COLLEGE FACULTY MEM HERS B’B/) IN REAUTIFUL CEREMONY Miss Ethel Kerr, of Charlotte, and the Rev. Earl D. C. Brewer, of Anson ville, were married In a beautiful cere mony Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Camp Dellwood, near Waynesville. The Itov. O. B. Clemmer, pastor of the First Methodist church of Albemarle, offi ciated, in the presence of relatives and friends. Amid an outdoor setting of natural beauty and charm, the vows were spoken In a woodland chapel before a rustic altar of stone, massed In late summer cut flowers of harmonising shades. The officiating minister ap proached the ultar from a wooded trail, followed by the bride and groom, who entered together, unattended. An im pressive and unusual feature of the ceremony was the administering of the sacrament of the.Lord's Supper to the couple, while kneeling, followed by a moment Qf silent prayer, befojo the final pronouncement of man and wife was made. The nuptial music, the sort strains of which were heard from a short dis tance through the woods, Included, In addition to the customary processional and recessional, a brief recital of violin and instrumental music, and a vocal solo hy Charles Kerr, of Charlotte, brother of the bride. The bride was attired in a navy blue traveling suit, trimmed In star dust blue and cherry, with lmt and acces sion's in navy blue, H> r corsage was of allies and talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs, Brewer will arrive in Brevard September 1st. and will be as sociated with r} re ward College. Mr. Brewer will he director of public and conference relations, and will travel over Western North Carolina In the interests of the college. Mrs. Brewer, i graduate of Brevard College In 1036, will he assistant bursar and secretary to the president. Those from Brevard attending the ceremony were: President and Mrs. E. .1. Colt nine. Miss Eugenia Cult nine. Miss Myra Blnford. Miss Merlie Size more, Miss Ruth Brewer, Runyan An L rew. Eddie Carlisle. Russell Andrews, l.luck Reid. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE JJ.4RTY IS ENJOYABLE Mrs. I-ester D. Martin entertained at her home Thursday evening with a surprise party, honoring her sister. Miss Helen lionise Allison, on the oc casion of her birthday anniversary. Bingo wns featured In the entertain ment of the evening, many prizes be ing awarded the winners. Miss Beu lah C.arren was winner in the contest. A color scheme In pink and white was carried out in the floral decorations and the refreshments. The lace cov ered dining room table centered with a silver bowl of summer lilies on a mirror reflector and clematis vine, ar tistically arranged on the mantel and other parts of the room, where added attractions in the decorative scheme. Individual cakes, each topped with a pink candle and pink rose design, open faced sandwiches and a frozen salad topped with whipped cream were served by the hostess during the eyetw inf. „ ,, I.ittle Bobby Martin, son of the hos tess. dressed as a messenger boy. knocked on the door, and on being ad mitted Into the room, pulled In a little wagon filled with a shower of lovely gifts which he presented to the honor , guest. The opening of the packages Jffordcd much pleasure of the occas ion which was attended by nbout twen ty guests. The hostess was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Allen Brittain and Miss Mary Osborne. metiiotmst cntci.i.s WIT,I. MEET THIS WEEK Announcement has hccn made of three circle meetlncrs of the Methodist church, which will be held Thursday and Friday afternoons of this week. The meetinpr of Circle No. 1. which will bo held at the home of Mrs. .1. P McRae on the colleere campus, has l,een changed from Thursday afternoon to Frltlav afternoon of this week at 3-30 o'clock. The chancre In date for this meeting was made at request of the hostess. Circle No. 2 will meet at the home of Mrs H M Miller on Oakdale avenue, with Mrs. T.ula.MIller as joint hostess. Mrs R F. Mock will be hostess to the members of Circle No. 3 at her home on N. Caldwell avenue. Maple Inn._______ GALLOWAY’S SCHOOL LUNCHES Will make the school ■world easier for the little 'folk—Good, Pure food is just as important as good teachers. _^ , Galloway’s Cafe Next to Dixie Store Mr*. J. C. Galloway, Mgr. PRESHYTERIAN CIRCLES TO MEET THURSDAY The circles of the Presbyterian church will hold the September meet ings Thursday afternoon and evening. Circle No. 1 will meet with Miss An nie May Putton at her home at David son River; Mrs. Pat Klmzey will be hostess to the members of Circle No. 2; the meeting of Circle No. 3 will be at the home of Mrs. Rowena Summey Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. MEETING OP SARAH TAYLOR CIRCLE THURSDAY EVENING The September meeting of the Sarah Taylor circle of the Methodist church will be held Thursday evening of this week at S o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. O. Dangle on Maple street. Hostesses of the social feature will be Mrs. T. T. Loftts, Mrs. Goode Loftls and Mrs. Frank Osborne. IIM'TIST SOCIETY WILL MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The