1 " , 1/1/ J 6 ] youv These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be nude just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Instead of kalsomine How much better, when you have a new home, to start right than to have to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when you come to the use of Alabastine, as does nearly every one sooner or later. Once your walls are Alabastined you can use any material over it gho-iH you desire, but having used Alabastine you will have no desire for any other treatment. Alabastine is so easy to mix and apply so lasting in its results so absolutely sanitary —and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in a class by "itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply the demand. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beautiful tints, ready to mix and use by the ——— addition of cold water, and with full directions —s—Bß cn each package. Every package of genuine I the only tool Alabaitine has cross and circle printed in red. jHEroEDTO apply Better write us for hand-made color designs and special suggestions. Give us your decorative problems and let us help you work them out. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Rapids - • Michigan FRESH-CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IH THE Bpgpagm THESE BISCUITS MAKE I 11 STANDARD -f EXCELLENCE ■' £ jJiAUyij!. jAji me Dealer tus th«m. or if net fee should, Ask him or write us qivtruj his name. 11IT'THImTffif * BAKERY l,AT ?Mi, o . o ** Bnvs jia amateur poultry fancier: "The only money in chickens is what they swallow." FRECKLES Now la the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine —double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine—double strength—from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be su*e to ask for the double strength Othine, a3 this is sold under guarantee of money back if It fails to remove freckles. FASCINATED THE FAIR SEX Marat. Repulsive in Person and Man ners, Was Noted for His At tractiveness to Women. Jean Paul Marat, one of the leading and most infamous figures of the French revolution, was described by a contemporary as "beyond any ques tion the ugliest man in the whole of Frni.ee—and not merely ugly, but pos itively repulsive in person, habits and manners." And yet, in his early years, he was the most popular physician in Paris, not because of supposed pro fessional skill, but on account of his attractiveness to women, the most wealthy and beautiful women of France daily crowding his consulta tion rooms, pushing, almost fighting, to get a word or perhaps, a single from him. That he turned a cold shoulder to their allurements seemed only to inflame their ardor, and at one time he contemplated flight, so embarrass ing became their attentions. Even when he contracted a loathsome skin disease while hiding in the sewers of Paris, fair women continued to adore him. How Her Husband Felt. '"Has my husband appeared to miss me during the month I have been away, .Alary?" 'V\cli, ma'am, at first he seemed in very high spirits, but toward the end of the time he became less cheerful, fui' l yesterday, ma'am, he was just mis';i - :ihle."—New York Evening Post. Jhe Satisfying Sweetness of the wheat ana barley food Grape* Nuts is a matter of economy as well as delight these days. Grape-Nuts pleases without the addition of sugar, as is not the case with most cereals, Grape-Nuts is economical Had Experience. Doctor Chargem (meeting former patient)—Ah, good morning, Mr. B!nks. How are you feeling this morn ing? Binks (cautiously)— Doctor, does it cost anything if I tell you? —Boston Transcript. When you have decided that the Worms or Tapeworm must be exterminated, get "Dead Shot"—Dr. Peery's Vermifuge One dose will expel them.