Monday Evening,, November 16, 189R. THE ASHEVliXE DAILY CITIZEN i WO K1XIW OF DUDE. . THIS C'SE ONE MAN r.ZT 'RENT ED THE DUAL CHARACTER. Mr V.'ithilrrtv I r.iiii thr l):ui. naII .1 llmv M l: liu-ii ! V-re a f 'lovv .1 Tit-, lut V'a I;t-1;. .1 tiy an Arsny I (ln...i:M r ii So1;!:,t I niformx. N the ratifyinr thiiuj in V.'lint s.-"tiii le in tlutt whl.-li is most -ii n Wh.-it is it thiit niaUo u'lit'l ii'ul -hc- r y of lusiii? - -1 1 ! 1 1 ? ! ;. if i th- c::lliii(i of a lilufT. :i- i-i prologue. I ;,. story is hrief -ii io;.rorii'.iiiii'.rojichof some kind. tin- -lory of .Vanning .-uid his coltirt-d .mi ii v- in IN -T -:t in 1 h -j.t days of the . r .M i..-oi.! i. v.,is im uMst;iiit piiyniiis ii i he !: r. I m r in. H v. ;vs u purl of i:i tii-- lo j( 1 1-1 it y olf nt-ross rl:c pnHiies t..e riirr In 1 he vt hrrr.-il. outs of tin ' or t itliti.nii:. ut.. iiimI to -' ,r l.."Hi which thty ould ' ' ' ' il. 'I lifv c ,uli 'fi'finhlt! ' " ' ! ll I I'M W.IS hi, II I t llilllf. Al- i' lr i - : i d t i-;:iliii-. st- r, s wilt lt-w I l " r I!mi hut rt hl.uiUct u utit-r t In- 1 "' I ) ; i.e. liiilik w;is an itli-nl .,nt ,: ' I I' r':' 'ion of i, onti-, mill tin. rir ,,'.: :I.c M ci, iii from one to an '!..!. live ly .!!.iui:h to si;ir the livf 'ii ii ; 'i-i! ion. i.M-tt to make l'ort 1 ii-rre on -tiv.-ii., lo:t I'it-nv u a iliann 'o - .) u Hi h to no disi ti to 1 cd ' i i ry ivr. Iv lotii-ol tin- i.itrl.t. Its pnp- ti ii v.;..s ' .im i i f roiist.ilH.uis. hull . a !: r. Iiinrs t. nam i tins '!' i p of im im, rii.inliii of tlu- fittri of ; I! tl ri f of 1 1 -- It was the in: i I i t' " -.Viipoii train joint il t lie 1 1 .hi. Ii at in i.d .iiii i i:r i i iliat ion. Brit f it was loi.irli. 'I !;iti. wirt- u rii, I i:t liny irc t.-n i!i itius wors. I 'lid I !. lip. IiiId tl.i i t ,wn one day in thr r.nly i ijrhtics .'.'aiming phIc with an i--.-nrr of "lori'il tri.i'iis. Iii- was hii his lirst pay nip. Ji I id t'li.s was a Milt of resting i-omt. T . 1 1 ! 1 1 1 T 1 M I-JL ; fi I s WIT.' ii'l.lll ll.l'll ll.i . iloivil ro!iil ..t. Tliiydiil not , t it.Xn-- i i.i-iit ly i-no.iy h to inaki' il a I iux pallium I . tin- stomal Ii t'ounitfi'ous, ai d so wi n r. r ready for iinyt liin;; t iiai pi i .mis, ( . i li un ! lo sin ot thi-ii- shining kiii.s. As ! i Manning himsi-lf, I v ,as a fivat, tall, liiii-riilar fi'llow, liaiulsomi' as a lradinn n an in it Hx icty drama, and hi- won. ll.iwin il tii-. Mi ri im r land thi- was an .sprrial sill in tin- sijiht of the 11 nn m u ! il y Intouliirh ho had anil Ins ncj.'roi's tit II o'rloi U in t in- alti rnoon . vlirn. at '.I o'rli i k in the i vi niny, hf a p airn in oia- of tlit-damr halls, i-hii'lly -r.i n iiT to roust its, hi- won- mils ami a rlivin inllar. I his wmilil not liivvr hit-n alniM-tliiT intoliralilr. I.i.t l.rwalki'il up I ' i I In I la I' with t It tourist h,i h,-.d i out down from t hi- Yellow Pint-, hntrl with linn anil iiski'd for n drink. llo should haw inviti-d l hi' vi holr lious. up. " .Manning and his rathor timid liiii'd drank, anil, t urniiijr limn th liar, lookotl upon 1 1 a- ilani-iiix InuiiMiis ami rivir liu-ii, who, with awkward strp, Mrllu-il iiIioiii tliti hall, rripplimr tin i - fi-mmine parim-rs ami t-aiiii-liiiK' tin- crippling hy lilialions of Ktniiiy wati-rs. Wliih; thi-y win- thus tonli lnplalin t lit' queer swiit' Hit' Hank lum as onevlio sawhistluly i le.ii ly hefore him. and. ruml.lim,' o it lo Hie liar, he a pearid in Inuit of Manning'. Kude." lairoafitl. ;'it out' This here am t no expll-li,ll lluili-tlallee, you llollhll' epuhel ' 'J his is a I ill II w h.uki is' ilanre ami a nm-trrs' dani e. 1 ,11 I hat puis il somewhat more elenaul ly I han vas t he maiiiur in w hirh he ai t ually ! aiM-M-d his sent i n ii 1 1 1 s, hut in eneialit i-'ims ,M idea. Manning ,.ol,,-il at the .i.uil, with his wuy hlaek 1 e.-ird and his ' ''-'''I ' Ih-'I, iiimI said si i, lv , Pt rhaps ii are rijrht. " and w it htl i w hen he p.t outside, ,- 1, ;1 , ,1 U, jn!(, ""' air a I il tl.i in i d madly up,.n 1 side alk -mil was voluhle. lint he kn, tv that I. nl In- made ai.sw, r in any othi r ..nn et iv i-iuister In the hall would h;,ve set upon liini. liid they w. nltl have In at, n him In d.'.it h I h- n ;:d,- p.r I he river. -i itreant latldiwill and liis nu n ,.n- K il In nil in a merry ean.plir.- eompany wl en I he piekel hall, d the ehi, ,, H,',, ll-easiiry 1 1 i x whieh they welt' f M.. I'd i u M o mil;,' irae the hlark si TLreant a lew w.itds i f ilinrlion. ai.d then, haxiiut a mall detail In Kiiard tie Wo el n inent s ' '. Il.t'iseoi t It-ll in and ap Ti.arhe.l ilielown. As the suldiers walki tl upihe Mivel Maniiir- i:, ii,,d thin rai f fan tan in pr..rr, .