PQUg « ( THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY MAYJ!O, 1926. ■! V||JU- . . - .... - ..,VAV.W.V.'.WA%W.W/W.V.'AV^.VWJV.VAV.W^UWiWAPAWbV.V.W.WJ , AVWVVW. , .VW | Big Values During Our New Customer Drive f Beginning Saturday, May 22nd, and Continuing 30 Days | , ' 1 ' SHFFTS SHEFTTNC ■JWV.'JWW.WAV.W.W.WW^^WW/AW.VW/A W BLONDE KID Jl[ iii! PILLOWCASES- SWE WANT MORE MOTHERS AND BOYS TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH OUR > Straps ft TUBING - DRAPERIES i g~\t> , T\ , , J&4.»D J!; 2£™2LS22S? I flv -j- Boy s Department | § ■j| Special Values In j YOU'LL FIND GOOD MERCHANDISE ON DISPLAY AND ATTRACTIVE- P PEPPERELL SHEET- : : f LY PRICED. SPECIAL DISPLAYS C ONSISTING OF A BOY'S ENTIRE \ X P 9-4 Bleached 49c | U [ H]j OUTFIT. FANNING'S GUARANTEE WITH EVERY ITEM OFFERED. \ ft \\ 9-4 Unbleached 39c \-\Vp- JA Kgfej BOY'SSUITS BOY'S DRESS j BOY'S FANCY \ chas £^^™^^i es ' \i 45 Pepperell Pillow Cases, > t yfc -/Ml mk; 1 • _ _ •; n nn J OQ „ i High Grade 55 P 42x36...: l&g *Q ft* S SHIRTS SI.OO SOCKS 29c j PATENT PUMP. ?? v. w.vav.s%w.™w •; 1.5 y V | Of the better kind. They wash, J; Grey, an, Biege with fancy;. Gun Metal Buckle SS SEAMLESS SHEETS u >|\:j ; One Long and One Short Trouser > wear and fit well. £ teips. siae 7 te> 9 1-2. e> (j yg V. \l SI.OO . - S Vlj : l I New and old customers will get real value in t .is jj gQY'S BLOUSES .. E-Z UNION SUITS \ * iji' !' !• I- Sm? H Sfe-e' lot of new suits. Light and medium shades. Es- ■! m 1 n n ■' n r •! !j i •X 81 x9O and G3 X9O Millford and 1 M" 1 "* . . . „ . T , . „ SI.OO /5C ;! / V\ >f •1.. , -j « .. i , , e ■, Willi Vl pecially priced for our new Customer Drive. ■, \ '• XN >£ v; Southern pnde. A good sheet fi-e , rnT „,-, I; Plain white and colors. Well Full range of sizes. Button #n >; L }\ from starch. : j 50c Boy's Golf Hose BOY'S NECKTIES : : made . j; Bodie. j; ' p. 36-IN." CRETONNES 29c 39c ji 50c j: BOY'S UNION jj BOY'S KHAKI 5 \ \j ?•: L ,r\ i t-, ■: Complete line outfit with one SUITS 50c 5 TROUSERS 79c , ) \\ •; I* Grey and Camel. Fancy 5; P ,, .. „ , > j. A more perfect fitting pump we «,», Ruffled Marquisette jl !; of these new ties. Fancy pat-. Athletic Style—Full cut. Size Size 6to 10. Good quality. Ahave not offered this season. Neat Iji; jjlj OQc Yard 5 tops. :• terns in boys size. J26to 34 real value at 79c. j; and w j j l\ Z» j: wuwww j. "patent andSatiiT \ \ AH white body-barred striped and ;i Guaranteed Colors New Combinations LONG TROUSERS FOR BOYS > D'ORSAY PUMP •!> \\ dot l egg, Jg| DauPa UfAAh Cjlitc I Light weight wool,, Khaki and fabrics suit- 1 ' 0 ij $9.75 ' ' \\ JJ Embroidered Marquisette i W® Sl Ouf b ffClilll Dill lu i; able for summer wear. Size for the small, i ;!;! JJ 29c !' \ meclium andlarge sizeboy * /T; i's White—Embroidered in green and ij jW -00 J $ 1 .50 S1 .95 $2.95 Ul ,L • | jj U Jj gold, blue and gold, blue and green. J| f f ■ / ;« Ij !; l *.w.-.-.w.-.-.-.-.-.w.".w ;! 1 These suits are new and we consider them ;! Oij Q/ ,j \ K \f :,^ *!*! SCRIM AND s; S-" -j wonderful value at this price. Button or. i BOY'S WIDE BELTS II 1 V \ \ MARQUISETTE |j and "coat 'style.' Various combinations in \ 1 J ; J \\ A 19c nM|L(j (l'l light and dark shades. Everyone guar- ji 50 C + j| j; very high grß( | patent and satin Si Itain and barred anPruffled bor- ? anteed to be of fast cclor material. Every boy a belt. We have them In V I \ \ B'orsey plain puflp. Same pattern ?l der - ;i BOY'S WASH HATS 59c to ,$1.50 * all leather and-wWe. v jl, I.'' J.. v . ?? •I •; VWASW.V.