WRKLEYS every Probably one WMyf reason for the popularity of j \VTUGLEY'S is that it lasts so long and returns such great dividends for so small j an outlay. * It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh and full-flavored 1 always ia its wax • wrapped What Can The Royai Store Offer You? at Medium Prices-—plus ser vice and courtesy at all times! The Royai Store SPIN DALE, N. C. A Nest Egg Worth While No cue ever regretted that he saved his money. A bank book showing a credit, whether it be a few dollars or a fortune, is one of the most satisfactory things in the world to possess. It bears evidence of a wilt to succeed and is the finest kind of a passport to success. Start now to save something each week—even if it's only the smallest amount. ARE YOU SAVING? "The Bank Of Personal Service*' CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO We pay 4 per cent on time deposits The Bank That You Can Bank On RUTHERFORDTON UNION MILLS SPINDALE OFFICERS C. L. MILLER, Chm. Board J. L. TAYLOR, J. H. THOMAS, Pres. Active Vice-President, o. F. CLINE, Vice-Pres. W. B. WALKER, Cashier. C\ W. KEETER, Vice-Pres. R. L. ARIAIL, Asst. Cashier W. G. SCOGGIN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS C. W. Keeter W. W. Hicks J. F. Flack R. L. Hampton C. D. Geer W. L. Long: J. L. Taylor C. L. Miller O. E. Erwin Dr. T. B. Lovelace C. F. Clin* Kenneth S. Tanner J. C Ledbetter J. H. Thomas IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE COURIER jNEWS OF INTEREST FROM SPINDALE ! Delegates to Hi-Y Conference —Revival Opens Local and Personal News of Interest. Spindale, Sept. Bth. —Messrs. Pink Nanney and Mack Hill were delegates to the Hi-Y setting-up con ference at Edgemont, Caldwell coun ty, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They left Spindale Friday evening, driving to Edgemont in an auto. They report a Very enthusiastic meeting, and state that the Seventh Annual Western North Carolina Older Boys' Conference, to be held in Shelby in November is expected to excel any previous conference. Rev. W. E. Poovey, pastor of First Methodist church in Marion, opened the revival meeting in Spindale Sun day evening with a very able sermon. The house was filled. Services will THE FOREST CITY COURIER jbe held at 3p. m. and 7:45 p. m., | daily this week. i A Ford truck being driven by Mr. | Pearl Hyder, of Spindale. and owned ißy Mr. W. M. Owens, collided on ; North Washington street, Rutherford ton, one day last week, with the Ford j roadster of Dr. W. A. Thompson. The • accident occurred near the driveway to the home of the latter. Both cars were considerably damaged and Mr. Hyder suffered painful bruises. The truck was heavily loaded with the household goods of Mr. H. T. Coin and family, who were moving from Chimney Rock to Spindaie: Mr. M. D. Haney, Jr., left Monday morning to resume studies at David son College, after spending his sum mer vacation in Spindaie. Miss Lucy Bourne, of Knoxville, Tenn., is the guest of Miss Evelyn Waddell this weeek. Misses Jennie Hardin and Lavonia Shytles entertained a number of the younger set at a farewell party, at the home of Miss Hardin, given in honor of Mr. Rector Hardin, who left Mon day to resume his studies at Berea College, Berea, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bussey, of Spar tanburg, were guests of Miss Evelyn Waddell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bus sey, and Misses Waddell and Bourne motored to Chimney Rock Sunday af ternoon. Mr. John Allen is out again after two weeks illness with mumps and tonsilitis. Mr. Claude Hill, of Landrum, S. C., visited his brother, Mr. Weldon Hill, who is sick with high blood pressure. Mr. Bob Padgett is connned to his bed with mumps. Miss Jacquette Hiil. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hiil, left for Mars Hill this week to resume studies there. Rev. O. L. Simpson spent Thurs day and Friday in Greensboro attend ing the meeting of the Western North Carolina Conference Board of Mis sions. He reoorts an enthusiastic meeting and a large attendance. Mr Simpson is a member of the Board ROUTE 2 NEWS Forest City, Route 2. Sept. 7. Mrs. Almeda McDonald, who has been sick for some time continues to im prove. Mrs. R. E. Hardin and daughter, Miss Tommie Sue, of Blacksburg, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mor gan. of Spindale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Womack, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Harrili, Mrs. Ollie May McKinney and son, Bub, Jr., Misses Ada Hardin, Louise and Blanche Womack, Messrs. Arthur Mc- Daniel and Lloyd Harrili went to Chimney Rock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cabiness. Jr., of Shelby and Miss Elizabeth Gettys of Hollis, spent tjie week-end with Mrs. J. J. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hardin and son, Billy, of West End, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Womack. Mr. Clyde Hardin has accepted a position with the Reinhardt Drug Store at Forest City. CAROLEEN NEWS Caroleen, Sept. 7.—The Cooper Town Circle of the Caroleen Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. J. H. Francis Monday evening at 7:30. After a very interesting program the circle was favored by a solo by Mas ter Lewis Lynch and a duet by Misses Mary Lou and Annie Sue Francis. After the program and music ice cream and sweets were served by Misses Mary Lou and Annie Sue Francis. Mrs. T. H. Ferree and daughter, Miss Othella, spent Monday in Shel by visiting Mrs. Hugh Mauney. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Mau ney's little daughter, Mr. W. S. Moss, manager of the Henrietta Mills stores, has just re turned from New York where he has purchased a nice line of new Fall goods, which is coming in daily. