I "THE QBEATJJHT GOOD TO THE BET.ATKST V n M n V. n " VOL. IX.--XO. 27. EXilZABETH CITY. N. C., FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 1887. FIYE CENTS 1 T.O. WHITE, . . . nafAn;vTs l vni?.FOTiK AT) VEUTISEM KNT I OUFOLK AI uuinri-ixM l mam mm FP 1 is. jyicvieary, I.IVEUy SALE EXCHANGE 8TABLES, e & 6 2 IMON ST Rli RT, t formerly Hall' Old Stand.) j PS CONSTANTLY OX HASD A FC.r. TOTC OF H O RSES AND MULES- Alt stock warranted as reprentAd. Orders trom country respectfully solicited and prompt attention paid to Bn TM HODGES, HODCES & WHITE, - WHOLESALE RECOLLECTION. i 49 Commerce Street. KOKFOLK. JOSEPH C. HORSWORTHY, DEALEB IN STAPLE AD FANCY DRY ( GOODS, NO. 187 MAI TIH:i:T NORFOLK, VA. HTOCK BEPLEMBHED DAILY AND ALWAYS FRESH AND NEW. j SAMPLES BENT ON DEMAND OBDEE8 BY LETTEB8 CABEFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED! ap-9y BILIOUSNESS la an affection of the liver, and can be thoroughly cured by that Grand Regulator of the Liver and Biliary Organs, 8IX2I30H3 LXVEIt n ECU LATCH J. H. ZETLTT! & CO., Plilliielpili, Ft. A when a plirT. w-f ary of tv u ' Takes irp h4 !n$truranit m ! r-! . fif-n First aimJ.-vlr, and; unt "e .. ITeard loot; a.r-v u n.rt r r.-i I ti :rxjy 1 Tb oil tuije l.i ii'i-n f .ci J i i WX ft m . - xrp uurw-ri m ; .. t, .a- . " . mj ki ll r-w r--ala t! J 4 i: .. i jr, iTnet, And rem Li!- to thlwt t -y r tno.4 tCay; So I. a-vary . itl th st.i:i 1-..-, In mu Jn fU ujxj Hm :: cf ..n f um.i rm .u. o m r r -'.r r to i and revoUfctiuos, rctH a u r :ovrrv lame ikcx, Bwirt as lb Crvt, r-1 t.Wxn tfcaS ran At dawn acros a rival gray wat ,.f William Bartk tt TyW in limt.m Transcript, KENTON'S YKUSIOS PARKER & PEELLE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And liircliaslitjc Agents, Baltimore, 2&i., & ITorfolk, Va, Green Fruits and Vegetables, Bice, Corn, Cotton and nil Farm Products. Prompt per sonal attention glyen to all orders and con signments. JULE RUSSELL WITH PETER SMITH & 00, "LEADER OF LOW PRICES" WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALEBS JN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Samples sent with pleasure upon ap . g GEO. TAIT & SON, Importers Eroiers ill Sealers, plication febG-ly No 7 Market Square, NOR.KOIK, VIRGINIA, Samuel Rofilin, GLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 1 64 MAIN STREET, NORFOLK. V A. fe26-ly FABER & FRIESE, j PHOTOGRAPHIC STTJDIO. OQer to Truckers, Farmers and Private Faml lies, a complete assortment of Ui Qrden and Flow; Eesds which their long experience warrants then In saying will be found unsurpassed as to purity and germinating qualities, and perfectly adapted for profitable Southern cultivation. t-CATALOaUES ON APPLICATfON . H I was afflicted for several yran with diaordered liver, which resulted In a evere attack of Jaundice. I had ai good medical attendance at oar aeo tion afforda, who Called utterly to re store me to the enjorment of my former good health. I then tried the .favorite prescription of one of the most renowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky.. but to no purpose ; where upon I was Induced to try Simmons Liver Kefrnlator. I found imme diate benefit from its use, and it ulti mately restored me to the full enjoy ment of health. A. H. SHIRLEY, Richmond, Ky. HEADACHE Proceeds from a Torpid liver and Im parities of the Stomach. It can be invariably cured by taking SIMMONS LITER REGULATOR Let all who suffer remember that . SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHES " Can be prevented by taking a doe as soon ae their symptoms indicate the coming of an attack. PROFESSIONAL UAKDS. J JEW YORK QEJTAL R OOMS IN NORFOLK, VA. ICS Cor. Main & Talbot Sts. over Seabnry. The highest standard In the dental art main tained In all its branches. Teeth filled after the most approved method and rendered painless In many instances. The best local, and BjHtemical anaesthetics known Ls used for the painless ex traction of teeth. Artificial teeth inserted on the Rubber or Vulcanite base $10. CELLULOID un surpassed for perfect adaption life-like expression. Testimonials from the first citizens of the city, regarding its superiority can be seen at the office. J3e-TEETII MADE WHILE YOU VAITEl OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. Hit. J. . ENNKS, leuteat. 