7T- mm eclipse liHRNlit 10 Itbi E lilSTEIN THEORY September 21 Will Be fjDark Day in Some Areas of the World. t . ray rwa amocutbo mm ' CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 13. The act that you do not live at the east coast of Africa. Australia or on islands In the Southern Pacitis Ocean relieves you of the unpleas antness of a dark day on 8et,tim ber II, , On that date, according to Prof. Edwin B. Frost of the University of Chicago and director of the Yes Ites Observatory, a total solar eclipse will occur over that region. The moon, coming between the earth and the sun, wlli cast a shadow which will sweep over the southern sea from a point off the Southern Railway System Notice To The Traveling Public In order to conserve fuel and motive power, attention is called to the following curtailment of summer train service: Trains 3 and 4, between Asheville and Columbia, will make last trip North bound from Columbia Wednesday, Sep tember 6th, and last trip Southbound from Asheville 8:25 P. M., same date. Trains 21 and 22, between Asheville and1 Waynesville, will be discontinued; these trains making last trip in each direc " tipn between the points named on Wed- nesday, September 6th. Trains 14 and 235, between Char lotte and Atlanta, will be discontinued, 'ast train,' leaving each terminal Wednesday ' evening, September 6th. . Trains 15 and 16 between Ashe . ville and Salisbury, will be temporarily discontinued, these trains making last trip between the points named on Wedriesday, September 6th. Asheville-New York and Asheville-Washington sleepers will be handled on Trains 11 and 12. ; ' ' 1 Asheville-Savannah sleeping' car will make last trip Southbound leaving Ashe ' ville on Train 1 0 at 3 : 10 P. , September ) 6th. -' - '.. AshevilleWilmington sleeping car will make last trip Eastbound leaving Ashe ville on Train 10 at 3 : 10 P. M., September "- 6th. ' On and after Thursday, September 7, the Asheville-Macon and Asheville-New Orleans (via Atlanta) sleeping cars will be handled on Train No. 10 leaving Ashe ville 3:10 P. M., instead of Train. No. 4, -heretofore. . '! On and after Thursday, Sept 7th, the Asheville-Richmond sleeping car Vill be shortened to a Salisbury-Richmond sleeper and passengers desiring spaces in the Rich mond sleeper should leave Asheville on Train No. 12, at 2:25 P. M., in order to connect with this sleeper at Salisbury. On and after Thursday, September 7th, the Asheville-Charleston sleeping car, . . heretofore leaving Asheville on Train No. ! 4, at 8:25 P. M., will, be shortened to be come a Spartanburg-Charleston sleeping car, and passengers desiring to use. this car should leave Asheville on Train No. 10, at 3 : 1 0 P. M., in order to connect with this car at Spartanburg, as this car will be han- ' died on-No. 10 from -Spartanburg to Charleston in future. ' On and after Sunday, September 10th, the Asheville-Louisville sleeping car, leaving Asheville on Train No. 1 1, at 3 :25 P. M, will be extended to operate between Asheville and St. Louis, via Southern Rail way, arriving St Louis 7:24 following ' evening. - ' ' For further particulars, consult ticket agents " J.H.WOOD Division Passenger Agent, 42 Haywood St, Asheville, N. C . Galvanized Pipe, Valve and Fittings, Terra Cotta Pipe, Flue Lining, Plumbing and Heating Supplies, Wholesale and Re tail, v, Plumbing and Heating Contractors SUGG & BRITT, 7 'Phone 4217. 17 Broad w.y. A Distributors Pittsburgh Gas Heaters. eastern oast of Africa iiear the Equator, cross a few scattered is lands and the continent of Aus tralia and then out to the Southern Pacific Ocean, he said. This trail of the shadow will be about 11S miles wide, the dura tion of totality at different point will vary from three to six min utes and Professor Frobt declared to be an unusually long- eclipse. Expeditions from various astron omical Institutions will be estab lished at favorable points to study the eclipse. John Everched. di rector of the observatory st Kod.il kanal, India, will make his obser vations from the Malulve islands. Astronomers from the ltoyal Ob servatory at ffreenwlch England, have established a station on Christmas Island. A party from Batavla, Dutch Indies, also will be located at Christmns Island and will be joined by Dr. FreunJlioh from the Einstein laboratory at the Potsdam Observatory. Prof. W. W. Campbell with a party from the Lick Observatory will he a'.s'.loned at Wallal, Australia. Prof. Chant of the University Observatory at Toronto will be with this group. "The total eclispse of the sun always has been one of nature's most thrilling spectacles," said Professor Frost. "It gives a mo- THE mentory glimpse of the mysterious veil surrounding the sun, called the corona, which Is never visible at any other time. "Gigantic rosy eruptions of flow ing gas also may be seen along the rtm of the eclipsed sun." On September 10. 