sal la yoar place- a.k mn ler ta ae-aa far rmiUior, aeeare the acenrr, aad -et them for yaa. IT TAKK SO S( BSTITCTK.J WHY THE IV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centTemen THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE KOhET? It Is a seamless sboe, with no tacks or wax th"a l to hurt tbe fet; made of the bent fine calf. MTiNh nd beeaum tre malre more mhitrm of thin Vrane Itxnrk any tytkrr nuuivfatHitnrr, It euu.il hanJ sewed shoes costing from s4JXt to fcS..L CR 60 lnlne Iland-wwed, the finest ealf '-' hoe ever offered for as.i: eoual-i Krench Imported shoes which cost from s.i-to 8 ;(. 0.4 001 IU-!"tfd Welt Shoe, line nt. V". styHah. comfortable and darai.ie. Tin-U-t shoe ever offered at this price ; same trade at c--tora-made shoes cosrlng from fi m to (5 Police Miee; Farmers. Rattroai M-t aad Letter Carrttrs all wear them: finocnif. seamless, smooth inside, heavy'three soles. ri!-n slon el?e. One pair will wear a year. SO -50 flae ealft no better shoe ever onn-l at , this price; one trial will convince th-e wpwant a shoe for comfort and service. CiO 'iO and i.OO Work inr ma n's sh- .ASM. .re vrv . , m . . . , -r- v. . nave given them a trial will wear no other make. RAVe' ! anl 91.74 school fh-ns nr.- 1 0 Worn hvthe tHIriwarwKM.- Ihorb-il m their merits, as the Increasing sales show. imported shoes eostine from 4j"i to si-'ii. Iadies' 'i.HB. i.OO and Si. 9 3 sh.- f- XUses are tbe best fine Donjrola. Stvlish and durat-ie. from Mannfrs Remnant. I M IK 111 Satisfaction guaranteed or! I 111 I II IS inn. oee tnai v . 1. lii?las' name od prtoe ara stamped on the bottom of each Riu-e. W. L. DOUGLjIlS. Bzockton, Kasi. SOLD BY WEAYER & MYERS.