Job Work DONE Tery Cheap AT This Office. E SEMI-WEfij Rates For ADVERTISING Moderate AT man H XiiJl t f iThis Office. iushe a Sam'l. J.fiKiNSEK, Alitor. TTTT?T TCT-TVTl VTfDV "JVV TJT VTT'V FrW r(rY,.r.mUr. Established 1886. EDENTON. N. C, Friday, September 30. 1887. No. 112. hj O G erf- fc ffC5 j H-tx fcr1'r CD O vi Ms ii i- P cf pralti - CD pM SSSugk toil CD mm 4 tetf&Z&i CD 3. LftUi - CD 4Wq CD ftrf pi ltyr, -A Li-. fejfyJ pi J'"' i fit n CD I Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class flatter. LOCAL,. Apple! ! Apples !! Apples !!! Apples !!!. herm? nt F. C. Mitchell Bro. 's. Remember, next week begins the Fall Term of Chowan Superior Court. We hoe to have our friends, who may be in attendance, call at our office and leave their names, taking a receipt for ne years subscription to the Fisherman & Farmer. Our paper is a litile-'Iate to-dav owing J to the large quantity of job work which Gypsy peddlers around this wk. !uv wvrH;(-1llH,iMi t(1 irklUlfr tllis k IIie trading on a boom, of course. ; The ,ople liave i.mi the truth of ou; The 28h was observed bv the Jews of iienar: u,,u- comTuuon ueneu. ana us a tun ' izv ;!;;Cv !tb ins tlieiajof ator:c;ment. i Kev. Father Cuttler vi.itei E.lenton : thi.- ' k. hol.hny service for liis po Iple. I Rev. K. A. Arnisteal will o?cup- the juJpitl' the M. E. Churcli Sundav morning and night. Reports from the tobacco growing sections of the State indicate great dam age t. the crop by recent frosts. we arehnppy to say are givin; share of their iatronage. Travel ! trie various I'ublic lines is on the increase and many, while jour neying, make it a point to give Edenton a call. Nothing so attractive to a town as good hotel accommodations. Ours are the best hotels in the State so we are told, and so we believe. PI A srO yj mi 0 o Read the ad "of Louis Seiig, Esq.. E. City, young men, and observe his new patent tie-holder. Fest c er mde. I Our young men are contemplating a boat race. Their plan is to "allow any bont, not over 30 f r-t-t beam and built in.; North Caioli:a, to enter. Parties enter- i ing the race will be allowed a vol? in the ejection of judges, ft-. A silver cupj J. A. Harrell takes th-i- lead this season v-illbethe av.-ard. The course will be j in the c.ottor. marker,. He exceeds to th. Roanoke light and return. More; others botn in quantity bought and price . hereafter as to the day selected, etc. ' ' ' One of the excitements of Tuesday Edenton Las several cotton buyers and night wns a runaway llibrse. He took not one of them advertises. .Show your , 111 ;l portion of Mam sereet. The buggy, It v. ill uurmg ine muisei iiuinats transit, was uau.t b, gentlemen, in j r.nt pay you to do, so. For Sale The best driving Horse in Edenton, with a comparatively new D-g Cart and Harness. For terms apply to 31. F. Bond, Esq. Our merchants are making a big dis play of new good.