WEEKLY EDITION OLD SERIES-VOL LXXVH-NO. 4,326. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, AVEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1913. NEW SERIES-VOL. XXIX-NO. 2,556. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, IN CONDENSED FORM, OF THE PAST WEEK, GIVEN DAY BY DAY. Slogan: Fayetteville i he Deep water Inland City. -.-TOT 1 1 ii Brlstow Hold Up Bill for Judgeship. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 15. On objec tion Brlstow of Kansas today prevent ed the-passage of the bill for a judge 'for the fourth circuit through the Senate. Report That Armistice Has Been 8igned. By cable to Observer. Vienna, April 15. The armistice be tween Bulgaria and Turkey has been signed, according to a Sofia dispatch. If this Is true, the fighting along the Tchatalja lines will cease at once' It la believed that the armistice will lead to the reopening of peace -negotiations. Greece raised the blockade of the southern Albanian ports. Suffragettes Destroy (30,000 Home. By cable to Observer. Hastings, England, April 15 Suf fragettes today destroyed with gun powder the former . home of Arthur D. Cris, member of Parliament, at St. Leonard's suburb. Six firemen were hurt while fighting the flames.. The loss is $30,000. A satchel with suffra gette literature was found nearby. One card read, "We are avengers of Mrs. Pankhurst." Another, "Do you want us to burn all England to get our vote?" The Pope Supposed to Be Better. By cable to Observer. Rome, April 15. Pope Pius has ap parently passed successfully throughj another relapse, although it will be several days before it can be said that danger is passed. The doctors issued a reassuring bulletin this morning. It said that the fever has fallen and there is geflKal improvement. The Pope slept well, although his rest was broken at times by coughing. 11 He has grown so thin from his illness that some of his frlendB find difficulty in recognising him. -' Detective Burns and Scotland Yard Not in Harmony. By cable to Observer. . London, April 15. There is keen rivalry between Detective William J, Burns and Scotland Yard in their f forts to find Joseph W. Martin, tae missing Memphis millionaire. While there is no outward discord between the two forces, they are not co-operating. The police gained a point today when they found an evening dress watch chain, which is believed to be Martin's, in Belvedere road near where Martin's pocket book and hat were found. Martin, the Missing Millionaire, Said to Be Alive. By cable to Observer. London, April 15. The detectives searching for Joseph Wllberforce Mar tin, the missing Mehphis, Tenn., mil lionaire, learned definitely today that the American is alive and held cap tive by a band of kidnappers. Detec tives under William J. Burns, the American sleuth, came within an ace of rescuing Martin, but the kidnap pers got the tip and fled with their captive. Burns said that Martin will be rescued alive within twelve hours. ..Following the visit of a mysterious woman to J. Lockhart Anderson, Mar tin's friend, the detectives went to her rooming house in Lambeth. Here the woman said that Martin was de tained, but that the kidnappefs are gone. The detectives are silent as to the woman who gave the tip. The Lambeth quarter, which is frequent ed by the lower class, is near where Martin's pocket book, hat and watch chain were found'. China Protests Against Law. Allen Land By Telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 15. The ambas sador from China today made formal . protest to Wilson against the alien land law proposed by the California Legislature. The President says that he cannot meddle with a State Legis lature, but will do all he can to pre vent the passage of the law. D. A. R. Denies the Charge. By telegraph to Observer. Washlngton,April 15. Charges that the D. A. R. pays Its scrubwomen $3, 000 per year was refuted today by the report of theixeasurer. The gen eral -showing la that the. women get one dollar day'; when at work. , It was also shown that the accounts ;efeauJRSyarN6wYorlt- Arm1 of accountants and found Correct.'""" Democrats Reject Increased Duty on Grain. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 15. The Demo cratic caucus today rejected a resolu tion to increase the duty on grain from ten to fifteen cents per bushel and a resolution to put wheat on the free list. . Underwood, who has been ill, has returned to his duties. Republicans as to Wilson's Nomlna 1 ' . tions. By Telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 15. The Senate Republican caucus today named' a committee, with Senator' Burton as chairman, to determine the attitude of Republicans toward Wilson's nom inations. Wilson Sends Nominations to 8enate. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, Aprift 15. The Presi dent today sent to the Senate the nom inations of Ambassador to Great Brit ain Walter H. Page, Assistant Secre tary of State John E. Osberne of Wy oming, and Commissioner of Internal Revenue William H. Osborne of North Carolina. Serious Trouble With Strikers in glum. Bel- By cable to Observer. Brussels, April 16. The first seri ous disturbance in the manhood suf frage strike of Belgium occurred to day at Ghent, when 600 weavers at- tacked several mills, Four hundred thousand workmen are reported out. Strike Riot at Milford, Mass. By .telegraph to the Observer. Milford, Mass., April 16. Four men, including two policemen, were hurt in a pitched btttle today between the authorities and 500 striking industrial workers of the world at Lapworth & Son's elastic webb factory. The strik ers used clubs and stones. Politicians Trying for a "Ten Strike." V. By telegraph to Observer. Jersey City,- April 16 Politicians began today circulating petitions (to take advantage of the new law for a commission form of government ap proved yesterday by the voters) that two elections must be held. At the first one the highest ten to be placed on ballot, and then five of these ten selected. Pope Plus Thought to be Near the End. By cable to Observer. Rome, April 16. Although the Vati can physicians continue to hold out encouragement and issue reassuring bulletins, the belief Is growing that Pope Pius 'Is near the end of life's journey. The following bulletin was issued this morning: "His Holiness rested easily for several hours last night His temperature is 98 2-10. Ex pectoration is easy and the condition of his heart is good." Fears of pneu monia have not yet passed. The Pope's left lung is -inflamed and his throat raw and swollen. Detectives Baffled in Martin Case. uable to Observer. London, April 16. No trace of the last place where his captor3 secret ed J. Wilberforce Martin, the Mem phis, Tenn., millionaire, has been found by the detectives, although thir teen days have elapsed now since he disappeared. The trail was lost at Lambeth yesterday when 'his captors fled before the detectives. The sleuths are trailing a woman known as "Baby Ruth,", who, it is said, may have some connection with the case. Ty Cobb and the Detroit Americans. Hy telegraph to Observer. Detroit, April 16. In a signed state ment today President Navln of the De troit American Baseball Club, declares that discipline and not money is the important question is dispute with Ty. Cobb,, who demands $15,000 per year. "To give in to Mr. Cobb now would be to concede that he Is greater than the game Itself, and set all Its laws at defiance." Navln says that until Cobb has. recognized his fault there will be no understanding between them. ... President Wilson and the Allen Land , '.. Law, ''-r. Hy telegraph to Observer. Washington, . April 16. President Wtlflontodfty-dlBouB(lth apassage of the California- alien land law, against which Japan has protested, with Secretaries Bryan, Lane and Hou ston and senators Works and Jones. There will probably be no statement until the bill has been passed and signed by the governor. The state ment then, it is expected, will say that the Federal Government cannot lnter ferre with States rights. Near Double Lynching. By telegraph to Observer. Shreveport, La., April 16. A double lynching was averted at Vivian today. A mob1 searched the jail for young Mrs. Stroud, who killed her husband while riding with Edward Beeler, an admirer. The mob was bent; on lynch ing the woman and Beeler, but they had been removed to the jail here. Important Developments as to Martin", - . Missing Millionaire. By telegraph to Obsjrver. Memphis, Tenn, April 16. Import ant developments are expected at the failure of the Martin-Phillips Co., of which Joseph W. Martin, who disap peared in London, was president. The assets of the company, as report ed at court, included 