LUZ AZllLVUIZ: DAILY CITIZEN. FAT I ' VY. :-'A'I. it, 1 SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES Announcements fijr the Guid ance of Worshipers. EDWAItp THOMPSON TO FREACH AT CENTRAL METHO DIST CHURCH AT 11 A. M. At Central Methodist church tomor row Edward Thompson, LL. D., of Oeorgla, will preach at 11 o'clock on fabbath Observance." Dr. Thompson Is especially Interested In this phase of religious work and has spoken at a nenber of places In this behalf. Br. Thompson will hold a mass meet toe at the First Baptist church tomor- " raw evening at 7:30, In the interest of Ssnday observance. Several churches. asseng them Central Methodlatand the EDWARD THOMPSON, LL. Flrsl Presbyterian, will " Join In this service and will not hold evening ser vices at their own churches. Dr. Thompson is general manager of the soJthern office , of the Sunday League of America, with headquarters at Atlanta. The league's methods are; Instead of taking a collection for sup port of the league, the people will be Invited to subscribe for the leaflets of this society. These leaflets present ev cry phase of the rest-day question In brief and popular articles by ablest writers. ' ' Haywood Street M. E.. church, south Dr. Edward Thompson will preach on "Sabbath Observance" at 3:30 p. m. Junior League at 2:30 and Senior League at 7 p. m. Both meetings in schoolroom. As the pastor Is at confer' ence there will be no service morning or night. Sunday school at 9:45. North Ashevllle M. E. church, south In the absence of the pastor at con ference, the only service during the day will be Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. The congregation will attend Cen tral church to hear Dr. Edward Thompson. f Bethel M. E. church, south J. J, Welch will preach both morning and evening. Rev. A. E. Brown will preach at the French Broad Baptist church at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. All Souls' churcli, Blltmore, Rev. R. R. Swope, D. D., rector Services at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist Johnston bulldlng,rSouth Main street and Court place. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. Seats free. West End Baptist church Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., W. A. Hayes, su perlntendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. T. L. Brown. First Presbyterian church Preach ing at 11 a. m. by the pastor, Dr. R. F, Campbell. St. Lawrence Catholic church Ser vices at 8 and 11 a. m. Father Marlon, rector. There will be services at Bethel M, E. church, south, both at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. J.--J; Welch. Sunday school, 9:30, L. B. Alexander, superin tendent; Epworth League at 7 p. m. Trinity church, Sunday next before Advent Holy communion, 8 a. m.; morning prayer, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 3:15 p. m.; evening prayer, 4:30. All seats free. Services at the Christian church to morrow will be as usual sermon at 11 o clock; Sunday school at 10. First Baptist church Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Preaching at tlie morning hour by the pastor, Rev. W, M. Vines. Subject, "What he Young People's Movement Means." At 7 :45 there will be a mass meeting of the churches under the auspices of the Sunday League of America, to be ad dressed by Dr. Edward Thompson, Sunday school at 9:30,-Jr H. Tuckerr superintendent. B. T. P. U. at 7 p. m All are cordially Invited to attend them services. St Matthias, Sunday next before Ad vent Holy communion, 7 a. m.: mat ins, litany and sermon, 11 a. m. ; even song and sermon, 4. Rev. H. S. McDuf fey, priest in charge. Men's Department. Clothing Values - - D. When you are out looking for '.'real" bargains In clothing for MEN and BOYS we Invite you to "drop In" and get our prices. It will be to your ad vantage"to do so. Special Sale of Boys' CoatL $1.48 Medium weight 1 j KMOVreo j THE OUTFITTER j ( "? " i rTksHCVILCC. w.cS?-7 ' I Around Town. I FORECAST tin 8 p. m. Sunday: Cloudy, with rain tonight and probably Sunday. Ashevllle lodge K. of P.. initiated 10 new members last evening. Woodlawn cafe prints special Sunday dinner bill tf fare In The CUlien today. The ladies of St. Mary's Guild will hold their annual doll sale early in J cember. - .. . W.' F. Staley will preach tomorrow at 11 o'clock at Gash's Creek Baptist church. There will be a called meeting of St. Mary's Guild Monday at 4 o'clock at Mrs. Dunn's studio. Baylis & Brltt and W. C. Stradley are. additional signers of the Thanks giving day closing agreement. -Rev. A. S. Cottlngham will speak at the song service of the Toung Men's Institute Sunday at 6 p. m. Bible class 1:30 to 2:30. 