1) ML. J. II. WHITE, SUBGEON DENTIST. COB. MAIN & CHDECHSTBEETS, w The largest and most complete photographic establishment in the city, with every facility for- nret-claes work. Portraits in Crayon, Colored Crayon and OH. Cabinet Photo graps for $3 per dozen. Beautiful views of noted scenery and public buildings. Instan taneous process tor all work. Jy2-3m A. T- HERBERT & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Trucks and Cotton FERTILIZERS. 54 Roanoke Avi., Norfolk, Va I I O ft O ELIZABEiU CITY, N. C. MAIN STBEET, OPPOSITE THE BANK. Otitr k'ut profe8inal ttrrices to the citizens of ElizoMth City and rtcir.it j in all the branch of Ms irofenion. litftrenct: Faculty of liaitimore Volt tat of Dental SuraA v. K. I.A3I1I, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW AM BEAL ESTATE AGENT, ELI. A BE I U CITY, N. O. BOX 71. r ij. mnni.i:. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Fractices in the tvj ti Ur aiid FtUtrat Covrtt of Xorth Carolina. ostSS.ly rililli:i, p. o, C. rpnojiAS c; cv': J. W. CILIV1ER, DEALEB IN HATS AND CAPS, FURF. V71BRELL4S. SO, 148 MAIN STREET NORFOLK, VA. Head of Market Sc are. PEICES TELLi" AND EVERYBODY ! TILL TiHllEOm - IF&OEtTOS OP THE ' GREAT 13ABCAINS TO BE HAD AT FREEMAITS NEW STORE, 138 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. JixstJ Loolc. Ladies' Solid Gold Stem Winders only $25, worth $35; Genu' Solid Gold Stem Winders only $35, worth $50; 8olid Silver Watches only $9, worth $l. Teaspoons $a per half dozen, worth $3, in fact, every article at Freeman's New Jewelry Store are offered 15 per .pent, less than any other house. Do't fall to call on or address Arthur C. Freeman, the Old Established Jeweler, NOBFOLK COLLEGE for Young Ladlesoffers very superior advantages to those who de sire a thorough education. The best talent is employed in all the departments. It ls non sectarian in character and discipline, but under Christian Influence. - The school room is equipped with all modern appliances, com forts and conveniences; the boarding depart ment 1 pleasant and attractlye. All the rooms and building are comfortably furnished, and heated by steam and well ventilated. It ls designed that boarders shall here find a real home. In a word, those having the College in charge aim to give every advantage, social and educational, and thus render It one of the attraotions of the city. The health record is unsurpassed. . For Catalogue, with full Information, address R.H. WVNNK.Secretary. Ja29.1y W. A TTOIiXEY A T LA IK. HEUTFOBD, N. C ifsiTctixcI ATTOllN EY-AT-LA W, CAMDEN, C. H., N. C. ri a 'tcts in the Huutrior Courts of the First Judici it District. tjeciai attention givtn to the collecti. (f claims. m!9-ly Z.MOUTON,Jr., ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, WILLIAilSTON, N. C. PrartL .a in all the courts. Snedal attention 10 conveyancing and the collection of claims. Rtftrs to the but-int$ men of Uliamsion gtnerauy. jisy FELTON, . ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, COLUMBIA, N. C. Practicts in the Superior Courts of Tyrrel, Wash ington, Chotcun. and Dare coftnties. Prompt and faithful attention given to all pm. feu-y. Li. rotnpt and faithful attention given esswnol biui-tess. W. J.-QBIFFIN. W. O. TEMPLE. ' BOSTON SHOE HOUSE f J. T. WOOD, (1 UIFFIN TIvMIM.i:, X ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLOBS-AT -LAW, ELIZABETH CITY. N. C Practice in the HMrior and Federal Courts of he First Judicial District and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Special attention gxt n to conveyancing ana COi- ettions. ilRANK VAVCaiAN, A TTO BN EY-AT-LA W, ELIZAETH CITY, N. C. Collections faith fully made. PROPRIETOR. WHOLESALE & BET AIL DEALEBS IN SMES auras J NUVMMJ IIIVI1U0J till 27 Market Square, NORFOLK, - - VA. j. h. BLomrr. a. i. BLOtrst. " ATTORN EYS-AT-LJIW, UEBTFOBD.N.C. IW ltactice in the State and Federal Courts of Aorth Carolina. Luther: Sheldon, DEALER IN Sashes, Doors and Blinds, in SALESMEN M. J. MILLER. Norfolk, county, Va. WM. SANBEBLIN, Currituck CoN. C. W. J. VESEY.'Isle of Wight Co., Va. T- B. KICHT, Successor to Eight a Jacocxs, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, COMMERCE STBEET, NORFOLK, VA. . ITCLEESB HOUSE. COLUMBIA, N.C. Frist class accommodations. Terms moder ate. W. L. McCLEESE, Proprietor, and dealer in general merchandise. GrTjrisrs G-TJisrs i hot G un O-evoi vers; e Ti 1mm-..