THE ASHEVtLLE .DAILY CITIZENS, MONDAY, AUGITST 23, iv(, We are constantly receiving fresh in voices of the finest China and India Teas and the Choicest COFFEE BERRIES Which are dry- roasted and blended so as to produce a delicious tlavor Java and Mocha, 25c to 30c. Some merchants make more on ound of tea than they do in selling barrel of flour not so with us. Try our hiKh grade 6oc. Tea. Straight or blended and you will b. delighted. We also keep Tetley's and He No Teas in packages. A. D. COOPER, 32 SOUTH MAIN. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. Battery Park ...Bank... Excellent facilities for doing a gener al banking business. All business intrusted to us will have the best jxjssiblt attention. Col lections made and reported promptly, Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Correspondence and accounts so licited. Hanking hours 9 a. m. to in. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. JAS. P. SAWYER Pres 'rVrlrVn FOR OUR CARPETS WE CLAIM HIGHEST QUALITY. ISEAL'TIFUL PATTERNS? AND ELEGANCE IN COLORING. WHAT MORE CAN YOC DESIRE? LAWYER'S CARPET HOUSE No. 47 PATTON AVE. PHONE 22S. We have them in tan and black Regular 15c. qnal Si-.- .;- to 11. ity; reduced to Three Pair 25cts. COLLARS. The fain .his .moo linen Peyser, 4 ply. Standing and turn down; all shapes. As good as any 15c. collar, oizes 1 2 to iS. Three For 25 Cts. Alexander Courtney Co. cial 60 PATTON AVENUE. Autumn Novelties ARRIVING ALMOST EVERY DAY. Our lines are Dry Goods, Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Corsets, Upholstery Goods, Um brellas, Bags, Trunks, and Butterick Patterns. ONE PRICE SYSTEM. T . I THE TICKET COMPLETED ; WORK OF THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Instructions for J. M. Gudger, jr., for th Stat. S.nat Executive Co mmitt.e Meeting Next Satur day. The Citizen's second edition Saturday gave the result of the balloting in the Democratic county convention up to and including the tax collector-ship. Following this, the convention took the sense of the delegation on the State Senatorshlp. The name of Gen. Theoi F. Davidson was withdrawn, and It was announced that W. J. Cocke had already withdrawn through a card In the papers. The convention then in structel for J. M. Gudger, jr.. by ac clamation for the State Senate. Balloting for County Commissioners was next taken up, the first ballot re sulting In the nomination of J. E. Ran kin, his vote being 135. Ere the second ballot began, however, Mr. Rankin ap peared before the convention and de clined the honor. The convention then nominated R. J. Gaston, J. H. Wood ward and G. W. Lynch. For coroner the candidates were Dr. Dan. E. Sevier and Dr. W. E. Hemphill. Dr.. Sevier received the nomination on first ballot. J. W McKoy was nominated for sur veyor by acclamation. For constable, Asheville township, W. A. James, jr., was nominated by ac clamation. The ticket nominated by the conven tion follows: House Locke Craig and J. C. Curtis Clerk Superior court T. C. Starnes. Sheriff R. F. Lee. Reelster of deeds J. J. Mackey. Treasurer Erwln W. Patton. Tax collector Kelly Chambers. State Senate Delegation instructed for J..M. Gudger, jr. Commissioners R. J. Gaston, J, H. Woodward and G. W. Lynch. Coroner Dan. E. Sevier. Surveyor J. W. McKoy. Constable. Asheville township W. A. James, Jr. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The newly elected executive commit tee met Saturday, but adjourned to meet again next Saturday, September 3. at 12 o'clock, in the commissioners' room of the county court house. , The purpose of the meeting is the election of a chairman. All members of the committee and all of the candidates are requested to be in attendance. PURELY PERSONAL. Lines About the People Who omo and Go. J. I. Howatt has gone to Black Mountain. Rev. Joseph Cadwallader went to Black Mountain today. Miss Mabel Randolph went to Black Mountain today for a visit. Mrs. Ray has a house full of guests at her beautiful home in Woolsey. Dr. J. A. Burroughs has gone to Vir ginia Beach to attend a medical con vention. Atlanta Journal: Miss Mary Con- nally and Mrs. Will Matthews are at Asheville. Hiss Sue Hall came over from Waynesville this afternoon and will leave for Atlanta tomorrow. Principal J. S. Dickey of the Skyland institute has returned after a there week's absence from the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brtdger of Bia- der.boro and