-. m Ho limit's laundry, and tiial hall a do. en Chinese were rlani over I he play. A il.-p.i.r ,-. mailt'. .Hid I e laiintll-y was e., ui-etl, w ith all its " upaiils. 'J he i-i mers n re i urdueti d l" the llioly Smoke ilai.eo hall, when- tho i v n i i - n had oeeiirn d. Mannimr .- t I he head, a s.-rl of re r, due l!"li of Na olt oti, iiiarehetl into he l oom, ' .illermij,' dalieinu eoii les liuht andlett' He tlri'vv; near to the I vr. and. takiiiKi-oin malid. ordered the s. ldiels t,, h,, an,i I In n tlirts-tetl tin sergeant to put them I hroiiirli their niaiinal Hit' Hank looked ai in wonder 'I I. en Mai'iiiuf spoke. "A few ininuti's at'o, " h,- said. ' a mis lake wes ma le in this plate. Ihatovt-r I la-re." inttii .,tin liitr Hank, "hemi: let! .isiiay hy ipn er tuoiion,, said that this was a hullw lua kers' and a musters' danee 1 am eompelli-tl ,v uviuiisianres to de mur, This i s .s t him eilalu e. I ,enl lernen, " I' tin- heav y hrow;ed iMnt'lis w ho had hi-tort-livn iinpai-it'iu tohaek up Hank m muliii nis' Ihe i-h.iraet.-ri f the lvvelry. - you will 1 'lease take pan m i s anil proei , d to vv Im 1. V"l!- " I'ullv.' to Hank. will li.iiii ea lu-hland llmM w il h i his one e ,-d t hiiiainati. 1 don t know uheilier ou i. ill. hut iroti ill ,lo i, ' Hit' Hank look, d uelv , km w h. u his i yes rested on that hue of hlaek soldiers uh nuns ready al haul i,, pV, , ,', N.aniiint' sortlers, in-d.vuh-d I hat the t hint ii'do was to dani-o wiih all his heail ami '-'111 III; d sprit. lie wildly Mlrit'hletl hiiiaman was ruslntl al-out the tLm.e hall iii a manner athletie and iry m nast u I" see And while the women looked and 1 iithetl the l,-ss,.r lights ,, holder lhut' rv w, re, on pdled to take p.tiiu-r. trom '; it' the! hiiianan and i in le tiip in "-me in p-,,p(-r furm. ami then on. '""'ant: i:ilam ' they were all at the '' '! the tlatat- ohlit't-d lo I" ' I" ii ,. il-,- l ar niiti trtvat them to the '"-I in the hoiis,.. I' as a t'lvat nit'ht for t he l' hi namen hi I 'M Pierre. 1 he soldiery ot the t'overn '""'(. as a t-lsuasivt foree. eoin-I'l:-'! Iho.-t- heai-ihroken toufti men to allamlv eondu, t ,1... shirt maivrators I'-i.k P. the laundry ar.d to hid them a I"' -I 1 "lite ami reverent o ml ni-rlif. 1 he I'M hull tram thai woui.,1 ,it to the westward Vas joi,,,.,. p u (tltaI,,v , t, l-v halt ,1,,, ..en "irvMously hatl" men, who had Iieantl that u dude with a lU.w.-r-etttleaml a th tle with a standing- army wtn- two M-.v tlitT.reiit p,-i-s,,s imi,, wt-iy IwoMi, vrs,,i;sasto make the town ot Kurt rit-r'o. Ulipltasiiut. C'hiiat'o Kt.r t'11 11,I tlstulll. '1 ho mant. h iipholtler of t tistoins often has,s hi, aiihert-iitr to them upon tht Kioand thai tlu-j- liavt; spruiij from sonitj natural iit-til t.r liumaiiity, anil tlit-reforv 1' ivy a t-l iiin upon our uttitiiimil allegi I'm-". The Ilrt (it.itt'tnent ts unilimbtt'tlly Una Hut ho ii.fen'iuv ilrawn frtun it is fr "'1"l.v uiijuotmahlt., for It taki'ji no nee-mint of ihunt'iiiK t onUti ms anil clmnjf aims. A custom whit-li wns at onu jline nutl in a certain Htat of strii tv lilgli ly Ih'ii, 11,-lal may, at a later tiniti ImU In ilinerent clpcuiustuui-s, bu IHtsltivi'ly In JiiriiMW. utul tho U'titilamt aim whcU "i.v innprn-tl u may pn-si-ntiy lquiie lost "Klit of uinltl nther ml far lvJsa worUl, iuotiM-.....ow York Lultror. TRICKS C; MEMORY. iiii' Amusing l r. nlrs tht Capricluui Jade Ka I'.uyi-il. Sunt' u-o has 'on-if'.v r-markirl thnt proper names (.,-a e Irom the memory as lasily as sie.-x-ti pifs illustrates the remark with a a anenlott' eoi:eeriiiiii Joe Jefferson, who r-,-r iorfot his lines, but has an imp-i-feit mnlli!t tion ot names. JefTi-rson had hten imrouiuetl totientml (iriintata time when that distinguished foltiier was the lion of tin. , ., . i.i i iindthe jjopular actor w a.- liuiuh impressetl with the personality of the hero. A few j hours iatir, as he went up in hi-, hotel ! elevator, ;i i-Uigtd l.M)kit)i man, v. iih a military bearing, bowed pluiwintly n htm untl iiuule an observation reffanlin the i siiceil of the elevator, when Jeft'ereoii0sjtid : J "I ten your pardon. Your faetr is very I familiar, hut I cannot- nrall r,,nr ' (irant,'' wns tiie L;ionit- I ut prfectly reply. "I K'it , ,jt at ti,t. wrong ihj.r.'' said Jef fersi n. "lor ftar I woultl l iia nt. if he h.'