61 THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. THE MOVIJfG THBOXG. Parairrcptis That Are ol a Purely Per sonal Nature. Maj D. C. VTaddell bisgoneto Greens boro on business. J'lbn T. Callum of Detroit in rea'tnterrA ! 1 ...... i- me Asoevme note I Capt. J. M. Gudger left Saturday after noon ior Marshall to attend court solicitor McCall went to Marshall yes- icraay to look after his court work. Keoresentative E A. Aiken of Brevard and L. G. Cole of Durham are registered at ine Hotel Berkeley. joage unart passed through the city vesreraav atternoon on bis way tc. Mai shall where court opeted today. Dr. teo. I. WinetOD. president of the ( Diversity of lexas, was in Asbeville esterdav. He Uc this mornicg fjr Col- unoia, o v.. lodge W. L. Norwood of VYavnesville H. C. Wat ins of Nashville and Mr. and Mrs. U. Lre Kedmoo and child of Louis ville arc guests ol the Syannanoa. Miii Josie Carter and Mrs. J. B. Swi ui i', lormeriy Miss (Jeorgia Carter, of Marios ate visiting their brother.Justice fioo warier, on Montlt.rd avenue. Assistant Postmaster E. C. VYestall left yesterday for his annual vacation. He will tour the West, going as lar as I' tab, and will be away 15 or 20 dajs. B.Blacchford, a vocalist well known to Asbeville people, was called to New York by a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Blancbford, and left last night on No. 16. Kev. Dr. James Atkias returned Satur day from attendance upon the Virginia c inference at Lynchburg. He will yo to Salisbury tomorrow to attend the West ern North Caiolina conference. Clifford C. Anderson, jr., of Atlanta, A D. Archibald of Chicago, Mrs. Clem ent M. Brown and Masters Clement and Gordon Brown of Philadelphia are among the guests of the Battery Park. MiiS Helen Redwood, daughter of Henry Redwood, will leave this wtek tor Baltimore, where 6he will make her debut at a reception to be given ter ft iend. Miss Rebecca Hurst, by her pat ents. """AUSTIN FURMAX'S DEATH. A I'rominliitf Youth, Son of State Au ditor II. M. Furiuan. Austin M. Furman, tbe 15 years old son of State Auditor and Mrs. Robert M. Furman, died Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of his parents on College ftreet. Peritonitis caused his death. He became iil only last Wednrs day. and grew rapidly worse Fridav afternoon at operation was performed for appendicitis by Drs. Meriwether and Pearson, an operation successful in that the cause of the trouble was removed, but the poisoned state of the bl :od caused death. Austin r-urman was an admirable lou.n, and bis good nature and strengt h .ui tnaracier were r fleeted in his evei smiling, trank face, in many ways he gae promise of development into a ust lul and more than ordinary intelligen man. About tbe vtne of his death The t niZEN was Diinting bis name in the Honor roll of the Orange street school. The fur era) service was conducted a Tiinity cburcb yesterday afternoon b' tnc rector, Kev. McNeely DoBose, and the interment was at Riverside ceme terv. 1 be pallbearers were H. D. Child r m. jones. ttas. H. Waddell. E. L Hrown.jr., W. F. C. Williams. Ch js. E lories. lhe pupils of the City High school tooay adopted tbe tllowingresolutions Wbeteas, God in H;s infinite wisdom nns taken from our midst our fellow student, Austin Furmac, Resolved, That while we, tbestudents of the Asbeville Hih school, bow in nurooie submission to the dieine will we deeply frel our loss in his death. ' Resolvid, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to his he and a copy be framed and draped for 30 ABOUND TOWfl. Washirgtoa, A'of. 76 Forecast till S p. in. Taetdaj;Fair; slowly risingtem perature; variable winds becoming southerly. Monday Evening, November 16, 1896. of f. H. McCcnnell, who