Mil wim iiwwwwgwii 'irwi;ii;yitiW!'aw. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 14. 1891. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. By RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. t.ninrmM TWftMMTAtic. Is nubllshed every afternoon (eicept Sunday) at the fol lowing rates .tr-ictty ca.fl : Oa Yaaa Six Mokthi Thieb Months. 1 Onb MOUTH On Wh rrrrrr - . -i - - - TUESDAY. JULY 14, 1891. THE WORLD'S CHOP. THE FARMER IS THE MAN THAT FEEDS US ALL. Give all the aid and comfort you can to the Atlanta, Asheville and Baltimore project. Gut out every possible vote for the railway that is to give us competition and lower freight rates. Doiic.hkkty says that after the killinc of Win. Torrenee he remained for several days in Asheville. Who harbored him? is a question for the officers to ponder over and investigate. Must we send all our law breakers to Texas t l)e caught Thk new-old editor of the Progressive Earmer, I. L. Ramsey, opens his first batch of editorials with suggestions that if there isn't a fight in light he will make one; as witnesses: "1 prefer peace, but if there must be war, you may look to the front for a banner with 'The Progressive Farmer' inscribed thereon." "If your party insists on getting in the with whule cnrtlsof old rubbish anil issues hanging to it, you need not be surprised il tt gets knocueu mm a cucaco in editor tins been found who can 'swallow the sub-treasury.' We can also chew up some of those who oppose it, too. "Prr the information of those interes ted, we will state that we have the same pair of "yaller shoes' worn last summer They sti'll get there with both feet." The Moll scandal. We read in the public prints that al the parties to the Cleveland county trag belong to "first famliles." That seems impossible to believe. Members of hrst familiesdo not carry guns and kill innocent men from ambush. There have been some members of first families in this vicinity and it never occurred to them to take the law into their own hands and fire off a shot gun at a supposedlv guilty man and then take to their heels. Members ol first families are seldom seen running away from an enemv. They arc gencr allv eentlemen and ladies. It is deplorable from many points of view that the brothers of Miss Miiggic Motz, herself a young lady of good breed ing and hitherto high standing among her friends, should have so wiile u nnil thoroughly advertised her what the Shortage Abroad Mean forUsi. Weldon News: The peach crop will be From Henry Clews' Letter. enormous. The tobacco crop is very According to estimates, we are in a po- fine in tms section. sition to furnish to Europe close upon- Wamnton Gazette: From what we or possibly fully-one-hall ol us roiai re- . thc tubacco js (ll so quired imports of wheat. This means d s ;t wa8 this date last year. that this one item of our exports win The reporW of correipondeiits ol the amount to something near $200,000,- week)y Weather Crop Bulletin issued by 000. To the United States, this is a very Nortn Carolina Experiment Station !,;iarat;,ii nrosrject : but to Europe it .j c.,,. Weather Service for the week i rf.. -ere. the PriHar Inlv 10th. lR'.lt, show '"aw K'U" '" " ... "" UhonrhaveVnerallv continued to Euroean nations in a prosperous wit -- u - ..trunrdinurv necesaitv improve. umou, w " J - . . , nl . 1 mnniil . ..... 1 J 1 f..; mnnlrin K tICn lVW HIM VUKl.t,. " Dny u ...... - - . - JC;j., . the co would lie appalling; but. coming alter incioeni wna ..ul.u . , - - " - ... 