PULL FOR FOREST CITY Volume IV —No. 26 COMMERCE CHAMBER BEGINS TO FUNCTION Promise of New C. C. & 0. Depot Follows Letter from Committee From Body-Hard At Work On Other Problems. "rat ' our newly organized Chamber of Commerce will be ; ])ie to accomplish many things r - the upbuilding- of the town is -veil attested by the following let ter from Mr. L. H. Phetteplace, - eneral manager of the C. C. & 0. Railway One of the first acts r'i the new organziation was the writing to the above gentleman in regard to the new depot. Other Loo(1 work will follow. Mr. Phette- Xjace writes as follows: "Erwin, Tennessee, April 7, 1922. —Secretary, Forest City Chamber of Commerce, Forest City, N. C. My dear Sir: This will acknowl edge receipt of your letter cf April sth, in connection with new station on our line near Forest City. "We have not overlooked our promise to the people of Forest City to give them a new station this year and same will be forth coming in due time, but we will probably not get to work on it until some time around June Ist. In order that you may assist us in determining the proper lo cation for the station, would ad vise that at first we thought of placing the station on the east side of our main track, but up on further consideration we feel that the west side is the better location of the two and we can get a better grade for a road in to the station. The station will be located just north of the new underpass. If you have any sug gestions in connection w T ith the matter I would be glad to hear from you. • • "I hope it will be possible for me to accept your kind invitation to visit the city some time in the near future and if an opportunity presents itself I assure you I will be glad to advise you. Yours very truly, L. H. PHETTEPLACE, General Manager. FLORENCE MILLS BREAD BAKING CONTEST Wednesday, April 5, the ladies of the Florence Mill village held their bread contest. Each con testant exhibited three each of Parker House rolls, baking pow '• r biscuit and corn muffin. All of the bread was good, so good that the judges were quite a while making their decision. Mrs. I. B. Covington, Mrs. Beulah Moore and Mrs. C. A. Ford judged the bread and the following winners were declared; Best bread, three kinds, Mrs. James Robeson, Mrs. E. H. Dog gett, Mrs. G. R. Early, Mrs. J. M. Williams. Best biscuit, Mrs. M. Queen, Mrs. E. G. Flack. Best Parker House rolls, Mrs. C. S. Barnard, Mrs. Charles Jack son and Mrs. Virgie Barnard ty ing, each was awarded a prize. Best corn muffin, Mrs. Lee Proc tor. Mrs. G. W. Shytle.' We wish to thank the following merchants for the prizes donated •y them: Padgett & King, porch r cker; Moss &Reinhardt, rug; owl; Flack Hardware Co., pre b AVI; Flack Hardwarde Co., pre - iving kettle; Peoples Drug Store, bottle of toilet water; Rein ardt's Drug Store, box of pow er: Long's Drug Co., ivory brush and comb; Jones Grocery Co., -:vk of flour; Watkins Grocery . can of snowdrift; Barnes Gro- Co., bucket of lard; Quality vJrocery Store, can of coffee. ATTORNEY N. C. HARRIS FOR THE LEGISLATURE. r oil owing the earnest solicitation a number of friends, Attorney C TI ris announces this week late for the Legislature, > the action of the Dem mmary. Mr. Harris is a ! the strong law firm of 'iamrick & Harris, of >rdton, and is one of the >wn and most popular .wyers in the county. He :>i!y well equipped for the has the strong backing 2.; • or of influential friends. V-s ■ in this issue will be ion. petition gotten up by his iriei FOREST CITY COURIER : COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Educational Forces of County Will Turn Out En Maisse for Occa sion—Also Field Day Exercises. All this week busy preparations have been going on throughout the county to get in readiness for commencement at Rutherfordton next Saturday. Weather permit ting, a large crowd will be pres ent. The program is as follows: At Court House 10:00 A. M. —Debate, Mr, Frank Hall in charge. 10:45 A. M. —Declamation Con test, Mr. Frank Hall in charge. Graded School Building 10:00 A. M. —Recitation Contest, Mrs. J. B. Jones in charge. Story Telling Contest, Mrs. J. B. Jones in charge. 