bis been ill several days, is again able to come tovrn. for op Tbe B n6hatn Heights farmer last week harvested 1260 bushels of mangel wu'zels from one acre planted last spring. Col. Ed. . Sar fjrd, president of the Kooxille and Ohio road, and a staunch Republican, arrived at Marshall oav on a visit to Senator Pritcbard. Collector Rogers' office is in the hands o revenue Agent Prank M. Porch of itew Jersey, who is making the periodical inspection of this portion of Uncle Sam's ousmess. The Knoxville Sentinel prints a picture ot Mark W. brown of Asbeville. Mr. Brown is chairman of the Kappa Alpha g'rman commune of the Universitv f , w . lennefsee. f : ti . i -"iu jounyon, ine returned mission- arv. will eive his oostuoned le lure at the Young Men's institute this evening at 8:30 His su'riect is "Mv Trin m central Africa Admission will he frw Savs the Morganton Herald: A tele gram irom Asbeville announces that Miss Ha.lie Walton and Mr Joe Lindis were married on the 10th inst. .OVI aenes i he locfesmicb." We wish them a nappy file. Edward H. Hunt, who has for some time b. en with L Swicnzood. tbe Siuth Main street wall oaDer and Dnint rip iW has resigned and will accept a position as traveling agent of the Louisville Courier-Journal. T 1 . - rreaeric nryton nad beenbookel to appear at the Grand opera house this evening in t-orgiven." but the agentdid not appear in time to give the citv a thorough hilliog and Manauer PI um mer canceled tbe date. Bv a change of schedule in effect vrs- terdav the arrival of day passenger train io. 1 i trom Salisbury is 2:05 p. m , rail road tine, instead of 2.25. Its time for leaving Asheville for Knoxville remaii s at tbe old figures 2:55. Dr. W. 1-. Tompkins of Webster ditd at his home yesterday morning of pneu monia. lr. lompkinshada large num ber of acquaintances in this citv. He was at one time secretary of thr R-nnh. ncan congressional committee. WASTED, SAND. The Need ol tbe Democratic Party NortU Carolina. toiTOR The Citizen: You have accu rately diagnosed our case: Sand is the need of the Democratic party of North Carolina, and more particularly and es pecially the need of the Democratic party f Asbeville. Time was when Democrats, whatrvrr tbeir shortcomings, had courage enough j and to spire; but see to what a pitiful I pass a reverse or two bas brought a I great party : we have btllv-cra wled to Populists ana anvtniug dse that happened to be standing op until in the pleotitude of ine corns watch cover them our stom aens are fairly representative of the topography of the Reeky Mountain re gion. A I . , .. . auu, worse man all the corns on onr stomachs, we sem to have rwmm hopelessly addicted to the bell t -crawiing uauit. ine possibility of giving offense to some supersensitive Northerner has b come more terrible to our make-believe leaders than pestilence and famine, while the w bole poor apology for a party is Kiampeaea into utter rout if a nigger says "boo !" Where is the Democracy of 1876? the party which followed where Zeb Vance ltd. which boasted such exemplars of vaior as Kat d .lph Shotwell and foe lurnerr ine very name is a by-word ana a reproacb, the scorn of tbe ragtag and-bobtail of creation and Hal Aver. Let us send to S uthCaro!i na f.ir sand if there is not enough on our own shores tor 1 lie craws of the cowards in thp rank and hie of the occe proud and invincible uemocratic partv. Wanted Sand! Wanted Men ! ! D. W. S OfT lor Conference. Rev. Dr. Chas. W. Byrd, presiding elder; Rev. W. H. Will s Dastor of Hnv wood street church; Kev. . M . Downum, pastor of Btthtl church; Revs. T. B Wag. C. D. McCurdv. H. D. Sorinkle. rc l.. sprinkle. I. fc,. Abernathv. E. T Owen. C. B. John-ton and A. R.Long ard