PULL FOR FOREST CITY .Volume IV —No. 14. NEW MANAGEMENT IS WELL PLEASED Forest City Business Men Want Good Paper Here and Have Re sponded Liberally What Others Say. This is the third issue of the Forest City Courier gotten out under the new management, and -ve wish to say to our many read ers all over the county that we are well pleased with the outlook, and especially are we are grateful to the business men for their lib eral support and to the good peo ple all over the county who hkve ; omo forward and subscribed for •the paper. Forest City is the largest and most important town n the county and well worthy of a representative newspaper. It fi hall be our earnest desire to give to you a newspaper which will be a credit to the town and county. We shall spare neither pains nor expense in carrying out our plans to this end. To the merchants in the smaller places throughout the county we would call attention to the large subscription list of the Couripi, which circulates more largely in the more densely populated pait of the county, thereby making it a most excellent medium in which to place their advertising. The Forest City business men are well aware of its pulling power in ad vertising, and are responding JTic cordingly. Also the Forest City Courier has a large and well equipped job department and is prepared to turn out first-class work on short notice. Back oi ur modern equipment is a -j' -vj. rt printers who know to turn out modern printing iifl | most satisfying manner. In conclusion, we will say tfljg we have come to stay, and areßgji jng to give you a cbunty jZ worth while. Your subscrirfl now will materially aid us, in fl |Ji Tying out our plans. We arM to ivo you a paper witßjj|jfa| manyS lie v • y >1 s !.■">(> a year. dors now, jjfl •liuii t v FOREST CITY COURIER In a letter to the editor — with a crisp dollar bill en closed—this young love-lorn swain writes: "Young man wishes to correspond with a Catholic girl, between the ages of 17 and 20. Object—matri- if both are suited. Ad dress P. O. Box 167, Hillyard, Wash." MR. ROLLINS TO ENTER BUSI NESS AT HENDERSONVILLE P. E. Rollins, of Caroleen, Ruth erford county, was in the city Friday and Saturday for the pur pose of renting a house in which to move his family February 1. He rented the new cottage erected by S. Maxwell on Pfetton street just off Fifth avenue. Mr. Rollins will on February 1 open up a ladies' ready-to-wear store in the building formerly occupied by the European Shop on Main street. Mr. Rollins attended the Board of Trade banquet at the Ilodge well Friday night.—Hendersonville PUBLISHED IN THE BUSIEST, BEST, BIGGEST AND FASTEST GROWING CITY IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY READ THIS, GIRLS; HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Out in Hillyard, Wash., there is a young man who is feeling the loneliness of that far country, and evidently has been touched with heiart strings tugging for the com panionship and love o± a mate. Now, as North Caro lina is noted for the beauty and graces of its girls, not to mention the many other good qualities which they all pos sess, this young man comes right to our state in his laud able ambition of securing a wife. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY JANUARY, 19, 1922 • ESCAPED CONVICT BREAKS JAIL His Capture Follows Shortly After, When He was Apprehended by Chief G. M. Huntley at Bostic. CHarlie Helton, an escaped con vict, was arrested near IV.arion Saturday by Whit Owensby and Broad Robbins. The prisoner was placed in the Marion jail, awaiting information from State authori ties at Raleigh as to the proper disposition to be made. Helton lost no time in effecting his escape. —Marion Progress. Helton was captured at Bostic by C hief of Police G. M. Huntley, of Forest City, Wednesday of last week. He came into Bostic on a freight train and had not been there thirty minutes before our chief had him covered and com pelled his surrender. He was brought to Foest City and on Fri day turned over to the county au thorities at Rutherfordton. A re ward of $25 had been offered for his arrest, and it is thought that there is a reward offered by the postoffice department, as Helton is thought to hkve been connected with a postoffice robbery. Hel tons capture, following s,o closely his arrival at Bostic, is only an other instance of the good work done by our efficient chief of po lice. DEDICATION NEXT SUNDAY The dedication of the now Wes leyan Methodist church in Forest City will take place next Sunday, 22, at 3 p. in. The build- ayer to the church above LThe esteem anil apnrccia- L which the conference ■church of Forest City Bis magnanimous is |wi can be expressed by this life. |B]dw. M. Graham, presi ■ North Carolina con- be !