BIG TOP-- By ED WHEELAN i— ---i I., in.. . -Liu a-i tr-p imi m i-wit—■r-1 OjEP Uv/ELy folks .... Please Be seated AS QUICKLY as possible so that V/E CAM GET j ON YJfTU OUR STORY lu,t., Ir^i.,4.. 1^.’ , LALA PALOOZA She Has a House Guest --'■*———^— By RUBE GOLDBERG | ---ssiffwim I MISS TW.TTLE, LETTER | THIS IS PROBABLY AN \ / DEAR LALA. JHE LAST \ money TO GRAFTING REAO ME MY APPOINTMENTS COUNTESS INVITATION TO -LADY ) MONEY YOU SENT US 'j CowBROW RELATIONS, for TODAV- . THINK I'M COUNTESS | SMYTHE'S BALL IN HONOR WENT IN A CRAP GAME - } V’VE GOT TO HAVE MY Due AT THE LEAGUE FOR OF THE PERUVIAN AM- LIJ FANNY HAS THE MUMPS \ GOOD-FOR-NOTHING BROTHER, ART,STIC OOG MUZZLES AT T^THe' AND THE CAR N^S VIN«NT^NG W^H ME - ' THREE all THe _ NEW TIRES - SEND US - Thfv’D KEPT FORTY-FIVE, BEST PEOPLE MORE DOUGH- J*AS*THE ° E T ' nl/»\ IN LEAVENWORTH Fes Jay llarkay Syndicate. Inc. | — CB«Diyndk*U.—WNUItnrtcf.J J There’* One in Every Family | L. Mnntltr, Trtit iUfV R«I. 1). ». >»t. OIBc«) j POP—Pop Thinks He'll Stay at Home _ By J. MILLAR WAT] II 111 IF >00 WERE "ID VISIT I I WSE-FEE? IT! MARS YOU’D BE OR FROZEN 1 MAOS* SCORCHED BY NI6HT! i a rmL BY DAV r_^ CONTEST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS m U V U. ' Alls BOOPV BEMIS HI WKH HIS H«l ISARH5 IxftMi, BUDDV CTtHPS M'H «£ W «• THROW A A HN£ OH 1W OM WM* HW W «ri UTK $g*»» s<3t« further thah ^)lE /mp weight Hf cah fs (- -V on NEXT Throw, seats BOTH SEIECT NEW OWING 1B TENSENESS rim decide not To stop buddy BY five fEET, SToNES, UHE UP, IS ERRATIC, HIS STONE LAUD- To MEASURE. StoTlNG M ARGUMENT Take DEEP MEtfitS IN6 ON TNE Wmi TORCH, BECAUSE BUDDY CIAIMS AND <*0W AMIN AND BUDDY'S MISSING A 6A HE STEPPED OVER LINE RAGE WINDOW BY INEHES by Tb» mu .^rnilWNl#. Iw I ___ ALMOST PERSONAL "I understand,” said a young woman to another, ‘‘that at your church you are having unusually small congregations. Is that so?” “Yes," answered the second girl, “so small that every time the rec tor says, ‘Dearly beloved,’ you feel as if you had received a proposal.” Got Left Fitzjones—Did you go to the the ater last evening, Percy? De Brown — No; I attended a sleight-of-hand performance. Fitzjones—Where? De Brown—I went to call on Miss Le Smythe, and offered her iny hand, but she slighted it. Back-chat Him—Take my uncle now—there was a man! He left everything he had to an orphan asylum! Her—Yes. Twelve kids!—Wash ington Post. No Change “A husband like yours must have been hard to find.” “He still is.” Curse of Progress ■ SILOS A DOUiB SAVED In (Md cost Is Ad SOLVER* i^L^'siLcS'jWrttj able alio booklet CANNED L —, Lamaeek Prado*!*, Ise., SU DabUa At*. aaa, Calanbaa, Ohl*. OPPORTUNITY Haw weals yaa Ilk* to ractlv* 100 lettsr* a day. each contalnln* 10c. Wa will sand I formula* and- plan* for 10c and a stamp. Graham Sarvtc*. Baa SUT, Miami. Fla. Condemn Your Faults Many men are angry with them that tell them of their faults, wfien they should be angry only with the faults that are told them.— Venning. __ for Sunburn Discomfort Practice Politeness Politeness sometimes comes hard. Be well drilled in it. LET HIM BE FREE FROM WORMS Whenever you decide to free your child from Worm* or Tapeworm, get the medicine that will drive them out with one single dose. Dr.Peery's ‘DEAD SHOTVsrsrffeg* wiuhr?mco!!*iti aSSftlTa-i. otr. Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste kidney* lometlmae lay In their work—de not act aa Nature intended—fell to re move Impuritieo that, If retained, mur poison the eyetem pad upeet tha whet* piS»tt yet tiny up nlyhta, swell in*, puflnme under the eye*-* feellnr of nereose aneiety and low of pop and stnoyth. Other dyne of kidney or bladder dis order may b# burnlny, scanty or to* lr^SS» ehoSdjbeao doubt that prompt l>SuWdil? l5l hmS*Sa^ new fries do for more than fortyyeeia. They hove e natioo-wide reputation country otWe .aw iw unpewt WNU—7_ 33-38 f for a NEW kind of vacation This year, try a new vaca tion—where it’i cool, where there’* golf, yachting, beach or pool bathing and every conceivable recreation plui military and marine pageantry at hiitory** birthplacel The building and ground* are beautiful—the tea view mag nificent. There’* dancing nightly—Only a few hour* away. Write for rate*. - HtaJquarttn for WILLIAMSBURG Ymiftm • Jtmmtttm —7k— CHAMBERLIN SUMty PhbHbm$ OLD PONT COMFORT VIIOINIA