Prof. H. L Kins left this afternoon to attend tbe Western Nortu Carolina conlerence davs. The resolutions committee was com posed ot ohn H. Catbty, chairman i-has. II. Miller, Emilv Davis. Tom Stel- iing, Kathleen Ware and Nellie Fakes ONTO THE SIDING. l'HssniKerTrala Leaves the Main Line and Crushes Into a Coal Car. The timely use ot air brakes averted serious accident to the Spartanburg train that ariivcd here last evening at o clock, lhe switch at the southern intranceof lhe yards had eit"ber been neglected or tampered with, and th passenger train left the main line, ran on to a sidetrack and crashed into a coal car. Almost every passenger was thrown from his seat, and in many instances the "in wnc orosen. wnue no one was seii usly hurt, t lasman Guy Moore re ceiied a pain'ul bruise upon tbe leg. Tl . . 1 lucsHiivoman says ine switcn was closed by bim, but that some tramps wuo were near tbrcw it open aiain. TU. J . . ' . i uc uamage to engine and coal car was rot great. THE FIRST QUARTERLY. Creditable Work ol Pupil ot Sky-laud IUHtltute at the Ree ltal. The first quarterly recital of the music class ol Sky-land institute wasgiicn Fri day evening to a select audience. The young performers acquitted themselves with great credit, both to themselves ana tneir teacher. I hough manv of them bad never before p'aytd in tbe pres ence of an audience, there was remark dui, miuiaic citiuuun ui an tne num bers. Only part of the class were on the pro gram, ine participmts being Misses Rosa Kienle, Gertie Miller, Lillian Woody, Heslop Purefov, Nellie Wood' , Georgia Rankin, Edna Lorick. Ma bel Stokley. Minna Rankin. LizzL Rankin. Bessie Brown and Nell Dickey. PROPERTY TO RE ADVERTISED Auil Sold for Taxes Deoeu.ler 1st the Limit to Prevent Sale and to Save Costs. Attention of city taxpayers is called to s-.ction 45 revised charter of tbe city of Asbeville passed by the legislature of 18115. Tbe section in part is as follows: "Sec. 45. The tax collector of said city, upon his receipt of said copy of such parts of said tax list, shall proceed imme diately with . tbe collection of tbe taxes in such copy mentioned, and of all such as may be from time to time added thereto by said board of aldermen, and shall complete such collection by tbe first da of December next afte rsuch teceipt." I'olesa otherwise ordered I shall on sod aPer ibis date proceed to tbe sale of property, real and peisonal. for taxes. and will garnishee wag:s or dues where no real or personal propmv can be found. Tbe attention the law demands will save vou costs and prevent tbe sale of your property. S. F. Chapman, Not. 16, 1896. City Tsx Collector. Under new law passed by legislature ol 1895. revising charter of city of Asbe ville, a I taxes must be collected by De cember 1, 1S96. It is advisable for property owners to be mindful of this. In tbe recent election in French Broad township the vote for justiceol the peace was a tie in tne case ot Wra. Grimn and K. fct. Koberts, each receiving lt votes ojpernur ouri iierK vatnev mav or der a special election for the township. It seems that the newsdealers have not oil L .i,..:. en Lmn icvcui agreement to in crease tbe price of New York papers. i ne oia price f t one cent a copy for sev- c .... I . . i I. . iucbc papers generally ptevaiis. wtitle at least one dealer today sold the Sunday papers for o cents. lxpayersol tbe city who have not settled are interested in the notice given in 1 he UTizEN tooay by City Tax Col lector Chapman Section 4." of the new charter provides for the collection of the taxes bv the hrst of Drcember, and Mr. Chapman is going to push thecollectior. Tl TT , ineimas noagotnan, an attache of Ringing Bros.' circus, and a professional walker, says