1,800 bales of cotton. T. G. S peers, owner of the warehouse where the cotton was stor ed, said that only 94 bales were there. He signed for 900 bales, but that most of it was removed Without his knowl edge. Pope Pius Has Another Malady. By cable to Observer. Rome, April 17. Dysentery has been added to the complications of the Pope's sickness. President Sends in Three More Nom inations. By tejegraph to Observer. Washington, April 17 The Presi dent today sent these nominations to the Senate: Director of the Census, William J. Harris, of Georgia; Auditor of the Interior Department, Robert W. Woolley, of Virginia; Assistant Secre tary of War, Henry S. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. Activity Among D. A. R. Delegation, By telegraph to Obsarver. Washington, April 17. There is ac tlvity today among the daughters of the American Revolution delegates in an attempt to win over votes from Mrs. Charles B. Bryan for Mrs. William Cumming Story or Mrs. J. M. Horton, leading candidates. The second ballot was started late, as the delegates are worn out by the long session last night. The result of the second bal lot will not be known until tonight. Mysterious Mishap to Balloon. By telegraph to Observer. Las Palmas, Canary Islands, April 17, A mysterious mishap to the dirigible ballon Suchard Second today has caused a temporary postponement of the start of Jos. Bruecker on his flight across the Atlantic. The big gas bag was completely deflated during the night, and the main valve was opened, although It is not certain whether from accident or design. The work of retaliating will be begun at onoe, but the start has been Indefinitely de layed. Fight Against Underwood Abandoned. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 17. The Demo crats opposed to the tariff rates in the Underwood bill practically aban doned the fight after their defeat in the . wool fight last flight, and with wool on the free list, there is little chance for reductions of the Under wood rates on woolen yarns. The silk schedule comes next, but there are little prospects of a change of rates in Underwood bill. Advocates of higher rates are planning to go to the Senate for relief. Pops Pius Clings to Life with Amazing N Tenacity. By cable to Observer. Rome, April 17. Clinging by a slen der thread to life with a tenacity which has aroused the amazement, of his physicians, Pope Plus lies today at the Vatican close tp the shadow of death, but still fighting valiantly. The following bulletin was issued to day after a consultation of the doc tors: "Pope Plus X. passed the night calmly ; was disturbed occasionally by fits of coughing,' but. his bronchial symptoms are, better. His temperature Is 90 8-10." . The" Pope tossed In bed during the nlghLjtndhadJrequent fits of cou gh ing. - His Heart la sustained by injecT- ions,' and he is so jweak that lie can scarcely raise himself on bis pillow. One of the attending physicians said today: "The condition of the Pontiff Is so desperate that! do not think he will live to see today's dawn." Seven Persons. Killed In Burning He el. By telegraph to'Observer, .J ... Maldne," NT April U. Seven per sons were killed, a dozen injured and three are still missing as the result of a fire which almost totally destroy ed the Hotel DeWilson, in the heart of the business district, early today. The fire was started by an explosion, The hotel, which was a three-story wooden - structure, burned rapidly. Many were injured by being cut off from escape by the burning stairway, and jumped. - One of the dead was an Italian musician, who went back into the hotel to recover his harp. Lewis of Illinois 8worn in as Senator. By Telegraph to the Observer. Washington, April 17 Senator. J. Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, was today sworn In, giving the Senate a full membership, for the first time in sev eral years. Dabney May Be Chief of Weather Bu reau. ' By Telegraph to the Observer. Washington, April 17 It Is strong ly intimated at the Wiite House that Charles W. Dabney, president of the Ulversity of Cincinnati, will be named as chief of the weatheribureau, to suc ceed Willis L. Moore.l who has been removed on charges ot serious irregu larities. 