1 At the morning service at Central church tomorrow, two anthems will be rendered by the choir, and there will be a solo by Miss Matthewson. - The Ashevllle German club has re-' celved an invitation to a german to b given by the Bingham German club at the Battery Park hotel on tha28th. Do not forget the Flower mission oys ter supper Monday afternoon and evening. . A most enjoyable . musical treat Is promised by Spear's orchestra. McCbhnell Brothers have purchased the property of Mrs. John W. Starnes at No. 133 North Main street, through Wllkie & LaBarbe's real estate agency. The Puritan magazine nr December contains pictures of Miss Julia Adams and Miss Blanche Rldgeley of this city in the "Types of Fair Women" depart ment. Both photos were by Ray. The "market house "hours for Wednes day, the 28th, ,wlll De from 6:30 ft. m. to 7:30 p. m., the longer hours being al lowed In consequence of the market closing all Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Featherston and the teachers of Bailey street school spent an hour and a half In the woods yesterday for a lea- son In nature study. The children' bright eyes were on the alert for speci mens and all returned, after a very de lightful time, laden with many, which will furnish topics for numerous useful lessons. The Odd Fellows of this city are an ticipating the largest kind of a time Thanksgiving day, when all the lodges wlll'Joln In a banquet at the Swanna noa hotel. The Odd Fellbws wish all visiting brethren to help demolish the good things and request that they hand their names to Dr. L. B. Mo Brayer, to receive Invitations. - The position of manager of Sawyer's carpet house, vacated by O. M. Coston, will oe taken by H. C. Perkins, who has had fcmg and successful experience In this line. Mr. Perkins came here from Atlanta some months ago. Ha purchased the handsome cottage at No, 7 Flint street and has made Asnevuio his home. Mr. Perkins already naa many friends here and Is welcomed as a permanent resident Dusiness man oi the city. 4 v GOODS ROADS DIRECTORS STATEMENT ON THE BILTMORE ROAD TO BE ISSUED. The Good Roads association directors held an Interesting and encouraging meeting last evening at the Hotel Berkeley. It was ordered that as soon as all the bills, of which there are a few small ones, are presented and paid, for the work of macadamizing the Blltmore road a statement will be made show Ing the names of the subscribers, to gether with the amount subscribed and also the disbursements. F. W. W. Graham was elected director. . The directors also considered a num bt-r of names of probable members and as a result several additions to the a sedation are expected at the next meeting:. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER WOOD- LA.WN CAFE. Cream of Chicken Stuffed Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms Sea Trout Broiled with Shoestring Potatoes. - Oyster Patties with Celery Cold Ham Buffalo Tongue With Ptcklec Scuppemong Wine Boiled Spinach Creamed Potatoes Asparagus Tips on Toast with Cream Old Sweet Potatoes Ponea Genalyne Pancakes with Current Jelly Mountain Corn Biscuits Blackberry Pie Peach Roll Brandy Sauce Tuttl Fruttl Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Oranges Milk Coffee ' Tea Baldwin's Crab Annie Cream is excel lent for chapped hands and rough skin and for use on the face after shaving, 25c. Grant's Pharmacy. U-J2H Women's : . Flannel and TOU are offered for a FEW values In FLANNEL and All $8.00 Flannel All 6.50 All All All 6.00 5.00 4.00 On a separate counter you'll find a of SILK WAISTS for Some formerly sold for $8.00. ALMOST READY FOR HORSE SHOW Extensive Improvements at Riverside Park. THANKSGIVING DAT SPORTS GIVE PROMISE OF BEING THE BEST EVER OFFERED HERE. The promised finish of the extensive Improvements at Riverside park la In sight, and the three days interval un til Thanksgiving day will keep going the push of the management In needed touches for the complete enjoyment of the patronage. - All the fencing is up and spreads of ilgnscape bid for place in the all-front View without and within the Inclosure. Wire netting is yet to be . stretched upon the Inside rati of the track to pre vent the escape of the quarry in the chase events. From the railway office to the club house, and following the line of the former track to the sandpits work Is being put In on a trackage that will bo ample for cars in waiting for the return to the city at the close of each day's sports, wire fencing will prevent ac cess along the river front and at the entrance point of the surplus cars there will be Iron gates to effectually guard tne northern end of the park. The removal of the old pavilion close to the track side and (Is renovation as a club house has been accomplished; and the building, beBldes its uses for the comfort of the attendance, is of de elded attraction In the line of the course.