-4sjbT Rifles. UNDF.RWOOD, SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, ELIZABETH CITY, K. C. lromt and Careful attention aicen to alt kinds of uork. IT. T. GREF.NLEaF, C. e. Land Surveyor, ELIZABETH CITY, H. C. ll'iiltoad, Canal and draining of laud. Titles Examined. Prompt attention to wort. . O. Box 25. , J. HEYWOOD SAWYER, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETH CITY, N. O. Practices in the Courts of the First District. Collections faithfully made. JgDMUND ALEXANDER, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Tyrrel Co., N. C. IST" Collections faithfully made. CatarhH. elys Cream Balm, ills Slur Rails U.F-, Addrrt. 'Great Wnliri .Etc. tor Pric LM. QuaWorkm.FHtmburgh J BUILDERS HARDWARE, NEWELS, PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY, AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. lo. 16 West 9lde Market Square, NORFOLK' VA. O TTXTT C? NETS. TENTS & OJCjXX JliO Sporting iood. Double-banel Breech-loading shot guns choke bored. 10 to S100. Single breeoh-l.'ling shot guns, $4 to $25. Every kin.l cf ha eech-load'mg and repeating Rifles, $3 to $40. Latent Patents. Muzzle-loadin? dout)le shot gnns $5 to $35. Sin- arla shot aruns f 2.50 to f!2. Revlver. $1 to 20. All kinds of cartridares, shelle, cap;, waLs tool.s nowder flasks, shot nouches. nriniers. Send two cents for our mammoth illustrated catalogue. No postals answered. Address, Great Western Gun Works. I"it.ljur jr. i'a, N. B. This a 20-year-old reliable nrm. Perfect ly trusworthy. Orders filled promptly and goods sent by mall or express to any pait of the world. No matter what you want in the gun line you can get it at the Great Western by writing a letter and mentioning tms paper. IW M Cleanese the Head, Allays fIV'C A-- SSnYI . i"llt.n......ilnt. 1 Kesiores me ISense of Taste r. m 1 LiJ Quick Relief. ri AV-crrco nA w tark Positive Cure. "A particle Is applied into each nortrel and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at DraggUts; by mail, registered, 60 cents. ELY BROS., New York ortice 235 Greenwich street. HAY FEVER U an inflamed condition conditton of the linlnf membrane of the not-trels, tear ducU and throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid mucus is secreted, the discharge is accompanied with a burning sen sation. There are severe spasms of sneexin& frequent attacks of headache, watery and inflam ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is remedy that can be depended upon to relieve and cure, We bad it rough, Molly ai.d 1, for.flr years. We were New EnLi rulers, both of us; but I luul come west year before when I wasn't much more than n lor, to get rid of the lung fevers I tisrd to Lave every spring Wure, and may bo the fall between thrown In. I bad nothing bet ray two bands to start with; but a suun as I'd made a beginning a small one, of course I went back for Molly. f And then, as I said, for fire years we bad it rough. In the first place, we were burned out in the town and never saved a thing but the clothes we stood ia and my team. Then we started again out on the edge of every thing, where laud waa cheap, and It looked as if bard work miht count for something. , That time the Imliuns ran us off. Never saw an hiril.iu? Well, sir, you never want to. I don't want to be bard on anything the Ird saw fit to make. I suppose he knows what they are made for or what he meant them for I know there's a good deal of talk lately about their wrong. They're bad 'em, rure enough; may be I don't see things all round as I ought to. They say all general rules bear bard on particular cases. I'm one of the particular cases, perhaps. Anyhow, they killed one of the children there the girl, 5 years old; shot her right in fnll sight of the cabin, and Molly hasn't got over it till this day. - I picked up a few heaJ of cattle cheap that fall, and for a year we lived in a wagon, camping and driving our cattle across the ranges. You don't know what that life means for a woman, take It month in and month out. Cooking over a camp fire, and not much of anything to cook, anyhow; clothes wet half the time; never warm in winter nor cool in sum mer, and never clean. .That year the boy died snakebit. We were so far from a settlement that we couldn't get a doctor, , X T , 1 , , ami we ouneu mm ourselves. t We got Into a cabin in the falL I Four of us, each one poorer than the others, took a section of government land. We bad our teams and our health, and we were down to bed rock; not much of any thing to lose and everything to gain. A man will work under such circumstances, you'll find. We built in the middle of the adjoining corners of our quarters, and so had n little settlement of our own. We did it for the sake of the women, for it made an almighty sight of travel