ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY EVEN INC.. JULY 15, 1801. 1 1 3 A ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Br RAtiDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. Tmu Dn.T CiTim. Democratic, la published every afternaoa (except Sunday) at the fol lowing ratta stricter emsh : mi vui e.oo BlI MONTB " tubes Month Oaa Mosth Oh wssk 3.oo 1.B0 BO 15 WEDNESDAY. JULY 15, 1891. A correspondent of Thb Citizkn yes terday, in commending the police force of Asneville said; "Not a word of encour agement hai yet been given them." The corretpondent it mistaken. It he will take the trouble to turn to his file of Thk Citizen and read "The Tattler's" col umn on July 4, he will see that his state nsent was an error. LIFE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Blaine. Blaine is at death's door. Blaine was never before so well at his present time of life. He has Bright's disease of the head and is setting brighter all the tune. There is a Heath pallor on bis face; there are deep, black circles under his eyes; lit is very thin and haggard; the bones seem ready to protrude through the skin; the lips are as blue as indigo; the eyes are glassy and dull. He seems to be always shivering, as if chilled. He is not able to stand alone; in fact, it is doubtful if he could sit on a chair without assistance. His mind is shattered. His memory was never before so good. He will not live more than a few months. He uow seems strong enough to go through another presidential campaign. Such is the news from Bar Hiirlior. It is impossible, more shame to the press, to know what is the truth iu the matter of Mr. Blaine's health. The Dougherty Interview. Cant. T. W. l'atton thinks our local editor "eiceeded the bounds of propriety in publishing his interview with the prisoner Dougherty;" and he asks "why was Th Citizbn alone, of all the crwd permitted to enter the iail?" Capt, l'atton has not correctly in formed himself. Thk Citizen reporter was not only the one permitted to see Dougherty, and we presume Capt. l'at ton 'a privilege in this matter would not have been exceedeil by ours hud he ex pressed a desire to see Dougherty. As to the proprieties of the case. Dougherty was told that he could talk for publication if he wished; nothing was "drawn from him" in the sense that these words intimate; that is, that Tub Citi zkn took Dougherty at an unguarded momeul and got him to talking against bis best judgment. It should nut be forgotten, also, that in the eve ol the law at least Doughertv is an innoceut man. Can it lie contempt of court or an abuse of the proprieties to give an accused man an opportunity to be heard in his own defense? On the contrary, an opportunity to talk under such circumstances has ever Iteen held as a privilege, one the press can hardly deny anyone however great the crime he is charged with. There mat be doubts as to whether Dougherty helped himself by speaking; but as to his right to lie heard and as to the right of a newspaper to give him a hearing it seems to Thk Citi zkn there can lie no doubt whatever. It wsuld be interesting to have Judge Carter's opinion on this point. The Daily Times, Chattanooga, Tenn., June i!7th says: "The only other incident worthy of note was the clever manner in which a young lawyer named H. F. Murphy rcpiesentcd his client in the suit of Brown vs. Scuder. It was Mr. Murphy's hrst case in the circuit court. He came to t hattanooga oniy --a few months ago and is a graduate ol tne North Carolina University, ne naa lor his opponent vesterdav one of the oldest and ablest members of the Chattanooga bar. yet held his own like an old practi tioner. He was warmly congratulated at the close." He is a brother of Mr. J. D. Murphv, of the Ashcville bar. The improvement in the condition of Grand-Sire Husbee recentlv lias rjeen un interrupted. He scetr.s now in posses sion of his full mental faculties, aud eats a moderate uuantity of solid