Mrs. Minnie Stroup returned home the last of the week, having spent sev eral weeks visiting relatives at Hen dersonville. Miss Elsie White, Mrs. J. E. White, and Mr and Mrs. William White were visitors to Asheville Saturday. Miss Elsie White, who Is teaching at Olenvtlle, spent tho week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E White, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ingle, of Asheville and Jonas Ridge, spent the week-end visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pharr. Miss Eva Pharr, of Asheville, visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pharr, Sunday. Ralph Hensley of Lyman. S. C.. visited his sister. Mrs. Mamie Gallo way, Sunday. He was accompanied home by Miss Hazel Galloway, who will spend several days visiting In owuui Carolina. Kay Winchester spent Sunday night visiting Frank Whitmire. Mrs. Charlie Green Is reported quite 111 at her home near Hosman. Mrs. Joe Duckworth and small daugh ter, of Brevard, are spending a few days at the home of the former's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green. Mr and Mrs. Gene Whitmire, of East Fork, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I,oon Whitmire. J. S. Wilde. Ersle Cash, and Miss Dorothy Wilde spent the week-end at Newport. Tenn.. visiting relatives and attended the Ford reunion. Paul Cassell returned to his home at Sunset. S. C„ Sunday having spent the past week visiting relatives here. Mrs. Jessie C. Rains Is reported quite 111 at her home near Bosnian. Miss Edith Powell visited friends at Sunset, S. C., Sunday. C. W. Adcock, of Boylston. spent the week-end at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Nathan Chapman. Mack Collins Is reported quite 111 at his home near Bosnian Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Rains were dln i ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs i Mack Rains. ■- Thomas Morrison and children at tended funeral services for Mrs. James Chapman at Quebec Monday. The Rev. Mr. Underwood, of Mayes vllle, was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitmire, Rom to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cassell a son. James Thomas. Saturday. Oc tober 1st. Mr. and Mrs. John Dale, and Mrs. I.uther Dale were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Galloway spent Sunday at Saluda visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. Ada Thompson. I FINISHING You’ll Like the Kind of Sendee We Give. Austin’s Studio 22 Broadway Born to Mr and Mrs. Vernon Retd a son Friday, September 80. W. N. Stroup, of Canton police de partment, who recently underwent an operation, Is spending a few days In Rosman visiting relatives and friends and recuperating from the operation. Miss Ophelia White was able to re sume her teaching duties at Balsam Drove School Thursday. Miss White recently underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. Wash Fisher, who is teaching at Winston-Salem spent the week-end visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher visited friends In Gloucester Sunday. Roy Owen, of the East Fork section, was injured in an auto accident Sunday night. T. H. Thomas is spending this week nt Cashiers visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bryson. Mrs. James Staton, Miss Lula Manly and Miss Eva Israel, the Gospel trio, sang at the Chapman funeral Monday. Mrs. E. W. Israel, of Asheville, spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Israel. She was accompanied home by her husband, who spent the past three weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Israel. W. N. Stroup, of Canton, spent Fri day and Saturday night visiting Mr. anil Mrs. A. P. Rogers. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Murphy a daughter Tuesday. September 27th. Walter Rogers, of Salem, S. C., spent the week-end visiting relatives here. Misses Opal and Helen Fullbrlght. of Brevard, were dinner guests Sunday night of their sister, Mrs. Paul Stroup. Miss Marie Moore, of Asheville, spent the week-end visiting her mother, Mrs. M. N. Moore. pyar Talley and son. movip. oi nui pm. S. C.. spent Friday visiting Mr and Mrs. Paul Rogers T. A. Smith and children. Betty and Thomas, of Quebec, spent Sunday visit ing the former's mother, Mrs. T. V. Smith. George Galloway, of Oregon, arrived Friday to spend several days visiting Ids mother. Mrs. Mamie Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Newman spent a few days last week at Saluda visit ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Newman. Calloway McCall, of Gloucester, was u dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sisk. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brooks and three children of Asheville, spent a few days the first of the week visiting Mrs. Brooks’ sister. Mrs. Jack Fisher. Mrs. Allen Sisk, and Mrs. R. Fisher and Miranda Sisk were dinner guests Monday of Mrs. D. H. Parson. Mrs. A. N. Collins, of St. Petersburg. Fla., was called here the first of the week due to the death of her mother, Mrs. James Chapman. Mrs. Coy Fisher spent Monday In Gloucester visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green. Mrs. Walter Reece Is auite 111 at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hampton and son moved last week from Murphy to the Gloucester section. A. M. mite and Bert McLean at tended the W.O.W. meeting In Ashe ville Tuesday night. Mrs. Frank Orr and sons. Bolce and Joe, of Hendersonville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchanan, and son, Robert of Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gilles pie of Brevard and Richard Morgan of Wekster. were dinner gueita Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs Aston Heath and daughters, Ltnna and Mary Louise, and son Charles, of Rrevard, were visitors Sundav night of Mrs. Heath’s sister. Mrs. Jordan Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sumeral of Gray Court. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sumeral. of Laurens. S. C., were guests Thursday of the former's son. ,M. C. Sumeral, and Mrs. Sumeral. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. G. Sumeral. and Mr. and Mrs. Buck Heinpley, of Spartan burg, were guests one day last week of Mr and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral. Mrs. L. 5. Henderson and son, Fur man Henderson, of Cray Court, and Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Henderson and two children of Fountain Inn. S. C.. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral. Dr. and Mrs. .Toe E. Osborne spent Wednesday night at Shelby visiting the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Osborne. Mrs. Arthur Wilson and daughter. Peggie, of Canton, arrived Sunday to spend ti few days visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. Earl Mitchell spent the week-end visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mitchell. _ SECURITY! THINK of the middle aged and elderly people you know who enjoy all the comforts of life, and you’ll find they are the ones who saved consistently through out a lifetime; small amounts saved regularly accumu late. Waiting for a sudden fortune too rarely material izes! Find your security through this bank’s many ser vices. COMMERCIAL SAVINGS SAFE DEPOSIT □ TRANSYLVANIA TRUST COMPANY Vr. B. WHITMIRE DIED IN GEORGIA W. B. Whitmire, 68, of Chlckamauga, Ga„ and widely known here, died sud denly Wednesday afternoon of a heart attack. Mr. Whitmire was a deacon In the Chlcqamauga Baptist church. A mem ber of Crawfish Springs lodge F. and A. M., No. SOO and was a member of Chlckamauga Chapter R .A. M. No. 99 He came to Llndale from North Caro lina In 1898 and was connected with the Pepperell manufacturing company until 1912, when he became associated with the Trion company, Trlon, Ga. he moved to Chlckamauga In 1916 and at the time of his death was overseer of the carding and spinning department of the Crystal Springs Bleachery Co., of Chlckamauga. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Laura Whitmire, one daughter, Mrs. J. N. Freeman, of Chlckamauga; three sla ters. Mrs. W. F. Duke, of Atlanta, Mrs. Culwell Galloway, of Rosman, and Mrs. Stanley Lyons, of Pittsburgh, Pa: two brothers. Freeman Whitmire, of Ros man, N. C., and Ernest Whitmire, of Atlanta. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Chapel of the Henry Autry funeral home with the Rev. J. Ed. Smith, officiating. Bur ial was In the East View cemetery. rallbearers were H. F. and Ned Neal, Ben F. Godfrey, Gene Drake, B. T. and O, D. Llpham. Mr. Whitmire is a former Rosman resident being the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wash Whitmire, of Rosman. RAPTISMA T, SERVICE IS ITEIjD HERE SUNDAY Baptismal services were held here Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. M. E. Summey was In charge of the services. There were sixteen baptised and add ed to Zion Baptist church. SINGING MEET AT THtEVARD, OCT. SOIh Editor The Times, T again wish to remind all the churches throughout the county to make preparation for their church to be represented at the fifth Sunday singing convention, that will be held in the court house In Brevard, October 30th. Remember that we are planning for a fine day If not providentially