Dr. R. L. Prestwood of Hakersville are at the Swannanoa. Mr. and Mrs. Myers of Mobile, Ala., who have been staying with Mrs. Ray in Woolsey, left for their home today. Rev. Dr. Charles W. Byrd went to Waynesville Saturday for a portion of his vacation. Mrs. Byrd went out yes terday. Miss Blanche Baird of Wellsburg, W. Va., who has been the guest of friends here the past two months, has return ed to her home. Th mountain party chaperoned by Prof, and Mrs. Tighe. after spending several days among the mountains, re- urned Saturday. Mrs. W. O. Lipscombe and family, after spending several weeks at J. M. Alexander's, South Main, return today to their home in Gaffney, S. C. Miss Lottie Patterson and Dr. L Joe Broughton returned Saturday from Shelby, where they attended the Bap tist Sunday school Chautauqua. Miss Millie Greenhaum of New York, who has been visiting Miss Clara Li pinsky at i9 College street, has gone hame by way of Old Point and Norfolkl Edward Shippen and Robert Mosch zisker of Philadelphia left today for their home after a visit at the home of Alderman W. W. West, Chestnut ' street. Miss Alma Stikeleather and Miss Carrie Goodman of Atlanta returned Saturday from Waynesville. Miss Goodman will visit Miss Stikeleather for quite a while. Miss Mary Luther of Prosperity, S. C, who spent the summer in Ashe ville two years ago, passed through to lay 0:1 her way to Waynesville, where she expects to be about two months. A party came up from Atlanta toda in their private car and are spending the day. They go from here to Hot Springs. In the party are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howell, jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Atkinson. Mrs. E. O. Sieglin, Miss Anita Phinizy, and Clark Howell. Savannah Press: Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stults. Master Clifford and Miss Marguerite Stults left on Wednes- dav to spend the remainder of the sum mer in Asheville. Master Stults will en ter Bingham's military institute. Mr. and Mrs. S. L Lazaron and chil dren are in Asheville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. N. Emanuel Jacksonville Citizen: Mrs. F. W. R. Hinman and her little daughter, Miss Maria.i have been at Old Fort. N. C, for some time. They will leave soon for Asheville. Mr. C. B. Rogers ex pects to leave about beptemDer o ior the West, afterward going to Asheville, where he will be joined by Mrs. Rogers and children on the 10th and will make a stay there of several weeks. Get your boarding house represent ed in The Citizen's Boarding Column. Special rates to October 1. Call at the business office for particulars and prices. 1 HAVE FOUND IT. Best ' cal for cooking. Carolina Coal 'Phone 130. To October 1 The Citizen gives spe rates to boarding houses. Prices on application. H. REDWOOD & CC. Asheville, North Carolina. I I I I I l HI. M. ii ' AROUND TOWN. Al. G. Field's minstrels at the Grand opera house this evening. The Asheville Republican club will meet this evening in the hall over Ray's store. On account of the meeting at Moun tain Retreat, there will be no service in Gospel chapel tomorrow. Cars on the Asheville and BUtmore road will run after tonight's perform ance at the Grand. As Judge Green did not return this morning no forenoon session of the Superior court was held. Judge Green was expected to return to tne city mis I afternoon. The examination for the Bingham scholarship, full notice of which has been given in The CitUen, will be held on the third floor of the court house tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Al. G. Field minstrels paraded Just before noon today, and the proces sion of laughmakers was watched by a iir crowd. desDite the rain. An ex- cellent music program was given on tne square by Chester Nims' band. The Sunday school of Central M. E. churen, soutn, win spciiu " - ternoon at Lookout park, provided tht weather proves favorable. The scnooi . . - a. on a ill will meet at tne cnurcn ai s;ou uiu m board the cars on court square at 3. The Woman's Missionary society o the First Bantist church will have a mass meeting at the church Wednes day. There will be a basket dinner to which all missionary societies of tht Western Baptist convention are invit ed. Large congregations heard Rev. J. L. White, the former pastor, preach at the First Baptist church yesterday. Last evening an unusually large number at - tended the service. Mr. White dis cussed the theme "Behind the blood." Many went forward for prayer and there were several professions. A little Asheville boy recently, while playing with his little cousin's doll, broke its head. His mother gave him money and told him to buy a new one. He hesitated, and then said. 