September meeting of the mis sionary society of the Baptist church will be belli Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the church parlor. The Lottie Moon circle will have charge if the program. ESTERTAIX HOUSE GUESTS WITH PICXIC SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown Carr enter al ned with a picnic supper at White Pine Camp In the Pisgah Notional •orest Friday afternoon and evening, •ompllmentary to their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Carpenter and daughter, Jean, of New Orleans, and Mrs. Victor II. McLean and son. Vic i or II. of Knoxville, Tenn. In addition to the lovely picnic sup per. swimming in the Forest swimming hole was -enjoyed by the children. Others In the party besides Air. and Mrs. Carr and their guests were Dr. and Mrs. G. rt. Lynch. I IKS. L YD A V HOXORS MOTHER WITH PARTY Mrs. Kandal J. I.vday was hostess at her home Wednesday afternoon, enter taining in honor of her mother, Mrs. ,l. K. Mills, with a surprise party on ihe occasion of her birthday anniver sary. A pretty arrangement of pink and white flowers decorated the dining •oorn and living room. A three-tier birthday cake centered the lace covered dining table. An Ice course was serv ed. Assisting the hostess In serving were Airs. Joe Poole. Mrs. James Mills, Mrs. Thomas Hampton and Miss. Mabel Mills. Guests present included: Mrs. Mills, Mrs. W. Al. I.vday, Airs. A. N. Poole, Mrs. A. F. Alltchell. Mrs. W. M. Bishop. Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. C. K. Os borne. Arrs. Tim Cowan. Mrs. Lewis Osborne, Mrs. J. A. Avery. Airs. Hall Lyday. Mrs. Harry Bradley, Airs. Joe Poole, Airs. James AIllls. Aliss Mary Jane Maxwell and Miss Alabel Mills. Grows Long Beans John mocker brought a bag of beans to The Times office Monday that were nearly two feet long. John sal<1 the leans were very good "enters" and that just a few vines would supply the average family. MIDDLE FORK Mr. arnl Mrs. Jess Meece of Old Toxaway section were guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. 0. Powell one day last week. nonnle Meece. small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Meece of Reedy Cove. 8 C.. returned home after visiting at t ic home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gallo way. Ruddy Coval and Peymus and Fran c's Chapman, of Tryon, were guests o’ Rev. and Mrs. Nathan Chapman one d iy last week. Mrs. Perry Gravely and daughter. Resale spent several days visiting relatives at Pickens and Greenville. 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meece and d xughter, Rernicc Maxine, of Routh Carolina, visited relatives In this sec tion last week. Mrs. Ernest Pnngle and children of Bosnian were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Galloway. Nath Raison and family moved to this section last week. Mildred, small daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Gascon Chapman of Old Toxa I way section, spent a few days visiting her cousin, Helen Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell visited I the former’s mother. Mrs. Perlle Mor i gin of Old Toxaway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Galloway and sins. Mrs. Addle Rice, Mrs. Etta Gal loway. of Kannapolis, spent the week end visiting relatives here and at Old T oxaway. ■ Miss Nellie Volrath returned to her home here having spent the past three weeks at Highlands where she has been employed. <, Notice of Application to . Operate Motor Vehicle Carrier and Date of Hearing Thereon As required by Section 3. Chapter 136. Public Paws of 1927, notice is lerebv given that application has been nade by P. P>. Martin. Brevard-Ecusta Transit Co., for a Franchise Certificate, authorizing the operation of motor ve hicles for transporting passengers from Brevard. N. C. over Highway No. (4 to Plsgah Forest, N. C.. thence over Highway No. 284 to entrance of Na tional Forest thence return to Brevard over Highway No. 280. and that the Utilities Commission will hold a hear ing on the said application In State Dept, at Raleigh, on Friday. 23rd. Sep tember, 1938. at 2:30 o'clock p. m. UTIDITIES COMMISSION By: R. O. Self, Chief Clerk (by N.Mc.) Slept. 1-St. _ Pay Your Subscription FORMER RESIDENTS VIBITORB HERE Mr. and Mrs. Frank K, Hembert and son, Francis, of Wheeling, W. Va., and Mrs. Hembert’s brother, Will Spratt, and Mrs. Spratt, of Pittsburgh, Pa., were Brevard visitors Thursday. Mrs. Hembert will be remembered by many friends here as the former Miss AJlce Spratt, who was connected for several years In the Brevard of flco of the Southern Hallway as sec retary to A. K. Orr. The visitors were accompanied to Brevard by Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, of Asheville, a former Brevard resident, who Is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. Hembert and family were spend ing their vacation In Asheville and drove over to Brevard for the day to visit familiar scenes and friends. This was her first visit back to Brevard In several years. -- IS ENTERTAINED ON VISIT IN TENNESSEE Miss Helen Galloway, whet has re. turned from a visit of two weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .7. I,. .Tonkins, In Alcoa, Tcnn. was entertained with social functions and motor trips to places of interest while in the Tennessee city. Among the enjoyable events In Miss Galloway’s honor was a party given lo iter aunt the evening before her de parture for home, as a farewell cour tery to her niece. The affnlr was at tended by around twenty young people of that community. Included among the places of In terest visited while away were: Norris dam, Gatllnhurg. the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and Maryville College, the Smoky mountain airport. Sievervile, WNOX radio broadcasting station, the big American T-egion parade in Knoxville and other events and places of outstanding Interest. G Alt DEV CLV71 MET WITTI MRS. KTMZET The Brevard Garden club met Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pat Klmzey for the regular August meet ing. Mrs. Klmzey, president, was In charge of the routine business. Mrs. Thorvald Berg gave report of the civic club flower show held recently. Mrs. Joe Poole was program leader, giving an interesting discussion of the "Romance of Weeds." Mrs. Poole spoke of the different types of weeds, of their arrangement and how they may be made ornamental, for use as flowers. Mrs. C. J. Goodwin was welcomed as a new member, and Mrs. William All ston. of Miami, Fla., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Verner, was a guest. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. THREE FEDERATED CLUBS TO RE8UME MEETINGS NEXT WEEK Three federated women’s clubs of Brevard will resume regular meetings next week, after disbanding through the summer months. The Wednesday club will hold Its first fall meeting Wednesday afternoon al 8:46 o’clock at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. E. J. Coltrane. The Mathataslan club will meet with Mrs. J. M. Gaines at her home Thurs day afternoon, September 8, at 3:30 o'clock. The first meeting of the fall of the Fortnightly club will be held at the home of Miss Alma.Trowbridge Thurs. day afternoon of next week at S:30 o'clock. _ BALSAM GROVE Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Galloway from Tennessee visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow McCall and children visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie McCall, Sunday. Everett McCall, from the CCC camp at Mount Sterling, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Riley McCall. air. anu jure, curiumuh juuc-tui turn Boyd Oalloway made a business trip to Canton Tuesday. Mrs. Dock McCall, who has been very ill tor the past two weeks, Is slowly Improving. Mrs. Dewitt McCall and children spent Friday night with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Orr, at Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Robinson and child ren visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie McCall Sunday. Mrs. Jimmie McCall, Mrs. Orville THOMAS E. DEWEY — WHERE TO NEXT? Thomas E. Dewey, Owosso, Michigan boy who has routed the toughest criminals in the country in hie latest crime drive. Will he be New York’s next governor? A new article in Cosmopolitan magazine says his energy will take him anywhere. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrators of the Estate of W. E. Head, deceased, late of Transylvania county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, North Caro lina, on or before the 31st day of Aug ust. 19311, or Mils notice wMU be pleaded in bar of their recover}'. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 31st day of August. 1938. M. E. HEAD and W. B. HEAD, Administrators of the Estate Of W. E. Head. Sept. l-6t. Long, Miss Zella McCall, Misses Viola and Annie Galloway, Demus and Creed Galloway attended the revival service at Macedonia Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Owen and child ren are spending a few days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Mc CalL Mr. and Mrs. Juston McCall and children spent the week-end visiting friends and relatives at East LaPort. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCall and eon, Keith, spent Saturday night with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim mie McCall Austin’s Studio LAURELDALE HOSIERY SERVICE Ladies Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery - 3-Thread Crepe Men's Hose, 7J/2 c to 3Sc pair — A11 sizes Mail Order Solicited 118—6th Ave. West Hendersonville Approved FALL Fashions Dresses - Coats Featuring the new fash ionable blacks in Satin and Crepe, with plain ami flared fronts and new bodice styles. ALSO natty tailored suits and frocks out.of tweeds and woolens. 1.98 TO 9.95 New Shipments Arriv ing Daily. The youthful flitted styles . . .the casual dress-wear modes . - . and tuxedo types. FUR COLLARS that were selected for their effective designs to please individual tastes. New Shoe* and Accessories Exciting New Hats The tall crown Robin Hood hats, and tiny Doll hats so comfortable with winter coats. Tailored Breton sailors and monogram hats for the smart women are now on display. 1.00 to 2.98 W. Main St. Bre'Hfe