food, His physicians are very hoeful of con valescence. Carthage Blade: Mr. J. J. t.awhorn billrrl a water-moccasin a few days ago, which meusiired about five Iret in length, mid three or four inches in diameter, that had a horn oa its back about eight inches below the head, measuring three isches in length. The High Point Enterprise wants some one to come on and Ixat the record of Mr. K. A. Manner, who last week cut untie w heat from his field, threshed ground it in Ins mill, made bread irom the flour and ate it, all in 1!5 minutes. Urssrs. H. II. Roberts. E. S. Cheek and C.J. Betts announce that they will begin the publication of the Raleigh I. veiling Mirror on July .'otn. SUMMER GOODS FOR 1891. What Man Avenue 7 There is an ambition to magnify little things by giving them big names; as if the frog by inflating himself with wind could make himself intrinsically heavier and greater. Me was an empty bubble after all, and a stout kick would collapse him in an instant into normal insignifi cance. Uow much greater, wider or mare shady do the throughfares of Ashc ville become by being dubbed aveaue? Is Bridge street to be made more at tractive, more passable in muddv sea sons, more shady under the summer sun, more easy of transit because local vanity insists upan styling it Central av enue? The word avenue is suggestive of breadth, convenience, grandeur. It is presumed to open up long vistas of shade, lines of trees and succession of magnificent homes. Avenues tell of elegance, of re finement, of culture, of stability. Wash ington City with its Pennsylvania avenue, and otheis of similar width and extent furnishes the ideal avenue. How absurd the feeble attempt, without the possession of the first principle for the change, to tnetamorphoss unpretentious Bridge street into Central avenue! The stranger will regard it as the keen est irony. The sensible citizen will view the change with mortification. For, in relation to the true idea of the ave nue, Bridge street, like most of the streets of Ashcville, is, as compared with Penn sylvania avenue a lane after all. No pre tentious name will make it wider or give it greater dignity. At the present moment the cutting of a sewer connection ten feet from the side walk to the main in the centre of the street has reduced the travel way to a contraction only sufficing for the passage of one ve hicle at a time. And this is Central ave nue! The whole idea is too absurd to have merited the attention it has re ceived. Let Bridge street resume its for mer Modest title, and not add to the ridicule to be brought upon the city by aspiration after big names misapplied. Ashcville is too great in itself to be misled by the mania of imitation. wanauisker a "Truth-lilder. from the Springfield iManiO Republican. Mr. Wanamakcr's position in this Key stone bank matter is little less than pitiable. He appears to he inextricably interwoven in the scandalous affair, and his testimony of Friday before the in vestigating committee rather intensities the damaging light in which he is placed. Bardslev's "friendly talk" with the city editor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger, so lar as it relates to tne postmaster general, mav lie accepted as credible or not; it will'not in either case materially affect the lattcr's position. It is mninlv onfirmatorv of evidence derived imni other sources during this investigation. As a witness Bardsley cannot now stand hii'h. but hit word imist be considered against that of the postmaster general, who has been clearly convicted a iinmoer f times already of slipiery trutli-liiiliiig and other acts inconsistent with his character as a Christian, an upright mer chant and n high officer in the federal government. Owns It. From tlr- fhi.