11 INCHES iU ILL DURING 6 DAY IOD All Eastern America Report# Floods—We#t Coast I# Facing Drouth Brevard had Its share of rainfall last week—plus. From Monday morning through Sat urday afternoon a total of 1U25 Inches of rainfall was recorded by PhllUp Price, official observer for the United States Geological survey. Monday's total was 1.50; Tuesday 2.00; Wednesday 1.30; Thursday 3.55; Friday 1.60; and Saturday 1.30. Total average rainfall for the year is 64 Inches, which makes the six-day total last week one-sixth of the average total for the year. The French Broad river and its tribu tary streams were out of banks on sev eral occasions, although no serious damage was reported. Friday morn ing was high for the Immediate Bre vard section. lteports from the entire eastern United States are to the effect that flood waters had done millions of dol lars In damage. While the eastern sections were suf fering from too much rain, the Pacific coast reported near-drouth, and forest fires doing much damage. During general knowledge contests In Dublin. Ireland, the judges wore sur prised to learn that Irish history was little known to Irishmen. C. B. MCFEE THE OI,D RELIABLE WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Brevard, N. C. Main Street Opp. Court House PICNIC TIME As the summer days come one naturally thinks of taking the family and friends out to the country for an outing. Picnic Lunches prepared by the CANTEEN Cafe will add much to the real en joyment of the occasion. Let us help you make your outing more enjoyable CANTEEN Clude Hamilton, Prop. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE nfc. „ nine out of ten or THE TOP EXECUTIVE5 IN THE AMERICAN STEEL INPUSTPy HAVE WORKEP THEIRWAV UP FROM THE B0T70M_.M0RE THAN HALF OF THEM HAVE WORKEP THEIR WAV UP FROM THE RANKS OF THE COMPANY IN WHICH THEY STARTEP THfiR CAREERS JM0REUAS WERE ORiOiNAlLv 0K16NEP AS PROTECTION AGAINST THE eAys of the SUN _ NO1 AGAIN*1 RAIN ~ I /. I - ENGLISH WOMEN Of THE 16” CENTURY WORE FOUR SHOES at A TIME/- TO PROTECT THElR -\ VELVET SUPPERS Jn FROM THE MUPPV STREETS. THEV A WORE AN „ II A APPiTiONAL PAIR ,14 OF SHOES l«l (CAuEP CHOPINEs)lflW WHICH HAP CORK 4H SOLES MEASURING 1M AS MUCH AS 7 INCHES THlCHl ^ — JHE TAX SlU OF RICAN CORPORATIONS OXER TEN yEARS '. EXCEfPEP THE* J/NET E ARSINE S &7 % ABOUT 0HE-TH1RQ. I1L47.0,687.000.000 EARNIN65 AS COMRAREP WITH , TAXES OF $29,735,000,000 > IN the ECUADORIAN ANDES GARjM WORM! GROW 3 FEET IOHG Mt> /'AIHCHEilF OlAMETFR / ... THEy ARE EATEN 8v THE v NATIVES — I--—--—■— - QUEBECNEWS Mrs, J. H. Reid is not at all well this week. She has been in failing health for some time.. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson had as guests last Saturday evening, Louie Miller, Charles Reid, and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bagwell. They had a pleasant eve ning listening to radio programs, and eating delicious homemade ice cream and watermelon. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bagwell and Mark Bagweli of Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. .A. R. Bagwell last Sunday. Prof. Looney McCall and his son, Vance, of LuGrange, N. C„ spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mc Call. Other members of his family arc spending sometime at Carolina Beach. Miss Bailey and Mrs. Davenport, sisters of Mrs. W. D. Black, are spend ing awhile here with Mrs. .Black, who is here making some repairs on her summer cottages. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Fryer and chil dren, Alton, Jr., and Joyce, of Savan nah, Ga... are spending a week here in one of Mrs. Black’s cottages. Mrs. It. T. Fisher spent Sunday with Mrs. John Robinson. The citizens of this community arc delighted with the Hue fair weather we are having this week. Last week they considered somewhat gloomy, it being a week of continuous rain. But rain and sun.are both essential to life, and we should all remember the state ment, that "If all were rain and never sun, No bow would span the hill; If all were sun and never rain, There'd be no rainbow still." And we should adopt the sentiment expressed by James Whitcimb Riley when he said, "It ain’t no use to grumble and com plain, It's just as cheap and easy to rejoice; When God sorts out the weather and sends rain, Why, ruin’s my choice.” GIVES gaii4CX5**0** PctiM ©(UJlLtyJK SUEER-WHIffS BRILLIANT WHITE TILE-LIKE BEAUTY Here's the same type of finish that is used on nearly all the electric refrigerators— now available for the walls and wood work of your own homel It's the whitest white you’ve ever seen... and belt of all, it slays white. Dries to such a hard, smooth film that dust and dirt just can't get a foothold. Ask your painter to use DULUX Super-White. FOR WALLS & WOODWORK BREVARD LUMBER CO. DON JENKINS, Manager Near Depot Phone70 I Grand Jury Report To Ihr Judge of the Superior Court, ; lion J. Will Pleas, presiding: i Wo, the members of the Grand Jury, having completed our labors, submit the following report: We wish to commend your Honor for a most able charge delivered in a clear and concise manner, and to extend our thanks for same. We also wish to thank the