1 !. . . ! . - .u i i. I . e.... pAttf,n won hrniicht I an enfeebling nnanciai crisis, on urc ion piiiuuriu. wn r. of a large drain of gold into Russia, and in whjcn ac?0rding to the owners was and at a tune wnen industry is wuu- sjx years old. I pon oeing cm ojjch h ug and. foreign wane is iuiiguisniuK was found that tally two-imrus wi u hot IIMU Its .,i-iillnr efflrnoy In dll n much I" Hi'' prow""' n skill In eoinmii"llng 111,-Inu-rnli. ills llir-m h ' Tnk" II In I'"" ' " V ' ...... milie o-ilwl.or if r !). advrim-ed will 1 r. ve a ""ir-nl cure. NOTI'IN UK. IT I OXFORD TIES, SLIPPERS, TENNIS; ALL VARIETItS AND PRICES. 1;l HJu I'M. llS Wilt IL LatkstStyi.ksStuawIIats what mav be the possible result of these damaKe(j ,( almost useless. It short harvests to Europe? It is useless to .irobnbly been held for better prices. predict; and it imperative to wau .or HorlicllUural vSo. The present attitude of expectancy as- c;etv will hold its ninth annual fruit lair stimed by Wall street is the only safe and t GrecIlsboro 0n Tuesday and Wednes- wise one under such circumstances. It is iuirust 4th and 5th. All fruits for not likclv that we shall be pernnttedto "'V.'. wi bv exDress without reaplthisadvantageo agreaicropwitn - .. . ,. d to t;o poimtis. out some sort of drawback, am it is wik . intended tor exhibition to wait and see in what form WM r r Addressed to the "State llorti back is hke y to come buropc vvdl find Greensboro N. C " with n. imponiuic . h.' " ctZ- wiH f"'l instructions by mail to jas. n. ai withnut makinc some sacrifice, hhe will . . Af mniittre. i, -I,,..;, tn ,,. t low prices, or "K"1' "'"- ' consign them for sale at what they will FOR. WHOli StNCFIT lllilniiiinea. bring; if we accept them freely, our wheat will ne A Fine Specimen of Marryat. :i in'tps Hi'- ' ' ,, ii.r mid ivMIV '" .: I) IVllO l'-i"l ..'n'.IIIMI v llvi will U I " I . si iri'vcnllvi' of - . 1 . 1 1 1-t .1- liidlitollnii, . . ...a.... !.hi. .,ii.ili.i""n. 1.. I. I 11111,-, nn HlllTflTiMlTO W!H lilWIlirM , l. nkiii". Korchlhlren II In must In- , "hViI ! nrinle. No danner from ""-Mnf.ieVS n. i natural evsoustlnn ..f Hi bowels. 5 In th. nrnlnfl sharpens ihfi minelH. el'""" sloinaeh n iwfiMcnHthcoremth. A rilVMClAJCS OPINION. "I have been pridn medicin" " ; -my y.n nd li.vt never hew .Lie W mil up veget.ble compound Ih.l o'M. like Simraom Liver KeieiiUlor. promplly iul effeftively movr th Liver lo cnon, .ml at Se lame time aid iln.ttad of . eak- e.unjl the mgeaiiM - pnererf of the ayitem. (.. M. Hurras, M.o., WaaWnglon, Ark. MHrU.ofOenulneneieei UoEforfherjJ Trn.1.-Mrk on front "f S W.CioLl 8,.h1 and Signal ureof J. H. Zellla U. red. on Vhs tW TsAsnooUist Don't forget onr finply oquip- ped CuHtom and Repair Department. Weaver & Myers. "THE SHOE ITORE," No. 39 Patton Avenue. u. mn tar rii!,l for in mods instead ol I .'rank R. Stockton. gold, if we buy only bur usual quantity I t is difficult to answer whether humor of imports then uurope win oc timiiieiic. ig keencgt nere or in England, i ne nnesi KVndiVse": theUtUement English humor would not ap,..,. to us will not be conducive to buoyancy in the sometimes. The English have great hu New York stock market. For these re.i- ri )rists in their annals Sydnev Smith ...i..:.. mmWai eeiMct.ntions j ii...i.a I ,in,li nod W. S. tiilliert. at least until the luture of Eurojie be- yye have none like them. Doyoureinem- (HI rOOlll nllltH, comes plainer. Wcr how Marryat desenncs see. l'.irlnr Sllit 'Mmiprirmnt.' a cieiii iiiiiuin . i is a perfect piece of English humor. WHEN YOU WANT THGDOl'GHERTV INTKRVIEW was "Tlie CHUen" ully of Con tempt of Court 7 MiVtle M. Tanner. Boonville, lud. riiM: "1 had blood poison from birth. . i:ml.o .. u l.'ir(iiH hen's ED.TORT..EC.T.ZEN:-Permitmeto,y " "iT, , "u in crim.l that in my opinion your local exeeded (mt 'j, R R haa curc(i ine S1)im, and the bounds of propriety in publishing Well. 1 shall ever priusc the men w no in- . . I . J til I mora lwt-n.M yesterday his interview with tne pns- vcnico moon ........ over Dougherty, as Deputy Sheriff Jones and Jailor amison certainly violated their duty in )iermitting it to be held. We all know that a prisoner is incar cerated for a double purpose: one to se- his presence for trial ; another, enuallv important to protect the pns nner troll) iniusiice. mow i as n nv v...... I'm Citizkn. alone of nil the crowd per. mined to cuter the jail ? What right had vour local ubove that ol other men ? Was it just and fair to draw lortn a statement from a prisoner, without con sent of his counsel, immediately on his ai rival from a long and painful journey, with a "hollow showing plainly in each -li,.eli " with "a lump in his throat" and tfasy ChairH, KoekerH, Side HonrdH, Extension Tablw, DiniiiR (Hiairs, KitA'lit-n Tablos, liod Lminp'H, Sillfjlc IiOUIIjrOH, I 141 U a.t n.., I . . WnnlniboH, J3 (ViiUt I nlili'H, Oflico Furniluro. ricturt-H, SllMflPH, DO YOU WANT A WATCH? SUMMER GOODS FOR 1891. TAYLOR, 150UIS & J3KOTUUKTUJN, No. 43 Patton Avenue, jconai'd ('lfHiuiblf Rf'triKoi-atorK, Water Cooler.-Wire Dinh Covers, White Mountain Tee Cream Freezers Fly Traps and Fans Oil Stoves, Fly Screens for Doors and Windows Audits for White's Sewing Machines. Old Established Machine, Long and Favorably Known. PRICKS AS LOW AS THK LOWEST. See our machines before purchasing. JEWETT STEEL RANGES. Handsomest Kany,-e ever seen in Asheville. Sample set up in our window. Well worth looking at. mil-am STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OH DAY. Also, Utile hoarilcri. ran be accommodated. Street can. ia th.- donr. Opm mini n CUpareTmrlatcrtng M Mai... ctc.M. . ..V trial. My Celebrated Philadelphia Fries Or Would You Prefer misfortune by attempting lo public- then to add "DoutflicrtT made his state- ... i i.u . .., i,. ment in a very disconnected way, al ly,iKhther wrongs and that, too, by 'havrnK to slo'p and stud, for see- murder. I nder no possible chance could . monlelll!( iiore he could answer a such a plan succeed. It simply makes two wrongs where there was but one be fore. If 'Hob" Michael was so bad that he deserved to be killed by the Motz brothers, thev would have been cruel to force a union between him and their sis ter; there could be no congenial feeling or vmonthv between such a villain and a ladv of refinement. As this deplorable affair stands at pres ent, it has been made worse by the law lessness of the Motz brothers. I Ine inno cent man is dead, three must be put on trial for their lives, and the scandal, so far from beine cured, is past alt curing fY.-ent bv timj. The whole affair is greatly to be deplored, but its lesson ought to be of service in every com-nn-nity where there are lawless men. Tbat CtiarleHton Dvatpvptlc. From thc ChattnnooKii Time. We regret to find the following in that usually level-headed journal, the Charles ton News and Courier: question?' Whatngnt Had your man to question inis prisoner: i'iu i;t know Ins circumstances aim cuiiuumn . That he was answering without advice of his counsel ? TmlT. I think this is a case in which Judge Carter may seriously consider, if it Ik not iiicuniDeni on nun u iypiui" of his court tor permitting the violation of this man's rights, and also to hold guilty of contempt of his court, "the leading paper of Asheville." Kcspectfullv, T. W. Pultn. AHHKVII.l.K'l POLICE. A "CltUen" nana lew Kind Words for the Cops. HiiiTiiR The Citizkn: Would you be kind enough to allow me a little space in vour daily ? 1 desire to state to the citi zens of Asheville a tew facts concerning our police force, not In reply to what has been said, but as a matter of justice to thi-m. Much talk ab'iut brotheiiv-lovc and their election nniounts to nothing Not a word of encouragement has yet Imimi criven to them. 1 have heen watcn- ing them ever since their election, and a POWDER Absolutely Pure. A irrnm nf Urtcr linkint; powder. Hich eat nl' all in leavcninc ntrenRtlw. l.iitint i S. government ImhkI Heport. FlRNITl'KIC KPAIRD, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS - LAID. CAM. ON BLAIR & BROWN. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 39 Patton Avenue. G. H. MAYER CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 South Main St. The effort that is being made in places in the south to revive the celebration of mn dMf,rt hard working get of men I tne lounn 01 juiy m 1 have never seen. 1 he wlioie city is now and manner is not likely to meet with 1 tectfd- if n man gets drnnk and goes much success. For a people who have been conquered to hurrah over the inoe pendence thev once enjoyed is an act of sell stultification which is unknown to history so far, and we see no reason to believe that the ignominious precedent will be established in any one of the sub jugated States of the new American Na tion." And we are restored to our patriotic equilibrium by this, which we read with delight in the New Orleans Times Democrat. "This is the dav on which there is no east, no west, no north, and no south in this broad land, but one undivided and indivisible America from ocean to ocean and from lake to gulf. And as it is one undivided country, so are we one undi vided people, without trace 01 local prej udice or sectional feeling Americans only and Americans all." The talk of the News and Courier about "subjugated States" is the veriest rot and historical nonsense. Worse than this ven is the suggestion that the south, in lebrating the nation's birthday would Vlke herself "ignominious." to Baptist hill, Peachtree or Criple creek to have a big time, he finds himself in a hort time in the lockup. Not only arc thev hard workine men, but intelligent men. They are certainly an imnui u Asheville, and if they hold out with their nrk ther will olacc her on a higher plane. I know thev are interested in the welfare of Asheville. At the dead hours of nirrht. when all of our good people are sleeping, thev are visiting the gambling hells of this place, breaking them up, and in as much as they are our protection we ought to give them more encouragement. Citizen. PERFECT SIGHT. Kul.ts In the ahuenve of hrnilaihe, pain in I or nlionl the eyes, dlmna in rrariinK or ee ing at n distance. Have your i(tht tested free of charge. Sat- i.fae'.ion guaranteed. Mlcroncopen Thk I'aii.v Citizkn has bought, and thev mav Ik- seen in the show window of A. M. Field, on South Main street, A SOI. Ill OOI.i) LAMES' WATCH AND CHAIN. The case is H karats, handsomely carved, with Klgin move ment. Thc chain is gold, beautifully decorated with fine hard enamel. Also, a 1IFAHT1ITL LAMES' STICK 1'IN, made upon sccial order. The l'i is what is known as the Clover Leaf de sign, and consists of four handsome stones one Aquamarine, one Amclhys one Topaz and one Diamond, set in solid gold, beautifully ornamented and en graved. This Watch and Tin are to be given to the two ladies in Asheville who will show that they deserve them. The Watch will lie given to the lady securing the largest numlier of subscrilv ers to Tub Daily Citizkn between this date and llcccmber 1st. The Tin will be given to the lady get ting the next largest number. A subscriber will lie thc name of any re well known. No onr inn iirin- Ihon. Am proud to nay I have lli flnet, H'retf anue In Asheville. Can serve iir.lrrn in from .1 to a minmes. urn i in, thc Hall Shell. Polite and attentive waiters. Pleased to serve nil. Kr ethdlv. E. STRAUSS. Prop. BRICK. BRICK. FOR HALE BY- BRICK. BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. P- O. Box 426. to Thk Citizbn, accompanied by $1.01'. I CARPETS Factfi. That's It. Mr. Maxim says: "Give me time and I will show you a flying machine. Are we to understand that Mr. Maxim means to utilize the old principle involved in the discovert that time flies ? Detroit Free Press. I'.ir school or professional use. See nature person in Asheville not now a suusenner in miniature. Microscope sillies an prior nnd kind.. Call and examine them. Pedometers A name accompanied by $2.00 will count To measure the distanre you walk. All kind, two, and a name accompanied by $3.00 1 of scientific instrument.. a j ... ll 1 1 (in ...h . coum mrrc. rn ... BRICK ! 