'Well, Mama. I think I can trade with I will buy some candy, eat the candy myself and pop the bag for her. In an account of the Baptist Chau tauqua at Shelby, the Charlotte Ob server's correspondent says: "The es say read by Mrs. J. M. Gudger, Jr., of Asheville, on the subject of 'Co-operation Beween Mothers and Teachers,' was one of the most valuable and inter esting productions of the Chautauqua. She read it with good effect and it made a good impression. Mrs. Gudger is a talented and accomplished lady, and her solos have been greatly enjoyed." Spalding's Official Football Guide has Just been issued'. The rules for 1898 are published exclusively In the Guide, which also contains the rules adopted by the Western universities, records' of all the schools and colleges, instructions to beginners, the All-America team for 1897, and portraits of over 1000 football players. The Guide contains 192 pages, making it the largest football guide ever published, and will be sent to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of 10 cents by the American Sports Publishing Co., 16 and 18 Park Place, New York. .. , , . ,, Salisbury correspondence Charlotte Observer: In conversation with Mr, Thomas McBee of Salisbury a few days ago, Dr. S. Westray Battle of Asheville, a retired government sur geon, told of a high tribute paid the magnificent physique of the late Wm. E. Shipp of Charlotte, who was killed in the war -with Spain. Dr. Battle said that in a recent conversation with the famous artist, Frederic Remington, Remington told him that his ideal . of perfect physical manhood was bhipp, and added that Shipp, whom he knew well, had been the model for all his mar tial figures, and especially cavalrymen. HANDSOME GIFT. Received by Superintendent Sprigg of the Asheville Division. The railroad men of the Asheville division of the Southern regretted very much that W. O. Sprigg, their super intendent, decided to take a similar position with the Lehigh Valley road. They were glad of his promotion, but were sorrv that he must leave. Yes terday morning they showed their re gret in a practical way. The boys of the road met in the Superintendent's office at 10 o'clock and presented to Mr. Sprigg a handsome set of table ware, 54 pieces of solid silver.the letters "W. O. S." being engraved on eacn piece. The ware was- enclosed in an antique oak box, there being a metal plate on top bearing the words "W. O. Sprigg; from his co-workers on South ern railway, Asheville, N. C, Septem ber 1, 1898." The engraving was done by Arthur M. Field. The presentation speech was made by Trainmaster J. H. Droege. Licensed to Wed. From Register Beachboard's office li cense to wed has been Issued as fol lows: J. W. Sullivan and Mary Underwood. C. E. Morgan and Cora Melton. J. C. Russell and M. A. Baldwin. J. C. Fowler and Laura H. Holcombe. David Thomas and Mary Benson; colored. Siras Pharm and Annie Whittlngton; colored. Special Mooting. President A. E. Brown issues the fol lowing: "Members of the Board of Missions of the Western Baptist con- ventlon are called to meet in the First Baptist church next Thursday at 8:30 p. m. Business of importance demands our attention." Goodbye to the Quo n- LONDON, Aug. 29. Col. John Hay, retiring United States ambassador, went to Osborne this afternoon, in or der to dine and sleep there and bid farewell to Queen Victoria, who starts for Scotland Wednesday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Six Cases of Toys Heston. Forerunner Men's Outfitter. Sox Alexander & Courtney. Sorosis Shoes Spangenberg. Umbrellas . D. Blanton & Co. Chocolate Paragon Pharmacy. Free Delivery Sunlight Oil Co. Good Repairing J. W. Chappell. To Cadets Berkeley Cigar Store. Chimneys Repaired Harper Stiles. Wanted Miss J., Box 18. Bravard. 