Solicitor and other officials for their most valued assistance. We have acted on all bills presented to us by the Solicitor with the excep tion of those that were continued for evidence. By committees, we have examined the Courthouse, Jail, County Home, and State Prison Camp. COUNTY HOME: Main building In good condition with the following ex ceptions: there are four leaks in roof of main part of building and one on hack porch roof. Window frames need painting and all other woodwork of lower story ns well. Building is well kept, inmates well clad, well fed and satisfied with conditions. All other buildings and grounds in good condi tion. Crops look very promising, live stock in good condition and there is ev ery evidence of excellent supervision. PRISON CAMP: In good condition in every way and well cared for with i possible exception that Towers should I he painted. COURT HOUSE: mere is a Itan from rest room in Grand Jury room in to Register of Deed's office. Spigot in Welfare Office in bad condition and needs replacing. Men's rest room In terrible condition and same is an abso lute disgrace to our County. Outside door in north end of Court House cor ! ridor will not work and one glass is out of the door in east wing of corri dor. Offices are all in good condition and well kept and all records seem to be In order. It is recommended, how ever. that all administrators, executors and guardians who have not filed re ports as required by law, be instructed to do so before the next term of Su perior Court. JAIL: Is well kept and in good con dition with the following exceptions: there are two broken panes of glass, one In basement window, and other in t'ie upstairs back cell. Gutters are leaking and should be replaced a-, once. Commodes downstairs do not flush and drain properly and it is recommended that a capable plumber be employed to put them in good order without delay. It is further recommended that a strong wire mesh be Installed on all windows. We are Informed that same recommendation has been made here tofore without result and we urge that this be done at once. Respectfully submitted, i H. H. PATTON. Foreman. Brevard, N. C„ July 26. 1938. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and at the death of our daughter, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. English and famijy. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Clifford H. Gravely, de ceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, North Carolina, on or before the 11th day of July, 1939, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make irmnediate payment. This the 11th day of July, 19S8. DEWEY GRAVELY, Administrator of Estate of . Clifford E. Gravely. | July 14-6t, a — —-.-*. - ' | World War Had It* Start 24 Year* Ago Twenty-eight years ago today, July 28, 1914, the greatest con flict of all times had Its start when the Austrians declared war on Serbia. Another, and another nation Joined In the death-dealing fracas until America was drawn into the conflict In 1917, three years after the European nations started tearing at each others throats. Thousands of America's young men were sent overseas to enter the war, many of them never to return; others to- come home blind, crippled , and maimed for life: other hundreds died In training camps. ___—-— < Copenhagen, Denmark, now has 44 motion pictures. -* All willing workers are reported to be finding jobs in Peru. Aborigines of North Australia are trading their women and girls to Jap anese pearl traders for a few sticks of trade tobacco each. BOND ORDINANCES Bond Ordinances passed by Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard, North Caro lina, t o refund outstanding bonds of the Town of Brevard and unpaid and accrued inter est thereon, and legal notice as required by the Municipal Finance Act and Local Govern ment Act, BOND ORDINANCE “An ordinance authorizing the issuance of $521,000 of Bonds of the Town of Brevard to Refund outstanding Bonds of the Town.” Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard a? follows: 1. Ronds of the town shall he Issued to the maximum aggregate principal amount of $521,000 for the purpose of refunding the following valid outstand ing bonds of the town, namely: $25.000—5 percent Street and Sewer bonds, dated June 1. 1905. and payable June 1. 1935. $15,000—6 per cent Water bonds, dated March 1, 1910, and payable March 1, 1940. $ cooo—6 per cent Water and Sewer bonds, dated April 1. 1913, and payable April 1. 1943. $ .<,000—6 per cent Water and Sewer bonds, dated April 1, 1915, and payable April 1. 1943. $19.000—6 per cent Street Improvement bonds, dated July 1. 1913, and payable July 1. 1943. $28.000—5 1-2 per cent Public Improve ment bonds dated September 1. 1922. and payable on the 1st of September $2,000 in each of the years 1931, 1935. 1937 and 1933. and $2,500 in each of the years 1941 and 1943 inclusive. $63,000—5 3-1 per cent Public Improve ment bonds, dated March 1. 1925. and payable on the 1st of March $2,000 in 1932. $3. 000 in 1936. $3,000 in 193$. $2. 