d) a Ron nfoiT? cnn r? 10 days Friday May 16 th to Mosiday M ay 26tfa 10 dayi l name only a tew or the items here, everything must be sold at a great reduction. entire stock must go because I need the money. Th CLOTHING $15.00 Sus for $T.9S $10.00 Suits for.. $5.98 $7.00 Suits for $3.48 PANTS $1.50 Pants for. ....98c $2.00 Pants for $1.48 $3.00 Pants for $1.98 $4.00 Pants for $2.98 SHOES ESMCOTT JOHN'S AX SHOES. $2.00 former price now. . .. $1.48 $3.00 regular price, now ,$1.9S $4.00 former price now '.$2.98 $.:.00 Sale price $3.68 HATS Mens. Ladies and Children Hats all must go below cost. HOSIERY Men's. Ladies and Children hose, 3 pair for 25 cents. DRY Goods Dre3s Gingham 12 1-2 val. for 8 l-3c Dress Gingham 8 l-3c ralue for 5c. GROCERIES 35c Coffee for . ,25c Standard tomatoes, 3 cans 25c Pie Peaches, 3 cans , ..25c String Beans, 3 cans 25c Baking powder, Snow King, 3 cans 25c 3 packs Arm & Hammer soda for 10c 3 cans Hominy for 25c Pure Sorghum Sjrup 1 gal cans 50c gal Pure Sorghhum Syrup... 25e 1-: Sheeting Cloth S l-3e ralue for 6 l-4e 10c ralue for 7a MEN AJTD BOYS SHIRTS. $1.00 shirts reduced to 79c 50c shirts for only 39c Best American Prints reduced from 8 1-3 to 5 and 6c. STETL ENAMEL. 14 quart dish pans for 19c 10 quart wash pans for 19c $ ONLY ONE DOLLARS WORTH WILL BE SOLD TO ONE CUSTOMER FMIK This will be the greatest f7 omugmti ijaic ever fJUlitiU Oil in Henderson ville. Everybody must come to this BIG SALE. You will meet all your -J friends at CARSON'S BIG SALE. to and wagons at great reduction. Cross Ties in exchange for trade 45c for 1st class and 25c for 2nd class, 43c cash fisrt, and 20c cash for 2nd class. Tan Bark $8.25 per cord cash or $8.50 in trade, Chestnut wood $3.75 cash or $4.00 in trade. Popular wood peeled $4 50 cash or $4.75 in trade. The Big 10,000.00 Stock of General Merchandise Must be Sacrificed for 10 Days. Come everybody, you know Carson's old stand near the Depot. o HENDERSON VILLE NORTH CAROLINA HENDERSONVILLE NEWS STAND Periodicals. Newspapers Magazines Exclusive Agents: Saturday Evening Post: Ladies Home Journal: Country Gentleman Phone us your order and we will deliver to your home. TELEPHONE 260 NORTH DANA are Business M en's Requirements i 1 You requires, first, that YOUR $ANK alhjaU be absolutely sale. And that it must be prompt, con aiderate and decisive in its deal- intga withiyou. That it be progres sive, and enter systematically into your business plans. That it be conservative, as a safe balance to your emthusdasm. That it be large enough, to inspire confidence, but totot too; large to be interested in YOUR welfare. Thia Bamfc meets these require aaenlta fully, tod invites the patr- lo&age of conservative business mea. P. E. Durfee, Presu C. E. iBiriook Cashier E. H. Davia, Afist. Cash&ar. Of Henaderstowviae, N. C, WILLOW NEWS The -farmers of this pUce very Ibusy planting corn. W. F. G-ibba celebrated ih,is tsixty fourth, birthday Sunday. The din ner wais one of the finest (ever known in North Dana. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs land son; Mr. jand Mrs. Theodore Gibbs and three children, from Hender- sonville; Mr. ,nd Mrs. iH. C. jGtibbs and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Elliot and children, J. K. Kin and two eons (from Dana. The house was tastefully decorated with snowballs and roses. Aid who were present had (an enjoyable time. Calvin Hill of Saluda visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. jHill, Sunday. Case & Freeman, are doing a .good business "here. George Brown of Upward passed through our iburg Sunday. Frank a;nd A. G. HS11 of ISaluda are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill, of this place. Rev. C. D. Cole preached at. IRef uge Sunday. , E. S. .Hill, who hias been Iram ih sick list for some .time, is -slowly tTf - ' eW membera a recovering. We hope soon to taken' m lmaat evei7 weck- him out again. , Miss .Blanche Elliot spent Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. iW. F. Gibbs. , The Farmers Union here is pro gressing nicely. John Summers amd H. C. Gibbs made a flying trip to Horace Sat urday on (business . W. F. Merrell of Ottanola was here Saturday. is J. Sunday school at this place progressing foiicely .under Supt. P. Jones. i Richard Allison spent Monday night at the home of C. C. Hug gins. Mr. Allison thajs gone into the real estate ibusiness here., amd we wish him isuccess. Elijalh Cantrell (is on the isickdist. There will be preaching on the first Saturday and Sunday of each month at Beulan church. Otis Huggins is at Union, S. jC. conducting the sinsrinsr in a revival held by A. O. Allison. R. S. Sentell made a business trip to town Friday. The farmers