t A Pretty Goo Way To Find Out about our shoes is to come in now before the rush sea son is on. Look over the stock. Try on one pair or as manv as vou like. Feel of the leather. Note the quality of the workmanship. Examine the inside and outside carefully. Do all of these things and then ask the price. You'll be surprised. At least others have been. But you must wear a pair to real ly know how good they are. A definite knowledge of "What's what" in shoes backed by our guarantee insures you absolute satis faction, if you buy here. U lotts cash store store 5IG WILLOW NEv j J. B. Patterson, attended court I at As'hevHle last week. J Richard AILisor will leaive Sat- !.urdav for Atlanta, Ga. i G. G. Mace and Mitchell Sentell made .1 business trip to Greenville, S. C this week. J. E. Huiggins Bpent Sunday in Ashevi'lle. Joseph Huggms and Henry Ham ilton sipent Saturday night at the home of G. C. Justus. Elijah Cantrell is Btill on the sick list. His many friends wish, him a stpeedy recovery. R. S. Sen tell spent Sunday in Brevard. Miss Armilda- and Vane Revis made a trip to Tryon (Saturday. Miss Sallie jDalbon was a ileas ant caller at the home Kf Missed Joyce and Clarrie Patter son Sun daiy. " Miss Het&ie Hoggins visited Minnie Huggins ,Sunday. There will jbe iprayer meeting at Beulah church on Wednesday night of each week. All are cordially invited to jaittend the services. Your Clhoice of 400 Men's and Wool Young Suits. M n 9 s You will find in this lot all the new and best colors; Blue Serges, Blacks, Browns, Tans and Grays. The first price of most any suit in this lot was $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Your money refunded if any suit is not found as represented. In this lot we have about 150 men's all wool Blue Serge coats priced $3.50. About 50 men's Silk Coats price $3.50. This is the biggest Suit value I ever had to offer my customers. Follow the crowd to tt-o and see him Gut the Price and Sell the Goods Western North Carolina Enterprises Promoted and Developed We invite correspondence for the promotion and development of legitimate W. N. C. enterprises. Agriculture Farm Architecture and Demonstration work Real Estate Good Roads Country Real Estate Bought Sold and Exchanged Plans, Specifications and Expert Advisers .Twenty five years residence in Western North Carolina and thirty five years of experience in the lines i advertised, gives ;us boldness in execution. Investors will find no better field for their money than in Western orth Carolina . Write us further about minerals, farming and timber in vestments. 1 v . No City Real Estate Handled r . References Given WILLIAM B. TROY COMPANY ASHEVllXE, N. C. ETOWAH NEWS M. jS. Andersarv of Mills (River was a business visitor in jourbur.5 la,st week. Doc Patterson of Willow passed through Etowah last week. Miss Juanita Allen of Boyleston visited her sister Mrs. H. S. New man laist week. Miss Annie Lance visited Miss Miriam Orr recently. Miss Bertha Luther of Athens, Tenn., is visiting Tier sister, Mrs. W. H. Pless. James Orr of Rouibe 1, was seen riding the Etowah girls about in his new buggy recently. We be lieve Etowah will come to (the front yet. Some of the Etowah people went to Hendersonville to the com mencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann (of Can ton visited Mrs. Mainn's mother, Mrs. Annie Roberson, lasb week. NEWS FROM EAST: l NDERSONVILLE Mias Sallie Dill oif Eaist Hender sonville and Gordon Goldsmith of Biltmore were married two weeks ; ago. j Clay Hyder, Frank Holbert, Ed- j die Hyder and Charlie Hollings worth went fishing Saturday ; morning and brought baick one: fish. v !. W. W. Hyder & Sons are having great success with their business at E.;ust Hendersonville. W. M. Orr'a daughter died Sat-r urday afternoon at 2 o ''clock. H. D. Hyder has one of tlhe finest horses 5n Henderson, county. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Cole went to Hendersonville Monday after noon. Miss Liza Hill and cousins Went to Chimnev Rock Sunday. LIST TAXES All persons owning property in Henderson county subject to tax ation, are hereby notified that un less said property is listed dur ing tfhe month of May la. double tax on the same will be charged against the owner or owners there of, and such 'double tax will toot hereafter foe released, but will be collected in all cases where charg ed. It is also a violation of the criminal law for a poll tax payer to iail to list his poU. The tax payers are further noti fied that under the new law they will have to meet the listtakers at the places appointed 'for listing. The lisit-itakers for Hendersonville township are now listing in the