♦ / t A The Evidence F f: "d's Values ..1.1. I.i.- N Ih S ... • 'M.n .rwin.i •' I- . » , , r tact t-at twenty-four Efird stores are t i; -i. i o >' ««t • • >\*mv it 11 in* It iv('( •i * « J*. Lfird Brothers iiavj Dec >me in fourteen yeai> n. m i» ~ nun> Store Merchants in the Carolines S6O 00 (i«Hgeii«r • ™ _ | $47 50 Taffeta Dresses on salt- Ibi . C j / QJJ Sale Thursday,' Friday and Saturday r | 8 , a if Thursday, Friday and Saturday Special $39.95 tdCh %tk mdr Special $29 95 Each The Greatest Safe of Spring Dresses Eve:r Held in F 7 orest Cit^ This is an occasion most unusual, "res;nttny is it does, 'he Smartest in Newest Spring Dresses, Coats and Suits. Read every item below an 1 i>? - -oe substantial economies awaiting you 1 ' || 1 SUITS.==SUITS.==SUITS. The Greatest Collection of fine Tricotine, French Serge, Garbardine, and Silvertone Suits to be offered at a price that would not pay for materials and making of suit. $60.00 suits made of men's wear Serge M(j ijq Some Extra Special Bargains for Extra special Bargains for Thurs sso.oo suite, made of Tricotine, Pec ' a Thursday, Friday aiid Saturday da,, Friday and Saturday in Navy and Black. Special at • cakes of Palmolive Soap for SI.OO Barker's Mills Bleaching 35c. One Lot Serge Tricotine and Jersey suits. AC Limit 14 cakes to a customer Limit 12 yards to customer Values up to $42.50. Efird's price «P • 35c extra fine gea Island> 36 inches $2.50 Silk Taffeta in Black, One lot beautiful French Serge Suits (jJOQ CA wide. Thursday, Friday and Sat- Grey and Pink at $1.48 Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at urday at 25c. Limit 6 yards to customer - Limit 20 yards t0 the customer $2.00 Silk Poplin in all col _ , T , , r .j jc» J 35c. Hickory Shirting at 23c. ors. Thursday, Friday and Extra Special Values for lhursday, Friday and Saturday. Limit 12 yards to customer. Saturday at 89c. Efird's Department Store Forest N. C. f THE COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C.