10:45 A. M. —Singing Contest, Miss Pearl Harrelson in charge. 11:45-12 —Parade from Graded School building to Courthouse led by Logan Band, W. R. Hill in charge. Rear of School Building 1:00 P. M. —Singing Games, Miss Lillian Belk in charge. Side of Graded School Building 1:00 P. M. —100 Yards Dash. Running Broad Jump, Running High Jump, Sack Race, Mr. Bert Cagle in charge. Rear of Graded School Building 2:00 P. M.—Dodge Ball, Capt. B. L. Smith in charge. 2:30 P. M. —Potato Race, Mr. J. B. Jones in charge. 3:00 P. M. —Relay Race, Mr. Douglas Melton in charge. All contestants please be at place of contest at the hour indicated and so save time. The person whose name appears after each event will have charge of the con test. It will be his place to get judges, time keeper, etc., announce the Ist and 2nd winners in liter ary contests and Ist, 2nd and 3rd winners in athletic contests and report to the County Superintend ent's office. All medals should be presented immediately. Mr. Robert L. Hardin, carrier on Rural Route 2 out of Forest City, and splendid young- man who has scores of friends, was married to Miss Lennie M. Vess, Wednesday, April 5. The Spartanburg Journ al had the following account of the wedding: A simple, but beautiful, home v /Iding was solemnized last even ing at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Davis, of Dray ton, when Miss Lennie M. Vess be came the bride of Mr. Robert L. Hardin, of Forest City. To the strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin," render ed by Miss Jessie Drum, the bride and groom entered the ceremony room together, Miss Dula Davis be ing the only attendant. The room was artistic in decorations of ferns and spring flowers, making a color effect of white and green. Ferns were banked against white backgrounds, forming an altar, be fore which the wedding party stood. Rev. C. A. Kirby, of Green Street Baptist church, officiated, using the impressive ring cere mony. The bride, who is a strik ing brunette appeared unusually attractive wearning gown of mid night blue crepe with a corsage of bride's roses. After an informal reception, Mr. and Mrs. Hardin left for a short wedding trip, after they will be at home to their friends in Forest City, N. C. Mrs. Hardin, who came from Dalton, Ga., is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Vess, of that city, and since her stay here has won many friends who will be in terested in her future happiness. EASTER SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH. Easter services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday morning- at 11 o clock by the pas tor, Rev. Parker Holmes. He will have for his subject, "The Resur rection of the Soul and the Body." A FINE GIRL Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Horn, Friday, April 7, a daughter. PUBLISHED IN THE BUSIEST, BEST, BIGGEST AND FASTEST GROWING CITY IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY VESS—HARDIN FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY APRIL 13, 1922 LET EASTER BE A DAY OF INSPIRATIONS Isn't it true that in the seeming hustle, bustle and striving of business life we all sometimes lose sight of the true meanings of events, occasions, days or seasons? Isn't this true, more or less, in regard to Easter? Are we permitting self glory, desires, ambitions, commercialisms to overshadow the day and rob us of inspirations which should mean for us happiness, peace, plenty? These few words are not aimed to preach creed nor form. Instead they are grouped in a new form of a sincere invitation to every person in Ruther ford county to visit his or her church on Easter. To let it be a day of inspira tions —inspirations to all that is best in them. Easter commemorates the resurrection of the Christ. An occasion which was the living proof of the victory of Life over Death. And if that be so, then frail human fears, worries, jealousies, despairs are all useless. It is to us to look to the source of our being—and we are at least striving to do this when we attempt to live the Christianity