he started from Statesville at (i:30 io the afternoon of one day last week and retcied Ash'eville at 7 o'clock tbe next morning. On January 6. next, Oodgr man will walk for a prize in Mad ison square garden, New York. Kev. J ij Adams, pastor of the Wades uoro napust church and at one time pastor of the French Broad Rantiai church, this citv. arrived here Sat nrHav afternoon and occupied the pulpit of the r l r i i . . rrencn nroaa cnurcn yesterday morn ing. Mr. Adams wil remain until Wednesday, being the guest while here of w. J. riough on P ttton avenue. It was announced vrsterdav in Central cnurcn mat the Lteht Bearers ,nlH give an entertainment there next Sunday evening. They will be assisted by Miss Wheeler, of the Asheville Female college, Miss Daisy Sawyer, and a choir of little ioiks. lhe object is to aid in mi-sion work in Soochow. China. No admis sion will be chareed. but a rnlWrinn will oe taken. Tbe Asheville Stnet Rail wav company is preparing to put up three new stacks at tne power house on v allev street. One is for tbe new boiler, while tbe other two are for the old boilers, which are to be reset. The stacks will be about fin teet hih. Residents north of the plant naa nopea on looking- at theta 1 scaffold ing mat tbe stacks were to be, say, 400 eei nign. l bis would relieve the smoke nuisance in a measure. Licensed to Wed. From Register Mackey's office lien to wed bas been issued as follows: Charles M. Biirgin and Sallie Gettis. L. L Rhoads and Dora Brown. Resumed Kuslne&s. The Riverside Undertaking company made satisfactory arrangements with us creditors and resumed business Sat urday afternoon. Under new law passed bv lecislature ot ly... revising charter of citv of Ashe vine, all taxes must be collected bv De cember 1. 1896. It is advisab'e for prop erty owners to oe mindful ot this $d 00 shoes at Levy's, no better made tor tbe Tcnev. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK STOCKS. loaay a quotations bv Treadwav Onllinn private wire. no. 53 Patton avenue. 1.30 p m 2:30 p m am. BngarKe Co. in ijAm Tobacco Co.. 781 Central ot N.J io6biChic & NorthWrn los.e one.-. .... .... 3i.7tnicagro eias Co... 77 i C. Mil. & St. Paul 77..vchic. Kock I 8t P. 7 .. D. & H. Canal i27ilDel Ijirk ftr TO Erie Railroad 16 sIGeneral Rleetric ' Lake Erie & W. .. ir.. s K ulrh s L'sville& N hville 51 3Manhattan Con..! 29.4iMissouri Pacific... 95' -IN Y. Ont. & Wot 1S.71S. Ry vot. trs. eta. in 5 do pref do 3o.iTenn. C, I & Ry o 71 u. . i.'trjr co pld M. K. & Texas Dre N. Y. Cen. & H... Northern Pacific. do pref Phil, at Reading Union Pacific .... Western U. Tel... 3' 33.3 I SI A 90 16 10 7 JO 2 h6 6 87.jAtchison 156 Cash February NEW YORK Cotton 7 December.. 700; January Lsrn 3.U8 Ribs 3 72 Pork 6 7 Oats is 4 Wheat 77 x Corn 24.7 CHICAGO CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Cash Dec. an. it 25 4 10 3-SS 7-7S May. New York. Nov. i) Mnnrv ti London Exchange $4.82 '3 to $4.56. 28. 2 t per cent. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Spots 4 1732. Spot demand Fair. Sales 12.0C0, 11.700 American. Prices Easier. Re ceipts j'.oco, 3r,soo American. Futures opened easy. Jan. Feb. Mcta. Dempod-Fair. CONTRACTS. Opening Closing Feb. Men. Apr. 4.1S-17 4.14 4 14-16 15 Close Y3tdv 4.10D 4.15a 4 15-17S 4 138 4 16-I7S 4 12-13S Marriage of Charlton Dukes. lhe Mobile Register of recent date gives an account of the marriage in that ty of Charlton Dukes to Miss Janie Di.Iard, both of Mobile. The bridegroom is a son of T. C. H. Dukes of Asbeville and has nuny friends here, where his boyhood days were spent. Death of Joseph B. Cox. Joseph B. Cox, former mayor of Tryon, died Friday at San Antonio, Tex. Charles Cox. his brother, passed through .isntviue yesterdav on bis way to Lou isville, whtre tte funeral will take place tomorrow. ASHEVILLE. Corrected daily by Powell & Snider .hnlrul. ana rtuu grocers. These prices are being paid by the merchants of the city today : '5 10 201 Apples 50 3i 00 HggS K Antiln Hri.H Chickens S(&2o Purookins ea'pii'" ,1 Turkeys 57slSorghnm 20 to' 15 Uuck isi Beeswax, per lb... je Potatoes, sweet ,niiinn "w Potatoes Insh 30 to 40 ; Wheat . (X Turnips tottSaoiCorn . . .i RnKK - 651 Meal . 