V A frffiruL PAPER OF Tnt COUMTIES OF CURIMTUCK. CAWDEM, PASQUOTAUK, ELIZABETH CITY. Sciaty Ccmxaissiosere.- t VTilljCK: H.W. Annll Clmir CAMDEN: M. S. Mrricttt CImxt mm; WUlongnty Lyndi, Jon RirtUtt, PASQUOTANK: George M. Seott B'lfkin, ElMta LiUr, llufv Scott. urremarkabl.'! menus gms common sense, great tiiMlecftinlity excellent natural literary t:iste,aml rimarkaMc power of lepiiitte. She vas a widow of small mean but ma! arel to etlncate her son tmiira 4nfrnitnii Moore: and ber srramlson Judge Henry A. G ilium Ueld the same oflice in tbe next generation. North Carolina owt-s "aunt Bef sv Moore" a debt of grati tude;. w li:iv- talien the liberty of j.i.iinir finin nrivate note " ' r- tie fo lowing tribire to the memory of JudseOiUium from r:,n tr u :w.M I:ir'll l U 1 j I III u W ater street. tune to lWraogusls grandson, the Emperor of Germany. He arid the piincese are now visiting Grand ma ill London, and the , whole na tfon is wild wdh pomp and fete and celebration in tbeir cordial re ception. Grandson Willun. is most cordial and dntifiil to L'f graudiarent, and should polilic? complications interrupt the peace ful relations of the two great - em pires the tie of blood will mitigate it nit prevent theasperities of con 'JVe have atuut one thousand yard of French OVFICIiRS FARMEHS' Axcr:. AI.LI- business and knew bim better, per baps, than any one living. Edenton, N. C , July 10, lbl. JIy Dear Mr. Ckeecy : I am iutoi -meA b tekirrani Iroui Don. that bid father diet! yesterday at 11:55 a. in. an will be lirouuht here tor burial to-dav zito.ooo press Mlclc ellegantly Darned. They are lu percent, laigerand sold at the game price of (flop brick, bmd iu your orders. C C. Alien. It makes the boys smile when they look over Fowler 4 tt stock oi rancy omris. r.-uvvtu.r.k r.oifiilv. A., Ii. irltts, ITesiueut, i ii I 71.., not unexpected 11 is a Revere C. H. G. W William. Secretary. BDock to me. I loved Major Gilliam CarritFck C II. Camden county. E. S. Mercer, President, Bell .'.mss. w. i. 1 'ozier. cvkiu"",' South mfs. C. IP Tsnvfttaiik counlv. J. M- Weeks, President, New begun. II. M. Tritchard, Secretary, -Elizabeth City. - P, rauimans County, llobert White, President, BerV fnrd. O. D. Newby, Secretary Hertford. 7 v-rtll tC'iiitv. T. L. Jones, President, Columbia. W . H. II- Cooper, Sect'y t omnium TUESDAY JULY 14lh 1891. a imnti.(.i;iiiku I Till: ALBKM mi.IMJi!i;i) A WAV Departed this life ou Thursday Julv 9th at his home, in Tarboro N. C. Judue Heurv Augustus Gil liam, in the 7G:.h year of liis age. Our friend and kinsman had been lonff 'distinguished in the section of North Carolina with which he was identified bv birth and asso ciation, and he was recognized throughout the State for' his' bril liant intellectuality, his great, Jeai- ningiu the .. legal profession, hi" KreullV. 1 nate aiwafSltit nu i- now. that I owe'Lim more than n ml.er man fjr w halever of success l hud aa a Uwyer. He whs a reii arki t, i m in Attn. HWttr he hn8 hail le t-qualM and I doubt, criHiderinj all th elements of the lawi er poeaeesiHi o liim, whflher heiius had any superior Ilia learning, ucuteoes-i and woudtrfu cuoituun setjs-j niade him the best niaa aarr of a tiinl I ever saw la the eour hniisu. Tbere ho made no tnit;ikes "While uutan orator,'. hi6 cooitnauU o terse, vigorous Dd lucid Enjjiieli mad him always hu iuteiUtiuK and con vificinir tallitfr. in puuuuauu iirivai Kutfmy thougLU to day arc about hnu .id a Irit'iid iiixinlv. : li.ere wi.8 nou more uieUiili, more self-aorifioiti and devoted than lie. 1 ruourn him sincerely Your friend. W. !.-i kude.n. Town l"ts on Pamn equate uear Market hoac H ver. kit- it. li. DciKit a r-xi i'n!ini:e urs iecu lalUm. K.rale by E. i'- Lamb AtJ y at Law ami Keaietatc ai'elil. Im-t foriret :o examine McCABE -GHlCK"S Catitom jloiliiug betois imrcbiblu your upriiii; suit. How c-mii Fowler 4 Co., Mill 26 line wbite.pear buiiom at 10 cts uer am. I 111! ll V AN. The two North Carolina Dixon Brcs. -ministers of the .Baptist Church who now officiate in v their tniiiistry the one m Brooklyn, and the other iu Boston are men of genius and have attracted much at teution in the religious' and social world. They are both seusalioual ists and attract large congregations public snint. his wisdom in politi cal counsel ahd for the charm U i!isiae an1 outside tbe pale of n-if n,l hnnmr il,nf. m:ulo him h"? eliuich.The Brooklyn brother is the. centjal fi-ure in everv social sensationalist bv nature and cul