192S, he said, a total eclipse will touch the coast of the United States at Santa IHnr hara and near San IMegu, Calif. Thei Islands o the Pacific Coast, notably Banta Catallna, will be well situated for stations. The track of the shadow will sweep southeast across Mexico. Prepa rations for observing the eclipse already have been started by sev eral American observatories. After the one of 1923. the next total solar eclipse that can be ob- I served under favorable conditions in United States will be on August 21, 2017. Kinstoln Theory Comes Under Text Form. ' New tests of the validity of Ein stein's theory of relativity will be possible with the total solar eclipse on September 21. according to Professor Ed win B. Krost of the University of Chicago. The theory requires, he said, that the rays of light from a dis tant star should be bent out of their straight path when they pass within the field of attraction of a great body like the sun. But stars whose light passes close to the rim of the blazing sun cannot be photo graphed except on these rare occa What is Castoria C ASTORIA ia a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pareiroric, Drops and Soothing gyrupa. It I pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago ia ita guarantee. For more than thirty yeara it has bean in conatant use for tha relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feveriah nesa arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural aleep. TheChUdren'a Comfort The Mother' Friend. , The Kind Yon Hare Alwaja Bought and which haa been In use for over 30 years, haa borne the signature of Chaa H. Fletcher, and haa been made under hia personal aupervision since ita infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeit. Imltationa and " Just-as-Good are but Jixpenmenta that, trifle uiiBiiui una vniiaren experience experiment. Ganulna Castoria always bears tha signature i We have a full line of TRUSSES Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces and know how to fit them Smith's Drag Store On the LINCOLN and THE UXLVfiRAAI. CAB The World's Greatest Motor Car Values Richbourg Authorized Lincoln 'Phones 3866-2266. To Florida by Bus On Sept. 18 we will send two of our Busses to Florida, and can accommodate a limited number of passengers. Other busses later. Fare to Miami, $15.00; to Jacksonville, $10.00. Tickets and infor mation at our office, Smith's Drug Store. RED BIJS LINfc 'Phone ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 14, sions when the moon obscures the sun. The path of tha sun. In lta an nual sweep around the sky, la dot ted with many stars which would serve for the test, but only those can be used which nearly erase the Sun at the moment of eclipse, Prnfessod Frost said. Accordingly, a photograph Is made of these stars at a time of the year when the sun is In a dif ferent part of the sky. On such photographs, taken at night with tha tame Instrument that Is used at the eclipse, the distances be tween the critical stars are measur ed to the ten thousandth of an Inch. At the moment of the eclipse these stars will He on opposite sides of the sun. Hence, when this photograph Is measured, the dis tances between the corresponding stars . should be slightly greater than on the plates taken some weeks before or after the eclipse. and which were not disturbed by the sun's presence, according to Professor Frost. The observations by two English parties of the eclipse of May 39 1919, in Brasll anj In Liberia, In this way ylolded results which have been regarded as giving the strongest physical confirmation of Etnateln'a theory, says Professor Frost. Several parties of astronomers are locating stations In ,the path or the snaaow ana win man' in vestigatlons along this line. It will with and endanger the health of against Square Motor and Ford Dealers. 