15RICK ! ! scrilers Thk Citizbn ill make, in addi FOR SALE. tion, n present of one of those splendid The West Ashevl'le Briek Company are I ij-j--,- views of Asheville. , nn.m.rni to sell and deliver in thc citv I or elsewhere Ladies, this is your opportunity. JUST RECEIVED From the Factories THE VERY BEST QUALITY AnT gentleman can get subscribers, IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. of hriek tier msde la this section. Address ,)ut tnfT must he counted for Some lady. as here, hox 678, ,',i,,8onthern Farm. Fro-r'lK . here j, ,n mea auout, .nt v.. M" 'eminent can """ ', - day, and flood tbs country wrtW I",p'r money, and then JTwiuy w,o - nlpntv. Friends, donyaknow 'ou coul,ln,t get a dcd" ol it unless you nan some thiratf t'o H. or mM nire yourself out to .t it in wages or salary ? DO V0U Know VOU tun gci yicmy ui monevnow, if yon have something to sell, or you can hire out for wages? There may bt stacks of money in the treasury a high as vour head, but no body is going to make a present of it to yon or. me. Not a bit of it I Cheap money means high everything else. The cheaper the money the dearer the stuff. As money geU dearer and scarcer, then goods get cheaper and more plentiful. It l Too "RegarsHens." Raleigh cor. Wilmington Messenger. The "new IdestV of atariff league which was started here several days since, is meeting with poor success. None but original republicans have yet joined, and the invitation for all, regardless of former party afSliatlona, doea not ate to be acted upon with that alacrity expected. Outside of national office-holders, there re but few who "take stock" in the movement. 1.K9ION ELIXIR. Pleaaant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take ljmnn Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness ana pal- ir rags, WB8T ASHEVILLE BRICK CO., Asheville, N. C. Sn.Hmrn. of the brick may be aeen at the Seventy-two rolls Ingrain, extra super, 3-1 rcl tatt atn of Natt Atkiason & Son. ply tapestry, hody Brussels and velvet car-1 junel3dlmo pets. THE MAITLANI) SCHOOL, JAS. P. SAWVKR, pitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. Fifty -one art squares. Cocoa and napier r -Jl .1 I f....l ....mnnl, .all I .. ; ror lnuigcsiioii mm ium v.,,v.i ....... , mati,,Ks. Porticrres ana iace curiam., Lemon blixir. t?n tl o' tmd nrvntiahrnrlnchestake Lemon Elixir. greatly reduced prices and will he .old at. Ladies, for natural and thorough or- bargain game regulation, take Lemon iviix r. Clll and .ee my immense stock, the largest JZZl St onlv exclusive carpet house In .he state. in.. " - , eases, all ot which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared onlv by Dr., Atlanta, Ga., 50c and si.OO pef bottle, at drug gists. LKHON HOT DROP. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cenU at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. janl7cod j I I L . . V. . -.. 