assemblage where men uubend and tH,e aml wl,iI we hole ""'1 sup- adapt themselves to the courtesies P e he is a good and earnest and kindness of frieudship.il is ! Wit Christian minister, his gospel ol was without parallel aud his ben eccentricity is so pronounced that we sometimes fear its ultimate efvl feet upon his niiuisteiial useful ness. . . He seems to have an inordinate love of notorieitv and in his greed f - distinction -has made the pulpit, the platform aud the prtss subsidiary to his advancement. His luststep is a sensational letter in the New York Herald which will bo read with interest by those wh mot, which are now the heritage of the Bar of North Carolina, innd will long be a treasure of bis loved and honored memory, would fill a volume. Sometimes it took j-.the form of p!ayful badinage and some times of sharp and incisive repar tee, but its venom was gone when it passed through the crucible of his kind and amiable nature. No venom rankled there, and: he was as quick to heal as he was to hk:,,ive pleasure' from sensational indict a wound. His intense vital ity sometimes gave him the appear ance of indiiTereuce to the claims ot human brotherhood, and some- times led him to excess, but it was the pardonable fault of his sau guine temperauieut.il is nature was conspicuously emoffoual aud gen erous and no man was more insym pathv with human suffering j or seasoning, iiie subject ol contro versy between the brothers is the estimate of the character aud the I orthodoxy of Henry Ward Beech I er. The elder Dixon thinks Beech a bad man, heterodox in his reli gious opiuions, impure i his life and now "in -hell." The elder Dixon with characteristic eccentricity, not to" use a more emphatic ex more readily responded to those Passion, says that it Beecher is in feelings of tenderness that nrake Qc!I "be' hopes to go there." i r e- all mankind kin. We were once in a position to witness 'the pioo of it. ! When he was on the bench as a circuit Judge of North Caroling, in Perquimans county ,aud was trying the case of the State vs Muuden, which attracted wide interest aud was argued with great ability by the leading couusel of the District, he, seeing that we were giving some attention to a report for pub' licatiou of the arguments and pro ceediugs in the case, kindly invited us to a seat by his side that we might more conveniently make the report, lion. T. G. Skiuner, j was vp.ioyeu ior me btate and w.t mating ms speecu. we were in tentupou the stenographic report were making, and obliv ious oi every luiug tuac was taking place.. While so engaged we were restored to conscionsnt by a deep stilluess that peryadt d. the courtroom, and by the stopp; ge iu the speech we were repirti g : Mrkiuuer bad just finished ant o quent picture ot Johuson's wranj ed and ruined wife, by the seduction of Muuden. We raised our eyes Io iked around.and the whole court room was m tears. The speak er ha-d suspended bis argument We then lilted our eyes to Judge i Gilliam aud tbe old man was weep nig use a cniui. uur ejes a.one were dry in that crowded court room dry, not from indifference to the eloquent speech, but from 1 ;the undivided demands of the steu- ograpbic art. ' Farewell beloved kinsman ! Farewell companion of our youth, of our manhood, of our age ! Fare. well and may our Father iu Heaven who is ever kind and mer ciful, and looks with pity upon the infirmities of our poor frail nat ure, Lave you in his holy keeping, j Judge Kenry Augustus Gilliam was tbe great grandson of Jol Creecy, wno was wrecKeu in a French ship on the coast o! Nortl Carolina in the early, part of tbe lSth century, (about 1720) togeth er with four brothers, all of whom settled on Albemarle Sound, Jol Creecy settling in Chowan County, Ilia grandmother, the only tlaugb. ter of Job Creecy was named Eliza . n .3 '. ; J nr:ii? ' betli creecy auu manieu nuiiani - Mooroof the Yeopim section ot Perquimans county. Judge ; Gil liant's .'' mother. Elizabeth Moore, - married Henry GUIiamj a leading 5Uizen -of Ga:es connfy. Jadgt Gilliam's characteristics of mind were apparently inherited from hit 'randmother Elizabeth, a woman' Now this is a pretty controversy as it stands. Two ministers, pre siding oyer two religious bodies, in prominent ecclesiastical positions, influential, talented, the younger eccentric, emotional, wild iu lar- gest measure, the elder only a lit. tie less so, the younger 'using the vernacular of the broihel as a ve hicle to convey his abhorrence