-HKii Triliunc. A riticstion of Ownership: "Do vnu be long lo thischtirch ?" impiim! the strung er. .No, sir, replied tne wcauny iiieni- lier of the congregation, "This church belongs to nic." Tuouichtful. prom the New York Sun. Clerk You sav vou have five windows and only want four screens? Customer Yes. 1 want to keep one window open to let the flics get out. The nullv Citizen Is always alive to the intcreslsof Ashc ville aud its ieople. Is the most popular advertising mecli urn in North Carolina. Is read liv a greater number of eople than any other secular paH-r in the slate. Is always filled with the choicest read iiii! matter of the dav. Hoarding houses till their rooms by ad- vettising in Thk Litizi.n. News, and all the news, makes Thk Citizkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Irv I m; Citizkn. An advertisement in Thk Citizkn pays the advertiser an hundred-tidd. RAILROAD MEETING AT ASTIOCIl. Editor Thk Citizkn: A meeting was called by the citizens of Hig Ivy town ship at Antioch church on Saturday the llth inst., for the purpose ol taking proper steps on the most vital (iiestion that has ever been before this people. We have reference to the railroad propo sition that is to be voted on on the liOth. Washington C.reenwood was made chairman aud J. II. Woodard, secretary. Jas. N. Morgan was called on to explain the OUCCt 01 tne can. ue sum u was mi the purpose of appointing a committee to solicit means and help in the prepara tion of a dinner to be given at Antioch on the 17th aud at Hig Ivy on the aotli. Hob Coleman lias been invited to speak at lrv on the day ol the election, and at Antioch on the 17th. M. b. Carter, Thomas 11. Long, W. V. Rollins, . W. Staines aud flon. J. C. I'litchard are ex pected. The lollowing resolution was offered: "Seeing the great need of licttcr facilities in improving our section, and ncuviug if this railroad question is voted it wil do much in that direction, "Resolved, therelurc, that we ask the Ashcville press, our friends ol rial creek, Rccins creek und Ashcville townships to heln us vole this measure, anil especially Ashcville who we have stood by all cur lives and by whom we cxecl to stand if she comes to our rescue. "Resolve I'd, That no man or set of men shall excel us individually or us i township in working in every honorable wav, from now until sundown on the dav of election to carry this great meas ure. Mr. Editor, we do most sincerely ask Haw Creek and Hiltmorc to come tu the front in voting this great help to us as a section. The following were appointed as an ex ecutive committee to solicit help in pre paring our dinner: Washington Green wood, J. II. Moouaro.jos a. .Morgan ll'asimgfTin Greenwood, Chaii man. J. II. Woodurd, Secretary. .Ire yon it stranger utul wnnt to make money'' Take the Montlord avenue ears t court sijunic, :tsk tne coiiiiuctor to ve you u m.'iJ am put you oil ;it the irk. where vou will lie in the center ut the Zincs ( resilience in oiiert inllu- south. hen conic buck mill Imvc it ileal aniwn mr the lot you seleeted. 11 Unncohnlri RflmflflV f n '-"""- " 1 FOS) ALL 5 BLOOD and SKIN D.SEAbbt "a'a.iic Blood Balm SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT ll l.UrcS HHEUM. ECZEMA. SVSrt i .rm ,ii mjl.a'.ant SKIN a i 'le b-lno tillcaclous In toning up tlx A ....... ..I A-...I.0. rnn.tUlltlntl. i. an I nmlrril Irrm ant cauie. IU T alraost 8u,icrP3Hral healing properties i.:.;;:? in hi u'lsranlielng a curs, II directions ars lulloocd. i i-T.r" uimiM-rrn I . tt " III of umlrrn." T.1M BAul CO , :ian'1. Ca. If You Have ? appetite. ln.llnion, 1 1 am -, lea Aeadarlie. "all run dowa." lea Ins; flaan, u will find Titfs Pills ttrmH.y you need. They on n'. mil i Front irvm imU will rind rallaf rruiutlium. Mri-I; narot4W BOLD i:KJtVWUEKE. M.'ii'iViiYs " prarl tup " .ui " pearl lass Limp-chimneys do not lrrak from heat, not mk: in :. luimlrct'; Uu'y break from academs. ! hey are m.ulo o clear v' iss ;:; well as t ' !" . .lear as crystal. Tin v fit tin !.imis they are m.ulo for. Shape controls the draft; they are shaped riht. Draft con trilnites to proper combustion; .hat makes liht; they uiv irove Uie li"ht of a lamp. But they cost a dealer three dnv s as much as common .himneys, and, as they do not break, he is apt to be anxious lest thev stop his trade. Di minished sales ami less profit nre not agreeable, to him. There are two sides to the uuestion. 