1 President Wilson has expressed wil lingness to have an investigation of the weather bureau. Secretary Hous ton is expected to throw the political machine built by Moore in the scrap heap. Representative 'Fowler, of Ill inois, who introduced the resolution for an inquiry, wants the Rifles Com mittee, and not the Agriculture Com mittee, to make the investigation. Declines the Ambassadorship to Rus sia. By Telegraph to the Observer. Washington, April 18. It is authori tatively learned at White House that Charles R. Crane, of Chicago, has de clined the ambassadorship to Russia. The Income Tax Taken Up. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 18. The Demo cratic caucus today took up the in come tax feature of the tariff bill. There are many complaints against the measure, particularly from insur ance companies. The resolution to put a 5 per cent, duty on boots and shoes Instead of on the free list was voted down. Desperado Killed. By telegraph to Observer. Shelton, Washington, April IS John Tornowk, the outlaw who kill ed his twin nephews and four deput;" sheriffs 'whi.e attempting to capture h.m, was shot dead today by Deputy Sheriff Quinby. TorncVk has defied the authorities for nearly a year. "Detective Burns Withdraws From the Hunt. ,iy cable to Observer. London, April 18. Detective Wm. J. Burns today withdrew from the hunt for Joseph W. Martin, the missing Memphis cotton broker. The detec tives claim to have "inside informa tion" that Martin is alive and not forcibly detained. He is reported to have lost heavily in fashionable gambl ing houses. The affairs of the Martin Cotton Brokerage House are being In vestigated. Confliflcting Reports as to Pope's Con dition. By cable to Observer. Rome, April 18. The condition of Pope Plus is subject to conflicting re ports today. The morning bulletin of the doctors says the Pope shows, im provement, and there is good indica tion that his strong constitution will overcome the danger. On the other hand, there is information that the Pontiff is still extremely weak from lack of nourishment and the cough which accompanied the attack of bron chitis. In support of this latter report, Cardinal Oreglla, dean of the Holy See and chamberlain to the Pope has been notified to keep in readiness night and day to respond a call from the Vatican. The doctors havTIsiMorTaOuTTelInT' Improvement is shown In the Pope's catarrhal affection, and his general condition Is satisfactory. His temper ature is 98." Mrs. Chas. Bryan" Withdraws From Race. By Telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 18. Mrs. Charles Bryan; "c Memphis, Tenn., today with drew from the race for President Gen eral of the Daughters of the American Revolution, leaving the field to Mrs. Wm. C. Story and Mrs. John Miller Horton. The third ballot has begun, aud as Mrs. Story lacked only six votes on the second ballot, it is be lieved that she will be elected. The ballot closes at 5 o'clock. A resolution commending to the President observance of the Sabbath and the barring of liquors from the White House was passed. Suffragettes Still Keeping Things Hot. By cable to Obsener. London, April 18. The militant suf fragettes today took possession of the famous Billingsgate monument, in the fish market district, and for hours rained suffrage literature and "missiles on the crowds, thereby stopping traf fic. The police finally stormed the place and carried the women forcibly from the monument. The women scratched, bit and .,cked the police and tore their uniforms. Aeronaut Abandons Flight. J By telegraph to Observer. Las Palmas, Canary Islands, April 18. Joseph Bruecker has abandoned his flight across the Atlantic in a di rigible balloon. The cause is the ac cident yesterday when the bag was de flated. The aeronaut is returning to Germany. McReynolds Stands on His Dignity. By telegraph co Observer. Washington, April 18. Attorney General McReynolds today declined to make public the names of the coffee roasters who purchased coffee held by the Brazilian committee in New York He said that the public should accept the word of the Department of Jus tice that coffee had been sold to weighty purchasers in thirty-three ci ties in twenty States." Trial of tt.ra. Flanders Postponed. By telegraph to Observer. Swainsboro, Ga., April 18. The peo ple for miles around today competed with the village for places in the court room where a jury decided the fate of Mrs. Fred Flanders charged with