> 1 sent in its be- received for the ■ most beautiful and |Bmilding, and will also in the ceremonies of J. A. Clement, of BBS presch the dedica- The Rev. E. W. hmKm Asheville, is also present and take and will evening- at 7:30 Graham will |H|ffiHriorning- at 11. cordially invited at all these HBB» will be a great in a church as have a seat ac- HHHjmhis time of great so do not t> take you in HBHHwiyiog groceries HOBroccry. SALES Co. HHH9khB as follows: Chev- Buick Avon dale, ■IBs. McCall, Geo. A. "Four"; Reo Chev- HHBHHHH'arolecn. HHHH are Co., HMMMMBi«■ Dog- Ala., Trust F. ■HH»#3>uick |«B^HS&re s. ■|^H^BB|Hiue 110 ■HHSne NEW BOTTLING PLANT ERECTED Lime Cola Enterprise Established by Mr. A. S. Lipscomb in New Building on East Lowrance Street. Mr. A. S. Lipscomb, of Gaffney, S. C., has recently established >a Lime Cola bottling establishment in hie new building on East Low rance street, in Forest City, and is now well under way with the new enterprise. His plant is equipped with the latest improver! machin ery and hastet capacity of t>oo cases ai day. His product is well known in this section and there is no rea son why he should not meet with complete success in his undertak ing. The superior shipping facilities and many other advantages offered by Forest City were the determin ing factors in his decision to come to our city. Mr. Lipscomb resided here before but had been away about eight years. He .s well known to our people and his re turn is hailed with pleasure. lie days Forest City is the best town of its size in North Carolina, and he notes a wonderful growth here during his absence. Mr. Li, scomb will remove his family from Gaff ney to this place within the next few weeks. THE FARMERS BANK AND NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK National Thrift Week, which be gan Tuesday, Jan. 17th, Benjamin Franklin's birthday, offers an op portunity not only to honor this great American, but to profit by carrying* out in a practical v.fiy his teachings in the art of living and the use of money. Realizing that a growing savings account should oe the part of every one's financial arrangements, the Farmers Bank & Trust Co. has inserted a most timely ad in. this issue of the Courier. You should turn to the last page and read the message of Rutherford count v s strongest financird institution. In speaking* of banks, a noted writer recently said: "The bank is the economic fountainhead from which flows the unique and unpar relied wealth that this country en joys. And, in the individual analysis it is cle'ar hat every American owes a large measure of his comfort and well-being to the excellence of our banking system. As the Bank serves the Nation, just so will it serve you! This, surely, is one of the great, inspiring truths that thrills the American Youth with his amazing, boundless, irresistible ambition. Any young man in this country may hope to command the Bank to ,ck> this or that for him. Yea, if he will enforce command of his own qualities of integrity, energy, and thrift, the Bank will beg to do his bidding." The farmers Bank & Trust Co. was opened for business on Feb. 3. 19T5, and has had a remarkable growth, gaining in strength day by day and week by week until it stands as the strongest financial institution in the county, the to tal resources are now over one and one-fourth million dollars. At the recent meeting of the directors a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent was declared of record of Feb. 3, and the business of the bank was found to be* in a most gratifying condition. There are many reasons back of the phenomenal growth of this popular institution, foremost of which is the sound judgment and business acumen of its officers and directors. RETURNS TO OUR CITY Mr. R. H. Morrow has recently moved back to Forest Ctiy from Route 2, Rutherfordton, and his friends were glad to welcome him. He formerly resided here, where he owns property, and is gl-ad to be back in the best town in the state. Mr.. Morrow is an expert bricklayer, and as Forest City is expected to enjoy a building boom this, good year, he sou Id prosper. Some day you will own a Chevrolet NEW SUBSCRIBERS COMING EVERY DAY So many new subscribers have come in during the past two weeks that we have not the space to spare to give a complete list of them. How ever we take this method of thanking one and fell, and promising to do our best to ward giving a paper that will prove of pleasure and profit to aIL And especially do we appre ciate messages like the fol lowing, from Mr. J. F. Flack, of Rutherfordton: "I notice from the label on my paper that my time expired last month. I take fe pleasure in en closing my check for $1.50 in renewal, and I wish you suc cess in your management of the Courier." A few more messages like the above will grdatly heart en us in our endeavor to give you a real live county paper. A VISIT TO THE CHAMPION & McBRAYER GIN