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Francis, of Gaffney, S. C., are spending a few days this week with Mr. Francis' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Francis. Miss Kathleen Harrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harrill, enter tained a large number of her friends Saturday evening at a lawn party. Miss Mattie Lou Harris, who is a student at Kings Business College, Charlotte, spent the week-end with her parents. Messrs. Eules and Everett Hawkins delightfully entertained a great num ber of their friends at a party Sat urday evening. Music was furnished throughout the evening by a three piece orchestra. Many games were played on the beautiful lawn and everyone had a splendid time. The students of the Caroleen grammar school will begin their 1925-'26 term of school today. A large number is expected to be en rolled this morning and everyone is looking to this being the greatest school year in the history of Caro leen. Miss Ethel Holiineic leaves for Ra leigh tomorrow where she wili enter Meredith College. Miss Ruth Robertson is visiting rel atives in Bessemer City, N. C. Rev'. Bob Daggett, of Waihalla. S. C., accompanied by his daughter. Miss Margaret, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shober. Miss Doggett will be one of the faculty of the high school here this term. Miss Ora Smart has arrived to as sume her duties as teacher in the school here this fall and winter. HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB MEETS Rutherfordton, Sept. 7. The Home Demonstration Federated Club met with Miss Gladys Perry at the Hicks building on Monday. Sept. 7th. The meeting was weli attended and the entire two hours spent in session were devoted to business of the club demonstrations and discussions and information relative to the County Fair. The annuai election of officers re- Isuited in the following choice: Mrs. Chas. Justice, president; Mrs. W. G. , Harris. vice-president; Mrs. C-. W. Rollins, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. j M. 31. Young, recording secretary. Demonstrations were given by | girls' teams competing for the state prize. A demonstration on fabrics was given by Misses Irene White and Moselle Hastings, of team. A demonstration on bought meal and home grown meal by Miss Bernice Killiam and a demonstration on May onnaise dressing by Miss Ruth Ciine, of Gilkey team, were excellently ac complished. Miss Killian demon strated the fact that a home grown dinner for a business man costs 50c less than one where every article of food is bought. In Rutherford county much valuable food goes to waste that could be preserved. The County Fair was discussed and helpful suggestions were made to the members present. Miss Perry will devote the month of Sept. to assisting the women in the county in raising the standard of the exhibits. While many in the county have done excellent work, often one new point in improving one's work will be invaluable in an exhibit. Instruction in judging will also be Authentic Modes in Fall and Winter Millinery ■'' i Fall millinery that forecasts the j mode for Winter - 1925-26. A very J smart, exclusive collection of models lit which may be worn with perfect pro- P riet y throughout the Fall and Win ll ter season. There are new felts, vel -1 / vets, satins, and new combinations. \ yi-i.' \Bii , i I j The shapes are numerous—there are \ small, medium, and large models. There are sports models, tailored mod ll--'els, and dress models, in all the bright Jr new colors, as well as black, and the more conservative tones. NEW FALL DRESSES AND COATS Every advanced fall fashion fea ture is included in our new Fall Winter stocks of j/jjt x Wfn\ LADIES* DRESSES AND 1 \i / because of early season pur- f chases, these dresses and cloaks mHK ||' are offered at prices that will not JKH|| | be duplicated even at the end of JJIHM the season. The newest styles are JHJHB, reflected in our display, and only jfiwß ,J the best fabrics have been used. yfn including a style to suit every cus- TL/ \ | / tomer. \ : J) \ Ladies, see our line before buy- \|L W ing. Our line complete in Ladies' Shoes and Slippers, Men's and Boys' Shoes and Slippers Men's and Boys' Suits and Hats In fact, everything for the whole family can be found here—in best styles and quality and at prices to save you money. HAYNES" STORE NO. I Avondale, N. C. given. Or. Sept. 21st and 22nd Miss Witehil! wiil give demonstrations and instruction on foods especially vege tables and salads. This should be a help to those who contemplate mak ing exhibits. The place will be the City Hall and the time 10:00 o'clock. On Sept. 25tn Miss Esterbrook, cloth ing specialist, wiil give a demonstra tion at the City Hall a: 10:00 o'clock. Any woman in the county interested in these subjects will be welcome. Miss Perry requests each club to select two members to attend each meeting of the Federated Club to in sure a full attendance with each club represented to make this work more effectual. ATTENTION BUILDERS —We have a full line of Lime ar.d Cement and are ready to fill your orders for that Fall building program you have mapped out. Don't build until you have consulted us about your Lime and Cement. Flack Hardware Co.. Foresc City. 47-4t | School Now Open | | . if 2 Come in today or write as and let us help you de £ ;ide which course will best fit vour needs. o I ii * ♦ ! ♦ ♦ Be satisfied with nothing less than the best. > : ! i ! CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE \ I ♦ J "The Home of Good Business Training" it ❖ O £ Over Burnett's Cigar Store ► ! SPARTANBURG, S. C. it | tuu|| f TRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR RESULTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1925 I . SPLENDID 1 I PROGRAMS ' | I EVERY WEEK DAY X | NIGHT | at the % I LIBERTY | I THEATRE J ] \ SPINDALE, N. C. t * « o ♦ ♦ Our rnovu* ;-; ugraxu in- X J dUjdea some of the beet pic ♦ turas made. Always clean, en- X ♦ tertaining and instructive. X % See program on another J t page- Pictures shown in J ♦ Porost City wifi appear in Spin- j X dale on next following day. i 1