1 lave a talk with him I'llli-iHirK liKii. A. & Co. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. 0,0 tell it, ye breezes, from desert to sea The Prescription has triumphed, la woman is tree! Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the one princely remedy above all others! Made expressly lor woman, it is adiipte to her special needs, nnd fulfills every re quirement. No condition so critical as to defy it, No emergency so great as to bn flic it! As a woman's restorative and rcgtila tor the "Favorite Prescription" is mas ter of the situation. Positively guaran teed to give satis'action in all cases, or money paid lor it returned. 1 he only medicine tor women sold on trial. Tb It Irishman, when told by a doctor that his liver was almost gone, said, " s glad I am, it's alien bothered me!" The liver, more than any other organ, is the index ol the body. W ith a morbid liver the whole system it out of gear! Most powerful for the restoration of this "citadel of health," is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Its action is direct, oromot. effectual ! Recommended by emi nent physicians, it has gained a univer sal reputation as the "Great Liver Regu lator!" Correct the liver, and you cure many ills I The "Golden Medical Dis covery," ia warranted in all cases of liver disease and blood disorders to benefit or cure, or money promptly aad cheerfully returned. Mirtle M. Tanner, Boonville, Ind writes: "I had blood poison from birth. knots on my limbs were as large 'is hen eees. Doctors said I would be a crippl but B. B. B. has cared me sound and well. I shall ever praise the men who in vented Blood Balm were born." That unlcndid picture of Asheville fot a six months' subscription to "The Citi- sen," See advertisement. Advertising; CREATES many a new business; ENLARGES many an old business ; RE VI VES many a dull business ; RESCl 'ES many a lost business ; SA VES many a falling business ; PRESERVES many a large business SECURES success in any busintss. To advertise judiciously, use the coh umnsot" ihetniten." bverybodyre it; and mpropmtion to the returns fields advertisers, its rates are the cheap- WHEN YOU WANT lied room Suits, Parlor Suits, Hmh.v Chairs, Rockers, Nide Hoards, Kx I elision Tables, Dining Chairs, Kitchen Tables, IV WE HAVE FINE LINE Ladle' Oxford Tic, ALL VARIETIES. Wo juv turning out of our Custom Department, a beau tiful Ooze Calf Shoe.liigluuid low cut. (ilVK i s A Tltl.U-. Weaver & Myers, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. No. 39 Patton Avenue. TAYLOR, BOU1S & BROTH ERTON, No. 43 Patton Avenue, Leonard ('loanable Refrigerators. Water Coolers Wire Dish Covers, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers Fly Traps and Fans Oil Stoves, Fly Screens for Doors and Windows Agents for White's Sewing Machines. Old Kstablishod Machine, Long and Favorably Known. PRICKS AH LOW AS THK LOWEST. Set? our machines before purchasing. JEWETT STEEL RANGES. . Handsomest Range ever seen in Asheville. Sample set up in our window. Well worth looking at. mlT-ttm STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. DO YOU WANT A WATCH? jomigos, Single Lounges, I n i... 1IJ11 lliirKH, i Wardrobes. 1-'- Center Tables, Olliee Furniture, Pictures, Shades, Or Would You Prefer ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. BOARD BY TNE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. Al.o, table hoarder can be accommodated. Street earn pan. the dnor. 0k-ii Irom r o'clock a. m. until 12 o'clock p ni. Am imliarcrt lor cntcrtiiR at Miorual nonce lor Home rartira. nam, etc. ah i a i- trial. My Celebrated Philadelphia Frlea Are well known. No one can nria. ihcm. Am proud lo Bay 1 have the fluent, liirKc. NnnKe In A.hrvillc. Cnn nerve nrdcrn In from 3 to ft mlnuteft, .uch an IM.h. (Jump. I on the Hull Shell I'olitc and attentive wallcra. I'leaned to nerve all. hV clliillv. M-:-FL' K. STRAITSH, Prop. BRICK. BRICK. POWDER Absolutely Pure. 4 I'rrnm of tnrtrr Imkintf im(hr. Migli t of all in IrnvehirtK rrni:th-. Late r.ovcrntm'tit ImhhI Kcprt u S w J, u i i hmu ki: i;iAiRi, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS -- LAID. CALL ON BLAIR & BROWN. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 31 Pulton Avenue. Ci. II. MAYER'" CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 South Main St. Thk Iiaii.v Citizkn Ims liotijjht, am! Ilu-v innv I seen in the show window of AshCVillC. N. C BRICK. FOR SALE BY BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, P. O. Box 426. m m 0 'II s p. 3 e A. M. I'icld, on South Main street. A SOLID C.(iLI) I.AItlKS' WATCH AMI CHAIN. The c.-iac in 14 karats. handsomely enrved, with lilin move ment. The i-lmin is koKI, hchuiiiiiiiv iltvoraled with fine linrd cnninel. Also, n ItKAl'TlI-lX I.AD1KS' STICK I'lN, innde iiion siieeial order. The Tin 1 is what is known 11s the Clover I.cnf dc- siuii, ami consists ol lour nannsomei stones one A(iiinnarine, one Amethyst, nc Topaz nnd one Piainond, set in solid I Kohl, beautifully ornamented and eii l (raved. this Watch nnd I'in nrc to lie niveu to the two ladies in Asheville who w ill show that they deserve them. The Watch will Ik' uiven to the lady securiii); the largest ninnlicr of suhscrih crs to Tiik Daily Citizkn between this date ami December 1st. The I'in will lie Riven to the lady get ting the next largest numlier. A stibavrilier will be the name of any lierson in Ashcville not now a sulncribcr to Tiik Citizkn, nceompanied by $1.0(., A name accomimnied by $2.tM) will count To measure the ilintun- c you walk. All kinds two, and a name accompanied by $3,00 of iicicntitic iiMt'umt'iits. I rt , will count three. And to an j.ou sun MUCK! MUCK!! seribers Thk Citizkn will make, in addi FOR SALE. tion, a present of one of those splendid 1 The Went Ashrvi'lr liri. k Company nrc birdseve views of Asheville. inctw prepared to sell unil deliver in the cttv I oreNewherc Ladies, this is your opportunity. From tllC factories THK VKRY BKST QUALITY Any gentleinan cnn get subscrilicni. Adilrem ,ut tlcv Illugl counted lor some lady. Look al the splendid Watch and Tin, and see what a handsome anil costly present either of them will make for your wife or young lady friend. They art unusually costly and beatiti; I fill, and there is not a lady in Asheville PKRFICCT SIGHT. KilK in the lutein v of huiuuihr, luttn in iihotit the eves, tlimnts! in rt-aitiiiK or m nt n di-UnuT llnvt- ytiur tiht tfstitl Inc nt clmrnc. Sat- I ilair'itJti .uiirnnlred. MIcroscopcH I'or school or iirofrsMional lint. Sec iwiture miniature. Mifroeoic hIhIi-m all prietfl ami kimts. Cull anu examine them. Pedometers CARPETS JVST RKCKIVKU IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. Sf veotv-t wo nillft iiiKrnin, extra nupcr, 3- ply taircntrr, hotly Hrinuelit ami velvet car pets. One hundred and eitfht rollft eh in a straw roattinP. One huatlred untl thirty five Smvrna and fur ruan. Fifty-one art stiuares. Cocoa untl napter matting- iMtrtiorren and aee eurtaina. Some of these ftoods were houyht at greatly reduced prices nnd will heboid at a bargain. Call and aer my Immense stock, the Inrxesl and only delusive cariwt hutinc in the state. JAS. P. SAWYKR, 49 . Main StM Asheville. N.C. ofhrickcTcr mnde in this section, us hen, box 57H. WBST ASHKVII.LB BRICK CO., Asheville, N. C. Sprcimens of the brick mar be seen at the real estate office of Natt Atkinson 8c Hon. juncl3dlmo VIGOR OF MEN En ill, nuiAkiv. Patrm a nan tlv Raatorad. WkDMt. Nervousness. PebMltr. and all me irstn oi evus imin eany rn or .