6 I'- iu I U8U Beans, per bn.. Peas Chestnuts... in 75i oolRye ss 'u Bj mj, pt'ion 10.00 ik.oo ICelerv. per do...2s4o Under new law p issed bv leoislat 1895. revising charter ot city ot Ashe ville, all taxes must be collected ho nP. cemDer 1,1890 Ft is adv sable fjr erty owners to be mindful of this. prop- Index to New Advertisements. Underwear Mitchell Blended Teas shuford's Art School Mr A G Birnall Something New Model Steam Laundry Carpets ! Carpets ! Carpets ! We have Carpets, all grades and styles, and on account of the times we are selling them at very low prices, prices which cannot be dup licated. Our stock of RI GS is complete. Gas Coke Furnace Coke We have Coke Specially prepared tor Cook Stoye and Ranges, and the Best Qualities of ANTHRACITE-COAL -PARLOR LUMP- COAL -DOMESTIC M COAL Thoroughly screened at onr tbe only rescreening chote in tbe Order received for wood from Biltmore Estate. Dry and Prepared as wanted. Prompt delivery. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Call Phone 40. city. 34 Patton Avent CUT GrLA.SS. We have a small line of CUT GLASS which c!ose out at cost in order to make room for our DAY GOODS . . we wil! H0L1 16 Patton Ave. W. B. Williamson & Co. Furniture, Carpets. Etc. A. KIENLE, Ashevllle's Lcadiug Jeweler and Optician, NO. 53 PATTON AVE. NEAR POSTOFFICE. 1 O w 1 H X I K T I M K T, O ft K T O It I Hf K 4 r c 1 it N r A We have been preparing for it for some time, and now it is less than six weeks off, it would be well to look over our display. Have you seen those double frames at 35 cents ? They are certainly good value. The Guarantee LADIES, ATTENTION If you want best and latest style of ladies' Shoe Store to see the SHOES! Io Lace and Button, either black or colors, in ra- t1eeV!e,?ther' kld or calf skin, examine my stock A full line of trunks and valises. Rogers' Book Store. M. LEVY, Prop., 30 Patton Ave Periodical tickets Uken. IN HEAVY Underwear My stock is hard to beat. Don't take any risk this .vinter. The weather prophets say it's going to be cold. My stock is new. All bought this season. As to prices 1 11 guarantee they are right. New stock of Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Mitchell, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 PATTON AVENUE. C0I.1IIIG ATTRACTIOfIS : Grand Opera House Season '96- 97 . . . Atnongthe attractions booked for the Cr jnd Opera House for the com ing s.-ason art The Bowery Girl. Cbas. Gardiner. The Lee'8 Hypnotists. Y. M. C.JA. Star Course, 5 nights. Kodgers' Comedy Co. Bells' Comedians. The Old Homestead. Devil's Auction. I. C. Lewis SrlPlunkrrd. Emma Warren Company. J. C. RUM HOUGH, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. y Parauou Uulldintc, Haywood Street. 5IBI3BEMgiaiagiaga!iBia,BigigiggigfgElg i ndernewlaw passed by l?ti-lature 01 iJo, revisme charter of cit of Ashe ville all taxes must be collected bv De. cemoer i. jab. it is advisable lor propertv o wners to be mindful ol this. CAMPHORLINE your hands Drug Store. hite. 2sc. Commence early in the winter: keens your cheeks soft. Kaysor's VE Coal. Weather Stiips at DICKHHSON'S. Every aotted. pair Lew's $3.00 sheca guar- cut Isiy'a doable sole, handwelt, shoe, $3.00, tea da t only. See Lej show window. calf Economic Use of" firewood Where wood is used lor fuel, it shnnM be thoroughly dried, as in its green and ordinary state it contains tbirtv to f.rty per cent, oi water, tne Beat to evapo rate which i necsrilv lost to the con suaier. therefore, tbe burning of fresh wood is extremely wasteful. . i . i ... K " trecn wooa weiirninc sav 100 pounds will weigh, when drv. onlv i r i . i . ' oo pounos. wnat nas it lost' An? combustible mattei? Anythinir that will watm your houses acd cook vonr tooa r Wo . it bas lost 3i pounds of water. 