ol his ' brother in the flesh." Thy younger Dixon uses the weapons of t he flesh and we are afraid the Devil furnishes his clientage. The elder Dixon will reply by silence to his ''brother in the flesh.'' Soe the Brl ilea at Moses Wei?efsDrv (innil-. Clothing, Boots aud Shoes aud Hat Store. Here Is the explanation in one sentence win .MOStS WK1SKL se!U bo many golds: First cla.si jtoods and rock bottom prices Tint ieoiigat porter HuEwtNB co's., Vienua Cabinet Beer is made of the highest K'aies ol malt and hojs and as a healthful leverage cauuot be excelled. Do not at Norfolk, Va. Itl.AI.Hi-: The family of Mr. Blaiue are cot. cerned at his conditiou and anx ious to keep it froin tbe public, bu when a man so prominent before the public as Mr. Blaiue is aud whose physical 'condition is so imporlau a factor iu public affairs isreally sick tbe public must know it unless he be entirely secreted from public view aud then the privacy' will be exagerated iuto cousfqueLce and be will oe soon seriusly sick or reported as dejad. The peop e at Bar Harbor in Miue, where Mr. Blaine is now sojourning for health aud recrea tion, are watch-tug Mr. Blaine and every ciicuuictance connected wi:h bim with carefui scrutiny. "Secie tary Blaine did not ride out yester. day" said one , aud it .is t aken as pn.of that he is not so well. Em- .1:0ns, the son of Secretary Blaiue returned from Bos. on and was ex cited when he arrived and hurried oil' excitedly- to his father's resi dence and was soon after -at the telegraph oflice dispatching nies sages, aud that is taken as proof that things are not satisfactory as to his condition. "The Sec etary is iu bad shape jiud sees no compa ny'' says another. Persous who see him at his window, looking at the Ocean, say his looks showfail ure, but Mrs. Blaiue says beis im proving every day. Bulhe remark made by a friend wii(f had not seen him since leaving' Washington . is near the maik ' That is not Jim Blaine !,That's his ghost," said he. His doctors buoy him up aud en courage him, but a doctor who has seen him aud who makes his sum mer home at Bar Harbor, said in 1 hotel oflice a few days ago: "The Cabinet room in the White House will never see bim again." The serious illness or death ot Hr. Blaine will remove the most serious obstacle to the ambition of President Harrison, for Jas G. Blaine was growing iu the nath way of that weak but ambitious official. Blaine is a statesman aud would always have been a menace and a contrast with Harrison. - Certr - I tpert'ir Court V. I. T. Lr"w ami B. I. Tiit'Tiias f'rmrly puT ner trvliaje aa il . L. T. Uovts Co. vs. , . T. C.ofJT in ! trlfe Vi: M C-oper. W. ff. 11. ft,-t an ifi 4art i I o n,er ad if. P, Fel H ra. 4"; . - ' . ' It mipr-a t-.j.- to in atisf m if utrtrt by artidaTl; of i. "hnii4H,na ." t?i4 lAtiuiiff in ttiL ran, tbrtt tt-e i.fetiil.-iir. K. p. Triton, trm t!t, b n"t a re-iiteut f trrlSata;anJ rannot, after 4u f'iliBJ'tice. fee- f Jimu b-reijfc thai ai aaf cf a- t-on xt--a;.-iB-'!, t;iin. n.l WUa f ropi-r t-ii ta t!i !-:64ii whfeli r iue-j ,u hotSi roal'a&d penwaal iri.eity in: tftls Slate, and t&at te nas pr-jtrtv Ui the 'name and that t-iis ct-nrt feas Ui1-ili--tU.n of .these u1jet of t'jis pro c,3ines. , j IX U it-vc-tcre or-lr-rp-l irit tkw wmninor in thL caa be served upon std aefen-tanu l cbucaiVii of n'fii'-e nere;f in Hie Ecsronsr-Fil Cks, nirVit '-r :)t'.Uir!i iu k-U.Ji'KJt'l !!,!. C.ffW a rrtlif tua !et.- than on a eek f r 1 ix mt-.-.-rtve weeks, reqnifltiir him to j;'ar bef -re thederk 1 f tJii:.i!rt ai i'U niee iu Oi-lU'iiiiia, Tyrre'l O-ja!. N. C. oc tlie I'li'i -lay Arust, IS'J'.anUaEsr-tr or. demur- t the pcti:i jn in tii.s Lt fe-e aii-l Aefn lant tsfce' r-U-e that tae purpose r.tr1? i.r.-et-!i3if I t wi ure tfteap (ointiiient ot swine o:--reet aal vm patent ner 8 n a tia-tee in th ;J.uv sl all .iefehdant m a 1ert ot trmt rrmri in t!ti yhiiit ta B;ik No. 31, l'are 151 etc. Ti;la - be lt, 1j 41 June, A. l. lal. i J. Hevwoob Sah vfb, T. f Josks, Alty. tor Petitioner, - t'lerk s;ierior Court- -VT OKTU CAROLINA, I Tytreii connry. f the country we were impressed JiABef; with its great expend compli cation and innrar.tieAbiHty,aiid its effect opt u the moral oonstitutioa of oar people became apparent. The Sub-Treasnry scheme coimneti did itself to ns at a means of sus taining the price of the great nec cssity of commerce and nianafae tnre by withdrawing it temporari ly from the market aud forcing its purchase at reuumerative prices. We are oflhh opinion now. i Wc believe that cotton is so imperative and necessity to the world aud so restricteil in its production that the world would be mjielled to have it at any reasomb4e- price. This is proved by the experience of the war between tbe States when the restriction upon tbe sides ol cotton produced by Southern far mer8 caused its ac'vance to fab. ulous prices. 