.d t-vi r Ik-cii in the war." A lav oriti" trii k of : cepi itjous laenorv is to siil stitute .st 1 1 1 ; i o-.lier i:; n.e fi r the Biir- v.iinted. ;i proi i ss i;i'e to .-.-si; silatrin. A eoi. h- t.t ladit s i a- a ( hii ; o m:i -t .-ar uskeii tiiei oniiut lot to leave th-.-niiit l'Ln sylv ntiia uv.-nue. "There is no sin h in eiute in this sub urb. " t- j till tho eoi.dui-tor. "Hut tht re cert duly K" rt iter: ted the lad'us We have fiiei.ds living tht -;a;:d oiifiht to know. "' "Peihaps you n eati Keystoia' av t m e " supt'i'stida passenger, and tliey said that was just what they did mean' hut thc-y knew it had somctliins; to tlo with Pt i-n sylv.-tnia. which was in: ressed upon their II. emeries as the Keysloiu- .-state. JetTi rson did wor-e than to ft.rgcb the Dailies of other people he si m el imes for Kot his ow n. Ho called at a 'lostofii-c. in a small place iit-tl aski tl tho eli-rk: "A ny mail for me:-' ' "What name: " "Name:' trac'ious, I don't know' lA t me think. Why, I am to lay Hip Van Winkle' at yt it hi. 11! ' "Joe Jetferson:-" sufKestctl the clerk. ' Ves, JelTerson ttrtainly. Thanks!" and, receiving his mail, the m tor v.t it uway hajipy. A go l story is told of an excellent woman who hatl this latal faculty ,,f mis construing names. Her ilauuhler was vx pecting a call from a gentleman, ami she impressed upon her mother t he lai t that his name was a very simple tu e and easy to rem.eml-er Cowdry. lie motltr re peatt tl it until she was sine she t ui.hl i i t possibly ( it, and on the t veiling vv hen he tiillitl hurried forv.aitl to meet him. saying graciously: "How lire vou, Mr. Pivn.w:-" iiica"i: Times lieiahl. the RETinro runr-LAR. A 1 i ssiui 'ilmt lie I, in ii, a In ih E.arliei MHRt S t 1 Ii;, t ;;i , , r. "Whin I turiittl my light along i im top of a bureau in a house that I w,.s ia one li:tht," -aid 1 he reiir, d !.i-r .1- -. n IM. d, me 1,-iugii w el' v ml v -ni e, uld n't I est earrings aid nin- and Irani.-i.- anl I tlon't know v hat ma.. .,,,,1 now ,n tl i i , n x diamond. 1 ! ow a ny b, ti y n i itl ever l..-:v, been so ev erla-t ii id v . r ie s ; , i, , 1 , . that st utT around in ay 1 ci ah ;, t ste. I h t my lamp mil on the d'; n o: d again and lookul ,,( , s; arl.'e. : o I looketl at the gold thinus cgain shi; mg in the light, and then I set mylimi down ot'i.i tl my hag and li-;!i gal ; erii s; ill the things. 1 i , ie v.. . i,.u.a there, (.nil 1 wasn't going to take any mine risks. I just sei.o ed in r host utf anil gol out. "et ii.iv . in Ike coin , iighi. I looketl It over. II was i lit. ev i i y 1 at of it. ainl the iliiiiin.iii-.s wire g!as:. !t may stem '"ii gt- io ou in:. i i : t !, !;-, , n, ( n su easily taken in. Inn I v ; i i vv . , ;; e bus-i lit-s. ai tl I in- si nil did 1' ok I , a i i il ni. " I l-i le's an i !d st i rv ; I 1. 1 ,. t . -,- .i,r glarwho i ;.i ; ii d i !V ;; ! ,!,.,,-, r si! -r Wale. 1 Ie st l.'V v, ; i . too. ;,: . ii looktti lo him solal. 'i : i -e was so i.iiieli "I il I hat he hatl I ia . n ;. n -1 i m r , u , Iie,:!l! . f ci'tl'l g it o t tl r UV.ll t ia- . i iho W II iov . eld v. hen I '- I il I . ,, ,. I ,, loni il il all lai, u. v., n ,- !v, j,,-. it wasn't vv r;li , :. im; , ii. I I a vi r n ; tie i ; n-Ktal.e. i - ; p ,. st ill the hr-t v i , i- i i rii. I ,,,s om I j ;, ;,. :'l ' ' - p.t -poats :;,.d i ; -t .1 i; , ri -lltar tongs i j,,,, , ,., i, , ,,, ltl hi -t- I wr- : i.t ,i i n l.y .: ! t el y . , ,-,v-i-by. It . f I;. '.eiM, hov,- ; ,: ran . ' 'I'l'i'H al in 1 -i i; e tin: :.- i o r.i t, mi s, ai; i bot't i tla-rs " New Vc.-k Sun. ,l -al ioa F vt : ::oi-ii imrv . This- n a I.;- I'i'uni! ; o Iim d t.- a , ,-':; t ot . -i rii i m ;--.,'. i d ,.t . 1, si lii-y i :; I ... - 1 o t ie . Uigiit !l moral.le Sir -i 1 1 . Ibli. 1 ,oni i hi,-; .1 a-1 ie, : .VI y I d . Vv n a ml l.avt l p-i-so, .,. i . prolix Your !.ol ship's mi,, pi ti i- Di-ci'urse '1 hat i; was 1 'ri-a.-li'il. 1 i" It stand a.- oiintal li ; I'l.'i that it was i ia I.ii. Il ha- not ai g f, j a-1 i i v i : but 'l oin 1 . i sh i p s i -( , , , , . ' ;l , , wli-i-i la i -.. can d - l .-si i ;- ... great, i : I'--. iii ;t ies nl t , e Lav. , 1 : . ;,,, . sullen . h a, ulti, - scatter I i-inte Ymir I .tin! ship's I ,m , . . i ni- ( 'I aiiN I af re t.'i Si. ii. The i i -t intrie.-itt Knotty ( 'as,-; ,-.ui nil rve w ii ., I !.;.! I...... at d I), rit, a- i 1 at thi'.v -. "i in t ilea ,sj'l v is to oi .ai. It is not m " ' "V Inroe. Il consists not with that sv ,,-t... ot i' -nper. by which Yon -' 'halm ,11 oil have lotleal that o.i seem iiio-i d s r.eilly to inlit rit 'iiai i.l i i as Titieo- ti- .reat Yt".i:isi,-m. "i 1 ' i: .. 