4 Removal Sale F. D. Thompson & Co. 4 Sign Work T. W. Fitzpatrick & Son. 4 Salesman Wanted Gold Medal Celery Co. If you have ought that's fit to sell. Use printers' ink. and use It welL i fcj LEG AMPUTATED J As tli. Result .f Wnd Received in the Civil War. S. S. Lynch, a veteran of the Civil war, is very 111 at the Mission hospital. During the war Mr. Lynch received a gunshot wound and as the bullet entered his hip and was not until last week extracted, he has been I constant sufferer. Last week hi right leg was amputated. Dr. W. D. Hilliard and Dr. M- H- Fletcher having been the operating surgeons. There are reasons for the hope that the operation -will prove successful. Mrs. Lynch attends to her stall In Central market during the day and sits up with her husband! at ntgbt. It would be a commendable act If some of Mr. Lynch's old comrades or other friends should volunteer their services as watchers at his bedside. When a Cltlxen ad. leads you to trade with any one, will you kindly mention the fact to the merchant? It will be doing only Justice to the pa per and costs you nothing. Knox Hats Fall styles Just received 1 at Whitlock s. Remember the Maine cigar is sold at Blombergs, leader in smokers articles. SPECIAL N0T1CES. ANN ANDALE Select private board. Miss Johnston, 58 North Main street. T. W. FITZPATRICK & - SON is headquarters for all kinds of sign work ror trades display. TWO parlor suites at cost one $28.50. One $31.50. Call and see them. Mrs. L. A. Johnson, 27 North Main. I FOR RENT One tenement, six un 1 furnished rooms, pleasant location. Ap- ply No. 217 Haywood street. H. S. Haskell. 8-15dtf PHAETON for sale cheap. Second hand, but in excellent condition. Good make and solid leather top. Address P. O. Box 384. 8-24dlw "WANTED" A small farm of 10 to 30 acres with six or seven room house, within five miles of city. Address Farm, Box 244. BROWN & CO., practical tailors, over Cosbys Jewelry Store, 27 Patton ave nue. Leading styles. Honest workman ship. Repairing and cleaning done. 8-15dtf. FOR RENT 6 rooms, bath and range, suitable for light housekeeping. Shady location, 10 minutes ' walk to postofflce; $15. Apply 90 Cumberland avenue. ONE time is enough to convince yon that we do good repairing. Just give us a trial order, and we' will have a regular customer. Chappell, 35 College street. I FOR RENTr-Furnished and unfur- I nished rooms. Three connecting ground noor rooms with pantry, sink and closet, opening from back yard. Apply 5 Flint street. 8-ldtf STEP to the 'phone and order your oil from the Sunlight Oil and Gasoline Co. Don't have your groceries smelling of oil by having it delivered in the same wagon. Pratt's Astral is thebest. I ,Phno ,91 HAVE your chimney repaired before it goes too long. After it begins to crumble, every day you leave it it will get worse and cost you more when you do have it fixed. Harper Stiles, 39 Col lege street. VISITORS in Asheville on going to their homes always want to take some present to the children. We Just re ceived six (6) cases of toys a line of beautiful dolls at Heston's, 26 South Main. Phone 183. DONT FORGET The contest is still open to all for the bicycle at Lee's Fruit, Cigar and Candy Store. A tick et' with each 5 cent purchase . and a chance to win a good bike free it's, 25 South Main street. Phone 250. WANTED A position as teacher or governess by a lady who will teach the usual English branches, Latin, French. Music. Higher Mathematics and sten ography. Excellent references. Ad dress, "Miss J," Box 18, Brevard. 8-29-d2t PATRIOTIC Sofa Cushions and Picture Frames, red, white. and blue silks, a handsome line just in. A com plete line of wools and needles, also fleece-lined soles for slippers, and gen eral fancy goods for the season. De signing and Stamping done. Mrs. B. D. Jones, 54 Patton avenue. 8-10-dlm FOR RENT-rOne furnished 6-room flat in Kensington Place, Patton ave nue. Also one unfurnished flat in the Towers, Haywood street. All modern improvements, electric lights and door openers. Apply to O. D. Revell, 31 Tem ple Court, third floor, or 161, corner Pat ton and French Broad avenues. 8-19dtf SALESMAN WANTED Smart trav eling salesman, one who is well ac quainted through Xhe city of Ahseville and surrounding country, to solicit or ders during the celery season, good commission will be paid. Write at once. Address Gold Medal Celery Co., Kala mazoo. Mich. Reference: "Kalamazoo National bank and R. G. Dun. . 