'The present, low price of cotton could not exist if it were withdrawn from commerce by a subtreasury ptan or by any other plan. It is the over production of cotton that now causes the decline in pi ice. It is ouly a question '.ol supply aud demand ,and if the sup ply could be re mo Veil by any cause, oy war or by hoarding in subtrea dry barns, the efl'ect on the price of cotton would be immediate. It is a necessity to '-mankind and it is I imperishable. Its necessity com pels its use and its imperishable character enables'' the government by some kind of sub-trea.s"rj scheme jto dictate the price of the article. But when the subm-asury becomes a slogan of the demogog aud is extended to all classes of agricultural product t become a delusion and a snare and would involve the government urbank. mptcy.It can only be applied to cotton" because it is, the king ot commerce andmanufacture anil its ' withdrawal ."frmi the market would produce popular clanior. want and levoiution. r. & w Ft AT3 ato'e ? SHIP YOUR 1 COTTON FACTORS ..AND. C0j9MISSiCN. MERCHANTS, jstorfoIjJs:, vjl., Guarantee highest market prices, quick sales and prompt returns. Sncyclc perlia of the O ES m ii n n riTi T 1 1 t n 1 1 i . H si 1 EDMUND ALEXANDER, Washitig-ioD, N. C, DECATUR MORGAN, L. P. IIORNTflAL, P!j mouth; N. C. In th p'lper'uir court. Arjifriran Nf t A Tariue Co., a c rpirati .n of lit aton, M.iss : agiinst Jose-pa W. Ethuridtre an'l Robert P. Felton, Tioatee. SO riCE OF r fKLICATIOX. It ZPwnna uron ailldsnt, that the defendant R. P. Kelto.'i. tr'ii-tee, U non-re-Ment of Hie State of Nortii Carolina, au 1 th.at he cannot hu ' f iiitul In fai'l State o thai he can ! served with Mimmons In the uforesaid cinse after . due diH- j gence; a d thut the jilai'iliitv have a b ni l eau--e of action airai-.nt him. in that he has failed to execute a ceria'U trust, in theeoinpt!iit of the i'lHlnliffs faliv d'-si-riitud. It Is therefore order ed by the eonrt that j-'jolicatiou ie made in the EeoNomsT-FALCOX, a newspaper pni,iihed iu Ibe first judicial lLtri'-t of .Nortii Cai-oltus, once a week for ix si-i-e.-(.-lve weeki, nr.-tif yintf iid R. P. Felioii, trustee, as aforesaid, to be and an- ;,-peac!ef-ireT. I. J ines, Clerk of the . SuirU'.r j L.oin-1 ior i vrreii conutv at Ills u;n-e at the lonrtlion.-e m (Vilotuhia on Mmlr-4lte lbth day of July I -si at 12 o'clock M. and au-wer or Ae-,A inor to the eompiaUit of the piaintills or wrn graiin-u me renei atited ior m tneir c jinniaint. Uis-eu vadet- tuy band and oitlciul heil at of. flee la CUtunbia. Thi- tr.l dav of .? l'ai. 'P.- L. Jos ks, 4 ici K up. Court. A.-tur Sprnill, Aitv. for l iii s. ,'" GEOCEE AKD' TOBACCONIST, y-'y AND DEALER .IN x : Hay, Lime, Cement, Paints, Oils, Rope, Hardware, Etc DSIIESS. J'rqvisioits on JFlo!1 a SpeciaU LoivextJ'rices Guaranteed. TOBAGO 0 A.YD &VCFF At Fuetory Vr ces- BIG .BARGAINS IX Job Lots of Tobacco. FOR SALE. A new eic' -t-h'orse ivrwfr Boiler aud t!U:ne. lejnis easv. -y A. W...W-ILLEY, 1 s' Sitiswden, N. C. Quotations' cheerfully given by wire or mail. We flatter ourselves by sa.ir.? wo y- ess the necessary qualifications jr. to ruu a greceryori alwtu correct. We beg your ..acquaintaics's.for 3ur MUTUAL ADVANTAGE ARE' YOU - A 'OTSUMER OP GROCERIES ! W 1 mim 1. ; 1 ;W :lm W, if ,ro COULD. WHY NOT INTRODUCE OURSELVES? ' Kealizing the impoitant fact that we must; not nnlv"en mirin gootls as there are iu the ma-het QIJT TUP VPDV Ftcro-r n,r assuring our friends and pafiozis if sol "the Almigbty Dolla?' alone ihhhST as weil as OUliS, .and .invite- you to give us a call,, where RELIABLE GOODS, HONEST QUALITY, LIBERAL QUANTITY AMD : BEST OF TREATMENT.! And.fbe bund will play " On ti.e b.ilconay, ! " And you'll certainly say, .'.'' ' As v yoo M-av, . ' . -ei.'y, M.'itl -1 Mo. a aad QUALITY iOARDSHG'" i -AT - HOUSE SIS A 5 i-. : Is the. xinost buyers to purchases. essential thing for consider wheii caking A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you s itisfactoiy results, or 111 case of fa: i- nre a return ot purchase pr cc. tin this safe plan you can buy from our ad veutiaed Urukffist a bottle ol rr. King s JNew dis covery ior Consumption, ; It is guaran teed to bring relief m every ca-e.