000 in 1940. $3,000 in 1941. $5, 000 in 1942. $5,000 in each of tile years 1913 to 1946 inclu sive. $5,000 in 1917. $5,000 in 1948, $5,000 in 1949. $1,000 in 1950, $5,000 in 1951 and $1,000 in 1953. $106,000—5 1-4 per cent Public Im provement bonds dated July 1. 1925, and payable on the 1st of July $3,000 in 1931. $5,000 in 1932. $5,000 in 1933, $6,000 In 1934, $8,000 in 1935, $7,000 in 1936, $6,000 in 1937. $12,000 in 1938, $10,000 in 1939, $12,000 in 1940. $6,000 in 1941. $12,000 in 1942. and $14,000 in 1943. $182.000—6 per cent Public Improve ment bonds, dated June 1. 1926, and payable on the 1st of June $1,000 in 1931, $2,000 In 1932, $8,000 in 1933, $8,000 in 1934. $4,000 in 1935, $5,000 in 1936, $6,000 in 1937, $4,000 in 1938, $8,000 in 1939. $8,000 in 1940. $7,000 in 1941. $4,000 in 1942. $6,000 in 1943, $8,000 in 1944. $4,000 in 1945, $8,000 in 1946. $8,000 in 1947, $7,000 in 1948, $4,000 in 1949, $4,000 in 1960. $5,000 in 1951, $7,000 in 1952, $8,000 in 1953. and $10,000 in each of the years 1954 to 1957 inclusive and $8,000 in 1958. $14,000—6 per cent Water bonds, dated October 15. 1926, and payable on the 15th day of October $500 in each of the years 1933. 1935, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1943, 1945 to 1961 Inclusive, 1153, end 19S5, *1,00<> In 1957, *1,000 In 1959, *600 In 19W, *1,000 (n 19*1, *1.000 In IMS, *600 In 19*4, *1,000 iu 1965 and *600 in 1966. *69,000—6 1-2 per cent Refunding boadi dated March 1, 1929, and pay-1 able on the 1st day of March *9,000 In 1944, *6,COO In 1949, *7,000 in 1964, *11,000 In 1959, *13,000 in 1964, and *14,000 In 1969. 2. A statement of the debt of the town has been filed with the clerk and Is open to public Inspection. 8. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage and shall not be sub mitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 25th day of July, 1938, and was first published on the 28th day of July, 1938. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after Its first publication. A. H. KIZER. Clerk of the [ Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard, North Carolina. BOND ORDINANCE "An ordinance authorizing J the issuance of $28,817.61 of Bonds of the Town of Brevard for the purpose of Funding 25 per cent of outstanding claims for interest unpaid and ac crued to July 1, 1986, on the outstanding boritTed indebted ness of the Town." Be it ordained by the Bear'd of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard as follows: 1. Bonds of the town shall b< issued, to the maximum aggregate principal amount of $28,817.61 for the purpose of funding 25 per cent of the following! valid outstanding Indebtedness of the town representing claims for Interest unpaid ami secured to July 1. 1536, on the following Issue of valid bonds of the town, namely: On *25,000, 5 percent Water, Street and Sewer bonus oaten .iuue >. 1905, unpaid coupons $4,375 ami accrued interest $1,250. On $15,000, 6 per cent Water bonds dated March 1. 1910. unpaid coupons $2,550. ami accrued in terest $300. On $10,000, 6 per cent Water and Sewer bonds of which $6,000 are dated April 1, 1913. nnd $1,000 are dated April 1. 1915. unpaid coupons $2,700 and accrued in terest $150. On $19,000. 6 per cent Street improve ment bonds dated July 1. 1913, unpaid coupons $4,680. On $28,000. 5 1-2 per cent Public Im provement' bonds dated Sep tember 1, 1922. unpaid coupons $5,610 and accrued interest $1,063.33. On $63,000, 5 3-4 per cent Public Im provement bonds dated March 1 1925, unpaid coupons $9,746. 25. and accrued interest $1. 339.17. On $106,000. 5 1-4 per cent Public Im provement bonds dated July 1, 1925. unpaid coupons $18,637.50, and accrued Interest $2,940.00. On $182,000. 6 per cent Public Improve ment bonds dated June 1. 1926. unpaid coupons $38,220. and accrued interest $4,220. On $14,000, C per cent Water bonds dated October 15, 1926, unpaid coupons $3,690 and accrued in terest $297.50. On $59,000. 5 1-2 per cent Refunding bonds dated March 1, 1929, un paid coupons $12,540.00 and ac crued interest $1,081.67. 2. A statement of the debt of the town has been filed with the clerk and Is open to public inspection, 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be sub mitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 25th day of July, 1938, ami was first published on the 28th day of July, 1938. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. A. H. KIZER, Clerk of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard, North Carolina. If Send in your Renewal—We will appreciate it now. POTATOES Corn and Grains Hens and Fryers Heavy Hens, lb.15c 5-lbs. <iml over Medium Hens, lb. . . 12c Light Hens, lb.10c Good price on Flour always. B&B I FEED & SEED CO. Brevard, N. C. j J Anybody can wash the J surface of your car. But * that’s only the beginning » with us. We scrub it J clean from bumper to * bumper. Pick-up and de * livery. i ATLAS TIRES J AND TUBES I WHITMIRE 1 SERVICE j Howard Whitmire, Mgr. J Day or Night Phone 95 2 J E. Main Street Brevard SEE: CONNEST 5 mile* South of Brevard—Greenville Hiway; 276 ADMISSION 10c Free Picnic Grounds (With tables and benches) Cold Drinks Kodak Film* Pet Ice Cream U C Regular Price JOHN KIMZEY, Manager

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