-. a big trade ana t:ie reasonable with which the7 seem content We hope tor them somewhat injured, having come in con tact with several tre-s along the public domain. No one w.ts hurt sau' the Doctor wlic-v ji'jcktt felt'a jrir when the hhich-smiiu sained up Ills bill foi repairs. J.Ir. Baker Hoskius. for sometime em ployed by Hooper it Co., druggists, .eaves our town to make Norfolk his future home. We wish him the success he seeks. Sir. Colegate Parden, of Hertford county, has beco::ie a citizen of our town, having accepted a position in the drug store of H opei & Co. We wel come, him. Mrs. Edward Wood and children re lumed home tnis week. We are giad to A-elcorno also the return of Dr. R. Dil liard. Sr., who has been absent during the summer. The office and dining room of the Bay View has been nicely calcimined. Friend White, the popular landlord, keeps up with th-i spirit of improve ment. Right ! Some of our merchants, dispesed to .iccommodate their customers, ai e er-. c ang h t;h posts in front of their store. ihit right, let the horses be tied and anger avoided. Call at II. A. Bond's and get good Oranges, 25o a dozen, Lemons, 30c a doz.. the Best Butter, SOc a pound, Snaif and Fine Tobacco. Nice assortment of Fish Hooks, all cheap. Mr. S. P. Wixon will represent tht Fisher:.! ax 6c Farmer during Court -.veek. Hope one, and all will see and obtain from him a receipt for a year's subscription to our paper. Edenton can boast of being as good motion market as any South of Balti ..;ore. Sell vour cotton at home for tin ai;d thi oident lo consignments, etc. Mve iiuiri and expense in J ist Received, by H. A. Bond Fresh Orang.'s. 3"c a dozen, Frsh Lenuuis, JJUc a do- . N. Y. Smte (Jut Edge Butter, 30c a p-und, Onions to suit the change. Concentrated L)c and Coudcnced Milk. Tile Edenton Cornet B.iui leaves to-da- for Windsor to participate m the exercises prefatory to the laying of the corner-stone of the now .Court House. A pleasant time to you, boys, au.i a safe return. 'Mr. T. C. Allen, of E. City. wL va in attendance upon court at Hertford as a Avitnes-, ran up to odr town Wednes day to spend the evening with the friends of his early years. Our Business Man ager acknowledges Ids call while ye Editor regrets having missed the oppor tunity of shaking his warm and friend ly hand. Come again and we'll make it a point to be in. I have on hand a 0 II. P. "Eclipse" Engine, on siiis, one 50 Saw '"Centen nial" Cottou Gin, Feeder and Condenser, and one "Ball" Cotton-ress; belt, etc., ail in first class ruunitT order and ready for us;?. Price for whTe outlit S350. delivered at Plymouth, N. C. Time j;iven if desired ou part of purchase money. Address T. A. PKRY, Ply mouth, N. C. tf. I AM SOW SEUJKC EngiiK3S, Boilers. Saw Mills, Cotton Grins and Pi esses, And Machinery of every description 30 per cent, lower than ever before. If you are in. need of anything in this? line write me for prices before buying. m LONG I'MZ Si7N VMETJ DESlUHu. I am also prepared to funiish CatiiiLr of ail kiivi.- pri-'.nj "Ay and at low prices. Address: PEREXx jr tit nymYv vv rs A. kl A-A L i FIt Jl Ij. ' THE VOLUNTEER WINS. The first race of the series was won by he Yankee Yacht. "Volunteer.'" by 12 minutes aud 45 seconds. The Thistle is considered, a most exceilant boat, per iaps as fast as the Volunteer-, but her s -auien are thought to be far behind nose who sailed the Volunteer to vic tory in a race, which is commanding the the attention of auuoat a world of peo-ole. THE ML 'RDERER ACQUITTED. Henry Dwinn (coh.rc'd) on trial this ver-I; for murder of Henry Gray, (co! red,) in Perquimans county wasacquit ed. It is belu-ve.i that alt'noug'.i Ow:ni4 jivl