52-60 Broadway. 3686. not be until some months after the eclipse that they shall know wheth er the measurements confirm the theory for this eclipse. . Matty astronomers predict the eclipse of 1922 will fail to confirm the results of that of 1919. LATV WORK M KE WEALTH HI S AT State Has Population Less Than Philadelphia, in Third Year. RIGA. Latvia. Sept. 13. It la three years since the Paris Peace t'onference brought Ita youngest child, the Latvian Kepuhllran Into the world. Like most of ita other progeny, Latvia Is doing well, but Is finding life a difficult and rigor ous one. It knows It haa a long and tortuous road to travel to gain Its full stature of statehood and Join the grown up members 6f the family of nations. The people have been Immensely heartened by th'e United States' recent recognition of the Republic. Latvia. which la about the size of West Virginia and has a small er population' than the City of Philadelphia, la handicapped by Its terrible losses of life and prop erty during- the war and by lack of capital. On the other hand,' like all new states. It is unfettered by precedent and by the claims of vested Interests, and Its human raw material Is excellent. Long before the war the Latvians, who through centuries of history were successively under Swedes, Oer mans and Russians, had proved their efficiency as workers. Their chemical, textile and metnllurlgl cal industries and their Baltic trade were highly remunerative They paid all their own govern mental expenses, and contributed a large annual surplus to the Itus slan treasury. The manner In which the Lat vlan volunteer army composed of farmers and peasants and led by students of the Riga Polytechnlo bchools, drove out first the Ger mans, then the Bolshevlkl, and finally the Junker forces of Von der Golrz and Bermondt, shows that the Latvians are also efficient as fighters. In thin little state there Is virtually no Illiteracy, and all the people speak three languages Latvian, Russian and German Ia Reared on Bleak Shores of Baltic. Tha Latvian Government la hard at work building Utopia on tha bleak shores of the Baltic, One of Its first measures was to found a university in Its capital city of Riga, one of its latest has been to reform ita currency and to stop the issue of paper money. The value or the Latvian ruble, as measured in dollars. Is slowly creeping up. Export and Imports are now very nearly balanced. By HALF THE FIGHT AGAINST ILLNESS Keep the LivertVepajred to Do Its Duty in Cleansing the System. Black - Draught Will Help. Kerneravllle, N. C. Mrs. Wesley Mabe, who resides near hera, says Thedford's Black Draught Is kept In her home all the time, since It haa proved very valuable when used to correct derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, end to help prevent sickness .from de veloping from such conditions. , "For dizziness, headaches, colds. and similar troubles, , Black - Draught is a wonder," according to Mrs. Mane, "It helps carpr away bile and cold the easiest of any medicine I ever saw. "I have used Black-Draught with my whole family, and will con-ig UJ1UH IU UU BU, US 11 IIU flUVni 11. worth, We are glad to reoom mend Black-Draught. My health la Juet fine." Black-Draught has tfeen found a useful adjuvant In breaking up colds, when the use of a laxative or cathartic medicine is Indicated. It acts upon the liver as a tonic, helping to drive poisons and un healthful matters from the sys tem. Biliousness. dizziness, coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, often warn you that your liver is out of fix. Don't neglect It. Pre ventlon of Illness is better than cure. Take 2 .ck-Draught, for your liver. Be sure you get Thed ford's. Most Draught. druggists sell Black- Get a package, ford's. Advt. today, Thed- TS VMIVIRIAl CAM Chassis $285.00 t . F. O. B. Dferroit RICHBOURG MOTOR CO. l-0 Broadway Fbona SSM-23M DR. C M. BEAM 1 - DENTIST Over Carmlchael'a Pharmacy Patton Are. .Entrance - PHONE ANS 1922. dint of heavy taxation and wise fi nance It has been found lumsible to combine increased expenditure on education, housing and pubMo health with general retrenchment. l:iti I'hakste, President of the Constituent A.xaemlily of Itvla. has explained his country's ou- iooit to me corrosponnfiit ; "The Western nations," said- he. "know little about Uuvln. They do not believe In the stability of our government, and they hesitate, to lend us money. They even call us Bolshevlkl. 