complicity In the murder of her husband. Dr. W. J. McNaughton, ad mirer of the widow and under sentence pf death by the State, asked for a postponement until July, because of the absence of material witness. It was granted. , Chinaman Killed in Riot. i By Telegraph to Observer. Columbus, April 19. Oue Chinaman was shot dead and another is dying with a hole in his bead from an ice pick, as the result of a tong war in a Chinese gambling den today. Belgium Striekrs Claim Victory. By cable t Observer. Brusseils, April 19. The first week of the manhood suffrage strike ended today with the Socia'ist leaders claim ing that victory is within their gra-p. There is a big' celebration throughout Belgium of the twentieth anniversary of the first general strike in the king dom. The strikers are orderly. Suffragettes Adopt Infernal Machine, By cable to Observer. Plymouth, England, April 19. -An in fernal machine, with "votes for wo men" and "death in ten minutes'' painted on it, was today found lodged against the entrance gate to Smeaton Towers, near the edge of the city. A gale of wind, blowing from the chan nel extinguished the fuse attached to the bomb. ' Prominent Lumber Men Convicted. By Telegraph to the Observer. Philadelphia, April 19. John R. Markley, f Chicago, chief promoter; Isaih Miller, partner;. Charles M. Me Mahbn, secretary and treasurer; Wil !iam Armstrong, general manager, and Alfred G. Stewart, director, ail of the International Lumber and Develop ment Company, were today convicted of using the mails to deiraud. The de fendants gave bail In the sum of $15, 00uCagITI)eTidlngapepah ; Martin Located in Switzerland. By cable to Observer. London, April 19. The second tele tram supposedly from Joseph W. Mar tin, the missing Memphis cotton brok er, was received here today by Capt. Prior, one of Martin's friends, and has set at rest all doubt, as to the Ameri can's safety. 'The telegram 'came from Vevey, Switzerland, and was the same as one received last night by B. J. Lockhart. Search for Martin has ceas ed. Changes in the Tariff Schedules. Ry telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 19. The Ways and Means Committee met today prior to the Democratic caucus and consent ed to make eighty changes in the Un derwood tariff bill. Mr. Underwood refused to make public the changes until the caucus has acted, but it is learned that they concern chieffy articles heretofore on the free list and made dutiable in the Underwood bill, mostly raw materials which have brought complaints from the manufac tures. The caucus has completed the income tax section. Wilson on the Alien Land Law. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 19. President Wilson today authorized Secretary of State Bryan to send a message to Gov. Johnson, of California, to U6e his in fluence to prevent the passage of the Allen land bill without due delibera tion and consideration of the conse quences. Woman and Children Found Dead. By telegraph to Observe. Elgin, IUb., April .19 Mrs. Maude Sleep and her two children were to day foun7i in an old well on the hus band's farm near here. The woman was shot four times and the children were beaten to death. The police say it was murder. To Be Hailed Before Congress. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 19. Representa tive Garrett of Tennessee announced today that he would present a resohi tion In the House Monday to hale Charles C. Glover, a Washington bank er, before the bar of the House for assaulting Representative Sims of Tennessee yesterday. The assault is regarded as an infraction of the privil ege of free speech of the members. Attempt to Poison a Postmaster. By telegraph to Observer. Harrisburg, April 15. Federal de tectives are searching for a clue to the person who mailed poisoned can dy to Postmaster F. M. Atland at Dills burg, a small town ten miles from here. Atland, his son, daughter and five others are sick, but will recover. The only clues are the Harriburg post mark and the address of a Harrisburg conlectioner on the box. Detectives say that the candy is home-made and the box was used as a decoy. Condition of Pope Pius More Reassur ing. By cable to Observer. Rome. April 19. A hope that the crisis in Uilj condition of Pope Pius has i mssed tfas aroused today by re asstni'.ig brlletins from the vatican dot tors. The following