—Adv. MODERN YOUTH HARD TO TRAP Little Near-Tragedy Story That Is an Example of His Quick Wit and Duplicity. Of course, he shouldn't have done it, and all that sort of thing, but both Hazel and Betty were charming girls, and it was summertime, and he was young, and he had gone and got him self engaged to both of them. He was sitting on the beach pondering the various problems this situation pre sented, when two soft hands were laid lightly over his eyes and a soft voice whispered at the back of his head "Guess who?" Now, the voices of Hazel and Betty were much alike, too much alike when heard as a whisper to make identifica tion sure. And it didn't fielp any when the voice cooed —"I'll give you a hint — it's some one you told you loved." Still he hesitated, his mind in a whirl. Should he name eithir girl and chance it? Already he felt a cooling of the air, as the voice continued: "Well, if that doesn't tell you who—" "Of course I know who it is!" he ex claimed. "It Is the prettiest, sweetest, dearest, smartest little girl in all the world!" "Oh, you dear old boy!" she chirped in satisfied delight. "How did you really know for sure it was I?" *- — The Retort Courteous. He —Don't you try to make a fool of me. She —Not after your boasts of being a self-made man and doing the job much better than I could. Virtue is almost anti-everything. Most of the commandments are "don'ts." iNPiovcD umron iftnetiMTioiML SUNMrSdIOOL LESSON (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1920, Western Newspaper Union) LESSON FOR MARCH 28 REVIEW: THE LIFE WORK OF PETER AND JOHN. SELECTION FOR READING—Rev. 21: 21-22:6. GOLDEN TEXT—Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to ob serve all things whatsoever I have com manded you: and, 10, I am with you al way, even unto the end of the world — Matt. 28:19, 20. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL—John 1:42; 21:15-24; I Peter 1:3; I John 1:1-4. PRIMARY TOPIC—Two Stories About Peter (Acts 3:1-16; 12:1-17). JUNIOR TOPIC —Peter and John Win ning Others to Christ (material of last quarter). INTERMEDIATE ANC SENIOR TOPIC —Peter and John Compared and Con trasted. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Contribution of Peter and John to Christian History. The review of the quarter's lessons can be profitably made to center in the service of Peter a»d John, or per haps better, the activity and power of the risen and ascended Christ mani fest in the service of Peter and John. Lesson 1. Peter Preaches at Penta cost (Acts 2). Peter proves that Jesus Christ arose from the dead, ascended on high and poured forth the Hoi* Spirit upon the church; the evidence of it was the unusual behavior of the disciples. Lesson 2. Peter and John Heal a Lame Man (Acts 3). This remarkable miracle wrought in the name of Jesus Christ proved that though the Jews had crucified him, he was now alive and continued his worl; through the disciples. Lesson 3. Peter and John Witness ing of the Risen Christ Before the San hedrin (Acts 4). As a result the Sanhedrin took knowledge that they had been with Jesus, that is, his life and work were being reproduced in and through them. Being with Christ will: 1. Give an experimental knowledge of him, so that the life will remind one of Jesus. 2. Take away the fear of man. Pe ter, who a little while ago quailed before a Jewish maid, is undaunted before the august sanhedrin. 3. Open a man's lips. Peter said: "We can not but speak the things which we have seen and heard." What the heart feels, the mouth must speak out. Lesson 4. The Risen Christ Vindicat ing His Church (Acts 1:5-10). He passed judgment upon Ana nias and Sapphira for their hypocriti cal pretense of generosity. The living Christ knows the intents of the heart; nothing can be concealed from him. Lesson 5. The Living Christ Saving Men and Women in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25). His sanction of the preach ing of the Gospel by Philip in Sa maria is shown by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Peter and John were sent by the mother church to confirm the work. Leson 6. The Living Christ Healing the Sick and Raising the Dead (Acts 9:32-43). That Christ Is alive is proved by the vanquishing of the dreadful malady of palsy and the retenanting of a corpse by the departed soul. Nothing like this had been known since the days of Christ. Lesson 7. The Risen Christ Reveal ing Himself to a Gentile (Acts 10). Peter testifies to Cornelius that Jesus Christ died for sin and is to be the judge of the quick and the dPad, and that everyone who believes on him will receive remission of sins. Leson 8. Peter Is Delivered From Prison Through the Living Christ Sending His AngeT to Open the Doors (Acts 12:1-19). The church prayed for Peter's deliv erance and the prison was opened. All power is given him in heaven and in earth; there is nothing too hard for the living