1 assure you that 00 per cent, of Ijxtvlans hate Bol shevism. Russia propagandists are of course, active here, but they ntake.no headway. We have shot a gooil many of them for spread ing their pernicious doctrines. TvatJ(i.l of Small Holdings Olio Policy. "Our agrarian policy, the seques tration of large estate and tli creation of smnll holdings,' was harshly criticized and has no doubt done much, to give us a bad char acter. The western nations did not understand the situation. Our people were supremely difsatlslled, and rightly so. They had been ground down; they had nothing. It w-aa a critical moment. Th. I'ol ahevlkt were ready to promise any thing. We considered it essential to creat without delay a contented community, hard working, thrifty and deaf to political agitator.. We therefore gave the people thu land and they at once settled down to work upon it. "Trade Is improving, but not rapidly. Hundreds of our ftctorles are still closed, for we haven t the money to re-equip then Agricul ture Is reviving. The League of Hal tie. States Is making atoady pr gress. The four small nations bordering on Russia Latvia, Es- thonta, Finland, and Lithuania all realUe that a military defen sive union would be their best se curity against the Bolshevlkl. Per haps later on Denmark and then EH roe CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble SOLD EVERYWHERE- QUALITY and. QUANTITY 1 n Ma J 1. P. flJl J Jf The Big value F. P. DALLEY COMPANY COOK WITH The cool, clean, economical fuel. Phone us to day and let us give you an estimate on installing gas service in your home. Asheville 102 Patton Avenue. I Sweden may Join us for commer cial purposes. I "We are establishing 'free' ports, cutting awny transit duties, revis ing and redr.rs our tariffs. We liave Russian as a common lan guage, but we need also a common currency and a net-.work of light railways to connect ns with lth onla and l.lt hu.inl.i We are grail nnlly restoring the devastation of the Germans, but for all these undertakings we require capital. As yet we cannot borrow this, so ' w are working to create It. That I Is why wn have no unemployment! and no labor question In Latvia." MARK tiKNUfcAl, IIOI SK CliK.XN INO COM PI I.SORY TOKIO. Aug lit. (ity Mali. t'mter order of the chief health officer of the city every household er during July of each year must have a general houee cleaning. fUS UlUVgRSAKXAe FORD OWNERS- Warm weather is here, we advise ex amining your battery oftener. Look at it today, or better still, stop in and we will save you the trouble. Let ua aerve you. Richbourg Ford and Fordson 'Phones 3866-2266. Inc. Buffalo, N. V g Worry GAS Pover & Light Co. ELEVEN Everything In the house must ha turned out. chiefly Into th streeu, ; and given a thorough dustlntt .iJ . scrubbing. The rubbish that has gathered during the year ta thrown into heaps to be carted away. Thus ; Pwlth a poor cartage sy.tttfin the streets of Toklo ara littered for weeks with the flotsam and Jetti son of her inhabitants. Other cltii i . huve other denning period. evu the smallest village having to Uts pose of lta trash at least one a year. " , . JAPWKSK 8ILOHM ARE t.lVKX PHVCHOIXM1Y TEST Kl'KK. Japan, Aug. 18. (By Mall.) With a view of placing n a mi I officers In positions to which they are best suited tha psychol ogy of each candidate Is to be studied. Kxperlments have been can-led out with 10,000 sall.trs and the results are said to have been . satisfactory. .' " " f Motor Co. j Sales and Service 52-60 Broadway. Yon get more shines for your money You pay more but get more b SSicsPolisIk Liquids and Pastes for White, Black, Tan, Brown and Ox-Blood Shoe. J in R K fl at V ' a n a , n ':' a - a a n pi a - - a a ' a Wi rj n a ' '- :- ' - a " a . a r a ' a a 1 p a m ' . a m ' a - ' n -i ' Don't Let ' a a a B B a a ' H a ' a B 'Phone 879. ? IE f 5d In ity nt iro na m- rn. nr ha nn " sr ad ira nd jail rh 4 ha re Jit re : rt. ri ; sit , Id, i a ;ill -er !he i v hs. ; ill Ui- ! P- ! r f ae lh Of Mh i i : la" f. ty t i- M 'id fl SO. f' tin ! a ! ir h n n ft : - a n 4 it it r jf i t il ('is

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