-'wuen used for any fle- tion ot Throat, Lungs er Chest, such as C01 sump iou, In tln nmtion of Lungs, Brouchit:s, Asthma Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. I: is pleasant nd agieeable to taste, perfect ly afe, and can always be depmdid u;-011. Trial bottles free at Alex V.'adsw crth' Drugstore. Llavinir socitifd !! V.'iL-nn llotlmvell ItoAse ior the prtsent sctton it t Na? Huhi', 1 will keep it opwjfor guests at me loiiowinir rutt-3 : 1'er dtty, $1; per w-k, 0. Special ptiw for 'fatiiUiea or tori 'joa-iirs !iijaing Jng-r ptrioJ. I shall airu to jrire wrrw PaHsfccrioa tu table, roo:iis fi'nd at enti'.n. For, further inlorm-.ti'-n an: lv to . JOHN T. LAMB, Nags Head, N. C BEFORE JCSSPH-C. HOBSWORTHY, DiTALEit IX . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, - - ,0. It pays to trade At our Big Store urosa Co. V j : Iiticli ilif s Ariiita Salve. TiikBest Salve in the wor'd fv)r Cuts, Bruiw-s, Sores, UIcrs, Salt Rheum, Fe ver! Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cliil blatus, Command all Skin Eruptions, and positively fines Pile, or no pay re quire f. It 13 gtinranteed to give perfect sati-iaeuon, or mowy temnded. V ij cen 's per b x. I ; For Sale By Alex "Wad; you buy Spring and Sumnieivgoodd we won d ask an inspeuti?ii oj' our New Spring and Satmat'r Stock. It is unexcelled either in qual-. ity or PRICE TRUCK BARRELS! on Top. we could 't he anywnere else If 'we irieu. uur DUi'tnesa method wjuldn't -pernill it, its a case of nrst class Goods and low prices, Butterlck's I'attcrus at MOSES WEISEVS. Those who buy Robinson's pure goods, defy tti uciuvu Ul urMKmiO. ni' ini oi-' i:-vtcii PRDKi ii:.rii,i.iiLi.. ' Hannibal Hamlin, ex-Vice Pres ident of the United States who held tbe oftaee during the tirsjieim of Abrahanii Lincoln's' administra tion departed this life at Bangi r Maiue ou Tuesday of last week, in the 82nd year of his age.Oa the day of his death he was iu his -usual no d health aud had goue" to the Tarratine Club, of which he was President aud was. amusing him elf, as was his wont, at a game o! whist, and was in a cheerful frame if mind at his success in the game. , . Snuddenly his cards fell from his bauds, his bead drooped on the ta ble and he said that he was ill. A physician who was iu the club room was soon at bis side. Mr. HaniliuV face became purple, liis hands were cliuched and his mouth was firmly compressed. Brandy and . ammo ma was administered and he revi ved but soon became unconscious. Later be regained his speech and senses, exchanged a few words with his sou who was at the .bed side, complained of great heat and tvheu asked a few moments later if he was comfortable said "No I am burning up" which were bis last words.. Thb Jury kcttrn a vbkdiot The verdict is: upon the evidence in this ease we unanimously Und thai McCAuE A ORICB, sell the beat -and nicest lining clothing in the city. MtU of Straw mattlna at Fowler A Co's Seamless white at lgcettweamless fancy at IS to aim our onriraina in iner j&qct matunira and Carpets.. Ask your trroeer for the Norfolk Milling Ce'a F'oar it will please vou. BLOOD TELIA. The English blood of Queen Vic. oria is now telling in tbe pomp and pageantry that is shown in tbe reception given in England at this Will' ll.VJli.I.U WAH ;T RE KOMI..lTt:U. bnice the death of Hauuiba Haailin, Vice-President in Lincolu's first term, it has been asked by some persons why he was not nomi nated wheii Lincoln was nooiina ted a second time. He was iu full fellowship with his party and had done nothing to lose their conti .1 . uence, out wneu the nominating Convention met Andrew Johnson of Teuuessee was nominated, altho he waa not a liepublieau,but an in tense Union man. a warm aud a? jressive Democrat. The reason of his not being nouii. natcd and a Soutnern Democrat put in bis place is explained by Col. McCIure, who was a delegate to the Convention, in a late issue of the Ptiiladelpbia Times of which he is editor." ' . dust Oetoro the meeting of the Convention. Col. AlcCluro W:11 ill. vited by the Presideut to a private interview,during.which time he was urged "to support Audrew Johnson ttr the V.ce Preeidetcy in place o! ilr. Hamlin. It was . urged on ac cotiut 1 of expediency aud to strengthen the Uuiou sentiment in the South. McUlure supposes the same rea ons were urged upon other delegates to the Convention by