stab Gray yet the cutting that en-.ed h life might lia vK? been done by arii.f. r. Dwinn was an old man and proved au x reliant character. Kis princio trc-ib-. SCHOOL NOTICE. Eii:NTOX N. ;., July 2-, lST. To the Pnbuc: We are glad to an nounce that Mr. F. P. i'iall, a graduate of Davidson College, N. C, and a teach er r' successful expei i. uce, ill on tie 1st Mo u day in October next, open a School in Edenton for hoys ai d girb. The terms will be reasonable and vvjll be published later. Mr. Hail brings with him the vei v higliest endru'sements, as a gentleman and a teacher. He is employed by a number of citizens, who feel the need of increased educational advantages in Edenton and whose ONLY purpose is to promote that object. No means" will lx spared to make the school a success. We have been appointed to make the announcement and to ak tbe patronage and good will of our peeqde for th School. W. D. Pruden, T. B. Blaud, Juo. C. Ror.d, J. R. B. Hathaway, Edward Woo 1 , Commit! ee . LOUIS F. ZIEG-LER Cn Mnet ,Jakcr n-ml UNDERTAKER, Edenton, N. C. itel. :b xix X ) :tx X.t When tits: he ame anions us, t it; .t v-:n ago, L. L-vy on-Ml'-lvd liiin .t' eemp' l!ed to occupy a stole which, lion its i"!ii- d situati' f:. he ea!! d fv.-intry. Aft :". wheu opjxutamty oliYred. h" ii.'iVt d to tlu. R s nlhall stole "'In n h h;msdf i:i Now. c.f'i irolhd hy busiu- ss interests, tlie Jii:n moves again, and, this time, to the large and spaedoiis bui!"me; forieci ! (occupied h- Mf.-sis. Ski: rj -r ;iisd Par sons, Main street , whicli ;.t'i:tt 'on h" declares to be in the tnindst of the i t y ainl, of all placc-s, most atti ;n ti'- to purchasers. Hie iifi; experience as a unn .he r. t u a! -raiits him in saying that o i..p. ert;.-.e prices amounts to sinqde i,oti:-cr.-- . C'ali anil examine goods, see f.r fur seives their quality and t!i(n let tho t'licc control your purchasf .s h- s tletermaned to close' out the remnant of goods on hand in order to mak" room for a New Fall and lnt' i Stock u In ii v. ii! l.'e elected m the gn at cily of N ' Yoik with which jio iuaik"t can mic- cv.ssfullv compete. Thanl;ing my customers and puhhc I genera! iy lor Jast faois and ;-king a t 'outinuatioti of the. same 1 resjeJ.f u! ly I subscribe my self for the linn Louis Levy o. politics. I'emg Repair: rj'.r, Vnrnishih'i und Up!ioI steriDii Furniture a speoia'ty. A full supply of.cliea wood ' chiiS. Fii e C ises";md Casket? am M. r Hie 1 ui i;i 1 c:ises furnish el at sie-rt notice and at k" ." 1'e .'. i strong oemocr.d he lia.- been fiequeut- v taunted bv o.ten threatened, aas been able to n ural strenetl i:s coioro. asoeiHu.-s aiui Wreiwer assailed he v v.ut- A S A :. l k hi- man oist boii.e: great' ' th- old man of sixiy us . of a k n;;'u 1 r hi G. Skinner t V. is tun ' ids a.'.tago- N O :b .:! al'.ilstlv aC'T, ail Mr. R. v;e driven to ; a-:ei-e-. M: I. F.cunt the . X . a - v? pv-xVU-ic P f ,-f Will i u ?Wfi&& ' d C-i ' Dillon bedding, formerly occap.ed by Stumer & Paisxms. tSf. a k-out for ad when he return. THE RnJ:.A TO.A'' !np i 5 ?t ctM.n! Vx ins. i JVji) i Aw 1 v V ) j ! v:!lb.'-in its third ana-ial ; i Male TllK- 1 S' .1 p-ared ror e'icited a ;ro v:rdict of the li ne general j4 i:i e 1 and hear a th. tie ;;tJ. H Juu or int. The case 1 1 ;-e.