1 iie Darliiit i ." I mkind. I'.'i- the I '''' ! .a w lou n'.inage with thai 1 .,..!;. -s ,,. , lndl-Igftlt Ali,". ti"Il "-' ' ''ti ' ' 1 I ' "t-ik'ii M'd f ji vva atis lied, il 11 :'.-'' ' .t I mit'iit tat tla i 1. I' . i-. : ! s,:.l,!,..r 1 hiiij. in Nat; .-. . I -i.l. -j it ;i. ,! ... , . h e my st !; M V ! ' 1 '1 I i " ' ' - 1 i -I hum hie : M '' ''t, A'. i 'a -a; ; ai. " , . te am i ('...; a -- Ket-or.1 I'.rei;- in; spiders. 1 1 t..!a ' ..; . . i . '; .a 1 m i-r t i : ; t v.s i; I" tl.. vitim oiis sj iinrs ,,f ,;, illt. A;, eriaati ,- , , i. .., to;,nv t - ,.tj,. er ."is,-,:,:,! . .- ;.,i n :.'. ,,f 't . .. 1 o in- alwav s or: t' " ..!! , r ;; , ,.s ;,i ., '. l.o...i is ii a ,,t 1,- n.r ,; , ,;K(llv lV, : - ' ""- '" v 1 he Immei: ;. h.drv sp;.!'rof t.,e sMlltll Ami;iea!i pii. nasis si f.-ially Ic.ued. Its jay.s are ; ..;, ;,d '" '"'I V-'r.'.l ii I -.res II l(i!,.s to g.,d l',u" i- " -t - -. pidlv. and the ;'k ' i - a u- im,' a-e felt ,, r -tears O a t i.e san e pampas is i. ,,i;d aT, tlu-r of lv t.r cimi-ia v. nose villa n m. U tem IHM t'is; :, ti him an,,.n In.; jellows. Ii i- i" V-'. , s -ry , stir him u jt, ., '.' ' '" ' -'' I-i- "v i! .jtialiti, s. Luokinj; at him iver ;i heil.;e i- enough. This "k!.i... o sp.itlers" has lueii known to pur--m , h-'i-s, m.,i p.r luti pi t untl keep up w it i a horse at that. I 'liu-mr ' U e C.l luithfnl Krit-ntt. t : -'a. ; little 't'og story'' eom.'s p U-- pom ; a A list ri. ,n , liia;1ft(i in "i I "- i i liieis heartl u pft iilii.r Ikii k. U nlel, se u ,..1 p, ,.,,mc ollt of a lilS'p ahvs. a n, u.hiori!itf Alpine hut. Artel ivvluie .,s !.' vvliiiii' continued, tint men foil. -.- ed i i ,- so iml and i HiiiIhiI down to tin ,ae: w ne: it eame. Here, to t heir il'stivss. t hey f-iiind the corpse of an inn keeper near i y who. hatl evidently- been k,n"'' ' I'll. Hy the sido of hit dead in;.-'-. ! i .. little iii. for 30 hours it had ,.. ! - au h. and its plaintive whines '' ' '' when the man's bodv was tai.c.i up d enrrietl home. Westnii nster t .a.ctu- A-.i lutrrruptiun, lv tor Nii-uiv etltris the cure, and we uieieiv FcU-i.a I .j.kvt the bill. London Tit Bits. VANDERBILT AS A WORKER. The Manifold Duties of a New York Man of Affairs. Cornelius Vanikrbilt's capacity and fondness for work are shown hy the list of positions he occupies in raiiroad com panies, benevolent and educational insti tutions and the like. To the duties of each of these positions, says the New York Her ald, he gives the most conscientious atten tion. He is president of the Canada Southern and the Xew York and Harlem railroads; chairman of the board of directors of the Xew York Central and of the Michigan Central railrotul.s: director of the New York Central. Lake Shore and Michigan -southern, Michigan Central, Nickel Plate, Big Four, the Chicago, t Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, West Shore, New York and Putnam. Pct t-h ( reck, IVliiwareand Hud son Canal company and leased railway lines ami Mihsidary companies. He is i.lso ilirt tor in the New York Mutual lias company. He is tru-tce of the Kye and Knr infir mary. Hm-i e Matt rritv lnsi.itl . , i..r-,-.,r St. Ji hnhiiid. New i.rk ( l ii-ti; n lb' me f' r Inii.n-i ..-rare Ytn .-id , f L-t nos i fa I iii.e) is ela-.n nai n of ( : executive ennui ittcc of that ho:piial. i-ie is tri:-tit- i l i ,: mlua. uniMTsitv. I an, coral f St. Ji.l i :!. Iiine, tf Uh t.rjuriil i hoop pit ;,) . j r- ;ita! ,-r f-tepheu s ..;it f;e. He is i i.t.,-i;:er of tl horeiKii Al !ssi ! ;iry society oi tne 1': ;t-;,int Kinscojal church and sis rt tary 1 1 the . ommittie on trior find bavins? Iis n iiatrt trrutal in raising ?1. uoo.ooii lot- the t to which he gave large itmhi' I t i n; ri i.ution. He is a nin.ltrtf the stimdinc- cotn mitttc i f ti e Protestant Kpiscopal diocese oi At w . t IK. n.einl-er ot tl e mten iitit-nal conm lt-ie i f the Young Men's (.Tu isti;in iiKsiH-iation ai.d vice prcsitleut of the New lot-K in.iia ot the i oiing Men's Chris tian ass, ci; ( ii n. Mr. iiinariilt is nisi trustee of the i.aiy m, n en's si ciety, .Yitfr-.politan. jJii seum t i Att ,- l il t 1 aiiirati of ti e exec utive icmmittte. trustee of the American -Miiseu I Natural History, Co I leg, of Physicians at d S.rgii us, St. Paul's school at t i iH-nrd, X. II , ttiMi.;in jn Sr. B;ir ilioion t-w's i liun-li and n i;nj t;cr of tho Hos it.:! Sat r-day and St. i -lay association He also 1 t 1, nps p -.0 c-lubc-PhUSnieipliia ivn i rtl. HE ANSWERFD nJ For.NCH. Novel Way to tii-t Ki.l t.r U BSr. There is a gt ntlen an i t una rti:: , Stn t 1 til'- i it y who i I" ii i . e i; i-o lorturate as to I e ahle setferal liii utti.t i s ! t-i a , la li-h .