hinder ed. and hoping that all the churches will respond either by choir, quartet, trio or duet. We extend a special in vitation to all the churches In Bre vard, to be present and take part In this convention. Respectfully, E. D. RANDOLPH, President OLD TOXAWAY NEWS Mrs. Delphla Ramey and daughter Ciessle made a business trip to Brevard Saturday. Burlen Morgan, of the Frozen Creek section .and A. D. Galloway were Sun day visitors of S. E. Robinson. Sheriff George Shuford and Eck L. Sims, of Rrevard, were visitors In this section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Chapman and children visited the latter's brother. Claud Meece. and family Sunday at Reedy Cove S. C. Mrs. S. E. Robinson visited on Sun day her brother, Pink Galloway, who has been ill for some time but Is slow ly Improving. Several from this section attended the baptizing at Rosman Sunday. Mrs. Jess Meece is reported to be on the sick list at tills writing. Arthur Aiken, of the CCC camp at. Rnvensford. Is spending a few days visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Aiken. Miss Blanche Rains, of near Rosman. Is spending some time with her sister. Mrs. Jess Meece. I-trs. L. H. Morgan Is spending a few days visiting relatives In the Middle Fork section. Mrs. R. P. A^cen and daughter, Ossie, and sons, Ray and Earl, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Meece. Robert Chappell and Arthur Aiken attended church service at Middle Fork Saturday night. Superintendent J. B. Jones visited Old Toxaway school one day Iasi week. Oscar Chappell was a Rosman visitor Saturday. Rayon weaving mills of Peru will cut working hours and set minimum rayon prices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. Henry Pace, deceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, North Caro lina, on or before the 1st day of Sep tember, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the Slst day of August, 1938. J. H. TINSLEY, Administrator of the estate of J. Henry Pace, Deceased. Sept l-«t Fresh Better Ask your Grocer for PISGAH BREAD OAKLAND NEWS The revival at Lake Toxaway, which Is In charge of Rev. W. H. Nicholson, Is still In progress with great Interest shown at each service. We sincerely hope there will be lasting good ac complished. I, S. Sanders and Jesse Cash attend ed the first aid classes In Brevard last week. They report that It was both Interesting and beneficial. Mrs. Mack Reid returned to her home at Quebec last week after spend ing several weeks here with Mrs. Maggie Ntcholson. Mrs. Roxte Dunn, of Sellca, was here last week for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Belzie Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith were Bre vard visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Nicholson and daughter, Miss Lillian, and her girl friend of Enka were on a camping trip In this section over the week-end and were dinner guests Sunday of the former’s mother. Mrs. Belzie Nlchol son, and brothers, pick and oraay. Other callers at the Nicholson home recently were Ernest Brown, of High lands. Barnet Nix, of South Carolina, Dlllle Fisher, of Reid's Siding and Gar land Grlmshaw, of Boheney. Ray Sanders, of Brevard, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Towe and family, of South Carolina, and Mr, and Mrs. Burns Alexander, of Cashiers, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Hall. Mrs. Ada Sanders, of Lake Toxaway, spent Sunday here as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid. Mrs. Mary Burgess and daughter, Miss Alberta, were callers at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall Sun day afternoon. Neill Burgess spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. X. S. Sanders. Mrs. Maggie, Nicholson had as call- J ers Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nichol son, I^essie^ Gertha and Eugene Nichol son, Miss Levonne Nicholson and girl friend, Fred Nicholson and daughter, Miss Betty, all of Rosman. Others were1 Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Reid. Mrs. Ada Sanders, W. W. Reid, Miss Stella Mc Coy, and little Miss Margaret Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Retd and Garvin Ducker and Mrs. Nicholson stayed at home Sunday to rest. I, S. Sanders and son Ray were at Lake Toxaway Sunday afternoon and spent a few hours with the former's mother, Mrs. S. I>. Sanders. They re ported the old ladies as getting along fine. W. F. McCall sold the first truck load of cabbage Monday that has gone out from our community this year. Carl Smith left here Monday for Asheville, where he hopes to get em ployment. QUEBEC NEWS Mrs. Elbert