The Semi-Weekly News. Jno M L Harrington Editor $4 per annum Vol 1 - No. 8 Harrington N.C. Tuesday August 14th 1860. Fayetteville Hotel T Waddill proprietor. from this House. $3- The Semi Weekly News All the Stages arrive and depart To be published every Tuesday and Friday. 1 Copy 1 year $4 2 copies " $7 Rates of Advertising 2 cents per line for the 1st insertion 1 " " " " each subsequent " Business Cards of 5 lines $5 per year Address J ML Harrington Harrington N.C. John H. Cook Auctioneer. Fayetteville N.C. Aug 10th #7 - 4Ts Fayetteville NC $6 - P Shemwill propr Shemwill House O S Baldwin & Co Clothing Merchants #5-4Ts Fayetteville N.C. The Weekly News Is published on Tuesday now. instead of Thursday $1-