-.V.W.V.WJVWW r.V/^.W.W.V.-AV^JV^W^AV.V.V.V.V a V.V.V.V.-W.V.V, - - / | J m _ !; Basement Floor Values During Our 1 S NEW CUSTOMER DRIVE S .» i i ■! v !v :•/ " SHORT LENGTHS Values To Be Found In Our JJ DEPARTMENT ij EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY J; SHOE DEPARTMENT jiji Si t tv , , (Ba f ment M :j (BASEMENT FLOOR) > $ (Basement Floor) In this dept. we have secured for this New C-.iS- j, ■! fi' j;J tomer Drive many items in seasonable mer- •; •: PATENT STRAP SLIPPERS ft chandise in short lengths but perfectly good. 'ii Jj; which we offer at 25 to 33 1-3 per cent less J .MEN'S OVERALLS , j/\ /M 500 Yards 08-Inch j F o r Girls And Bie Girls ■:? than in full length prices. \ / J j:} —... w ., 5 ti no i I S:fr I\// w \ BROWN SHEETING J sj- to nj $1.95 12 to 2 $2.50 ii '• '• r> n ' T\ n ~ % VA• V\/ 1 ' ft *' ■ jm 'j > i !' J ; : j 32-m. Renfrew Crepes—2sc > | YARD i 2J to 8 $2.95 \ Jf »!•; Highly mercerized, solid colors, guaranteed •! fJQ ' T '!;! !;!; fast. Green, rose, lavender, pink and blue. i 1 !• Blonde Inlay Low lubber hees. t .,. %«, _____ v Cr\. \ i Ml JJ %!; i Another shipment of those good heavy V-fs This is our regular 10c quality. Beginnings if if NOVELTY PRINTS 19c YI). weight, well made 220 dark blue overalls MS( M,W at 9 o'clock Saturday we will put on salaj TAN PLAI OXFORDS ij l\ or'kiddtes tvidef"' jjon sale Saturday SI.OO pair. Limit one ' 500 yards at 5c yard. Not over 10 Ids. to >, For Boys and Cirls " ;j" W . WAW . W „....... W . WW . WW . W ... V •:pair to customer. ; customer * sto 8 .... $1.25 8J to 2 .... $1.48 \> 36-IN. SHJRT MADRAS—2Sc } - -.-.J \\ Neat stripes and checks good grade suitable " .;J for mens sheets and boys blouses. lVlrjiN o ovJolvo . t ivitJii o «, Men S Otis Pin Check M' PAIR •: Hose 1 7 r J Black trim - Lace to Toe. J j \\ 75c FANCY RAYONS—49c OC } :! Trousers s| # 4B st 9qr,9H ««nQ7tniui so j;. Beautiful patterns in stripes and checks. ' Black only—But a good sock. ij Black, navy and French tan. I; - 010 ySC tO o ?J) M • A ;!;! In full bolts retails for 75c. vavw.w...v.w._.w.vv.v.-.-.v. ij U - Ladies BOY'S OVERALLS i; t tttt t? pav« MEN'S OOZE PLOW SHOES U 75c Broadcloth Shirting—4Bc : u, KO ? : : LITTLE BOY S if Solid colors and neat silk stripes, unusually lZed Hose Cfjp Ij QK I«;! f pretty quality. 1A p a ir J x 5 KHAKI PLAY SUITS 55 Sf "Tr ™ J Good grade dark blue elastic^ suspen- J Solid Leather Soles. ~ ff 50c Broadcloth Shirting 39c Slightly imperfect. A good buy. 5 der. size 6to 16. I; ff*Qr» j'f ij> A splendid value. Neat stripes and checks. r.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. w-v.w/.-.vwwmvw.w.va J; " " ff « CHILDREN'S FANCY i Men's Work Shirts i Tnn , , , f , , SUN HA 1.. Joe 36-IN. SATEEN—29c „ AY ie n _ J Lonfc ' legb ' short B,eeveg ' Wlth red For Men, Women and V ij Js black and Colors, always a good seller in short 1 if »' wvv JjJ if len^ths -.„_. i i trim, sell for SI.OO regularly. Children. . * 11 'i J ~ . v.-.v.v.w.v.*.v.%v.v 5 . , f JV j|s Plain colors with fancy tops. 5 Blue Chambry. Full cut. All sizes. «= .■.•.V.V.V.'.V.V'.V.V.V'.V JJ« I w0H..,- ol rr/ W. L. Fanning & Company SHELBY, N .c. | 55 • . ? tc l'| »"'« »-• ..%^'. , .V.V.V.VAW.V«^W.^WAWt?AW.VW.V.V.VMV.VAV.SWi%ViW.V.V.WAW.V.W.V.V.V.VAVV^ViV.V^VAWAWMW,VAW.WMW«V,V.V.V.V.VA%V.V.V