PAGE TWO THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 Volunteers Doing Much Improvement Work On Golf Course Each baturclay many local golfers and other interested citizens are working on the greens, fairways and other portions of the Brevard golf course, and Jack Keating, chairman of the greens committee, in vites all volunteer workers to come out this coming Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. The group above is topsoiling, fertilizing and reseeding No. 2 green, and the condition of the course is said to be much improved since the volunteer work has been going on. In the picture above, left to right, are: HOWARD BARNES, BERNARD ROBINSON, CHEATHAM NELSON, CHAIRMAN KEATING, JACK FENWICKE, BILL ERWIN and W. F. HUFFMAN, president of Brevard Country Club, Inc. (Times Staff Photo) s? ^RT PAGE Edited By John I, Anderson s Rambling With The Sports Editor PINCH HITTING . . . Sport tans in these parts were glad to see Gil Coan pinch hitting last week end, and the consensus is that Gil will he back in the Washington line up in the next few days. STOCK FOR SALE . . . Jack Alexander, chairman of membership of the Brevard country club, this week releases a list of captains and lieutenants for the four districts in town. He points out that the sale of stock is open to the public, and during the first day or two of selling, some $1,080 was realized. That’s encouraging. It is hoped that 500 shares can be sold, and Mr. Alexander points out that a number of summer visitors are keenly intere^ed in buying stock, and he can be contacted at any time by others desiring to buy a share or two. TOURNEY SATURDAY . . . Speaking of golfing, Tom Case, pro at Hendersonviile, invites Transylvania golfers to enter Life’s contest at Hendersonville on Saturday and compete with Juiius Boros, National Open champion. Last year golfers all over the coun try played against Bantam Ben Hogan, and thousands of them won medals inscribed: “I Beat Ben Hogan.” This year Boros will play his home course at Mid Pines, and the golfers will play their various courses, with their scores minus their handicaps. We're predicting that at least one of the local foursome, the publisher. Hank Newbury, George Perkins, Jr., and the ole sports ed will bring back a medal. "Big Push” Is Now On In Sale Of Brevard Country Club Stock Chairman Urges Public Sup port. Captains And Lieu tenants Are Named The “big push” in the sale of stock in the recently organized Brevard country club is now under way, according to Jack Alexander, chairman of membership. Mr. Alexander points out that the four captains have named several lieutenants each to assist in the drive, and they hope to contact ev erybody before the first of June. He further explains that a share of stock'is $10, and persons may buy as many shares as they wish, and sale is open to the public. It is hoped that 500 shares can be sold, and the money raised in this manner will be used to pur chase capital equipment. Volunteer workers are busy improving the condition of the course, and offi cials of the club believe the course will be playable some time next month. Captains and assistants in the four districts are as follows: District One—Capt. Bob Arnold, Jim Willis, Smith Conklin, Jack Fenwick, Alfred Perkins, Lucy Clarke, Tom Eller, Catherine Palm er, Chris Rogers, J. O. Davidson, George Justus. District Two — Capt. L. C. Poor, Hank Newbury, Bill Alexander, Cheatham Nelson, Dan Edens, Ver non Fullbright, Duncan Hunter. District Three — Capt. Ned Med ford, Harvey Souther, Spud Car penter, Roy Orr, Bill Charles, Elton Lewis, Fritz Merrell. District Four — Capt. Norman Boyer, Willie Dockens, Buddy Mel ton, Pete Doyle, Buck McCall, Jim Wingate, Alex Kizer, Sr. ECUSTA TO HIT ROAD SATURDAY Game Slated At Berkeley. Beacon Here Next Wed nesday. Down Enka Ecusta’s WNC Industrial league baseball team travels to Berkeley Saturday afternoon for a regular loop contest. The game gets underway at 3:30 o'clock, and a large delegation of local fans is expected to attend the game. Next Wednesday afternoon Bea con comes to Ecusta for a regular league game, which will be played on the plant field beginning at 4:00 o’clock. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Last Saturday afternoon Ecusta nosed out Enka to the tune of 10-4. Grover Frisbee went the route for the locals, and each of the fol lowing Ecustans garnered two hits: Compton, Johnson, Drake, Brank, Banks, while Bryson and Tiger had one each. ROSMANFFATEAM WINS HELD DAY Brevard Is Second In Annual Event At Mills River High School The Rosman FFA track team won first place in the annual Pis- gah Federation FFA field day 'aT Mills River. Brevard, came out second. For the winners, the following boys were entered in the various events: Jerry McCall, baseball throw for distance; Grady Ashe, 100-yard dash; Ray Owen, shuttle Kenneth Owen, sack race; Donald Lee Passmore, potato race; James Chapman and Harold Fisher, 3-leg- ged race; Larry Patterson, Joe Smith, Freddie Hellar and Wendell Powell, 440-yard race; Joel Hub bard, broad jump; Eugene Staton, high jump; and Yancey Whitmire and Bradley Snipes, horse shoe Brevard Colleges WAA Holds Annual Banquet, Awards Made President Reports Most Suc cessful Year. Nancy Car- son Is Honored The girl who swears she’s never been kissed seems bold and just a bit daring; on second thought, when you think of what she’s missed, you really can’t blame her for swearing. When you think of prescrip tions. think of VARNER’S.—adv. The Woman’s Athletic asocia- tion of Brevard college held its an nual banquet at the Rhododendron room Tuesday night. Nancy Carson, president, presided. A resume of the year’s activities were given by Miss Carson who also said that this year had been the most successful WAA, year in the association’s history. Eighty-two per cent of the enrolled women stu dents received WAA letters. In or der to win a letter a student must have participated in at least seven sports. One hundred per cent of the students participated in at least one sport. President Robert H. Stamey pre sented letter awards to the follow ing girls: June Craft, Lyndell Walker, Ellen Torrence, Nancy Carson, Evelyn Ledford, Jeannie Morris, Virginia Osborne, Celia Sherrill, Jane Bishop, Colene Cook, Ann Cudd, Caroline Davis, Dene Duckett, Doris Ferguson, Frances Fortune, Barbara Hanson, Molly Primm, Nancy Setzer, Faye Smith, Betty Lee Starnes, Carolyn Throw er, Elaine Walker, Joy Warren, Frances Weaver, Carolyn B. Free- 1, Betty George, Rebekah Eaker, Lila Burgess. Miss Louise Moseley, faculty ad visor of the WAA, presented the following trophys and pins to the individual champions: archery champion, Caroline Davis; badmin ton champion, Barbara Hansen; ta ble tennis champion, Molly Primm. Pins were awarded to group win ners as follows: Nancy Carson and Jeannie Morris, archery; Ann Cudd and Molly Primm, badminton; and Barbara Hansen and Frances For tune, table tennis. The tennis tour nament is still in the process of be ing played. Miss Moseley also announced that for the first time the associa tion was presenting the highest award in athletics that a student could receive for active participa tion, keen interest, and good sports manship. This award was present ed to Nancy Carson. The climax of the evening came when the intramural trophy was awarded to the freshmen class. The day students and the sophomores were never out of the picture until the last tournament. Guests at the banquet included Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fitzpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stamey, and lit tle Miss Becky Roy, the associa tion’s mascot. On this Scorecard of FOOD ¥ALUiS 0 1 1 Pillsbury’s Log Cabin . I HOME-GROWN RHUBARB 3,b.29^ PANCAKE MIX SYRUP ; MUSTARD GREENS 2 - 35?! 12 oz. bottle 4||J)U U. S. No. 1 Old ; POTATOES .o.b.SDj; i JUICY SUNKIST LEMONS Pillsbury’s CAKE MIX White or Yellow Hunt’s Tomato CATSUP i ; FANCY GA. POLE BEANS .,^.350 1 Max Pax Firm Selected 1 Texas Carrots TOMATOES 1 1 lb. cello pkg. Carton - 35ie 14 oz. bottle J, A V ; 12C 19c LEAN BONELESS STEW BEEF CUBESTEAK GRADE A SIRLOIN STEAK DRESSED & DRAWN lb. 55^ lb. lb. 79^ lb. 491? HENS ECONOMY CUT PORK CHOPS ib.590 FRESH COUNTRY BUHER ib. S9t FRYERS PAN READY ■^470 Jones’ All-Meat FRANKS ‘ 49c Phillip’s Tomato SOUP 25c Colored OLEO In Sticks—Lb. 19c TOMATOES 2 No. 303 cans 25^“ KOOLAID 2W BORDEN’S MILK FIG BARS Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 1 lb. pkg. 29^ 59^ MLO OR PUDDING COFFEE qt. jar 3 iboxes 25^ Breakfast Club lb. pkg. Armour’s SHORTENING 3 lb. carton 63c SWIFTENING 3 lb. can 75c ICECREAM SAUSAGE Beverly 2 pints 39^ oz. can 19f? SPAGHETTI""" ISVz oz. can 23^ TONY DOG FOOD RY SWATTERS “acb 15^ REAL-KILL pint bottle ' 59f? TEXIZE BLEACH qt bot lO^? Large Large Large Large SILVER DUST LUX FLAKES RINSO BREEZE 29C 28c 28c 30c Regular Bath Size Regular Large LUX TOILET LUX TOILET SWAN SWAN 3 for 23c 2 for 23c 3 for 23c 3 for 39c Large Regular Bath Size SPRY SURF LIFEBUOY LIFEBUOY 3 Lb. Can Z9C 3 for 23c 2 for 23c 89C CnSH&CRRRV SUPER-MRRKET irm sToAe avenvoAV low pricms 44