1 1 nkin. Straw I nunoren a.iu ML f()R g, mattings. I One huadred and thirty-five Smyrna and I No. to French Broad Avenue. MRS.niJROWYN MAITLAND. PRINCIPAL. Competent teachers, and thorough jn.truc tion. Us.on.ln Music, China Painting aid L--MiiM.nM VmWIiIw, arrontinued durlns Some of these goods were liouuht at thc ,uramcr yacatlon. decRdly MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. HOT SPRINGS, If. C. Look at the splendid Watch and Pin, nnd see what a handsome and costly present either of them will make for your wife or young lady friend. They are unusually costly and beautiM Ait, and there is not a tady in Aiheville but would lie delighted with either for Christmas. They will cost you nothing, except a little effort during odd moments when doing nothing else. The Dmi.y Citizkn is the people's pa per, and this unpiccedcntcd inducement is offered in order that many more peo- A LITTLE HIGH. Tluit is tlif way Honii1 i-oiipli' liki'tln'ii' jxaino. Ilnwi'viT, ffw noplo want oven a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact ami ever desirous of s;iv inr the people money (while making some for ourselves) Tun Citizkn has purchiis ed the exclusive right to sell the YlKWSof Asheville (which hnv been sold at. $ ouch) for a paid-in udvntice subscription to Thk Daily Citizkn. That, is, you pay us If.'i for Thk Daily Citizen for six months, and we will give you a superb picture of Asheville FREE. That's a tolling of ter or ought to be. You get The Citizkn at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your$:l and the pleasure that comes of being liberal . If you wont extra conies of THE PIC TURE to send away thntmattercan prob ably be arranged nt the' business office of TheCitizkn. But first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That'H fair. N.B. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on thick pnier. The former are best to send away; t he hi t tor are t he best to frame. TH E CITIZEN. The Thomas House. in Patton Avenue, This eentrallv located hn Inin refit ted hv ihi new m nngrtiirir..nnil Isnowprsl- ,ss in every iy;iv. vouiig men (leaning nlile lioard in th he.irl "f Die city, convrn- it nt to nil liusine!. hnnsiii, will ft this House in i very wn snt'sln. tin v. Iftdlin nl "Hnpidly to the I'riint!" It KALttllAKH K V., PRANKI.IN, N. C. R H A L H S T A T K t nil its I'ortn in the richest IIOlll' W.stiiii North I'ntnlina M win liny jron lo write ns for Hie hem Inducements and crent est linrgnins in the "Coining Section ol the South," or niply iitsoiiII.v to our Asheville representative. i'hi;iii:kick rctlblkir. ian.'dtf 1 I'Mtton Avenue. Tawi-:s fkank, ml i:s IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Kttit tor r' m- l'i' Norili Mn-i olen Mills. Aiheville, N C. Real lisitate Cheap. Parties wishing to Iniy real estate al a linrmiin. will do well to look nt mylistin the neat lew dnys. Some pieces are offered very low for good reasons. E. COFFIN, Andiiiira, RmI Kdiln A geil ml l.u Broker, No. SU Patton Avenue (2nd H ion Room No. 4. tllfiee hour, tt tu il o'clock. VEGETABLES! RECEIVED I Itl'SII EVERY DAY AT IARK BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street. This charming resort 40 mile from Ashe ille. under ll new managemeat I. belngcon- 408. Main St., Ahellle,N.C. dinted on the highest grade o' e read it each day, 7 I .!... t. 1,. Mn,lni.t mnA Increased I jun'jadJin I ,.., a.- hrelnl Ti .M . U..I 1 RIW men in Anile- pOpUll.ri.J. J .- - I A l.v 1 v ... v ... " t . . . . a ..... 1m n. r!.l 1 air. waturni nor. wr u-.u. ... ... . , :i , m. pools moit luaurlou.. Swimming pool with viue who no m ms . FURMKHEU ROOMS. (Mam 14 Special Cor. Sadtlth ttChroirlc1e. Another week hainasaed, (lipped a way oa the ever restlesi river of time, never Many l'ersons ire broken Dawn from overwork or household eaim BrowoU Iron Bittern Rebuilds th. (-stem, ttdt digestion, removes neat of btU, ana earet nuuana. w For rent, well kept, centrslly located . batklng ulu. .nme a. ' KMB7 .b'"' CrflZlN, who are ampty bl to do txi, DOWimai i.iiiv, - - - i pleasure aeeker, re.t for the overworked, n(j -H f-i-gi, knowl no Mier wav U..I.I. fr tt, Inv.llrl I House modern In all appolntmeat. eleva-1 to aeture them than by entitling the tor, electric bell, aad f.s Table and r-1 vice unexcelled Room, good .laed and wll enona 01 ine '"urt. ... v Modern convent ncea at WH.8TBRN HOTEL, 8. W. Corner Public Square. Asheville, N. C. JunttidBm nOARIl -. ka had in a tirivnte fliinllj llous - de- ligh.fullv itunte.l. Address lulHcodlw' V O ',ox 37T- Health I Wealth! 