Fun for t I_ PIG TOP "Silk," the ringmaster, seeking revenge lor the elephant’s attack on him, hat forbidden By ED WHEELAN f _"Speed” to give her any water,_ _—^^ I MEANWHILE, WRA TDLD 'FLIP'' AND'BOTCH "ABOUT HER ^UST THEN SKOOKit THE EDUCATED TALK WITH 3EFF BANdrS — CHIMPANZEE, DROPPED IN FOR —^ -- ■— —t——— r- his PAiLy vistt with mvra - Aand so.&oks, it all depends) /WELLKEEP\ ON HOW ALTA BEHAVE? (P>jg FIN&ERS ) ( HERSELF DURING , ^ ^.l _ '1 ) > tonights „ ) 0 l PERFORMANCE../ /—v TTW LALA PALOOZA The Society Page Mi-ed Something By RUBE GOLDBERG rrM grT Z look THERE’S ONE OF 1 Wf WON’T ALL THOSE STUCK COUNTESS, MY MINE \ f jj' f ThosE’ NEWSPAPER V UP DAMES BURN UP WHEN CONTAIKIC A^ERICA 'll) S' X PHOTOGRAPHERS TAKING ■ THEY SEE MY PICTURE S?^D-ButLunfoI fli HOLD] OUR PICTURE FOR THE ■ 'N THE SUNDAY PAPER ATELVBV MFFn i-v i H IT A SOCIETY PAGE - I JT< e Frank Jay Mancay ByndlcaU, Inc. | S’MATTER POP— You Can’t Put Anything Over on Willyum By C. M. PA e B»H gradient*.—WNU g«rvlc«. | wire/-. T That Makes It Even MESCAL IKE b? s. l. huntley . .,,, .IL, ■ i please teacher, only a dunce t know, WHAT^DID T LEARN WOULD ASK SUCH A IN SCHOOL STUPID , I ASKS ME THATO^^^K ■ | "tO-DAY ? QUEST,CN.;^ t gg SroiloU.-WlfU »«nrte« fll NEW CLOVE _By GLUYAS WILLIAMS VS RUSHES WK10 Dismv NEW SERVE HESOTfOH his aimaw*1 nh SVAJOSMIOUND TOOOO IV AS BISSES BOVS 1SV KCU r\ wow conseuft , WHERE FRANK* is IJSIW w. UA FRAHKlE S/WS HE ft USE IfRiP AMINNIH6 OR1WO. -,.»■ b,TW .. HAS HARD WORK XEEF 1X6 <£ARS BACK AS w-mirsoXTRAHyi's dOSLWt, vj WrfCHTS HU CHANCE WHEN mNWE 60B»i ttBHf, SBZIS HIS 0"*«SW€. Every Dog Has His Day The grimy little boy walked up to the butcher and thrust out a note. This is what the butcher read: “Please give Johnny 10 cents worth of dog meat, and be sure it’s fresh dog meat on account of last time papa got sick.”—Washington Post. The Troth Will Out The hostess had trouble in getting Mr. Harper to sing. After the song had been given she came up with a smiling face to her guest and made the ambiguous remark: "Now, Mr. Harper, you must nev er tell me again that you cannot sing—I know now!” The Usual Way “Did he take his misfortunes like a man?” “Yes. He laid the blame on his wife.” _ Taken for Granted Fred—Last night I dreamt that 1 married the most beautiful woman in the world. Maude—Were we happy? ]Curse of Progress n I -fae EELLA Mi'O OEODEO TO TAKE W* iACATJOU A LITTLE LATTER f""| ThJS YEAR SO S TO /W&D TH' USUAL 8UHf+Vl RUSH m ' mu-1 fc-^ IlVM . / Add Note of Color to Your Dainty Linens Pattern 6032 These bluebirds have a charm all their own. Cross stitch them in soft colors (shades of one color or varied colors) on scarf, towels, pillow cases, or cloths and enjoy the pride of possession! Pattern 6032 contains a transfer pattern of 12 motifs ranging from 4% by 15 inches to 1% by 1% inches; illus trations of stitches; materials re quired; color schemes. To obtain this pattern, send 15 cents in stamps or coins'(coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W. 14th Street, New York, N. Y. Please write your name, ad dress and pattern number plainly. HANDY Home UteA Troth Shows Do the truth ye know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know.—G. Macdonald. CONSTIPATED? Hers Is Amazing Relief for Conditions Dus to Sluggish Sowsls sites freablDg. Invigorating. Dependable ^ reUef from dck headaches, bilious spells, tired feeling when o'NB «">“ IP* Without Risk SSAm. mu* u» te»-ibeo If not delighted, return the box to ue. We will refund the purchase S*^ BrtNRlibleVtodnr. Doubling Joy Every man rejoices twice when he has a partner of his joy.— Ta?lor-___ sore eyes ge :worse and worse the Ion gef you let them go; Leonardi’s Golden Eye Lotion cores in d animation and soreness with out pain in one day. Cooling, healing, strengthening. llcOLOSM Ntw Isrp a. e. u—«rai« c»h n»w iiwoion, n i Offending Manners Virtue itself often offends when coupled with bad manners.— Holmes. — BHH Help Them Qmbm tbe Blood of Harmful Body Wut« Tsar kldtwri in eonrtentiy State •UK matter from the Mood anus. Bet kidneys eoiBetimM lea la their wall da aot act ee Nature Intended—fell to mow Imporitla that, U retained, amy poieoc the eyetem pad epee* the wMe body iBMnlftgy. . ,_. ^aaasaf.aei.ttat ggrjrjgiaiftgs anxiety and loee of pep and eUearth. Other eifni of kidney or biadda «a orda may ba burntap, ecaoty or taa frequent urination. There ehoold be aodoabt that prompt treatment ie arte than neglect Dee Deea'e Pina. Drear have beat eriaatag aar irienda lot more than (arty yean. They been a aadoa-vMe repatatka. Good Memurmse Cm 5« CONSISTENTLY Adrtrtrutd Q BUY DDVPTODP QOOOO 0