Mr. Liueolu. Tbere is no doubt that the para mount object with Mr. Lincoln during the war was the restoration of the Uuion,and the extinction ot slavery was a secoudary consideia liou. But the question of slavery had becom so important that be jould not7 control it, and conse quently the slavery question kept step with the Union question, and iu the end, oue was restored and the other abolished. Mr m mmm - -v I ( We aM! now nianuf iettirin:c a very nice 'M J TRUCK BAiiREL .at our factory and 14 11 1 yii tc j,ie;ispi io njecive orders for same. shipments promi-tly. by li. K. or iltat. male We never recommend any article unless we KNOW that the QUALITY will justify tho price j UO. Elizabeth' City, N. G. FOR THE SEASON OF 1891 Parties wishing us to- furnish fiem with t.p.6 0. I 8 7 MAIN -8TSK.ET NOEFOLK, VA. STOCK EEPIiEXlBHED D.1I1.Y AND ALWAYS Fit CSH AXO KEW. , ' SAMflES 8EST ON DEMA'IoriDERS BY LETTEE3 CAEE FULL Y AND ' ill'TLt FILLiP. apy flew York Dental Rooms,) Cor. Main anS Talbot Stu etx, XoriolU. Ta. ' Hit- 1 EliKORS OF THE DENTAL C1IA I if AT LA ST pi SA KM El). Positively painless. The nervous iiiid timid at last dispel their fears. Extrac tion ol teeth without the use ot a general anaesthetic. It does not permeate the system like gas, t penetrate the tissue like other local aiuestbetics. At N w 1 ork Dental Rooms onlr km tt..,r. t corner Talbn, Nortolk, Va. Dr. J. D KXNES, Dentist. ("Testimonials from patients can be seen at the office.' '. E. V 1f i C1IAKLES SCIIHOEDEIt. A A iWMMtel GRIST MILL MACEIHI2T2 Manilla, Bolt 'and Tarred' Rope-. Marline, Span Yarn and BALING TWINE,! LUBRICATING,- ILLUMINATING AND "I PAINT OILS, GUM AND LETIIEK BELTING LV K i ' LE ATI! E.R.P A CKLNG, LANTERNS, CHAINS ALLSIZKs ! EYE BOLTS AND DOGS FOR RAFTIVO. xio 12 : Commercial-Row C. I.L AT Ne::r Ki rry . IVhyi-f. ok: i DRr GOODS, XOTIOXiS, NORFOLK. VA -SIMCOEv- ! FAXJV ARTICLES SHIP TOm? SHAD AND OTHER CHOICE FISH TO Daily Trips. Passenger Acconmadafiov 200 Persons ----- Eamls lof'Swsst Mites wiil p'eas sn 1 In th-ir orde:s at once. ALWAYS A comortable aud sale steamer, wish ample saloon and freight capacity, will leave the Norfolk & Soati-eru Railroad wharf every dav, commencing July 1st (Sunday excepted) upon the arrival of the nonhbousd irai-i, 2:o0p. m., lor Nags Head, returning will make connection with the southbound train at ll:o0 a. m. SPECIAL PASSENGER RATES: .- E. Ciiy.to Nags Head & return. . Hertford , Edenton . ....... Plyn.outh Jamesville J. ....... Williamston .. Ilnmilton Tarboro Washington Norlolis . SciipDernoui? River. . . . . . Chowan River. . . J. '.. "1 Saturday Excursions. Edenton to Nags He id and return... $'2.0(i Hertford ... 1.50 Elizabeth City, including board .at hotel until .Monday morning,.-. 6X0 II C-. WILLIAMS k CO., Rectifiers. Compounders' CALEB SCO., WlnAeMdeAZ'vmrnimon, Deiilem in nirui isfujijM-rs of i.B WUOLS3AI.lt ..$1.50 . 2.25 . . .2.o0 ...3.C ...3.50 ....S.7-. i.CC ...4.C5 ...4.00 ...8.5j . . .3.00 ... 3.0- qudr Dealer's Cor. Market Sri. and V:ter'titi-ts, EFine old wsikies a specialty. s A - PERFECT MACHINE WRITING 32 CHARACTERS. liemember that quality should come first. 1'uiCE should al ways be a secondary consideration where QUALITY is desired. If you want to buy where t he above motto is faithfully adhered to, you wi a ways trade at 1 A i c C Jf Uss of Pier, Eeach family occupying cottasre- will Jbe charged for the season $10. Extra fot landing uorses, except boarders at h -tel, each, $2 50; boarding houses. $25.00 J. M. HEDBEE, . Manas r. Choice ew creamery Butter at Kobinson Oo'u. We need no stronger evidence of the good sense Id men or women than to see them enter the store oi MOSES WElsUL as purchasers of his splendid bargains. There Is no ead to the dress goods U. Lg Banks' and the are being sold at price . atf action. xii h i!ii.rnKiiiiHi' The good sense and sober si cond thought of the people is a great safeguard in the operations of the government aud a strikiug prf of of it is found in the public 860151; meut upon the much debated sub treasury scheme of j,be Alliance movement. We had been 'disposed to favor the scheme in its applica tion to cotton when Uol. Harry Skinner of Greenville first pro pounded it in Frank Leslie's Mag azine, but when it was extended to nearly all classes of agricultural products and tbe govern meutlinr der its operation was to Jbe made tion addiess. a great custodiau of nearly a!j agricultural products throughout BAPTIST FEMALE, INSTITUTE, Murfreesboro, N. C. Panies Iiaving yotln ladies to edncile will do well to consider the lollot'in facts: -- The Institui.e offers ?uperior adv.in'a ges iu Liicjaiuic, Science ane Art. )n!y i he best talent is employed to give in -8' ruction in the different depar tmt-u s. The situsiton is one of femai kalile b anty. The Institute lias twenty-e'ght acres ot land within the corporati n, bu so located as to give the scli,ool A the privacy of the country, w -ile near enough to the town to secure any advant ages it tnv offer. The health recrd is utmtrpassed. Du r ng the last len years there have been two C isesnf pneumonia, one of typhoid lever, no case of ilipthe.