we all know—Each in his own way. So visit your church Easter Sunday. It will give you the inspirations to strive anew in meeting your work-a-day problems—dealing with fellowman— as you would be dealt with. It's well worth the effort. LOCAL BOY WINS ORATORICAL MEDAL Charles B. Trammel Victorious in Face of Strong Competition— Those Taking Part. Chas. B. Trammel, of the For est City High School, won the Price oratorical medal at Ruther fordton Thursday night, April 6. The medal is the gift of Editor R. E. Price, of Rutherfordton, and is given to the boy or girl in Rutherford county who delivers the best oration. The names of contestants, schools represented and, subjects of orations follows: Miss Mary Summey, Avondale, "The Future of Western North Carolina." Mr. B. Mahafee, Henrietta, "A Plea for Justice." Miss Roxana Roper, Henrietta, "Problems of Education." Ocie Nanney, Spindale, "The Sol dier Bonus." Arthur Nash, South Mt. Indus trial Institute, "Nation Builders.'-.. Chas. B. Trammel, Forest City? Making It An Event (' THE (SOODS *5 / OM, ELMER. I I BEEN A BIT A\,-'///o (SOAIICE AND / On'S 6RANO! | y / \LAC6EP. /AARY- / ( qQfT Ep , T ' S J YO U LOOK JUST,' /. \ QUALITY, ✓ EASTER ARRIVED JUST IN TIME FOR ELMER'S FIRST LONG SUIT ' "Objections to the League of Na tions." Muss Summey, of the Avondale School, won the silver medal, given by the South Mt. Industrial Insti tute. The time of the contest was changed to December instead of April, as heretofore held. CITY ORDINANCE . At a meeting- of the Board of Aldermen on Tuesday, April 11, the following- ordinance was pass ed: It shall be unlawful to allow dancing at any public place in the Town of Forest City. Anybody violating this ordinance shall be fined $25.00 for each offence, or work 10 days on the streets. This ordinance will be in full ef fect 20 days from date of passage. Done by order of the board, this the 11th day of April, 1922, 26-2t. TAX MEETING All who are interested in the tax question are invited to meet at the courthouse in Rutherford- ton, Monday, April 17, at 2 p. m ED. THOMPSON, Chairman BAPTIST CHURCH IS ORGANIZED To Be Known As the "Florence Baptist Church"—The New Of ficers Should Have Rapid Growth. The pastors and deacons of the following churches, Forest City, Spindale, Bethany, Smith's Grove, Alexander, Mt. Pleasant (R), Caro leen, Henrietta, Cliffside, and Mt. Pleasant (C) met at the Flor ence Mill Welfare Building Sun day evening, April 9, for the pur pose of organizing- • a Baptist church. The Presbytery consisted of six pastors and thirty-eight deacons. C. C. Matheny was elected chairman and C. D. Barton, secre tary. Thirty-three people presented themselves for membership in the new church. Their letters were received by the Presbytery and after the reading of the Covenant and Articles of Faith, were de clared to be a regular and just constituted Baptist church. Then one member was received as a candidate for baptism and one was received under the watch care of the church. A collection was taken, which amounted to slOl, to be used as a building fund. The church was named Florence Baptist church. The music was led fty Prof. Jor dan, of 8., S. H. S. Rev. W. K. Collins, of ClifFside, preached a great sermon on "The New Testament Church." On Monday night the church held its first conference meeting. The following officers were elect ed C. C. Matheny, Pastor; Winford Webb, Clerk; E. G. Flack, Treas urer; H. L. Henderson, E. G. Flack, Winfred Webb, Russell Nanney, deacons. Building Committee: C. C. Matheny, I. B. Covington, E. G. Flack. G. R. Earley, H. L. Hender son. The church will meet each Thursday night for prayer meet ing. The pastor will preach, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons at 3:30 o'clock. LADY CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER At the earnest solicitation of a number of friends, Mrs. Minnie Blanton, of Forest City, this week announces her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Coun ty Treasurer. She is the first lady to announce as a candidate, and her friends claim that she will add much to the strength of the ticket if she gets the nomination. She is well equipped for the place, being an experienced book-keeper and having had a fine business training. She is the Widow of the late T. R. Blanton, and is widely known and popular. Fresh supply of Whitman's, and Hollingsworth's candies for Easter. Peoples Drug Store. 