Through the kindness of Mr. B. L. Mcßrayer, of the Peoples Elec tric Co., the editor was erlabled to make a visit to the Champion & Mcßrayer Gin, on the Poor's Fork road, last Saturday. We enjoyed inspecting the gin, the first we had ever seen, as there is no cotton raised in our native state of Kentucky. Every thing seemed to be in the most excellent shape tor the carrying on of the business. We found the folj. of th*t place to Joe ..most obliging* and courteous and expect to go back at our earliest oppor tunity. A thriving mercantile br.sjn ,-s is conducted there by Mr. B. H. Allen, whom we found to be a most pleasant gentleman. Mr. Al len has just completed the erection of a new garage building, which is to be occupied and the business conducted by Mr. H. A. Bradley, of Spartanburg. He is a fine; mechanic and will do genera! auto; repairing, etc. Prospects see a good for him to build up a successful business. Mr. Bradley is to occupy a residence of Mr. Allen near the G. M. Huntley farm, and ho and his family will prove most wel come additions to that section. One of the best features of our visit was in gaining the consent of Mrs. G. N. Mcßrayer to act as the Forest City Courier's coriespond ent at that place. Mrs. Mcßrayer is a talented writer and we are sure her letters will prove of great pleasure to our readers all over the county. We expect to have many new subscribers come in from there, and Mr. Bi. H. Allen has consented to act as the Courier agent. Call at his store and see Samples of the paper and subscribe through him. Some day you will own a Chevrolet TO ORGANIZE COUNCIL At the meeting 1 of the Parent- Teacher Association Wednesday i afternoon a report of the commit tee, that had been appointed, to confer with Mr. Hill, county su perintendent of education, report ed that Mr. Hill was very much in favor of organizing- a County Council of the Parent-Teacher As sociation. Mr. Hill suggested that a meeting he held in connection with the teachers' meeting Feb. 24 th at Rutherfordton. Every school in the couny will be re guested to send representatives to this meeting.. Some day you will own a Chevrolet IN BAD HEALTH Mr. J. V. Bright, of near Bostic, was a caller at the Courier office Monday. He was on his. way to Rutherfordton with his wife to consult a physician in regard to the latter s condition. Mrs. Bright has been ill for some time and underwent an operation recently. She may have to go back to the. operating table, but her many i friends hope she will recover suf-i ficiently to prevent this. $1.50 per year, in Advance 25 COUNTY BOYS MADE SACRIFICE Clarence Griffin, Collector of War Records, will Compile Bio graphical Sketches; of the Heroes The following is from Clarence GriHin, collector of war records lor Rutherford county: In the. course of my work of past three months 1 have found that twenty-five Rutherford coun y boys made the supreme sacrifice in the World War. I am comply ing a. biographical sketch of the life of each one:, I will appreciate it very much if the parents or re latives will send me a sketch of the life of their son, or relative, that was killed in the war or died in service, if I have not previously visited that home, or wrote them in regard to the matter. My list, includes the names of the follow ing boys. If you know of any other boy who was killed, or died in service, from this county, whose name is not on this list, you will be conferring a great favor on me if you will let me know of it: S. R. Long*, Ellenboro. F. E. Long, Ellenboro. H. Y. Sorrels, Union Mills. L. C. Carver, Rutherford ton, R. F. D. Laxton Huntley, Forest City. Festus Roberts, Rutherfordton, R. Fl D. H. L. Martin, Harris. Joe Earley, Bo&tic. R. B. Price, Harris. Broadus Hames, Cliff side. J. W. Vickers, Rutherfordton, R. F. D. Barney Hopper, Forest City, R. F. I). Yates Ciec; - , Gil key. Fred Williams, Rutherfordton. W. E. To we ry, Forest City, R. F. D. R. E Huntley, Spindale. Baxter Guffey, Union Mills. Perry Sisk. Forest City- Charlie Sane. Rutherfordton, R. F. D. J. S. Randal!, For \ t City, 11. F. D. Russell Logan, Iton. M. B. Hawkins, Cliffside. .Jay Hudson, Cli Aside. Helon Lane, Union Mills. W. F. Henderson, Hendersonville (formerly of this county). All WKr Work Committees who have not reported should do so. 1 desire a detailed account ol the Red Cross work in this county during the War. Please send mo your reports. CLARENCE GRIFFIN, Spindale, N. C., Collector of War Records for Rutherford County. Some day you will own a Chevrolet METHODIST CHURCH Preaching* Sunday night at Methodist church. The subject, "The Great Hero," the man who discovered the power that over came the world. We are now selling Pathe phon ographs at one-half price. Moss- Rein hard t Co. Conor HV Dorothy Dalton at the Movi* Jan. 25, in "Dark Mirror."' THE CITY WITH A FUTURE