for us to get over in the course of the day. They were all New England women, slen der and spare, but solid grit clear through. Plymouth Rock is pretty good stock. Never a whimper nor a complaint out of one of them, though there wasn't a sec ond frock in the crowd; and if there was always corn bread and colTee enough for two in any of the shanties it wasn't in ours. After awhile, though, we hail game enousli quail and prairie chickens.! Irai rie chickens! I wouldn't be hired to touch one now. I remember one day along to ward spring whe'n Molly struck. We bad had qu:.il and prairie chicken, prairie chicken and quail, three times a day ever since I could remember, it seemed o me. She put her fork down and pushed ber plate away and jnst quoted out of the Bible: "Not one day, nor two days, nor five days, neither ten days nor twenty days, but even until it come out at your nostrils and be loathsome unto you. Molly knew the Bible. j It renlly began to look as if we bad tonched bottom. That next spring, we got our crop In corn laid by, rain and sunshine and hot weather all just' right; ami now and then we would hear a laugh from the houses. j " But the day the grasshoppers came there was mighty little laughing done. Clayton cutiie In where I was taking my luMi-.i smoke and kind of dropped down in u chair by the door, as if he couldn't get any farther. i 'iMountainecrs!" be said, with a kind of pa?p. "V.iat" I said, not knowing but it was another kind of Indian. "Grasshoppers!" It seems be bad been there before. i I ran out, and sure enough there they were, coming up against the sun like a low kind of cloud. And in a minute or two it was like being out in a live bail 6torm. We tried to fight them with fire and hot water, but we gave it up In an hour. All day we sat and listened to that horrible cracking and craunchlng, and when they got through it looked as if a fire bad gone over us. Not a green thing left, and the corn stalks gnawed down to stumps. t We held a council of war. The end of It was that we drove our stock into the town the next day, thirty miles, and sold it. It didn't make us rich, but at least we got the price of the bides. Then thnte of us were to work in the coal shippings. and Jim Clayton went back to stay with the women. He bad smashed bis shoul der that summer and was of no mortal use with shovel and pick. We were to keep them in supplies, and it looked as if, after all, things might have been worse. And they got worse before a great while. The coal company petered out Just as the real cold weather 6Ct In. We took back a big load of coal; it was the only pay we ever got for our last fortnight's work, and called another council. Along in November late about the time wheu they were keeping Thanksgiving on the side where they know what Thanks giving means we started on a buffalo bunt. There was enough to eat, such as It was, for a month in the cabins, and fuel enough to keep them warm; and by that time we thought work might begin again. Anyway, we'd have our meat for the rest of the winter. Well, it's no use to go over that. It wasn't a pleasant trip. We weren't out for the fun of killing. We camped out at night, and rode and shot and dressed game bv day. and did not starve nor quite freeze to death; and we got back again on to the plains along in December. I wanted to push through and get home, but the horses were played oct; and all the next day, after we struck the level, we just crawled along. We bad not beard a word since we started, and I was pretty anxious Molly was not well when I left ber; but there was no choice about IT, I had to go; the women were with ber, and there was a doctor in the town, and Clay ton bad a good horse, and we bad Jo 4a about that as we bad done about rrrry thing else take our chance. I shan't forget that day. Aloe? ta tt middle of the morning a norther brgaa to Mow. It did not snow, although the sky thickened up with gray, wooUr looking clooda, low down and threateiuac. You never felt a norther? A wind that goes through your bone, -that elate! your heart and rtope your brain; that breaks yon up body and touL You don't know anything about cold till you've felt on. If there U soch a thing as a frozen bell, that's where these winds come from. It isn't pure cold, it's ghost cold, and all the Infernal regions let loose, yelling and thundering up la the awful emptiness over your head and round you. Lore the prairies? Well, you can lore them a good deal better on paper than anywhere