- T ,1 l.-, o the le hcilty.t ,- t ai ing em-1 without an acient fcreien to tl.i.t Ian giiiige in lact, his in-i t-ntiiation of the lar-gnage lie i l.ooses is so pi i ft it that lie i freii!i nlly mistaken 1. r a native of t lis count ry in whiih tht language is tliu inothei- ton-tie. He has adopted a novel way ot nulling himstii oi the importuni tits of the professional striker WI,,,,, a.. is sio pt-tl or approached by one of tho class, he talks to the fellow' in a foreign tongue, and it is not long before the im- poi tain ities cease. A lew ti.iys since this gentleman was on Kearney stri et. w hen a t;,ll specimen of the mendi, ant class, whose breath was" si mi, ti with i he fumes of iitjuor, stepped asUid lor ;i dime to get n ii a-a i. "Que vi'ulez viiiis. ' iK.litely askeil tho genu; main, turning toward the fellow, lit- hegi.i looktd tunazt-d for a nio mi-tit, but he reieatiil his ipt'-stion, and ne rt t-eiveu anotia r rt tott in French from the gentleman, who moved on nliout Ids business. ' ut the fellow followed him ami. after n-j eating his demand half a dian times without i reducing the desired fheit. he cm 1; in. i tl in disgust: "What in thunt iris the matt-r with vou:- I can't ur.titrsiiind a word you say." Then in a lion, it he iitldi tl. -.-ny, y,,u ,,1,1 hloke. wuiiliire you doing m this country, any how, il you can't speak Kuglish:-" loegcr.thii:.n la.s tried this a dozen tin t-s or n , ;,. oi hate. ,-,nil us he has rot I'tell i III o; , ,1 i y i,!,-,( tl.l se I , r- f im rt I ; ;.u in: i-y i ! 1 ' k. aliliOligh I. I s : ;ss I i h: s i ..i: t- to ti i 1 1 ni l mi n that tie gai't. is on to him and will lit him i.l in t in i-.ri-. .-,-: n l-r;int isco Call. POW:RLS5 iO COMBAT L.1N. laliirntitm ami v i-.Hi'i-c t'cvt- tint Mn.'ti-pli.-d Man's Iicvict-s l t.r Kvil. "Men see1; to make e ,,r sin," writes Dwigi't I., 'liooay in the initial tlis oci-s to Mr. ..iooily's i'.iiik'. Class" in 'I'ln !..' i. s iio'.ie .lou-.-nal. "Tia-y c;lli it by ,i-i:.-r I- ia , - and try t -. ;:: '-. .:i avvay its po-'-,'i' or car up ;.; I.; ,",um:imi. I'iicy f !l us ii is mi . i .:-.,u-e which i ul: n.-e wi 1 i --..lacte; t.:..t ineiit-h and every u:,.,, t.i.r. is g.:-,l. ;;:il that w ith ciilttot at i! i t;u -ation ti t- v-.iil he de veloped. A mi. j 'airy has i ,-ov,-l t!: t edti eat ion and cult i a-e are i ov. a; a r a ,-ai, Iiiiiural s!i. 1 hey s -'em i , aave i ut mal ti'.liiil tin- i ngi-nun-'K-s a:ui tit", it if man -ev il "The eon-i t iiitd te dav-t of culttiretl Hume, even d :.-:;-g I :-r p-.-oad 'golden age' oi wei!-!i, of iitt-r.iture, of beauty and plulu- p, y. have lett t-i us niontiu.ents of 1 er .la-i-enity and vice. Tiie wisdom of (Itv;-, o ; nd tin learning of Kg.v pt t't'vi r sveil tti. ti- subject, irom tin corruition ot' sin. 'I l-e . ; Ies ,f St. Paul to tin- clr. r i o! A-ia ,j.,.r area si.Tiieit t-.t com ;, nfirr upa.i t : . : -ev of their biiasted r:'!ii:,meit ill t he t.e , e!i p. ment of nnhle ,;:.d pur.- lives. ' Nor have e to g into ancient h i -rorv for a viiulieatiiai of the av, i'al irvui if ';: fallen nature. I:,i onr ov, n times oil'i i ni illtfstratioti of imitn ait si: y It,,:.s not tht presence, of si:,, often the mo.-1 vile am. dark in it s oi,u a-,, v, v. il its. p i,, livc whi' h fnin. eari '.'St i have l eeti sur rountletl by , nly that v. hicii vv.- s pure ;,nti gooti:- A;-. . ar c uivtcts m tie s ,lt )v iron, those who have not laal adv. :,-, -:-" A i amnus Duel. day tat f.n:;..iis duel; r Pierrot il'Is;ac vaut to si his IstLia!. the y,ur- quis :,rh do .--mi-.i. .?.;.:-;. it kt, ,,1,1 (, explained t.a.t in Hvii'-n a--r a n.eai.s Sp..ri-'vv utiti marie means blackbird. "Martjtiis, " s.a! ii Tsn-ic, "I at a Iimm panist, ami y : a-e a r..y.-.lisr. : o: t ,v,.r I am the spur raw and jm arc ; a ck hinl. Doesn't itstirke vou teat i ' ,. -.-is one l-ird ot us too many: ' --it itcis,'I doe-;, said tin- m,i:.,,,'s. -My cie.i.