8-29d2t LAND FOR SALE 800 acres In Lin coln county, N. C. WU1 Bell In a body or 100 acre lota. A running stream on every lot; lies well, and Is splendidly adapted to raising: grain and stock. More timbered than in cultivation; dwelling and outhouses;, eight . miles from the railroad; daily mail; postofflce and two churcea within a mile. Address R. E. Sims, Triangle. N. C. ..FOR.. 25c We will sell Old Papers at the above rate so long as the present lot lasts. They are clean and not torn and tied up in packages of SO. One package 5 cents, single hundred 10 cents, two hundred 15 cents. They can be used to advantage In many ways. They .make a splendid substitute for regular cajrpet paper to put under carpets. Call at ' . CITIZEN BUSINESS OFFICE 400 TWELVE DOLLARS A YEAR - Is the rate which we have established for -. .- RESIDENCE TELEPHONES. i At this rate, which is less than FOUR -CENTS PER DAY, no family can afford to be without one. - - Upon notification oar agent will call upon intending subscribes and make all necessary arrangements for the connection. Sonthera BeU Telejphorie and Telegraph Co. IS flcrth Ccurt Square. pi -K5 c- mams W. B. WILLI AflSON & CO., 16 Patton Avenue. POSITIVELY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Lot of Hammocks now piled up at this special one one of the lot is as strong and good and rest-giving as it is beautiful. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, Phone 254. 20 South Main Street. J. W, NORWOOD, President. THE BLUE RIDGE OF ASHEVILLE. U. S. DEPOSITORY. iwery accommodation extended banking Safety deposit boxes to DIRECTORS. W. J. Slayden, James A. Burroughs, J. E. David, E. R. Lucas, J. V. Norwood, S. P McDivitt. VHITLOCK'S, 41 Patton Ave. CLOTHING HADE TO ORDER Just received, our stock of fall and winter piece goods in do mestic and imported Worsteds, Cheviots, Kerseys and Whip cords for Suits and Trousers. We offer choice styles at reason, able prices. Perfect iit guaranteed. Call at WHITLOCK'S, 41 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Speaking of the Weather- It makes no difference to our custo mere what the skies show up se rene existence attends our meat foods. Better get In out of the wet. W. IW. HIUIU & CO. Telephone 66. Men When you don't have time to go to your meals, just drop in and we will serve you as good meal for 25 cents as you get most places for 50 and 75 cents We sell 21 meals for $3.50. KissMe Candy Co. 43 Patton Ave. 'Phone 246. 1 FOR EXCHANGE for city property- A farm of 40 acres, in fine condition. all under cultivation, and 15 minutes drive from court house. Well watered, small fruits. admirably adapted - to dairying, truck or poultry. Address "Exchange," Citizen Office. M Our advice now is to call as often as you can in order to; keep up with new styles and patterns In ' tiSlPa rADPPTft AND RUGS We shall not try to -tell you of them all, but will be pleased to show them to you. that we have ever seen anywhere is hammock counter. And every OUR BICYCLES Won first and second place in tlie races at Hot Springs. "Eagl" and "Cleveland" Bicycles are strong and auraDie, ana last, out not least, are easy running wheels. You are on the safe side when you buy of us. ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO., EUGENE C. SAWYER, PROPRIETOR Phone 228. 47 Patton avenue. E. R. LUCAS, Cashier. NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000 to depositors consistent with found rent. No interest paid on deposits. E. SLUDER, Teller. HOUSTON MERRIMON, Bookkeeper. .Selected Meat Dealers. Special Matinee FOB LADIES AND CHILDREN BY Ak G. FIELD'S GREATER niNSTRELS GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday, 3 P. M., Aug. 29. Owing to the large demand for tick ets for the night performance, the man agement has determined to give a la dies and children's matinee. Prices of admission Adults, first floor, 75c. balcony, 50c. Children, 25c. to all parts or tne house. No seats reserved. Special notice Seats reserved for night performance will not be ex changed for matinee. Parade at 11 O'Clock A. M. MUTTON. LAMB AND SAUSAGE, DRIED AND CORNED MEATS. We Buy the Best Phone or call orders promptly - Delivered. I DEEF JDeef- L. L. WhiteKead,Fted2e'Pattersoa'Webb& I 1898... t3 . nor ...Coa WE SELL IT. Can Fill Your Bins Peemptly. Price and Weight Correct. CALL OR PHONE 40. Asheville Ice and Coal Company 3 IRON BEDS GALORE. They have just arrived and are not only latest in do sign but most substantially built. In styles they .-nit the rich, but in price they suit the poor. W. A. BLAIR, Telephone No. 75. . . . . 