- biwiw. i, ... , . , ... ... i tti rnulU of overwork, stonnesi, wotry.auj. run i uui wouiu ic ucnuii-u wnu tcnuvi iui suenatb. devriot'iuont, ana tons mvpn to vvery i onian and portion of tba body. Bia mpinons. imriicn sip in umiTenipni i tmpMumtiie. n.iani rerervnev'S. ntkii, axptanaMuaa i 1 nnMifn nmtlpil (Mttntnili TrfttL. AAA rii mioioal co., Buffalo, n. y. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. HOT HPRING8, N. C. B!f VS51 Chrmtmat. They will eost you nothing, except a . I little effort Hurinu odil moment wlien (lointf nothing else. Thk 1)ii.y Citizkn is the (icoplc's pa A LITTLE HIGH. Thnt is tli wny hoiiio pooplt' likcthi'ir panic. However, few Kople wnnt even a picture of Ashevilli? that way. Appm-i-atiii"; that fact ami ever (ItwnuN of hii v iiifJC the jieople money (while making Home for ouiwIvch) Thk ('itizkn has jiurchaH ed the exclusive right to Hell the VIKWSof Asheville (which have Imnmi sold at. 5 each) for a paid-in advance subscription to Thk Daily Citizkn. That is. you pay us f.'l for Thk Daily Citizkn for six months, and we will give you a superb picture of Asheville FREE. That's a telling of ter or ought to be. You get Tiik Citizkn at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your f 3 and the pleasure that comes of being liberal. If you want extra copies of THE PIC TURE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at the business office of The Citizen. Hut first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That's fair. N. B. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on t hick paper. The former are best to send a way; the latter are the best to frame. THE CITIZEN. The Tli oman House, iaa Paltou Avenue, Thi. ecntrellv located hn nc hn Vrn refit ted 'iy the new nif nncmrnt.iinil iimiv fir.t cln..' in every wny. YnunK men ili.iritig lahlc hoard in th.' heart of the eity, conven ient to all houeii. w ill li dlhishouw in t very way ali.litctorv. i.rdlni "Rapidly to the Front!" It St. A I. gt H A K II K K, PKANKI.IN, N. C. RHAL BSTATH In all it. forms in the riche.t portion of We.tern North i'ntolina It will pav yon to write u. for the lie.1 indiicrmei't. and kithI e.t liargninli in the "CominK Section of the Sonth," orapplv pcrnonally to our A.heville repn-aentntlvr. 1- KKIHiKll. K K1T i.l-1 n.rt, ianndtf in l'atton Avcnur. JAMKS FRANK, ha.LKK ia FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ak. nl for Keeir fii-ek Woolen Mil'. Nortl Mxlr. AH evllle, N '. '.I. rl 1 - Real Estate Cheap. Tartieii wiahinir to Imv real entate al a hnritnin, will do will to look at myli-4tn the neKt few dHim. Some piece arc oflcrcd very low for good reaaona. E. COFFIN, AiriiMM, Rnl tiUle I'tl ui Lou BrfArr, No. 82 Patton Avenue (2nd fl.iorl Roum No. 4. Office hour 9 to 2 o'clock. VEGETABLES! ri:ci:ivf:d FRESH EVERY DAY AT HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street. FURNISH i: ROOMS. For rent, well kept, centrally located. Modern convenl ncca at WHSTI'.RN UOTHI. 8. W. Corner Public Hqunre. Aihcville, N. C. jun 1 6dflm -TAKE YOUR Broken Jewelry -AND lr, and thin tinpifcedcntcd intluocmcnt Inpni s I nin cnarmillK rrnori o hiiks iioiii ville, under iln new mntiavement ia lRitiKCon I ducted on the hKheflt grade of excellence which innurea lt continued and ItlercaaeU I popularity. Flcnutiful ncenery, dry bracing I air Mu.i.riil hnl uot.r hllha tfl marhle . .. n . t i -i.l .11. Jn Hnl ttnw .iilwrnhi. kif Tun I Mimlif tnuntv. 1 will aell to tne niun'ai Olil' pooiaoioatiuiuriona. wmiminK poo. w..n ....c...Uo der for caih. at the court houae door In the bathing auita, iame ai at aeahore hllllarda, . cltvof hevllle.N C on Saturday the 2oth howling, tenni.. etc Amusement for the ClTllBN, who re amply able to do W, '"VjSjlNM. 