-t- i', pit..l-. , is at'j mi ri-ite for'.s o' our spci :cs. !, t us iii.ia i a the t r t-s. - ... if it wive nut a s: 'V- ieii; ly i ia a , l,.u, th'ma X at out, mini -j-nnid , ;. iiieijoe au ath.r Ik- -u:si hs imi. t vtiis S.v.rmw nmi tlia othti-'s H ai k'nittl. t-a- dial w-,s . t allv f.e-aar from t -t tr,ss. the secmd? sointhn i on tin ,-t-nn;d A low- Ti n tols were iired at I i.e signal. Tht re was rustliua among tl.c K-ii'ves ot one of t -e chestiiut tms. It was pp -r.,t (r!,.,.i(,, who woui -.Uii severely (n mie le- cim tuuiDiina to the uronnii 4r tl,; - i - - - 1'i.lUl; he n-.artptts legan f. chirp t.iumc.hanrh , ....... no. g u:t- song oi a I'l.n khird. 'ihis was a fresh iiia.H. to be n remit f..i .. .... ... j,, oft way, aid D'l-aae waitnl for id's woiintl to r,c.,v,r to challenge Saime Marie for tiie ( aim Thi !,., ,i, ..... i was fought with swords, iinil Sninto-.Mario was Oiiitty wtuimkd the spstrrovy had avengid himself on the I .jkbird S in Francisco Argonaut. AfHcaa Stairs. It is psHiimtxl I,t- , : . v w.utviciii autiiorities that for every slave bronght from A trie to Amencj, t..i a f i, . , ... . . - . - ".ua wtrre Killed ii. their native country during the capture 1 ho Etitiu u ii . 1 ...: ; . . . ..uwiium assert mat of tht number startiwl f,.,. i. s -- ....c unnt continent for the new world one-flftl, died dnric the voyage and one third U fre they be came hardened to slave labor. j HER POCKETBOOK. The Difficult j a Woman Has at Times Im Trying to Locate It. "There it goes again, and it is the third time this month," wailed the man as he hung up the telephone and seated himself wearily at his desk. "My wife just called me up to see if I had seen anything of her pocket book around the house last Dight. She's lost it, of course. She is dead certain, though, that burglars or the hired girl have pinch ed it "I'll bet that the women of Chicago lose enough money every year to pay the interest on the national debt. They won't have any pockets in their clothes and go around everywhere carrying their pocket books in their hands. About once a month the average woman will lay it down on the I "area in counter or in tho and never think of it again for hours aft erward. "I tried to break my wife of the habit by making her an allowance every month liberal enough to pay all household ex penses and leave her a decent margin for pin money. I informed her that she would Have to stand all losses through her own carelessness, as I would not make them wl uutl. ''This workeil nil rtoht for cause my wife wanted to buy a couple of o' v urcsses, ana, as sue actually seemed to believe I meant wh.-it I untri ct.o (ii.v..,wii herpocketbook and carried her roll iii some eaie piace aixiut ner person, the exact lo cation of which I was not able to di senver This did not last long, however, as she niiiipiiiiuiu mai sue was embarrassed by beilll obliged to seek tlm cfeliisi,,., ,,f dressing room when she happened to be now ii town ana wanted U draw on her iunds. ''The next month she lost hir inw-tot. book twice, and I was obliged to pay tho grocery inn out ot my own pocket or have our supplies cut off. Now she has lost it again and is broke. "Well, women are mio-htv nueer emu tures," he sighed as he sit?iic Ida a check and called the oftice boy to take it out ro ins wite. "Hut, " he added hope fully, "the Ijord only knows how we wouiii manage to get along without 'om." nicago .iriouiie. REMARKABLE CELERITY. At Lrast It Seeuit-it So to One Quite Versa tile Young Actress. The other dav I was intcrviewincr u rati, er celebrated actress of the lighter stage, who liefore she became, thanks principal ly to her superb shoulders, such a popular favorite, was, it is rumored, in a verv humble position indeed. The interview was Kettinsr alum? verv well I hH ed from her full details as tn tlm r..sor, why she does her hair in the peculiar fash ion she affects and had noticed, though not, of course, for publication, that the roots were a different color to the rest. I had gained am tile information its tn her extraordinary fondness for her mother and had discreetly forborne to ask her whether she had got that harmless but necessary parent on the three years' hire system or merely week by woek. I had praised her wonderful complexion while speculating wnere sne nought it and hatl obtained her highly colored explanation of the way she had got. her diamonds for my paper wnue keeping my own more pro saic one for myself. Suddenly there came a knock at the aoor, anil tier maid entered it with a tele gram. She tore it open. It came, she in formed me, from the director of a well known Irench music hall, offerincr her fnh ulous terms for her shoulders in a series of living pictures. "Ami look." she said, hohlimr nnttli envelope for me to see, "what a wonder ful invention the teltaranh is and how quick. This has come .ill the way fro I'aris. but the gum on the envelope is still wet. I'ick Ale p. Insecure ISuildiuss. If there is any one tiling that the public nas a riant to exnect it is nroonr or,.,..,,,. tion on the part of builders to make the structures thev erect secure and thus avoid danger to lile ami property. 