else. But there's an awful fas cination about them, somehow. It's 1? the sea. A man that's got his living out of them for tea years is fit for nothing else In God's world. He can't get away. lie's spoiled for everything else nnder heaven, lie's got to have the sky and a chance to breathe. It's about all there Is to get, better than he can have anywhere else; but it's a sure fact that so much he's cot to have whatever els geta left. It's Ilk a poem, may be "I ain't much on thyme' myself driving across them in warm weather; horve fresh and well fed, with a big tent and spring cots for camping arid a supply wagon with every thing you can think of but ice, and may b that; all the world a-ripple with summer green; like the south wind surging like a warm ocean and the sky blue and soft and arching away up to the great white throne. That's one thing. To go trailing along. horses dead beat and half starved, pulling a big wagon through sloughs up to th axles or over frozen rut that wring every bolt in the concern and every bone in your body, while mile after mile of dead grass stretching out to the edge of the world, with buzzards swingingnp out of nowhere, more like something infernal than any de cent living thing; with coyotes yelping and crying all night that's another thing, and the kind that doesn't get talked about much. Perhaps you don't remember that Item in but winter's newspapers a half dozen lines or so two families frozen In a Texas norther, hones, dogs and all, just as they stood. That night we went Into camp ten miles from home. There was a ravine and plenty cf brush, and the horses were ready to drop in their tracks, and that last ten miles was one of the things that couldn't be done. So we got our fire made and our horses fed and sheltered as well as we could, and put some heart into ourselves with buffalo steak and hot cof fee, and the rest of them packed them selves into the wagon. Some one had to stand guard and keep the fires going, and I took the contract. It wasn't a dark nlht, There was a goodish bit of a moon behind the clouds, ana it made a gray kind of light over every thing. We were at the bottom of a dry canyon that ran east and went, and the wind did not reach us. It screeched and screameU over our heads, and through it all there was a kind of moaning roar, as if we were at the bottom of a tide as deep as the stars are high. I got to thinking about old times away back, of one Sun day night just before we were married. I bad gone east a little sooner than we ex pected, and had to wait for her things to be finished. We went to church. that night.' A keen, crisp, still night it'waa, when the tdelgh runners squeaked on the snow and the moonlight traced the shad ows of the elm on the white ground as If they luul been put in black drawing. The church was warm and bright and they hadu't taken down the Christmas greens yet, so the air was full of the smell of them that spicy, haunting smelL that seems as if it came somehow from a world before this. It was years since I bad smelled it, and I sat and listened to the music and looked at the people, with their comfortable clothing and faces that were cheerful, not worn and wrinkled with care and weather. Molly was an awfully pretty girl In those days; all pink and white like an apple blossom, somehow. And fighting to keep awake out there in the heart of a Kansas prairie, I got to t linking about ber as she was then and bow she had changed. Skin the color of tanned leather now, and that wild, hungry look In her blue eyes, as if they were always staring Into the dark for something that frightened ber. And both her children dead, and not even a spray of the pine she loved so, nor a breath of music; nothing but a dirt floor and log walls that did all thai was expected of them if they kept the weather ont. . Somebody bailed over the top of the bluff. "What camp's thatr "Kenyon and mate, "I 'lowed it was" scrambling down the sides of the gulch on bis sure footed mule "you, Kenyon? News for you. A kid up to your ranch, ten days cH All bands doing well yesterday momihg.' The rest roused themselves, sleepily. He bad got off the trail, and seeing our smoke bad struck for it. We knew and be knew that the chance were that it saved bis life; but be swallowed bis cof fee and smoked bis pipe and turned in with the rest as if getting lost In a norther was one of the things that hap pened, of course, to every man. Then I sat and thought a while, and finally I roused out Madison. ion