18 cl-v meridian, plenaure aeeker. reat for th, o.erworked, TK ClTIZliI UlIOW, no tH.ier wav JaJaW i neaitn lor nic invann. I I iIhv of lane. lhui. it. o. I f.v nnn, llouae modern in all appointment, eieva- j0 aexure tlltm than UT COIIatine tne I junaaoncew tar, electric belli and .a Table and acr-l . , , I vice unexcelled Room- good ilied and well effort of the ladiel in lt behalf. i t , , I lurnUhcd. Par particular! addrcas DR. "W. F. ROSS, lulldZm is offend in order that many more ieo- By virtue of a dee I of tniat en'l to nie . bv I! W. Knlrchlld and wile on th' lt day , , . .... ol Mav. t-' aecure the pnvment of cer- ple may read it each day. -inn;,... n,,i therein, (which -aid ... i . i. I notea are due and unpaid) md ileeM ol trim There are at leaat l,5(M) men in Athe-1 uig only n giatere i in book No. 25 on page i ol inc recorii oi neeax oi ir" i p m .-hii Truntec. I OTIC B. TRY THE DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKSl MODEL TO M. A. TILLEll, ... MIL f..ll I nnroj . ...... ..... ...... All names win uc cHnriuny vnici.u iu i men noinff iiiiainem in tne nty oi .lanevme or 1 other Dlacea. not to allow mv wife -or child- book kept for the purpose, and the lady rea to make any bi la and Bare the aame I r r r I charged to me. aa I poaitively will not pay : iv ..m'her nlnimn. aajr bills made by them ..iter this date, luly lacuoiiiK . 3. IS1II IOI1N K. HAMPTON. accompanied by the mttney, as indicated, la-fore December, will f(ct the Watch on jul.'ldm 9500 Reward. wit will oar the above reward foranycaae .1 .. ' . . . . . .. . . u,. i,. nnrt the one L'ett nir the ''TCT t-"mp'"nt, uyapepaia. eca now December 1st, ana me one geni",, "re . lndt.,tion comtiimUon or Co. next largest will get the Tin AND HAVE THEM MADE AS GOOD Al NEW. Mo. lA M. Court Mqnare. NEXT DOOB TO POBTOFFICB LAUNDRY 4 ". Veveiable l.lver Pills. when the dl- Mlf.n. are atrletlv Mmolled with Thev are purely rg- table, and never fall to Vive utlalafiJon. Huaar Comtcd. Large lui.ra. rantnlnlna 30 niila 2S centa. Beware of counterfeits and Imltatlona The genuine I manufactured only bv THBJOHS C. WK8T COMPANY, CHICAOO. IhC Bold by T. C Smith Co., Aahcvulc. M. C. $2 for a Pair off) (Custom-Made; r f mi ii Mnniifr RomnantA. I Btt.tifaction Kiiwaaud or X . moDF7 reiuuutMi. m SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES kni lastrsctlsns tsr sall-Msssursnsnt. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WINSTON, N. C Aak mv agrnta for W. I.. Daaslaa Hhaea. fr ... r.. ..I. I. Air alana aMk yoar 4enler ta aead far ealaloaap, aaoara the agrary, aad gel I heal far van. ir I A ri K nw i"ti both u xa.a FOR WHY IS THK W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CCNtPMEN THE BEST SHOC IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY f It In tramlrw ho-, wlrti no tmck or wax thrv ail to hurt lb ilt mud of th bt fln pHlf, atIUh an4 MRy, aort bfraum tnJ mnati mora thor$ o thttt Qmit thn any other mnnnfafturer. It eiuala pand pwrd nhoR mating from t4.iU to $s ,1)0, tB OOOrnajIno lHl-awrdt thaflntealf 9vi iluw pvr off(r(M ftr ft.iii fn-aula Fn'ticli ttuportfHl ibfira whlckrorft from tN.nitotu.ui, ZA 00 lliinil-Hewrd Writ Hha, fino ralf. J?4. itylUh, romfortahlfiaDiaftural))". TIipIimI ano attr oftVrttl at thli ptit-t i uniiMtrada aa oua-tnm-n.rvii' nhoii coatluf fnun atlill u t . SO AO I'allrr Hhort Kannera. Haliroad Mrn 90ti and Ijtt4f rairlrraall wrarthfini nnpralf, wamlv, amonth Inntflo. tin? thr aultia, ftfu. l.n edgp. imt pair will wnap ayrar. aa 0 fine mlfi mo aftwrnhw aw offpnvl at SlatCu thin prltft; on trlnl will tnnvla tbona m kit waiFlt am ahlMt tntf MMllfort and MSFVlPM. mr '4.1 anal M.00 M arklnenm ti'a ihtMt 9i ara very RtroDK ami I'ltow who taavfi alwn tbn a trial will wpat no othor mnlta. on ttwTr mirita. an the funnaHlnK anl Hhow. l.ail nnd IR1.T.1 nrhool iho'R nrm KJUTD wtro byUie boyafvprywberot tbayaell Bi4Ufl S3. 00 llniid-m'wrd hImm licat mau 10 kQKoia, vtrvatyiuni eauaMFranvh Imported nhoefl rostltiK from .ti to W.fl lmdlra '4..10, SJ.00 nnd Rhoa for M Imi ara the beit nneboniola. Htyllth and dnrahla. C'aailloM ee that W. I. 1ourIm' nanta and prica art ataniped on the bottom of each nhoa. W. L. DOUULAS. Brockton, Maat, SOLDtlV WEAVER MYERS. tat in toe country. 17 Patton Avenue i V