2 -TAKE YOUR furnl.hed. For particnlan addm. DR. W. F. ROSS, tViTIIAVlrn!, ul1d2m AdTCrtlslna; Broken jewelry TRY THE DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKS fjQDEL -TO M. A. TILLER, CREATES many a new business; ENLARGES many an oM business ; REVIVES many a dull business ; RESCUES many a lost business; SA VES many a falling business; PRESERVES many a large business; SECURES success in any business, To adrertist judiciously, use the coJ-UND HAv THEM MADE Al GOOD At NEW. umnsofjoeutuxn. - zreryooayrcaas i H; and inproportioa to the returns it Ko. itt N. CoH aqaar. mrttothVeTuntrr NEXT DOOR TO P08T0FFICB. STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue ,: ii ;n kji ranfidU rntererl in a I book kept for the purpo. and tne lacy -rj :rFuT ISrJSS'SX -Hi In the eateat nnmber of name., ita, h2S JSZ STmSSS. I . j- . j I Wakefulness, Mental ueiirew"". m.iv....i. ,.vr.m.,nnd b the morler. as indicnteil, ,h,. hiB resnltlng In Insanitt and leading to ' Biiserv. decay nnd death. fremotnreOld Age, before December, wiH get the Watch on Bnrr,e... Lom of I I voiun.r.v -7: : l. . . ..- .... I K. nMiraertlonr .01 tne ornin, December lat, and tne one geiims tne M orVer-lndul,ien.e. Bach bo eon. . . :a .1- pu. "'".'"Jir "vr-n h. m.n. dtmm nex 1 largest v... 6v o. ... -a: .1. hoac. bv a. for sti bone TOimlMnleu wiin o by a. for sli bone rc,'',Mc;;..r,,' we will nd the punaer ""r: ante lo refund the money If the atment don aot effect a ewr. Guarantee Is.oed AgeaU, Pabita Baaani. AitHrriuc, S:Z t umlth at Co.. Uruggl.t.. sale $2 '(CMtoifMlde? PA pJlA frnm Msnurn'Ri-mnsnts. I fill I II Hstlsr'iion nuarsnUHxl or J, AU money refumled. SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES And iMtructltMit lor PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WINSTON. PI. l- nnnvlsi. MhAffll. jour place ask four Ask my agent, for W. I. dcnlnr lo .end for rnlnloiiue, secure ino mmanw. and ll.m Tor VOU. HU ni.nBiiiiJa.i. al FOrt .e-Mtf . WMT 19 TM6 VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENf?t?MEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY f II Is . seamless, witn no tiieKS or w.a inn-nu , knri thA fMo msrfM nf thfl hMt flnn cnlf. Myltan aay, and oeenuae ve mnkr more sftoiw n IhU trmde Ihnn any oUier monnAK furw, It squab halHl- srwid shoes eostlnil from M UI to 4V.J10. fid 00 Uenutne llaaaVMwed, h',e,, snoe ever onerea i anjaii equaas Imported shun which cmat frnm HJ' lo IW. A 00 Well Hhpe. tlnj eslT, 31. stylish. comfortahrMwilduraMs-Tlie ahiir. ever oderrd al thl. lirlce. I mltfi " tool mailn shews eosllng frorn s.l Hi W CO DO Pitlle Hhoei Karnwrs, Ksllroail Jim SO. and LelterOsrflersall wesrlhemi flneMlf, seamleM, .month Inalil., heavy three, aulea, exlen sloniKlifK. On. pair will wer a year. A 30 Bneenlfl no iMillcrsiiw ever offered at jBaCa thla prloei "ne trial will convince Ihnse who want shoe for cimdort and service.. CO -4.1 and Warklrjgmnn'a shoe. 3dC. are very strong awl iliiralile. Th'KM who hnvn alven them a trial will wear no other make nA..l i.00 aad H.M ai-hool sboj sen (SOTO worn by the iNiyaevery where; theyM-ll on their merits, as the lucrratilnir sales show. I ntlAa$3.00 lland-sewrd shoe, best laSQICO IhmKola. verv.lyllshi iiiuaU rrench lmiinrte.1 shie.onilliiii fnim ill1 ui Afl.l. Ladles' J.SII, 1.00 and l .. she for Mlaaes are Ihe beat line Unncola. Rtyllah audilurable.. I nmlon. -m-e that W. t. Douglas' nam and prlc. are .tamped nu the bottom of each shoe,. W. L. DUUULAS, Brockton. Maaa. HOLD BV ' WEAVER A HI ITERS. to return. . , . . . ,

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