-ia, scarlet lever or measelis. Cl lis Iiave been slran.'e s, and bilious fever almost unknown. The av erage of medical bil 8 since the organiia tiou of the school, has i-een about 25 ets per pupil for the scholastic year. .' The iostituiion is tbe" unincumbered property of theJiaptists. and. is ihe only property owned by them m the State, used eielusivt-l j for the educadon of cirls The domi ories have been refurnished z 'itly, and only two pupils occupy tb -. - oom. A DUTtber of new pianos ' nought during the last session, and c entire rearr.ingeraent of the music de .lartment is to be made d iriiiij the vaca tion. Parties le lying Charlotte, Fayettville, Wilmington, Mo ehe id, Kinto i, Ply- on, Danville, LI ztb t.' .City, Norfolk and intermediate points, reacn the school the so-ne atterooon yia Boykins, Va. The Murfret-sLoro It. R is nearly graded an I wdl.be in opirat.ion before the opening of the season, ui.lefa there :s some del iy, at present not ex p cted. , - s,' As the property is u incumbered, the charges can be made veiy mode: ate Board, Literary and music Tuition, if paid strictly in advance, are two hundred ; dollars for scholastic year. . :' . - i tie ia i s-ession oegms on- u unesuav, September 9. . . For Cats ogue or additional mforraa Kli10IF!.l,'! AW IHPBOTB!) COOD rVlAKIfOLDE.s?. - The Pttolanl TH-,rrit.-r in i!w fftrid, Intensive, Portable, No Ir k Ribbon luveicuauucatKc lvpe in a i jjjuijj- a0cs Easiesl to learn and -apid as any. AGENTS WANTED, EVERYWHERE. Warasted as Repr-sentkd. This Machine-is EverBody's Friend. Everybody shooLlhave their writing done o t the Typewriter. It always in- ires Ik- nios i rompt atieuticn Address TYPEWRITER COMPANY, it) Temple Place, ItftHton, Mass, , 1'- BUXslSQ .ask my nttenr ror XV. li. Douttlas M !... It not lor sale in your place ask your dealer to send for cntnlofrne, secure the "i m ji net iiiein ior yon. tiTTAKE NO fSl'BSTITL'TE. JtH DEAL R ; IF Dry Goods, FinsJ Ckibing -iNotisni, Boats and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ruhbsr Goo;'s. ALL KINDS OF FRESH FISH, NO. 14 EULTOX FISH MARKET, JSTE W YOKlc: Write for Stencils aSd Stationery. ANU ALL KISD3 OF M lillCII AND l E TI i AT IS USUALLY FOUWD iN A FIRST GLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE SKXD OX YOUR ORDERS. GOODS WILIE FUKNISIIHD YOU FULLY AS CHEAP, AND WILL BE GAliEFLLY SELECTED. .IF THEY DO NOT SUIT I YOU IIAVE THE PRIVILEGE 'Of RETUIINIM Til KM i . ' WE INVITE COIiliESrON'DENCE WITH OUR OLD CUSTOM Kit . AND. NEW FIHENDS jyii HUSSET.T, & SIMCOE, 200 3IALY STREET. NORFOLK, Y A . ? t" J ITS .....irrnrTifr-pi : ilit 1 1 1 1 1 1 li itx t f 1 1 . . fiai. ,e ' Rop PBOD SUGGESTION TO fiMERS.. Lean to dLstlnirvi.sli l.etv.een the 'terms ''L.o-w I i n-, il" and '-i limp" t'ei liliztrs. v 'V; ,i,liKK,) Fcitiftwr is a mixture u nicn scIIh fur a mini! aiif.uiit of ni-itiev. Il i-tr.m.'t eluini iu tnai.ar-few dollars w ill buy it liesim-are not conslileicd. A CHli.ir Keitili.i-r is a bargain; is worth t he n.ionev iKii.l f.,r ii; Kivi. results which lustifv t.ie pni-e ,-alu; returns the dollar it costs and ii st m a m ? Vft " GIIOJCi; GKR.MAN MILLK1 t AND ALL SEASONABLE wait DS. W lito For Prices. .TAIT&SOIMSl u nn iinu lit ii it i i n i N01tFOLK,:'VA. i s ; i x: a a i u - ., ZfJIPJS'L VffiQlJiIA SLATE ROCCTg CO tenuis. I'n.dti.-iM tine ni,sr permanently im- . .' - ""'WI WWay pSisSSE : rKACTIOAL SLATERS AXb QUARRYMEN A ..f e.tcer.?ive tu-lature snd.is caifuliy id-artl! ' t-iwiiiiijjii WATER ST., ELIZABETH CITY, 27. C. JN0. B. BREWER, President WHY IS THC ' W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE rpn f Piui p m THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? .1 1 u seamiesg enoe. wits no tacks or wax thread to tiurt tae feet: mailo tj ih. u.i flna ..if c.