1 he records of pollaouod,,,,-- fnu. Walls, il secure foundations hihI .L.uth tp Kent-rimy ngure up into an aggregate that , is simpiy appalling. l ne occupant is not supposed to know that the house he lives iii is not safe. Indeed it is not his business to know. It is the business of the builder to make everything right, and failing to do this he should be held to the strictest account. The temptation to slight work and to use inferior materials is too strong wi ne resisted hy unscrupulous builders, but the results of such n course are tir .i.e. astrous to pass by without notice. There must lie something radically wrong about building inspection when such struc tures art- passeu ny me oincials. The sug ttestion that the contnietor u.Kn L-rw, ly puts inferior materials into buildinas i i , ... - . " snoiuti oe loiinti guilty ot in tinier in case the buildings collapse will meet with ap proval from all sensible persons. i tie owner orders the work and pays the bill. He has a riirht. to ph nvi.nti,- what he pays for, ami failing to get it the culprit should he punishable by severe pen alties and bv the full limit, of il l.,. a, case liis work is so faulty os to collapse enner in tne process of building or at any reasonable time thereaf ter. New York Ledger. Whist lu America. The impression is ereneral that, until re cently the Americans have not been a whist nlavinsr nation Tt is- .iifft..i reconcile this view with the fact that early in mis century, when Hoyle was the only authoritv. various- ronrinta 1st- . 1." .... - . , . . , ,i ma v . , l s were circulated in the United States -e. g., in .ew Pocket HoyleM (Philadelphia, 1805), "Hovle's Names" ntostnn imiii tho same (Philadelphia, 1817). No doubt a diligent search would reveal the exist ence of other editii HIS. Allll'Tifnn rnnr-i rfc of Matthews and Bohn are also to be found, dating about the middle of the present century, and the conclusion forced on us is that whist has all along held Its own in American society, notwithstanding the contemporaneous nomilaritr of another niirable four handed game viz, euchre. oavenaisti in Scrihner s. W indow isplTS and Prio. A well arranged window- without nri tickets is like a well dressed man who can- pot talk, (iive him a tongue and his thoughts speak. Give a mute window the tongue of tickets and you have a sales man who never tires of talking in youi interest. All that is necessary is to give him a new theme that is i-lmniu v..,,- windows often. Hardware, Hcinrich III of Geruianv w. ilesit.nntjvi the Black on account of tlm color of hi eyes and heard and his dark complexion. The reed, mentioned in i.l.-woo tn the Iii bio as a measure, was ti cubits, or 10 feet 11 inches. J. A. TENNENT, ARCHITECT ft CONTRACTOR O&ca aad Jobbia Shop Bomb Coart oarg am WM. W. WEST, REAL ESTATE. Loans Negotiated at 6 Per Cent, Boom 4, 2nd Floor, Drhnmor Block. IHPHORI INF Sf-. skin moo,a. EayaafaDroa-Store. packet Store News, 30 South Main St. Now that ihe election over leta put on more steam and go forward. We are told that prosper ity is now upon us, we would like to look through the glasses of him who t-aid it. Any way a visit to the Racket store will convinc you that we are crowded with staple goods anJ if you will take time to price our tock you will be convinced that this is the bargain house of Asheviile. A $1000 stock of fine sta- ttorery at 50c on the dollar. See it. Lonsdale Cambric 5o. 40 in. Canton Flannel 10c. Infant's fine p oft Shoes 25c. 50 -in, Quilt Lining 5c. J. M. Stoner, Mgr. 'iTt UT':! : , Fi' iii r..,i M 7 Bonnd for Botany Bay This shiplo-ol ,,( convicts did not reach their destination with out some thriuinp; advei.tures, including a desperati- miHiny in whieh the ship is saved by a woman. The siury is told in our new Serial The Mat - r oi the Hindu And we stroni.- advisj yon tc read it. The jnut i.s a ,'ry interesting- one and the stvle of the narrative is enter t:.inin. Remember, yon can read The Mate of the Hindu !N THIS PAPER ONLY NEW YORK WORLD, Tnrice-a-Week EditioB. 