take my turn," I said to mm; 'I'm going home.,, "Not a brute that will travel." "I'll do my own traveler, on foot. "You'll pas In your checks before morning." "No, the wind ls at my back; no fords; I'll keep going;" and X went. - Went; half running, with the wind driving me on till I was ready to drop. Once I fell and lay there with the wind dragging and tearing at me till I began to grow sleepy, and then I bad to get up and go ahead again. Perhaps you never tried crossing a prairie at night without a trail to follow. It's a curious thing, one I cannot account for; one that make yon feel as If your body and all your sense were cf no mere account than a spent cartridge. It hap pened to me that night, space and time seemed to get aQ mixed np together all at once racing along; it seemed to me that I . bad been keeping np that sort of thing for hours. I felt so adrift somehow o hor ribly lost as if I bad slipped out of my self and was out in space without a land mark to measure anything by. I expect you'll have to try It yourself to know what I mean. I bad no watch; there was no way cf knowing bow much time bad gone. Of all the devils that can enter into a man uncertainty is th worst. Krery sort of a fancy came into my bead. Perhaps I did not know the root as wall as I bail thought. Perhaps I bad even passed the cabins and was going away from them with every step. I ought to have reached them La three hours at the utmost. It seemed to me that I had been burling along for twice thrre boors. Once I tried madly to fight back into th wind. It was bopejess, worse thaa Un. X slouli dre? wt tfc exhaustion ta a few tulast, and I must keep gct&g- - And then X trend burned rrut sdr toy feet. There bad been a tre ovrr the prairie. The ground wa not rnij yet. A new dread co bold cf me. Who kxrw where it bad gnoe or w bat bad stood in t:s track? Xraa along screaming tewtkipg graying orsweartcf quium.L I think, for a 1UU, tl X ftU again, and th Jar brought ne to my eras. I bad gon ever the edge cf aa eld bcf. falo rua scooped dee? by the rush of - mer rain. X ley stm for a little whiis. X must bar goo to sleep, or twrtaj I fainted away. Anyway, wbea X cam to myself agaia th world was a ttl a th grave. Th wind bad gone down, a tt wi3 acaneexmea, suddenly and entirely. Tb uence wa horrTbla. X got on my feet sU3 and benumbed. Xa ail that gray. sUIL ghastly rpac there was nothing to uU east from west or north from south. X was lost oa tb big rang. It wa sua anouch, but the cold was dangerous. X could act stop. X ran move somewhere. I must bake tars if a to kero myself alive rValh. tb r?in tsotuttr. U f ;J rf ea Uriar tLe L;ry fasally curlier 1 to est dowa Uh U fa!al vrvtbe tte it, yocnr t & cf kcta'ry L h tLT sad WifLuaU br l t crura tte keen exire of h settler t averts! t y tte f.4 psrecta. If llrj ill eirrri gwi j?rrarnt la j-nrsr1.: r a r! rra- e! 7 1 r tUir aUi ct;VL Si purpose a purpos U at Wat UU daylight ri!d V w. aad tK-y ruDtv the CvtLT caeert ft J w irr;rv rtv!f cp a the ortanry cf aU tLi w.- cy be ralirvl cpr u t Jerr sJ t jwrknee. ai U riictci tafcitt lh4.r own Wiy's UU fnta ti tci attack c4 a dweLWbrU wry fcxjet of hi, la el. lM..r. La dih. l"orvLrcvr, the rriirv ttrcca-r f S. Si. U seva ia the fiwt tLst !.!: Vnu taoetha ell t!c tale tt iih lc;ts.tr ndtti. lU!ffm!..1Slai-r U bockX t tftfl.t tp fnc lie ar ti three cv eth t fatten cn " S. r W.M tty l Trre frrvtr tbrrv?Wr lrota the awfU &'. r. lwt.rT. irr m . N.t i.7. X began walking; tt did not matter ta what direction. If only my strength bU out UU morning euragth to keep off that horrible drowiin. I know I tun. hied heavily along. X wa think! eg about Molly and ber baby; it all rmd like a dull dream. Atd then blls began to ring; deep and soft and far off. X stopped ta my tracks to lion. It was the sound cf bells, cer tain, fall and sweet; and X turned and went blindly on. following the sound as a bouxd might follow a scent. Ah at one I saw a light. It wamt a star; there wrr no stars. And nobody lived oa th big range, un!r aim cam-r was traveling about, and travelers don't travel ta the teeth cf a norther. And this light swung and waved. wnt out entirely for a second or tw and then burad np again. And ner or far I could not tell, only tt was a L'ght and tt moved, and X followed It. And I could bear the bells all th Urn. Tien, all at one, another one cf Molly's TUhU Ttrse Cashed la to my brail; aom- thlnz about a "star ta tb east that went before them UU It cam and toM over the