11 about ooctbird of tbe weirht kucii wwju la water, tarn xnere are l 4 J pounds ot water in a cord. Thia has to be converted into steam bef re the wood can burn. W hat a reduction in he beating capacity of wood tbe water contained in it creates! By drying tbe wood and keeping it in piles through the summer, most ot the water is expelled by evaporation. If a cord of green wood lasts voa two weeks, a cord ol dry wood will last you three weeks, aad anyone can ca'calate what a saving this fact involves. Therefore do not buy any but well sea soned wood, such as was cut in Biltmore Forest over a year ago, and is for sale now at J. B Dickekson & Co . 'phone 87. Asheville Ice & Coal Co , 'phone 40 Carolina Coal Co , 'phone 130. C. W. Baikd & Co . 'phoce 212 Biltmore U mber Co., 'pbone 77. rpRY our blended teas, we have them at io o 5o, 6o and 75 cents. Cheaper, purest' most delicious in the city oul rusu a iHA & COFFEE STORK 12 North Court Square. have something new which improves MODEL STRAW I Jnvnnv 'Phone 70. B. W. Band, Prop. RT SCHOOL Lessons given in crayon. ir.k . waier co-or ind rhin, n.t.tin ....h 1 .; .- j" . mur f,,m. ,. r m . arawintr and perspective n-i6dimo POR RKNT-A pretty new cottage, seve rooms, furnace and nr.. k "i. Chestnut street; bath an-i water. Appiv to - , L. A. FASINHOLT, Real Estate Hrnk.r . r.... ' . M-12d.w-4D "OR BWNT a r. . , imuuBca nouse ot nine central location; good neighborhood. Apply ... - CORTLAND, Real Estate Airent . .' Mdtt-4P - T. F1TZPAT,RICK, N. Main street iiiu.nQriuaoeieri paints and wall r...UB.y .unu. nmcner s Boston Poluh in stock. always to-8dtf QURdUpUy of lancy ,x -u. airnoun a nn rwvMnn, .... javeryinins nice and tresh ( 'Phone i8j. HUSTON'S. a68. Main t. Ft!LENMNjW ho"e jw completed; nine rooms all r h : . , r,", .: open grates; electric lights; ZZiZ. lUsen,enti, fioe d select u-Udtf-.p c H. UHPBSLL CAMPHORLINE and many erapt.onsofibe skin. SC Died after shaving prevents harbers' itc-h Raysor's Drug Delicious Butter Cups, WALNUT, COCOAM r, FIG, DATE, PISTACHE. Pure and lresh, better than the ordinary cheap una, only 20 cents can t be duplicated is town. ALMOND NOUGAT 30c. p;und VELVET MOLASSES TAFFY 25c. pound. Ray's Cut-Rate Book Store, 8 North Court Square. CARPETS, FURNITURE, ETC., AT I will sell at public ancton at 10 o'clock a m , Tuesday, Vov. 17th, at No. 38 Charlotte street! the furniture, crockery, carpets, lamps and other household goods. Ladies especially in vited. Also a good bay horse, sound and gentle. E. COFFIN, Auctioneer. A. Tufitld, agent for Mrs Eva Wexler. Don't fail to examine our prices on ine VJ Fine Dress Goods This Week. Also the prices on Handsome Winter Wraps. We are a very complete Stylish now showing line of Millinery Goods, Pattern Hats and Street Hats In eerv style. In Underwear For ladies and children you will tind 110 better gTALTIES and PRICES in the city than we will give. THE BAZAAR, 43 Patton Ave. New Line Stoves. Large Line Tinware. We are prepared to do all kinds of plumb ing, tin, slate and cornice work on short notice. Steam and Hot Water Heating. It will pay you to call on us hpfnrp nlar-i your order elsewhere for anything in our line. Hot Air Furnaces. McPBERSON & CLARK, 45 College Street. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WIXTEK SUITS, OVERCOATS, ULSTERS AND REEFERS For men boys and children in all sizes and grades are now on sale. We advise the buying public to lay in their cjothinepuppli. s this month, because tbe d roand is greater than the supply this season, and prices are likely to ad vance after the election We do not exaggerate one point bye aiming to show the most complete assortment of ?JiiueRT $&t hf .h hown under ore roof in Priw oup stock. y 1DVlte th PUb,iC t0 6Xamine aLd Loughrans Acme, Second to None in the State Headquarters for Fine Wines i 58 South Main st and L'quors. I still claim to have the lareest st.;t k v( First Class Goods of any house in the State. i ne e.eorated Bartholcmay, Roch.stcr Beer, bottled fresh every da liTered anywhere in the citv as low as other. u Uiiu viaaa ucxrr. Orders from a distance solicited. Boiin and packing free. lay and de- P. O. BOX 372. JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, PROP , 'PHONE 1M. "The Eureka" CORKER COLLEGE AND LEXINGTON AYENOE. FINE Wines and Whiskies, Beer, Ale, Porter A d All Kinds of Mixed DRINKS FIREWOOD. Cut Last Winter in Biltmore Forest PRICES PER CORD AT YARD. Piects 8 ft. long. ak, Split, Oak, Poles, 1'ine. Split, Jl A. G. HALYBURTON We Do Proprietor. Watch and Jewelry Repairing and Engraving B. H. COSBY, Jeweler. 27 Pttton Ay MISS FLORIDE CUNINGHAM Real Estate Assent. APPLY NO. C7S HAVWDOn stdcct ARTHUR a. TIULS, ARCHITECT AI& SUPERIIIEIDEIT, 88 A 84 Patton Ar. OffloeHonrs-OtoJl.m.,8to4p. M Woodfi, Street. Nye Ho BiTuf' v . nave tbem. A tood icacner s Oxlord Bible for $2.2 indexed. We havea little cheaper "uc, uoi inaexea. $2.00, Divinity circuit LlQOlng. J estaments in Morocco bindir Morgan's Book Store 3 W. COURT 8gtTAKE. 1'ioe Stove wood. Oak. Oak. Pine, Pine, Chestnut, Hard wood Pohs, $2 00 $1.80. $1 90. $1 -to. Stovewood. $3 30. $3 10. S3 20. $3 OO. $2 20. GO TO D GROSS' FOR YOUR OYSTERS. R. S. SMITH, ARCHITECT. PHOXK 883. ine wcest and cleanest place in North I PARAGON BTJLLDIKG, PATTON AVE. wuuuaa. urstcrs served in any style ucairca. au orders of any unantitT promptly delivered. Lnccbes and mealsj ye,r" wllh the Ute all boarcoprn day and niht. I M- Hunt yer special parlor for ladies. iirooent architect for Geo. W. TanderbUt, ej.. D. GrOSS lPnn . I eute nd Biltmore Hoik. 12 inches, 1 G inches. 12 inches. 16 inches, 1 0 inches. for finpn Urt iila... ,.i FOR DELIVERING WOOD we charge the followitc rates: 1st. For delivering within the city limits, excepting only the iuarter des cribed below, FOR OXE COKI), 00c. I OR ONE HALF COKI.. GOC. 2nd. For th-qaarter of Asbeville sit uated north of College street and east of North Main street, excluding those two streets; rate of delivery KR ONE COKI). 80c. FOR ONE-HALF COKI). G('C. 3rd. For anv places outside of c'ty limits, but within a mile of citv limits; the rate of deliverv FOR ONE COIII). 80C. FOR ONE HALF CORD, G(C. 4 th. 1 or any places within a circuit of two miles from the citv limjts, but more than one mile distant from the city lim its; the rate of delivery FOR ONE CORD, $1 00. FOR ONE-HALF COKI) 0C. Apply to our agencies: J. E. Dickerson & Co. phone 87; Abbeville Ice & Coal Von b?e 40; Carlia Coal Co . "phone 130; C.W Baird & Co.. 'phone 212 Biltmore Lumber Co.. 'phoce 77. PRAYING. I am now prepared to do all kinds .,1 drayirg. including moving household goods, fni niture or any thine. Leave or ders with E. B. Moore at freight depot, Roberts & Nichols' store or my residence No. 25 Arlington Place. Or call 'phone Nos. 220, 47 or 285. All orders prompt ly fattccded to . Biumore. N. c. M. LORICK.

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