Christ. Lesson 9. Peter Shows the Resur rected Christ as the Head of tV Church (I Peter 2:15; 11-25). Because Christ is alive, those who are joined to him by faith grow. Be cause of the contact with him they are able to maintain seemly behavior in the various relations of life. Lesson 10. Christ Is the Revealer of God's Love (I John 4:7-21). The proof that Christ is alive is the love of Clod iif the hearts of those who have been born again. Lesson 11. Christ Is Alive Because He Is Walking in the Midst of the Churches (Rev. 1:4-18). Lesson 12. In heaven, the crucified, risen and glorified Christ will be the center of worship. All glory and hon or are ascribed to him because of his marvelous work of redemption. Anger Injures the Soul. Bad temper is like the scorpkm which stings itself. Every fit of an ger injures most the soul that indulges in it. Sunshine. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. —J. M. Barrie. Being Always Right. From a worldly point of view ther« 1? no mistake so great as that of be ing always right.—Samuel Butler. in PULLETS MAKE BEST LAYERS It Seldom Pays to Keep Hens for Eggs After They Are 2/ z Years Old—Young Fowls Favored. There are people who have the right variety of fowls, who house and feed them properly, and yet who can not obtain eggs early in the winter because their fowls are too old. It seldom pays to keep hens for laying after they are two and one-half years old; not that they will not give a profit, but that younger fowls will give a greater profit, says the United States department of agriculture. A great many poultrymen who make a specialty of winter egg production keep nothing but pullets, disposing of the one-year-old hens before it is time to put them in the winter quarters. TT# tp-vl : fc' ■£? Flock of White Leghorn Pullets. The champion of the girls' poultry clubs of Mississippi keeps nothing but pullets. Early hatched pullets, if properly grown, ought to begin laying in Oc tober or early November and continue to lay through the winter. Yearling hens seldom begin laying much before January 1 and older hens not until later. It is the November und Decem ber eggs that bring the high prices. The laying breeds should begin lay ing when about from five to six months old, general-purpose breeds at six to seven months, and the meat breeds at eight to nine months. VARIETY OF FOOD FOR HENS Fowls Easily Obtain Different Things Necessary to Make Eggs and Maintain Body. Constantly feeding or two grains bnly compels the fowls to eat more than they ought to and make their di gestive systems work too hard trying to get all the different food elements In sufficient quantity out of this mate rial. By feeding a variety of food the fowls are not obliged to consume so great an amount and they can more easily obtain the different things re quired to maintain the body and make eggs. . : SIMPLE REMEDY FOR WORMS Give Twenty Drops of Turpentine in Milk or Water and Mix in Mash for Morning Feed. For worms In poultry give 20 drops of turpentine for each 12 adult chick ens; less for smaller chicks. Put that amount In one quart of milk or water; mix in mash in rooming. No other feed; also put one teaspoonful of cop peras in each gallon of drinking water. POULTRY KEPT AS SIDE LINE Hardly Any Activity of Modern Farm ing Which Will Pay Better Than Flock of Hens. Properly developed and fostered, poultrying is one of the most profit able side lines in which most farmers can become interested and, at present there is hardly any activity of modern farming which will pay better than the maintenance and production of good poultry. Spade up the yard frequently. * * • Get rid of all surplus cockerels. * * * Feed table scraps and kitchen waste. * • * Keep the hens confined to your CWD land. ♦ * * Fowls stand cold better than damp ness. * * • Hatching eggs should be selected only from healthy, hearty, vigorous parent stock. • • • Yes, sir, the poultry business ol Ajneriea is more important than W€ realize. ♦ * » Two quarts of scratch feed twice a •ay in the litter makes :i fair allow* ;nee for 25 hens, if fhey have plenij i iuash and vegetables lesides. I AM GLAD TO ENDORSE • PE-RU-NA Glad to Try Anything w . j "Three years ago my system *S 111 S was in a terribly ran down con- m •« « dltlon and I was broken out all I erflDlV K over my body. I began to be