of this place are through planting their crops. Joe Huiggins made a short trip to Tuxedo Sunday. Rev. E. D. Corn is on the sick list. . C. C. Hugging is at Greenville this week. t Jason Huggins has returned from Atlanta and faitends ep ending the summer here. Frank Huggins home from Col umbia.. S. VC. The F. E. and C. U. 4s. progress-, in here. New members nrp clear ETOWAH NOTES (Intended for last week.) The farmers of this Beet ion an very busy plainting corn. Miss Evelyn Johnson maid a tflv ing yisit to (her mother last (week. Misses Beulalh and Anna Lee Hol bert visited Mifcs FdiffK tti,0 Sunday laisit -- John williaaiia bias been at Hailfour lor ithe three past fSurW oayra. l i There was an all-day singing at Holly Springs April BO. We had a large crowd, a good dinner and plenty of pretty girls. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Ham are now occupying their new residence. J. L. Parris visited his father recently. M. G. Sentell and family have moved to sock town. The knitting mill has just start ed up ; listen at him toot his whis tle. The Farmers Union lat I.ilttlAttiv- er seems to be rolling forward. Rev. P. R. Young and A. B. Corn are very busy pruning and snrav- ing their fruit trees. ' given, Nicholas Sentell is evea years old and is the uncle of seventeen children. Judson MoOrary is a miller, but he hasn't got wings and can't fly. A. B. Cora, is justice of -the peace on Jeter. Thomas Hamilton is back firom Sunburst. Guess he didn't like the water out there. O. W. Sentell visited his father Sunday. The following tale is told by J. M. Anderson: "One morning as I was going hunting I met Glover Sentell: so we went on together. Seeing a squirrel on a tree, I aimed my mus ket at it. Just then a hawk anfl two crows in contact with, a buz zard came in contact with my aim. I pulled the trigger, and killed the squirrel, hawk, crows and buz- "J5ut that . is inot all. The gun lucked me back on Glover, li-rm. ed him on my dog, and knocked me aog unto a big yellow jajeck- exs nest." ECHOES NO OVERDRAFTS At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the First 'Bank and Trust Company, the following res olution was adopted: "Resolved, that whereas the ov erdraft feature hias clearly been proven to be an injustice to the stockholders, to the other depos itors, and to the drawer himself the officers of this banfc ut by ordered that on and after the 10th day of May, 1913, (they allow tno over drafts on the books of this institution." This has long been a custom that has worked against the best ir terest of toe banks, as well an their customers, and in passing thia resolution the dirororfl fool that they have taken a btep that w prove beneficial to bota the bank and its depositors. Senator Stii-adley &s one of the thousands of readers of The Times who were pleasantly surprised at the mammoth size of last week's paper. He always reads The Times carefully because he knows it's worth while. He got his copy Sat urday .night and took it home to read Sunday. He was heard from about the middle of the week, when he said that he had been reading .the paper for three days; and nights -and was not quite through. v B. P. Pace is thinking fcf enlarg ing his house. He has not yet fi lially decided; it depends on jThe Times. If The Times publishes an other edition aa big ais last week's, Mr. Pace says he will (just simnlv "have to build a bigger (house bo as ito read the paper 5n comfort P. B. GIBBS & SON Groceries and Feed AH Goods always Fresh Peaberry Coffee 28 cents (equal to any 35c coffee) Sugar 251b for $1,25 4 1-4 lbs for 25c Ballards Obelisk FIour,85c Other prices in proportion P. B. GIBBS & SON Opposite Court House SWEET POTATO SLIPS. For Sale, Sweet Potatoe Slips, "Nancy HaU" Und "Queen of the Soutih." W. C. Moore & Co. Phone 282, 2 Tixa. TWO REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 100 Acres mountain land. 12 m,-iop from Hendersonville: 25 acres ? IX J- . uuiuvawon; 10 acres iru pasture, oaiance mi Woodland. Pine place LUl Iru11 ana vegetables. pv, room weatherboarded log dwelling, Dara and ahop; 30 bearing apple trees; good roads, good com munity. Price $1,000 upon the fol lowing terms $500 cash, baln in five equal animal payments. 4 Vacant lots (1 aQre8) Laup el Park near car line; beautiful building site, good shade, good place for garden, , A bargain alt in price of $1,000. STATON & RECTOR a. W. P. BANE Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Highest Class Work Only Office in Peoples National Bank Building HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Dr. Carson has moved his office across the street into the Ficker Building; over nendersonviUe, N. C. J. O. Will iams