announcement ,vas made at 11 o'clock: "The condi tion of His Holiness is satisfactory. His temperature is 98. The Pope has lieen without fever for three days, and the chief cause for worry is his weak ness and the disordered condition of is stomach." Lynchburg Newsraoer Destroyed by Ry telegraph to Observer. Lynchburg, Va., April 21. Fire to day gutted the p!ant of the Lynchburg "ews and the advance afternoon edi tion.. The fire started in the press om, and the entire' plant is a total loss. A Dock Strike Settled. By cable to Observer. Liverpool, April 21. A dock strike nvolving 1 4,000 men and called In behalf -n' a haT holiday on Saturday was settled today. King George and the Queen Journey ing Through England. Ry cable to Observer. ' ondon. Anril 21. Havily guarded from Fuffragettes, King George and tbaQuecn ft Londontodav for, a four-days trip through western England. Turkey Must Pay Indemnity. By catile to Observer. Paris, April 21. A despatch today from Athens says that the Balkan States insist upon ..Turkey paying in demnity of approximately,.. $300,000. The reply of the allies to the powers' proposals will be handed in today. Pope Pius is Convalescing. .By cable to Observer. Rome, April 21. Pope Pius Is con valescing. This announcement was made today at the vatican by the doc tors. No further bulletins have been issued because of the Bteady improve ment of the Pontiff. France Rushing Her Naval Construc tion. By cable to Observer. Hreplln, France, April 21. The super dreadnaught Uretagne was launched today. This is the second French warship that has been launch ed within two days. Frence is ruBh- tng her naval construction. A Sad Story From Chicago. By telegraph to Observer. Chicago, April 21. Kennedy F. Frew, Wheeling, W. Va., today took the bodies of his sister, Mrs. R. C. Davidson, and her son back to Wheel ing for buriah Mrs. Davidson com mited suicide in a hotel here while holding her boy in her arms until he was killed by gas. She was formerly the wife of a professor of the Pitts burgh polytechnic school. "England Has No Ground for Protest." By telegraph .to Observer. Washington,' April 21. Senater Chamberlain of Oregon today intro duced in the Senate a resolution abro gating the Clayton-Bulwer treaty re lating to the construction of a canal by the Nicaragua route and the Hay Paunceforte treaty for the Panama canal. Senator Chamberlain ably maintains that the Clayton treaty ap plied only to the Nicaraguan route, and the Hay treaty to an interoceanic canal through foreign territory. He declares that the. Panama canal is be ing constructed through territory with in the jurisdiction of the United States, and that therefore England has no ground for protest. THE MARKETS. By Telegrahph to Observer. Stocks. New York, Apri' 21. Prices were regular at the opening of the stock market, Southern Pacific leading with a gain of seven-eighths. Curb dull. Americans in London quiet. Cotton. New York, April 21. The opening was: May 11.64, July 11.60, October 11.24. The closing was: May 11.62, July 11.63, October 11.28. Grain. Chicago, April 21. The opening was: May wheat 92 1-4, May corn 56 3-8. The closing was: May wheat 92 1-8, May corn 56. Baltimore April 21. Spot and Aprit wheat $1.10 1-4; spot and April corn 58 5 8; hay unchanged. President Wilson on the Opium Traf fic. By telegraph to -Observer. Washington, April 21. President Wilson coday sent a special message to Congrtss urging the appropriation of $20,000 and 'the immediate enact ment of legislation to carry out an international agreement to stamp out the opium traffic Supreme Court on Freight Rates. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, April 21. The Su preme Court today granted leave to the government to file a new brief in the State rate cases to determine as to whether a State may deliberately shut out interstate commerce by adroit manipulation - of interstate freight rates, and whether this man ipulation results in discrimination against interstate shipments, which the interstate commerce commission may correct. This means indefinite postponement of the rate cases. May Postpone Action' on Railroad. Cases. . By telegraph to Observer. St. Paul, April. 21. The circuit judges today agreed to take tfrfijer ad visement a motion for extension of t'me until July 1 In the Union Pacific flis solution cases.