45 Patu.n Ave: , REMOVAL NOTICE. The very. large Increase !n -ur business lias compelled us . s,-, k quarters with better facilities: We have removed to the n:ni'.,u ;i, v, -house-on Southern railway track, corner Depot and Roberts streets, a private sidetrack. Prices lower than ever. TELEPHONE NO. 150. POSTOFFICE l:. , F. D. THOHPSON & CO., ( ommfs-ion Merchants. HAY, GRAIN, FEED AND PTOP.AG E. ESTABLISHED 1888. THE WINYAH SANITARIUM. Special Private InstUntion for Treatment of lung and Throat Diseases. Kurt von Ruck, B. S. M..D., Medical Director. RATES $22.60 and upward per meek, according to room selected, ami In cludes everything excepting medicines, which are supplied ntcoHt A certain number of rooms are reserved at a lower rate for pHtlt-ntg wiio flu anclal circumstances require It, and to uch the medicines ar. also included. Patients can enter and leave at miy time. Hopelessly advanced cases are uot admitted, WINYAH HOTEL AND SANITARIUM CO. Bainbridge's Pound Paper OINJLV !5C. A Newest Brs - - 18 South MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, Hot Springs, N. C. T. D. GREEN, Manager. 38 Miles From Asheville. Reduced SPECIAL REDUCED SUMMER RATES. DRINK KOLOM : CHAR A -Most Delightful Ceylon and India Tea. If there Is a class of people on earth who know how to blend teas to per fection they tre the people of India. This tea Is blended with 11 different kinds of tea, it is put up in the original tinfoil packages of half pounds at 30 cents. Try it. F. H. White, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET. PHONE 20S Cuba Lands For Sale Now that- the war is over, men of capital will not be slow to realize that Cuba and Porto Rico lands will yield a better income than the gold fields of the Klondike, and those who consult their best interests will not delay, but invest at once. I offer for sale a very valuable plantation of 600 acres 14 miles from Mantazas, suitable, for the culti vation of sugar and tobacco. Good rail road and' water transportation. For particulars apply to , H. F. GRANT, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 24 SOUTH MAIN STREET. pOR SALE Merrimoa Ave. & Chestnut St. Lot 378x203 feet.; two story and attic; Dncjc dwelling, with frame stable, etc. No. 101 Pine Street. 7 acres of land; two story brick dwel ling. . Broad and Liberty Streets. tot 162x72V4 feet; two story frame awemng. No. 13 Starnes Avenue. Lot 96x175 feet; two story frame dwell ing. Woodfin St, Near Centreal Av. Lot 77x146 feet; frame store and two story frame dwelling, etc Apply to T. W. Sharpless, 706 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. FOR RENT. .. THREE small store rooms In Paragon Building, fronting on Haywood St. SIX FIRST CLASS offices, on 3d floor of Paragon Building. THREE OFFICES and sleeplag rooms on za noor ox JJr. t. c Smith's drug store, or Johnston Building. CLUB ROOMS on Sd floor of Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store, ow Johnston Building. PALAIS ROTAL store and basement, 28 South Mam street, now occupied by Oestreicher & Co. Possession "given September X. ONE STORE ROOM on Lexington St. VULtlJjOilJ. Season . 189Q HARD AND SOFT (Rescreened.) FOR PARLOR and RANGE. WHOLESALE AND 1: 1.1. Mi. is Unsurpassed.. POUND. - Finest Stationery Main Street. Rates Round Trip Tickets From all lYnns The Sweetest Steaks, The Juiciest Roasts, the Tend.-ivs: Mutton and Veal Chops are to be f .u :, l at our stall, City Market. Ve ha v. : NATIVE MEATS. SUGAR CURED HAMS. COUNTRY HAMS. DRESSED -POULTRY. LAMB AND VEAL, FAUSAGE, CORNED BEEF. OUR OWN MAKE OF PURE I. KM' LARD Is the best that can be bought. V. know it is pure and clean, for we m.,k. it ourselves. F.ZIMMERHANN CITY MARKET. PERFECT DINNERS COOKED ON Vapor Stoves ALWAYS READY. 2,000,000 NOW IN USE. NO TROUBLE. NO SMOKE. NO ASHES. NO ODOR. ALMOST N O r BROWN, NORTHUP & CO.. 33 PATTON AVE. Best Corn Doctor. The best corn doctor in the i i r the Peerless Corn Solvent. Th:- ' four applications will remove tli - and without causing pain or soiti. Price 25 cents. CURRENT PRICES. Wipe of Cardul, 75c; Black Dr.m-: t 20c; Peruna. 75c; Wizard Oil, 4' Castoria, 25c; Mennen's Talcum der, ljc; Lithia Tablets, 2c. ZZc. ;:. 1 40c. Grant's Pharmacy, f U SOUTH MAIN ST. HauIin All orders for draylng of any kioa will have prompt and careful attention If given us. We are prepared to haul anything, from the lightest weight to the heaviest machinery. Leave orders lift t-Cj" pi H at ofQce Si Patton avenue, or phone 141- J.At. LrORICK & Co. STALL A, CITT MARKET. phokb act. 5 and 9 Jonnston Building. er. TOO. D. JOSNITOK.

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