-T ..ill the h-.'rp;ug wiili . !i ) .a ten l- i IIKAJ Thi protracted meeting at -t church closed on Sun da or more cansiidates were l nn.ersion. - large crowd u composed of many from Loth and Edenton. ! :!:. Thirty baptised by sent, tford ..ii W.Th h i ., & ti:a:.i furms! Wanted. ALIj of my r1 riil orders c' . Kiuii iiiivl uain .-s fii; t' -; upou orue-:. 1': c of business, tl ' -.-atiA-t-; .-hop. opposd-- : iiouse. Mam St. Lk-'h:-f n- :: wiikn ' h :t e:.a- Jh. -ikji.- ' e da r. xt d' ' ;iis. ir. Ti.'.in;.: i . I . .-. " ) are i ! o i T i : v rl ! ; . o ' e. b-r the :. .' r. ! i 'ST. t'n e, liiaMeie-tie- '-"' I;' .d i- a- -Chi" i: .r. e i . -J i a n i i; .1 t- :: t r j . ' 1 r.icti r 'j . . .i.e i :t - l'd ' ';dir,.p !o f.5- .-.ha v:" ' i .' t till '!; Just Received at C 31. 3Iarde. i Having ju.t purca:'s 1 au , ,.e -lewetr v t an-. dozen Whips, from 2oc up: one dozen ! promptiv. I a;n . T;W -st;.! : iff. I O i . Oi ' S-ts of Harness, from .f'S-00 up: a fail i i line of Suodies and Bridles, iloiae and ; ! Bugg3 Blankets, Collars, Lacing Strings a.i . iji ill Lit i v .n- rrot. . r. lall arrive ' rlnn .v. Il:s school will one , j - c I i'i in the city j of every descripti .m in my line, (too I riil open uxt i trains are m-vr or:e;e:. Give me ; School. i ' e e ' 1 1 - Eden e t'-sj ivivv to sav ' Noitli e'!i."-.;.Mi i tnat w- r is-.i.ij"-near, Gill f; icid ir- ; f.'d Ton. 4. rau - o . rql' -! i.:,-d rio:o ;i 1 v.iijtui'-- o 1 :o. Jy Ii idde p ipd 4 1 n ; .4i. ;ite?d. e f :r e.e' h t;r, ' ! 'ic;'-i:t in.-rru- i.-u. ' i r i and Trails of a So;ipe- Satisfaction gaarante, J. tlie school building are being put in One of the latest novelties, for ;. ?nt!e- j order and everything is being made i men, is the f ready for a large attendance of pupils. V,-, 4- . 4- TJ Satisfiictoiy Quidity. Mauufactitre ml FISHSKMEN 'for the season of 1888, :l hv-s ror than ;.u f;v I Pj' dl -r - lh.' tri!.-ti itivite uii.-e: - c 1 . ntion withal! wi.od" Cutiou for the children tf hie.toa. Pn juls from otleir dif t) i r? a: i : v i l to enter the School uhi,; ho!- . J terms. I!. F. KuiA'jTT, Pre i;-n? T. C. D.kDilA3l, Sec pro t-m. S. ptlilbtT. ?"7. Oni Died, September 2 7 th, Harriet Pearce, aire 80 vears 6 months and 16cIhvs. And still thev sav we live iu an unhealthy Order one And - si-i-y r r- ' 1 " " " - y - v?iXL- ! be ha 1 to make up ami examine caretul- t un-vtn HM-t Hnr.f , It in order that Fishermen as well as A MONTH ci eountry". There are as many men in i and Silver watches keprthis si le of Nw ourselves may be entirely pleased Chowau, Perquimans and Gates who! York. li n T-a 1 i Vv3it- ri A tha rtrili'nfirr limii rf ' human life three counties in the State i here as controls their living 01 AA 1yf OOPift iug for uj. AguLs preferred who cau Kespfectf ally. All can rely on getting the best goods f uJaish OWIJ i,,, anfJ RJ ve th-.r vre are capable of making. xvhole time to the buMinf. Spare tm- as can be found in any other Jj vJU-LO O Jtli -Li -L VT . . (41 mi colter .iYpt t Tirma LXt neiiwra&y w" ilho. . :er , population considered, i , - j vucaccieu ig ttiwtw and tiur. r. . People can live as long! w ,, MAbh. JoiixsOx & Co., 1013 Mais ST.. Kich- an v where if only moderation ; Water btreet, ELIZABETH CITi , Ponton Office 96 Commercial St. 2ni!moud,Va. auirUSiu 1