18 Pages a Woek, 150 Papers a Year It stands first am one "w-rcklv" Daoers in siie. f equency of publication and freshness. anety and reliabiiity of conter.ts. It is r rtic 'lv a daily at the low nrice of & weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, ex tending to every state and territory of the Union and foreijm countrirs. will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news col umns. It is splendidly illustrated and amonir ts special features are a fine humfr paj;e, ex haustive mat kt-t reports, all the la-est fash ions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and Erg lish authors. CONAX DOYLE, JEROME K. IEROME STANLEY WEYMAN, MIRY E. WILKINS ANTHONY HOPP, BRET IIARTE, BRANDER MATTHEWS, etc. We offer this unequalled newsoaner anrt Thi Semi-Wkbkly Citizen together one year for $1 50. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2.00. ABC of Advertising iIA ttracto NittentloB. B rightens aclrtrard Bstfaess. G tchei ,lrclftlae oim I t Ii l: LU). V 1 1 1 1 I' Everybody Knows The Power of Lw Prices The low price banner wivesover everj department. The duble store con stHutly forges ahead, Lui'dicg business greater rd stroDgf r bv the irresistabe powt-r flaw prices. Monev sprit here gets m ire genuine value, goes further, lasts longer, gets more stvle, more qual itv and does more actual good service than it i-i ever possible to get fron the average retail store. LADIES' COATS. The stock filled with the choicest things for shrewd coat buers Little pri.-es takes garments here that are hnished better, look beuer and fi b?tter than at most coat stores. Set tbeCW00L DRESS GOODS. 37 pieces of wool lancv dress goods in a vanetv t f new and desirable dejigns on sale here this week. Buyers will find thce the best value thev ever saw. None can sff rd to miss it who has dress or wrapper thoughts. SKIRTS READY TO WEAR 25c. Skirts of faccv black Bnlhai.tin. $1 98 fi e Hl-ck or blue heavy weight Strut Skirts $3 50. A beautiful black Crepon Skirt f..i 00 LADIES UNDERWEAR. All u d rwear shown here combines land Honest Values Keeps the Double Stoie Always Bflsy. I .uauv yum is oi t xceiience in regard to j fit, quahtv and price See the lines priced at 23? . 30c . 73c , $1 and $1 25. ! CLOTHING 12 PATTON AVE. ! It is true that clothes d in't make the -nan. bat il the man doesn't wear stvlish ; made and modern attire he'll cut a snrrv : fitare among his fellow cit'Z.ns Our pricts will enable v u to wear the righi sort of clothes Men's black Cheviot suits S-1-.30. Men's fancy or plain Cassimtre suits $6 50. Men's Twptds or Imported Cassimere suits $7 90. Mtu's tine rlresssui's madeol Venetian Clotti or Imported L'0- urce Clav Wi,ts cd $10 00. OVERCOATS. The- kind thr tailors ask $3U, vou but. here for $10 A rattling good heavv b!u? beaver gotid v .lue $8 00. A great stuck . f storm l isters, the prices are hs low a $3 50 GREATER SHOE SELLING Advices received from our manufacturers state that shoes have advantvil from 10 to 15 percent. This may be a surprise to you not surprising ;(t all to us. We bought enough shoes to s oe 10,000 peoole. We will not advan e the price either so long as we have this lot on hand. See the special display in window at $1.00 for this week. Baltimore Clothing;, Shoe and Dry Goods Company. 10 and 12 PATTON THE SEMI-WEEKLY CITIZEN American BOTH S ONLY&1.25 iisrcLxriDiisrcs- 1 JKSCKIHK ) HKT.OW. will, this p ,,,. The A , , i" t r ' ''f ,HSrlnl1 Ti ' weekly, in .-oniiet-tior i'S FARM FEATURES, J"' ; "vo Stock, I ,ir.viK, Horticulture, Poultry "rtnre ----- Zi:; EHEFA.yF.fEflTURES! oV.u!1,lvri"!:. , mouiiK r OIKS' I'age, cotiiliii.,. i,, n.u lo IilnUe 1 ." 1'itj.t-r.-. is most of the Sjiecial Fauiil, 'A SAMPLE COPY Ohio, or N.-tv York, Farmers' rnrr Almanac iill I-'OUXTKIKS I'Foim l' , I SURETY BONDS. Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. UOME OFHCE: BALTIMOBE, MD. Resources, Over $2,000,000. Accepted as Sole Surety on h B.yreierndti:io zJsrFSr di-- nl OrRaniiuion Expres and Telegraph Companies ant! on thoae of Frater- HERMAN E. BOLK. Secretary and Treasurer EDWIN WAR FIELD. President MARCUS ERWIN, AGENT, ASHEVIILE N. C. Office over Battery Park Bank. . t More Styles, Designs, and Grades Shown Here Than Any CthT Store in Asheviile AVE., ASHEYILLE. WEEKLY RICULTURIST " s. THE his 1 i I. , V ' vui-nrr, am Iu rt lut-nt . f as uiut'h value ami inter.-.-! ..,, w Min, N. . ' ''"""r at '-""""! To all seiMliiis their subscription in. nie.l lately, H.L rOHhtASIs AMI FAIlMKliS' AL.MA.N'AC. , ,IKK- (n"-- IM IKS. STATKS Bonds of P&blic Officials.

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