I Lace where th young child lay." Well, X wasn't a wise man, or X shouldn't bar got ta such a fix. : doot think X am an Irreverent kind cf a i JWw, either; a man could live with Molly many years and be that. Only X was locking for a young child too, and babfea little one always did seem to m near enough to heaven to make that story about the star reasonable enough. Anyway, there tt wa, meant for me cr n4, and I fol lowed It. More than one I fell, but I always got up and went on. X wa talking to my If art cf the time, bearing my own voic and thinking it was acme on eUe'a. X kt my sene cf Ume again, but kept oa docgedlr: and then, suddenly, the LUht fiabd brighter, whirled about in a wild sort of a way, and weal out entirely. I gave a shout and ran fecward. I thought X bo aid die If X lost it. And there I was standing oa a wide trail, with a ort cf square dark shape standing up in the dimness before me, with light and voices coming out cf th chinks, and somehow, there was th door, and my band oa the latch, and la another second ht it was Molly Molly with a lamp In ber band, bending over a feeding box made into a cradle, with a great armful cf hay and a white sheepskin for a cover, and Madison's wife kneeling on one aide and Clayton's wtf oa the ether, and ! yond, with the lights Cathing In their great, wandering, shining eyes, a pair cf astonished horses. And then there came a piping cry from the feeding trough, and I knew I bad found the baby. Burned out? Ye, air. That was the but thing; but they bad bad warning be fore the fire came down oa them. Jim Clayton bad taken the women and struck acroa for th big road and they took the first shelter they came to, a stable that bad been built la th days when all th California supplies went overland by mule train. When the wind fell be Uxk the lantern and tried to find a cabin that ued to stand somewhere near, and I bad la following him for half an hour. Oh yes, I'm weU fixed now; three thous and bead cf cattle out on the Ounnlvuo. And Molly spends ber summers back home, and she and the babies bring back enough croup and catarrh and bronchitis sore throat to last them half tb fecit winter. New York Independent. Gentkmm Srtrl cvt.tL art err baby, thea lit frntL '.!. !rttf. oprd errors U. lie UiU ir . r aal minx ts the t,n k Uui r t r tanailj tht ,a. -nrJ tbr " ecrcfwU rl prncr.Ud f.r it. Xrvetfcct!y . r t -JCt ft month, and it ---a r4 tte d t,tVr ttotic4. The mT arc beVd af 1 1! baly it very an 1 U::by lt t; rr. ancc. I kin v n .w d Uh lilr, an! I tf,! .-.rVi. f e ' a rvgnlr phTicUa. an 1 j rrTd ? lor tLc 11 y a o uUu it Ul acTxfa'.a Yocr cort!y, A l..t t, Trre!!c on 1 '.".. I arl Mia ! mailed frne Tit r. j rt rxct r i c . Drawer 3, AlU:.u. it. SlraaWrvf tt All who Kate c:!;n:d ir!rr' mut bate r-tictl ! In-.trr.ir,t tt is to have the runners etvr l. re ia all d.rrc lions Smiirtww the v run lica ene row lo an. the r t re tiy are t f a rp ly the m!tita:or, and 4r Urrr l Utti send their renters toward r h 4br, mailer aorae part cf tLe r-w t ., thk. and leailng others scant. All tLts n.sy be avotdol ly Mliic: the j '.t.U la rh a pnittou that lhy : rcn ia a rHtt dimtirn. It t!.fnrtd e-r - that the strawWrry '.M r '. ..i- t to ners in l.t e-tif i!.r!n. and fr-ra r e aide, and that i the i-ie 1 1 f,le tb- ", 1 runntr ttat pr.!.vl it. lithe . !e t the plant fntn w hi! t!. ra;a r-r.r.fr was oil U ! low r I the rth.t!.t -U.it will rua to the 'li. Ned a few r.f the eitiler.a f i::;r!h City bate nofiilrUn rrealty t to:d over the at4;r. !.r. Iwi, that wrJ ,.f their friend w ! Lad U-n t rn.-.? j by theicphymkian a incurs! m:-. J !-. yond all h' j aScricj i;h il.a drradrd m otter Ccm-!.fi l.te tca rmpltr!y car 1 It Ir Ktc'New Dlcoery Tr litcnj-un, iLr cr.3y remedy that d. j-thjy e':r- all tbrt and !ungdl-'.rourh. C.! !.. AiLmi and Ilrt.nchitJ, Tnl t.tle frc at Woold; Wednf.rtLf Drug ?trr. Urre bottle II. The New Yi.rk llcra'.d. whu-h ! many ocaUr ci'tn jrf ,f ctrt jnnruMUtv ect rriw. ul Lfrr,r l- printed and puL!iLrl :nt. tr... two c'r.tir.t arrarrvit l.iit Utn 5rff-ctel f.,r it ,f,:.i:l-i !:, every ni.rn;r r. Urr it will l- : f r two crrt a c.; y. iU New Y'fk t f. In makic; t! an:-unrf n.rr.t th- llr' says it wi.l bcrrafier eT tb fn I cLa:nol bghtnirr Tl.r rV.t -f th. new departure In 'r.tn!j.ia w".l 1- rale bed with intent. 