wor- V atari ried about my condition and I T> was Rind to try anything: which IVIIII l/OWII -■* ■ ,|W- * would relieve me. Pernn* na» ■ recommended to me as a fine I nnHifmn blood remedy and tonic, and I [C soon found that it was worthy *-• of praise. A few bottles eh&nged Miss Rlckn Leopold* my condition materially and in a 288 Layco St., Menasha, Wis., short time I was all OVH my Sec*y Liederkranz. Miss Leopold's trouble. I owe my restoration to letter opposite conveys in no un health and strength to Parana, certain way the gratitude she I am glad to endorse It." feels for Peruna. Sold Everywhere Liquid and Tablet Form Dire Consequences. j Wanted—Students; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. v I*l i i • ii ■ Positions waiting. Train quickly. Gieensboro She —YOU llketl iny cooking well j Commerc'l Sch., Qreensboro'.N.C., for Catalog. enough just after we were married. j ~~~ ~ He —I didn't have dyspepsia then. KODAKS & SUPPLIES The Only Kind That Does. j "Pop, what is a deponent?" | s. Galeiki Optical Co., Richmond. Vs. "A deponent is a man who works I : around depots. Any fool knows that." W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 13-1920. Do Not Get Careless With Your Blood Supply Impurities Invite Disease. You should pay particular heed to any indication that your blood supply is becoming sluggish, or that there is a lessening in its strong and vital force. By keeping your blood purified, Four system more easily wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an opening. A few bottles of S. S. S., The less a man knows about politics the more angry he gets in a political argument. Ill■llliifi a > ■ ■ T 1 > ! >• - 100%_PEP! | If Constipated, Bilious j or Headachy, take j "Cascarets." 1 Feel bully! Be efficient! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-ca thartic you ever experienced? Cas carets never gripe, sicken or incon venience one like Salts, Oil. Calomel or harsh Pills. They work while you sleep.—Adv. Youth doesn't value its youth, and even a million in later years has its disappointment. Lift Off Corns I yy Doesn't hurt I Lift touchy corns and : \V ) calluses right off with fingers J '' \ Apply a few drops of "Freezone" upon that old, '*•"*/ \ bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops \ hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off, . j root and all, without pain or soreness. '•A Hard corns, soft corns, corns \ between the toes; and the r 1 * sk ' n calluses on JP - * \ bottom of feet lift \ f J right off—no 1 I A \ humbug I V J A/ \ I m v v w j Tiny bottles tf Freeztne cost \. *s \ J _ / but a few cents at drug stores and Blood Syrup; which has been knocking out troubles of I vour sort ever since the good old southern doctor first pre scribed it away back in 1852. On sale at your drug store. You're as Old ox D| AAH ! as Young as Your OLtXJKJLJ If Ton wonld stay young in health as yen grow older in years, care t Jyolir blood. Dr. Thicker', Liver and Blood Syrup ; pats Me into your blood; purifies and enriches it; makes it tone up the whole I wir-sri* sl. -»> «-**- i ** bcalihy" noia ol - SM f«»*. & Mir*. TH ACHER MEDICINE CO., aaiu*»«». w. u. 5 A. the great vegetable blood medi cine, will revitalize your blood and give you new strength and a healthy, vigorous vitality. Every one needs it just now to keep the system in perfect condition. Go to your drug store and get a bottle to-day, and if you need any med ical advice, you can obtain it with out cost by writing to Medical Di rector, Swift Specific Co., 109 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. High-Priced Language. "lley, Bill!" "What is it?" "Your doctor's out lure with a tint tire." "Diagnose the case as flatulency of the perimeter and charge him accord ingly," ordered the gnrfige man. "That's the way he does biz." —Louis- ville Courier-Journal. SIOO Reward, SIOO Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE! Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature in doing its work. SIOO.OO for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. He Gets It Again. Cholly—l feel 1 ik«' a fool tonight. . Miss Keen —So glad you've recov ered. —Boston Transcript. No Scarcity. "All the world's a stage." "Yep, and there's no scarcity of ' monologue artists."

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