-ii..u und easy, and because ice main more shoei of thitA iirnnfi than anu nth - . t V . I Seived .honcostTn? 'from to i KR "V l.ennllle llailil.acn-ol. fhi flno!- r-nlf im?ifi i ver offered for. So.Ot); equals Fremiti 51 A """l-ffwed Welt Shoe, flnealf. - stylish, comfortable and durable. be best .hoe ever offered at this price ; same tsmde as cus toniiarle shoes costing from p.0o to 9.m. S3 50 i?llce ?hei Farmers. Railroad Men J m and LetterCarrlersall weartham; flnecalf, seamless, sniooth luslde, heavy three soles, exten sionedge. One pair will ear a year. 0 SO fine calf i no better shoe ever offered at 5?", this price ; me trial will couvbice those wliowant a shew f jr comfort and service. 52 V?an Workli,inian': shoes - . ar.ery stroug and duralle. Those who nave (tlveathem a trial will wear no other make. ROVC' S4.00 and l.3 school sbijes are Tf.Yf , worn ?' the boys everywhere; they sell their merits, as tbe increasing sales show. larl IP ?,0, HuBd-newed shoe, best V Y 9 iwugola, very stylish , equals French .uiported shoes costlu from ii.w to 4.1. l.n.hes' ' a.3. 8-J.00 awl S .75 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stvll ih and durable. (antien. See that W. L. DouKias' name and price are stamped on the bottom of ench shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLD BY FOWLER & CO., ELIZABETH CITY n. -r- PARKER'S CIKCCR TONIC I withlot day. It has cui.u wauy ot liie worsteujsoasjidisSiie best remedy for au affections ot the throat and luncslaiid 0:satfet aristnerfrom Impure blood and exhausifc-JL Tbe fceblt and sick, straeimnti osainst ciiMBase, and tfjw'y drifting to tLe srrave, wdlia many caM rr.i rf!ieir health b the timely nsa of 1-arkcr a Gin-crTooi.-. Jbut dolav u dno Crons. Tak. it la time, h is tarahi lJo for a'll punt ami ifcjcrdacs ot swinrh ii bwei. tva.ju Krusa4 Established 13G8. S. T,. DOWXES. .i. o. rowss S.B. Downcsi Co., FRUIT & PRODUCE C0MM1Sn!!'XIK!;CI!AMS. NO. 123 R2.-4DE STREET, Rofp-sbv netw'iWi n to E F, Lamb, Em-., Ei'zfh Ci'y x..: i ry a tew liiie-i bv thji Kii). t,r nr ..u.Jr linger and 1earii whv vi-i;i.-t.Vtih,iii been a fthmljid tertiii.eT f- i linost ao vi-an .. aeat, totton, Ttibaeeo, Vegetables, Com ic. MAMTFACTrUEI) BY filiLLER, LIPPINCOTT a CO., lUiSduth sr., Baltimore, Md. ORDERS IU ! KIVKU iiV I". AlViB J. sArvjEsv GliEAT SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Superior Kinds: if; Roofing Stales,' Galvanised Ircn Cuttcriag and Spcutirg cf All Einds I ALL-ORDERS AND CONTRACTS PROMPTLY FILLED RFPAIRIxJ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "LIAIRQ XORFOLK.TA. niy30 lyr PeterbuVS, rXoAM E Waln St OF iirmuipa n 1 1, m, -DEALERS IX- MY GOODS Boots. Shoes, Hats NOTIONS, CLOTHINGS &C A A Water .Street JbLiIZABETIl C1TT, :A. ;N-A:S:H-,& CTv MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN y - v, 1 ' lanos SASHES, DOORS, 'bliimds, mm sst'ssi ... AND ORGANS .. IViaillelS. MOTlIfllTlfli fl.Tlfl Rt-n 1IT 7 :-'-w"iiwac VWskaiMi . K WWlsi V V JX sQ AA: . : i : :- - :-; ; v- Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, &.C., &.c. 5, 7 and 9 Atlantic Street, Norfolk, Va. LARGEST STOCK x: -to- . t SELECT FHOM, Correspondence Solicited. HIGH GRADE OF PARLOR AND BED ROOM SUITS AT EXCESSIVELY LOW PRICES 4000 SHEETS OF MUSIC AT 10 CENTS A COPY, WORTH 30, 40 AND 00 CENTS A SLTEET. SEND FOIt OUR ILLUS TRATED CATALOGUE OF P1AJMJH AD OBGANS NAG'S HEAD HOTEL! TL'b dehgb ful . Mummer Resort will be opened for tbe accommodation of gut ets on tLe 20TH DM OF JUNE 1891, I and will continue open during the season tinder the management of the undcis'gned The hotel aud surroundings have beeu recen ly -gnally im loved. An an. ,.Bi.' i i i.. r l. ,:i .,.,..i-.. r ' auf.e jIDIS uuve utiu uiauc: iui uouuiiiui duijicd . Filtered and Juniper Water for Drinking. CALLAHAN L BENHER. W HDI.ES ALE COMMISfilOK DEALER8 IB IfiESH FISH, GAMS & TEREAPI1T. Nos. 3& Oecl Street Fisli Mariol "" PHILADELPHIA.. A Tmmwar is lie'n i eree'ed from SounJ to Ottan, and tl ere will be bathirir rc corcodutif ns in both boud1 und sea. A comfortable steamer wilrn;ak inps Iwck and forth daily from and after July 1st fr m Elizatotb City, connecting inin d il r with the regular lailroad trains going vorth and sotttb. " . Tkems of Board: 2 per day; $io per week; $35 to '$50 per monih, according to iqe nnnrber of persons occupying a room. y. For special terms apply to , - ' ' . y' - ::XJT.r M;. W MH ID IB IE IE . Maaraerw AA ! , i '' I . i ,j " ' 1 j xv '- j .; j '' A ' A . - j ! .- J A-""rTA- I -