- The structure has been raised to a second story, ana is Inclosed, ex cept In front, with rougn finish and windows. Reds and green will color the outside, and the Interior of the up per floor Is luminous in bright blue. The wall on the river side of the build' ing contains a broad cnlrnney, and as the weather suggests there- will be com fort from the warmtti of "tire wide open fire place. Seventy leet of railed balcony runs along the second story front. The grand stand is in course of eree tlon, closely adjacent ' to . the club house. The opportunity for close view of the track and field Is equally good whether from the balcony and stand or from any pokit along the stretch, the low fencing and elevated ground form Ing fine advantages for enjoying what ever sports are up without personal discomfort. Already the running of the track la being tried by the local horsemen, and though no packing has yet been done by the big roller, the trials have given proof that when the smoothing has been done fast time will be made. In the speeding by several flyers last evening a limber greyhound jumped along with the horses and kept up with the rapid pace of the leaders. From the large number of One horses now owned In Ashevllle there will doubtless be a handsome display In the show numbers of the program set for the opening of the park Thursday next, while In the racing events lt believed the best sport ever eeen here will be bad. THE JEW AND AMERICA. COMMENT ON DR. MADISON PETERS' LECTURE. Editor The Citizen: The audience that gathered to hear Rev. Dr. Madi son C. Peters of New York last night' deliver his famous lecture "Justice to the Jew" were repaid by an array of most Interesting facts concerning that historic nation. , The person who could fall to see that such a people will yet enjoy a glori ous future, la blind Indeed. But strango to say, none so blind as the eloquent speaker himself.who pronounces Amer ica their Zion, when "The Book" he so highly eulogized, and for which he gave that nation credit, contains state ments In langu&ge unmistakable, that. Palestine Is their possession by title deed from Jehovah, and prophecies by the scores and hundreds, equally plain and specific, that they as a nation shall surely receive and enjoy It. f Thus considered, the remarkable movement of Zionism, now general throughout the world, might, if right ly treated, htfVe thrown additional light upon the subject of "Justice to th Jew." ROBERT U GARRETT. IN THE T. M. C. A. ' The last of the series of evangelical services will be held tomorrow at 3:45 p. m. in the rooms of the T. M. C. A. There w ill be an address by Dr ". F. Campbell. The personal workers Bi ble class will meet at S p. m., J. 3. Welch leader,- The invitation commit tee will meet at 5. Supper will be serv ed after the meeting. Dr. McGIlvra, eye, ear, throat and aose specialist, will see patients at the Berkeley hotel until his offices are fit ted up. All old friends and former pa tients are cordially Invited to call. 11-22 dtf Department. Silk Waist Sale : DATS ONLY EXCEPTIONAL SILK WAISTS-here'they are: Waists for. . ; . . .$6.50 1V1 . for. , 5.50 for., for. . for. . 5.00 400 3.00 line $3.48 PRESIDENT SPENCER President Spencer and the board of directors of the Southern railway ar rived on time yesteday afternoon and remained today until 1L having the headquarters on their train of privaU cars while here. Just before leaving the party visited the model cottages, school house, etc., at Blltmore village. A confidant of President Spencer in Ashevllle says that the trip Is of no special significance to Ashevllle, aim t,hat the report that the Pennsylvania proposes to buy out 1 & Southern is groundless. Thanksgiving Day The national day of thanks Is draw. irg bear, and. you should have a good dinner without fall. If you want the bebt In meats, you should not fall to call on W. M. HILL 6V CO. . CITY MARKET. PARENTS... Do you want your children to be strong and healthy? If ( you do you take a long step In the right direction when you give them a bicycle. Xmas Is a nice time for the present to be glV' en, and the child will 'be happy indeed. We have, just received a supply of 1901 Boys' and Girls' Bicycles for the Xmas trade and would be pleased to show them to you. They are beauties, Ashcville Cycle Co 18 & 20 Church St Phone 228. i S3 : A PRETTY RUG. p s g;3 Goes further towards &t brightening up a room 3 than any other one piece U of furniture. We have g pretty Rugs in all grades gjjj at prices from 50c. to Si? $60, and will take pleas tti ure in showing them S5 to you. ' SAWYER'S CARPET HOUSE 18 and 20 Church Street Phone 228 Removal. Monan!s Book Store Has moved to their new quarters, 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, where they are better prepared to serve their cus' tomers. J. N. Morgan & Co. 11-22-lmo. 28 S. Main Street. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, C74l November f - III ."Get your money's worth." The best show of the season. The world fa mous BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS Greatest Colored Show on Earth. BLACK PATTI 30 AND 30 EBONY ECSTACIES A bunch of fun and melody. Coon Comedy, Darkey Fun, Cake Walks, Buck Dances and Sweet Melodies. This Is the original company, which has made one of the most popular hits In the annals of American amuse' ments. It Is better than a circus. Prices Z5, BO, 76 and 11.00. Seats on sale Friday at the Paragon Pharmacy. Shoddy Photographs Are KOod for nnthlnir. TKinv.lirh years behind the camera tins taught us 10 mane only tne nnest. The same la true with our picture frames. Liwik at our samples. Next to publje library. m THIS IS A FURNITURE, AD. It is not tatended to deceive you or to Induce you to buy If you a. not so Inclined. It la written simply to tell you of the best stock of furniture thai was ever made. The styles are varied and up to date. The furniture Is strong, well made, durable and handsome. The prices are economical. We shall be glad to have you come In and look around. You needn't think you must buy. Blair &Smathers 49 hatton CAvenue DON'T IMAGINE THAT COUCHES... Are all alike quite the contrary. Some never look well, some look well at first but soon give out. Others look well at first and continue to look well, because they are honestly made. We are offering this week excellent couches upholstered In desirable colors at $12.00 . Nothing better made for the money. See also our line of Davenports. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., i6 Patton Avenue. (JNDERWEAR: The best stock of Underwear in the city in all sizes .for men and boys, in cotton, merino and all wool, from $1.00 to $6.00 per Suit. TheWhitlock Clothing House, No. 41 PATTON AVENUE. Removed- We have removed from 4 Patton avenue to 16 NORTH COURT SQUARE, where we are better pre pared than ever to do PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING .cording to the most modern scientific and sanitary methods.' All orders promptly executed. Ball & Sheppard 18 NORTH COVRT SQUARE. 4.0 "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET Phone 72 , Palmistry Is the latest society - fad. Don't fall to visit NNO S.GrPSr CAMP And have your hand read by Scientific Palmistry. Admission, Including read ing, 10 cents.. 68 So. Main St., opp. bwannanoa Hotel. Open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Can Le engaged for parties or will make private calls by request. ll-131m FOR SALE. Ashes from. Spent Tan And Refuse Lime FOR FERTILIZERS. Price for Ashes $1.00 per ton Price for Lime..... $1.50 per ton - ppty to HANS REES SONS ASHBYILLB TANNERY. mm ii Otitis ' 1,1 - - - lv -: v m t'J, ' i', Ouisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium. 1 zf 1(7 French Broad Ashevllle, N. C latest Germ-in roctfc ods We aait na ture to cure the va lient by; Proper dies, sun-baths, alr-batua, mastage Swedish movements, preecr!be4 exercise, baths, packs, eta All diseases treat ed. Treatment In ani out rf tht Sanitarium. Classes In Swedish movement lally. l-Y VA- ------ At the Club or at Home The man who knows what's wkat wants good liquors when he wan.ta any can't foist any poor stuff en hlT' We don't try to rush Inferior goods oa our patrons that's why w have pat rons; that's why they deal witk us year after year; send us other cus tomers. Best whiskies, brandies, gins, liquors and cordials. $500 Win buy ever thing that be-n In stock here over 30 DAYS. baa $J2-00 This, then, with the fact that we sell almost three times this, amount each week, not only commends us, but practically In sures you against stale or out Of date goods. We never have to sell below cost to get the trade to absorb our blunders or use something unwholesome. Respectfully, H. C. JOHNSON 11 PATTON AVENUE. Lindscy's Art Parlors injjnjLf-r'ij-iin.r- 1 iss1 - ,