Whitmire, who sprain ed her ankle a Rood many weeks ago and has not been able to walk a step since, says she is "getting no better fast." Mrs. Gideon Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown have recently purchased and had erected at the graves of their departed appropriate tombstones. Mrs. Miller for her husband, Gideon Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown for their son Oliver. Mrs. James Chapman of this com munity died at her home at 10 o’clock last Saturday night. Appropriate no tice of her life, death and burial will. be given in another article. Mr. and Mrs. Judson McCrary and, Mr. and Mrs. Mlcliell Neely of Bre vard were visitors wlh Mrs. L. E. Reece Friday afternoon of last week. Denton Moore, grand son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson, has been real sick for some days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Whit mire on September 80 a son, Marshall Edwin. Joretta Moore spent Sunday with Betty Owen. Mrs. Lesa Loving spent Friday night with her mother, Mrs, Mary Ann Mil ler. Garland Whitmire of the Brevard CCC camp was guest of Junior Whit mire Saturday night. Mrs. Mollle Brown and two daugh ters, Jenny Sue and Mary, of Easley, dined with Mrs. Elbert Whitmire Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fisher of Bre vard spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. McCall. Mrs. Lyle McCoy was a Brevard visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Owen spent Sat urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Whitmire. Mrs. Mary Ann Miller was very sick with influenza the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson din ed with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powell spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mc Coy. Miss Jannle Owen and Mrs. Claude Owen called on Mrs. Edwin Whitmire last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hen derson. Next Sunday Is home-coming day at Oak Grove Baptist church. Let all former pastors of this church take no tice that they are expected to be pres ent at this home-coming. Members and former members who live out of the community are expected to return for the day Sunday. The people of. the community are planning to lie present and join In the exercises for the day. The weekly community prayer meet ing this week will be held Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCoy, conducted by Claxton Henderson. The subject for this meet ing Is “Hell or Heaven, Which?" The regular Saturday night prayer meeting which is always held at the church house will be conducted this Saturday night by Mrs. J. D. Powell. To these services the public Is not only invited but urged to attend. Movie fans of Rumania saw 284 feature films last year. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE By virtue of the power of sale given to the undersigned Trustee, In that certain deed of trust, executed by George Smith and wife Cassle Smith, dated March 1, 1938, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, in deed of Trust Book No. 29 page 163, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness whereby the power of sale contained in said deed of trust has be come operative, the undersigned Trus tee will on the 24th day of October, 1938, at twelve o'clock M„ sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction, at the court house door in the Town of Brevard, the following described property. Beginning on a stake. Charles Stone slper'E North East corner and runs South 46 1-2 degrees West 14 polec to a stake; thence North 32 degrees West 11 poles and 17 links to a stake; thence North 46 1-2 degrees East 14 poles to a stake: thence South 32 degrees East 11 poles and 17 links to the Beginning. This 22nd day of September. 1938. LEWIS P. HAMLrN, Trustee 4t-Sept. 29_ SUCK TIRES ARE M S Winter weather will soon be here and with it will come the danger of skidding on wet roads. Let us put on a set of new ATLAS TIRES and TUBES — backed by an unconditional guarantee. We handle a complete line of auto accessories and will test your spark plugs FREE. WHITMIRE SERVICE Howard Whitmire, Mgr. Day or Night Phone 95 E. Main Street Brevard ..A- A A , A , , . . . . Send Your Renewal In BETTER ODORLE DRY CLEANING Tour clothes will be cleaned properly, returned promptly, and ready to wear, instantly if you call 44. Hon. R. Lee Whitmire Rosman High School ' Honorable R. Lee Whitmire, will address the voters of Transylvania County on the issues of the day. LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED DEMOCRATS--REPBUUCANS Urged to Come out and Hear Mr. Whitmire