25-2t. Some day you will own a Chevrolet $1.50 per year, in Advance COUNTY CONVENTION HELD SATURDAY Delegates to Meet in County Seat —Full List Not Obtained—Other News of Interest. Rutherfordton, April 12.—Dem ocratic County Chairman Gudger W. Edwards has been unable to get all the returns from the dif ferent precincts of the county, naming- the precinct committees,- and a complete list will appear in next week's issue. The follow ing precincts have made returns: Rutherfordton Precinct—W. A. Harrill, chairman; Oscar Duncan, Garner Padgett, J. C. Hampton, J. Y. Yelton. Ladies' Committee—Mrs. Lee Tay lor, chairman; Mrs. Plato Rollins, Mrs. J. C. Cagle, Mrs. H. L. Car penter, Mrs. C. H. Moore. Gilkey Precinct—C. F. Cline, chairman; H. P. Hines, J. F. Groves, H. F. Killian, C. S. Lynch. Cool Springs, No. I—J. E. Mc- Farland, chairman; Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bostic, A. H. McDaniel, W. S. Moss, A. J. Higgins, John Har rill, Mrs. R. E. Biggerstaff, Mrs. P. D. Harrill, I. B. Covington, J. H. Thomas. Cool Springs, No. 2—J. D. Smith, chairman; J. A. Pealer, E. H. Dalton, L. C. Lowrance, G. W. Griffin, Mrs F. I. Barber, Mrs. S. N. Watson, Mrs G. M. Huntley, . Miss Mary Stone, at Alexander, and Miss Margaret Young. The Rutherfordton Chamber oi Commerce met in the Commerce Hall Friday night, and the follow ing officers were elected for the next year: Gudger W. Edwards, president; W. C. Twitty, vice pres ident; (). C. Erwin, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors met di rectly after and elected Mr. B. J. Dobbins chairman of the board. The board consists of B. J. Dob bins, Gudger W. Edwards, \V. A. Harrill, O. T. Waldrop, N. C. Har rill, W. C. Twitty, M. L. Justice. The board will have luncheon at the Iso Thermal Hotel Friday afternoon. Watch Rutherfordton grow. Mr. James M. Carson, candidate for Solicitor of this district has, been called upon to address tnt; Democratic County Convention at Burnsville, N. C., on April 15. Mr. Carson is an able speaker, and up to this time has no opposition for the primary. He is an ex-Sonator and was Democratic chairman for a good many years, and has always stood by the Democratic party. He made a fine record as chaiVnan of the Congressional Committee of the Tenth district in the last campaign PETITION; We, the undersigned citizens of Rutherford county, who are inter ested in the general welfare and the up-building of all the interests in our county, desire that we se cure the best man that we possi ble can. get to represent us in the next General Assembly, and after careful consideration, we have concluded that we have in one of our fellow citizens, Mr. Natt C. Harris, of Rutherfordton, N. C., who is a man of splendid intel lect, of high ideals, and who is interested in the growth and de velopment of Rutherford county, and we hereby call upon him to announce himself as the candidate of the Democratic party in t'ne primary of June 3. R. L. Reinhardt, I. B. Coving ton, Dr. W. C. Bostic, A. H. Long, W. R. Harrill, J. B. Long, A. B. Flack, F. I. Barber, B. B. Doggett, E. O. Thomas, O. R. Coffield, W. A. Harrill, J. C. Byers, J. J. Ed wards, D. S. B. Bridges, J. H. Hill, B. E. Roach, J. S. Rudisill, W. W. Nanney, A. R. Wall, C. H. Swof ford, D. C. Cole, Geo. C. Shuford, Robert James, M. Hendrick, R. V. Bland, W. W. Wind, C. C. Tate, W. J. Hoy, A. I. Moore, Lawrence Goode, V. B. Splawn, N. L. Harris, H. V. Adsins, J. F. Long, H. G. Womack, C. D. Hughes, R. B. Watkins, G. K. Moore, H. M. Owens, Una C. Edwards, J. C. Havnes, J. B. Watkins, Dr. J. F. Wliisnant, Dr. Amos C. Duncan. C. H. Wilson, T. A. Biggerstaff, A. Y. Cantrell, John G. Roch, Sam A. Thomas, R. W. Vick, J. N. Good. 16 PAGES 96 COLUMNS

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