Grand Jury room at the court house. By order of the board of county commissioners. John T. Statonv Ohainaan. H. W. Allen, County Auditor. DON'T READ THIS WE ARE HEADQUART ERS FOR THE BEST WAGON and BUGGY HARNESS in the Coun ty. We make our Har nes; we know what goes into Them. Don't Be Foolea with Factory Made Harness. Harness to Fit Every Horse and pocket book. SHOE REPAIRING HARNESS REPAIRING Oheple & Statbn NOTICE OF SALE OF WHEELER HOTEL PROPERTY AND FURN ISHINGS THEREIN, LOCATED AT .HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Whereas, S. ,F. Wheeler, H. F. Wheeler and Martiiln L. Wheeler owners, and E. D. Dent, mortgagee, did on tlhe 10th day of May, A. D. 1913 execute a certain power (of at homey authorizing the undersign ed W. L. Bennett to sell, for the purpose of partition, ail that !cer-. tain piece or paa'cel of land with the improvements thereon and ap purtenances thereto belonging, in cluding tihe furnishings of said hotel, jsiituate, lying and being nd located in fthe county of Henderson and State of North Carolina, more iully described in said power of a t torney containing seven acres, more or less, I will joffer at puhjic outcry ibefore the court house (door of (Henderson County in Hender sonville, .N. Cj, on the :9th day of June, A. D. 1913 at 12 o'clock M. the aibove-,d escribed property for sale to the highest bidder or bid ders upon the following terms to wit: One half ) of the (purchase price thereof it,o be paid in icash, the !re mainder ibo he secured by la bond or ibonds secured by a mortgage deed or deeds executed in ifavor of the present owners., payable pn or before three years from the date thereof .with interest thereon at the legal ,rate, payable annually. The purchaser or purchasers to pay immediaitiely 10 percent, of the cash payment (thereon and in de fault thereof a Ire-sale of isaid prop erty will be had on tfcjhe samel day, for the further compliance with the (terms of said sale jthe pur chaser, or purchasers to have ifif teen days for exaanination of ."title and final consummation and Com pliance .with the above terms. This property 5s located on lain elevation in ia beautiful seven (a cre grove of oak and other trees. The hotel building proper eontainr ing 125 furnisthed bed rooms., (a fine lobby, public and private parlors, card rooms land a great area of veratid:;5, lighted by electricity, heated by jateiam, equipped with porcelain foaith tubs and supplied with city water from a mountain stream. Also there Sjs a large put building used for a dance lhall and amusements located sufficiently distant (from the hotel proper (to avoid disturbance bf the guestis. This property Ss now open ;or inspection iby prospective purchas ers and can be inspected by ap plying fat the premises. ( For further information address the undersigned pr J. C Townsend, Attorney, Columbia, f3. C ' W. L Bennett,, Columbia, jS. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra toT of the estate of Sarah 'Ann Pace, deceased, late of Henderson county, this is to notify all (par-, ties having any claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at the office of Sta ton & Rectoa attorneys, in Hen dersonville, N. a, on or before the 20th day of May, 1914, or tthia no tice will he. pleaded in bar kf their recovery. All persons tndeMed to said estate -wm please make imme diate settlement. . : This Mr 15th 1913. .'. H. H. Staton, Administrator. J P. 8. GIBBS & SO Groceries and Fi All Goods always FreS cquai to any j5c C0ffej Sugar 251b for $1,25 4 i-4 lbs for 25c Ballard Qbelisk Floury Other prices in proportio,' P. B. GIBBS & $9; Opposite Court House 'Ml! W. P. BANE Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Highest Class Work Only Office in Peoples National Bank Building HENDERSONVILLE, N. C, Dr. Carson has moved his office across the street into the Ficka Building ovei J. O. Williams HENDERSON NEWSSTAND Periodicals. Newspapers Magazi Exclusive Agents: Saturda: Evening Post: Ladies Hom Journal: Country Gentled Phone us your order and will deliver to your home TELEPHONE 260 Business M en's Requirements You require, first, that ? RANK eitfOl be absolutely And that it must be prompt sideraite and decisive in inga with, you. Thatitbepj aive, amd Enter systematically your business plans. That oomsearvative, aa a safe balai your emitbJuaJajsin. That it be enough to iaspdre nfideDCj not tod large to be intereateo YOUR welfare. This Bank meets these req memta fully band invites tw: xioinage oi conservative mem. P. E. Durfee, Pres. C. E. Bflooks, Cashier E. H. Davia, Asst. Cas Of HeaderaooiviU, K. C 1

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