1 Devle for Kprtlg tprUg rirwr. Mr. D. WnUns, preaamaa cf The Chi cago Mail, baa recently patented a device, the practical workings cf which, we are credibly informed, have tncreasfd the extra edition cf that journal containing th re sult cf the baseball match from 1.2CU to 24.000 copies. A few evenings since, co invitation, we vlaited It prrwaroom, la which are located two Xreto pre, about 3.30 o'clock. The plate were already oa the cylinder, containing a de tailed description of the match np to the sixth Inning. Ia these plate were In serted a number of square black bloc ka with the name cf the conteaUng club preceding them. At the telephone, nar the presses, was a teller, who announced the results cf each Inning, received di rectly from the ground, to the preaamaa standing ready, die la band, to lxnprees oq the respecUve blocks th required figures. As soon a the result cf the ninth Inning was received and the totals Inserted the ware set ta tnotWh, and ta twenty-two seconds from th announce ment of the result a ppex containing aa account cf th gam was plac4 la cur bands; la lea than a minute the news boys were selling thexa oa the street, and before the crowds at the grounds bad dis persed Tb Mail wagon was co band to supply th demand for the "extra." Io laod llinter. Am Tm4 m IWm Edward SbepUrd.td lUrfM-ur-, 1.1, ays: "IImr rwrttrd taa U lt.f i from Electric B.itrr. I fcl it u .Kit t let su'ering humanity ktw it. llr had a running f.rt n niy U.r ! L I years ; my drtcr to'.d m'c 1 w $ml 1 ! U have the mr crapl .r ats,;-iU!4. 1 Used, inttrad, thrtr U.llk f r.'tilt Bitters and nn li V. u kln Art - a Salvr. arI my 11 nw w.-i.l islf:;-KkctrW- Water ar at f.rtvr,f. a bottle, an J llcxkho Artttca ;c at Z ctnta jr Un tv Wml A Va.!tth iiiij iiic year a. -r ttni I jta;e tump ia the I n. !rI t t ta the lat tarhe n.n!b tbr .; ,.f this cK2Clry hate in i !..:'y an I -eral'y j-ut ibcsr br.yc t.-.i IJ.-i!,'! tuaeato nvntUn the i.lr" lm.; f-r thebiniitnt of letUftar! ir...4a.f.f.f brat. paper. irVdc: and carrird and dclitrrrl State C'JtrrcnxnL trtil tbt rr Ly the I c;td iiart'ia rnr-piijiactjc Hat w..l destroy Ihe infection cf at! fr and all ei.t.t. rku arl lnfrti d.-.. Will i p the etRKr.brr "f any ek r-n ptr and w bi'aiinr. aurtcc ani dc-trr,i jr.f unhealthy ef!. ;iia asj o.tUfia. V ..1 centra! ue any bad raIl wha:vr.n4 t y dUgnuIr It, bet ty tUlfitr it. lc Ilaxbys 1'ropby lactic let 1 la every k k room. n if itu r ia a-ta. prxa ran I fi.r ! aU tU &e L.;. f j the NMitLrra U,u1 a ta'.:Ly a ary l,rtl la the ofli. Nc iaial. ia ac U.ntlzc t'j cn.!rtati tl.it ft ar. I prtiSt by it. Al bat a ta.V.'.un iar;..,!t an-J weallLr pr.j !r la the Ncrth az. I pise Lj:: an-I ca the !,. .r knea the tl.riVc cf the Su:L ra ;'.Lra if tbry U'-ra. Faytlelaaa a Owlaiaa flai Many physicians become alares to the opium habit. A recent AnatrUa raeLcal author speaks cf the Incredible number cf rhyalcians who bare fallen victims to tt and cf the many who have only jnst es caped. A I'ruasiaa writer bad alxteea case cf morphia addict ion under bis care, cf which medical men formed mere than ooe-third. The m)ortty cf my own patients are medical mem. The phraklaa is apt to resort to th drug because bis calling Involve special Inroads tnto bis mental and physical well being. Nearly always, la theza aa ta ether, there Is some form of neurotic disorder. Any form cf persistently painful disturbance Involve this risk. A medical grnUcmaa (a former patient cf mine says: "I proelalra it as ray sinter belief that any physician abided with neurotic dis ease cf marked aererUy, and who has la bis poaatwaioa a hypodermic ryring and Magendis's solution, Is bound to brcocn, sooner or later. If be tamper at all with th potent and taacinaUng aUrrUUre, aa opium hablta." J. B. Mittlsoo, 1L XX, la Th ICpocb. . C4 avc AM. CJ toner. Sti-j A Co. IV rt'.ar. ! Maine, raa giie ya wwik that jtrj can do and live at he. cakitg grt-al j.v. Yea are tarud free. Cat-itai u nvdd. Bot h sexca. Allarr. Cnt this oct a. ! writ at coc ; no barm Ul I- dce if jcrj cone lode v to rj to wcrk, af.r you icara all. All taiitnUn frtc. IU-1 paying work la ILU wot 14. Tm ut ll take a Miocri yrzrztl Ut g'.ie a coapittmaite c;.is'i.,a. WefinllaaSL Locu paper the d acika that ""if jtn axe a narncd ma year w tie can cvspel jj to support ber. If yua are not, hc caa C liucirg ChronKie. A IiUm:; tatk. Aa cn tine !r death o c fiea t!low negVect vf a alirht txcrh cr cell. If Tailor's ChertAe lUcwiy clSattt;-ra and Muilcia Is takenvla t.nvc it w ;i tre Tent any evU rrtnJU. It cure ccc-h. eo'-ls aa conn:;lloa. Fcr sale al WtJ & Wadswortb.

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